Do we still hate Age of Sigmar?
Do we still hate Age of Sigmar?
I've never hated age of sigmar, making babies first war game to make it easier to bring in new customers is a smart move by gw. I hate that fantasy had to die to make it.
Is it still shit?
Considering that a few days ago, a thread asking about it descended into total war, I'ld say yes.
This art supposed to be cool?
Last time I checked it was still mediocre. They could have done the two things, a more simple mordheim and a simplicied mass battle game, and instead they made AoS.
They still look like Ultramarines who stole the Blood Angels' armour and fixed the paintjob, so yes.
>hate AoS
No, we hate Tom "let me show you how it's done" Kirby for killing FB when his accountants demonstrated that he wasn't remotely as smart as he thought he was.
AoS is just disappointing.
AoS is growing, not dying like WHFB was.
So something is going right.
It's now pretty decent to be honest.
Once they get rid of "funny" rules, got points and fixed summoning, it became playable.
Well it's not had to see why WHFB was dying when it barely ever received updates. Seems more like they wanted an excuse to Make a more focus group-friendly game and the fact that WHFB was dying from neglect just happened to be convenient.
cant say for other people but personally i hate it completely for 2 reasons alone
fantasy WH had to die for it
the sigmarines look utterly retarded
they renamed all the factions from WH with stupid new names that make a layman even more confused as to what is what
AOS sucks in comparison to WHFB, it's an ok game, but the new models and artwork are just horrid..
Pretty sure that's 3 reasons.
The rules are still pretty crappy. They traded great old school fluff for subpar new fluff.
There are a fuck ton of better skirmish games out there.
AOS is a playable game now, but there still isn't a reason to actually start it unless you don't know any better.
I agree with user, WFB got like no support and this was the era when fucking Kirby was like who needs to listen to players. Enjoy one week a quarter of next to no releases.
Remember how end times happened and people starter playing and WFB started selling?
Imagine what would have happened if they did AOS as a proper skirmish game from the get go with rules that would have functioned with a streamlined 9th edition WFB so that you could still use all your stuff and the new models.
There would have been some complaints, but the majority of people that left would have at least still been at least part time customers. Instead you have a year and a half of pretty much everyone saying fuck you GW. Half your veterans go support Mantic KOW instead of buying your shit. And you new primary game was a fucking failure to launch for a year while you band-aided it over and over.
Don't forget that FB was also pretty much directly competiting against lotr for new players a long time.
I like Total War
Good thing there is Total War: Age of Si...
>mfw AOS is successful and WHFB are still bootyblasted
There has never been a"we," and I've never been able to get in to it. Thought it blew when it came out, and I still don't care for it.
Shit art, shit setting, meh rules.
So basically, once it became a different game it was good?
Makes sense really.
It's funny, I started playing WFB when it was "on the decline" because I wanted a better game system than 40k which was totally fucked at that point.
Then they decided to basically reboot the whole thing and make the game into something literally nobody wanted to play. So I just game up on GW entirely.
Still don't regret my decision.
>Hate age of Sigmar
The game is basically free if you play stormcasts.
I've been to nearly 20 GW's and I always ask to do the paint tutorial. Get a free dude, spend 30 mins chatting / doing the tutorial game and then leaving. GW man is happy because he did his sales pitch, I'm happy because I get a mini I can go strip at home and read the rule book on stormcasts and basically extrapolate other units from there.
Next year I'm going to see if I can build a Space marine army out of the freebies.
you devious criminal mastermind...
>AoS is growing,
>source: my ass
Shit setting, bland rules, terrible aesthetic.
I wouldn't say I hate it, but it's a real shame that GW didn't go with a better setting.
This essentially. The rules dont allow as many tactics as before, models are too busy while not looking ornate, lore is terrible and most of the people that HAVE picked it seem to have only done so because its new or they were 40k players and wanted to try something different.
Fantasy flagged for various reasons; it wasnt as marketed as well as 40k, it was older so more people had models for it, there was a huge lack of support for most races and special characters.
Fantasy was basically negelcted for 40k which is why we have the dynamic now of 40k being superior. Age of Sigmar has a lot of these same problems along with the ones outlined above
Yes, it still has subpar rules, balance, stupid fluff, and the model designs are far less inspired (Not to mention scale bloat). You are much better off playing other games, especially if you want something that actually involves thinking. I honestly didn't have too much against the sentiment of rebooting or replacing WHFB, but they did it in all the wrong ways.
I never hated it. I welcomed the change. It's a very enjoyable game with friends and it brought loads of people into the store again.
Why are you here though?
Not really. It's mostly only Hamsperglers or shitposters who bothers slinging crap at it.
Well, to play user's advocate, do you have any proof that the sales of AoS are doing badly nowadays?
For now, GW results have been very positive for the past 6 months. Their last investor statement is proof that the company is doing well.
Obviously that success is mainly imputable to 40k I reckon, but AoS can't be doing that badly, especially with the General's Handbook.
Remember, the vast majority of posters on Veeky Forums don't play games.
Chances are, they're just parroting opinions after jumping on a bandwagon that stopped being relevant months ago.
Oh, give it time, user. Soon enough we will see Age of Sigmar video games choking out WHFB video games.
Fuck AoS.
A game starts in the setting, and that setting is shit.
Why on earht are those legs painted silver/grey. Fucking hell a dark woody brown would be perfection on those. TRIGGERED
It was still the cause for whfb death
so yes
with a vengeance
Not going to happen. Does AoS even have fanart and stories?
there are a lot of seraphon pics for one
>Do we still hate Age of Sigmar? Yep I do and I didn't even play wfb either. It's just not fun.
"Run to the center of the board and roll 4+" the game
Also Gw isn't giving it any good updates either. It seems like the ogre and "slayers" AoS updates were a complete flop and they've directed their attention to advancing 40k. And for some reason I haven't seen anyone play AoS at my lgs since the generals handbook came out. They all just dropped it to start other games
I think financials was the death of WHFB.
No idea.
Oh, but it will. AoS is a perfect base for a moba game. With the moba game the fanart will follow and also waifus.
Ha, what waifus in AoS? Everqueen again?
Alarielle is pretty waifuable.
I'll keep hating it until they bring back Tomb Kings.
And that's it. The full list of AoS waifus with a single entry.
They will just make some up. It's AoS so their introduction doesn't have to make sense.
Am I the only one who wants a model of the bug she's riding without the stupid dryad bitch on top? All the effort to make that awesome beetle and they bury it under her ass.
There is little room for them to begin with.
That beetle would make a cool Tyranid model
Nah. They wont even have I'm iaturethan and they will be forgotten in 5 years time like all other waifus.
Fucking autocorrect and ahort attentionspan.
>I'm sure that they will be forgotten*
>I think financials was the death of WHFB.
Sorry redshirt, but 8th edition was WHFB death.
Eternal Anglo, etrnal Anglo never changes
>For now, GW results have been very positive for the past 6 months.
Thanks to 40k and TWW and BFG
>I think financials was the death of WHFB.
No shit sherlock, but do you genuinely think whfb was properly administrated?
it was badly supported to the point it was put in a vicious circle of negative feedback, stood in that pitiful state with its problems ignored for years and then was definitely killed to leave room for AoS whom main (on some scales of relevance, only too) objectively superior attribute is as a matter of fact being supported.
Imagine for a moment if whfb did receive the same kind of support instead of getting the end times:
>simultaneous rules update
>free main rules
>better scalability for lower models count
>tournament collaboration
>active faq&errata response
>discount bundles
>frequent releases
>subfactions exploration
>specialist boxed games
>non apocalyptic fluff advancement with each release
the last and the sigmarines would still cause a lot of bitching, but nothing on the same level of what's happened
I think at people might just be bored of generic fantasy or new customers thought it wa a Warcraft knockoff.
Ironically AoS looks more like that Warcraft/MOBA aesthetic than Fantasy ever did.
Does GW get any royalties on games sold?
Do they not just get money from selling the rights of using the IP?
The look of the sigmarines makes me want to vomit.
Man... sometimes I hate being an adult so much! I just want to be 13 again, playing games all night long with not a care in the world. I had friends that where like minded, and we always started these great projects that led to awesome games.
Now though, full time job, family and "adult" friends is a fucking drag. The little to no time I have as free time, I glance over my shoulder to my hobby cabinet, only to pull up a chair to the computer and play some meaningless game (or even worse, watch other people paint and play miniature wargames!). No friends left with the spark, and no project really comes to life any more. The lack of effort is hanging like a fucking sack on their backs when it comes to anything Veeky Forums related, and when you ask them about the good´ol days, they will say "cant believe we threw away our childhood on such shit"....
And it fucking hurts...
>Does GW get any royalties on games sold?
Hyзб фccщквштп eщ epyшк aштфтcшфд кyзщкeю
It's what people like these days. It turns out that most people have shit taste in aesthetics.
And in English?
Here on thread or Veeky Forums in general?
I h8 them for flushing the whole Warhammer Fantasy setting down the shitter
It had been pretty shit for at least a decade before they flushed it down.
>Half your veterans go support Mantic KOW instead of buying your shit
You mean the veterans that bought their armies 10+ years ago and have barely bought anything since?
Why should GW give a shit?
I now play Infinity and Warmachine.
Stopped by this thread because I was genuinely curious as to what people thought of AoS now after a few years of it being out.
It looks like people aren't very happy with it.
It's not 'bad' but it's nothing compared to the standards we were used to with WHFB
Don't be a fucking moron.
New players are great and are you life blood. And yes veterans had army X and were not going to buy as money models for it, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have bought models for another army. They are also more likely to buy that new fancy large kit GW likes to push now because they have already made a commitment. They are buying rule books for a different game and investing in new armies with that game. This is all money out of GWs pocket directly.
Then there is the fucking terrible press they got because of it. GW says fuck you veterans now veterans don't push their game. Even worse, they actively campaign against your game in support of other ones. Someone walks in the store new and players say don't buy that shit product this is what GW does to people. So much for recruiting new players. There was a time you could walk into a store and see everyone playing GW products and maybe two people playing something no one heard about. Well now that isn't the case. Game Stores are no long GW spaces any more. And GW has been closing their own stores for a while. There are stores GW has died completely because of their policies and game abandonment.
That is why GW should give a shit. That is why they returned their format to bring structure back to the game and also why they are bringing back specialist games.
On thread my slav friend.
Eh I'm not too worried, because
> and have barely bought anything since?
Well, 8th edition have horrible models and rules, no wonder why none wanted to buy them.
>Why should GW give a shit?
Because such players will support the game no matter how it's unpopular, while casuals will move to the next mainstream game as soon as it appears.
Yeah, I can without a doubt say that I disliked most 8'th edition models. Most of them looked like ugly videogame characters.
Wew, that's a whole load of citation please.
Don't play GW anymore =/= don't play games.
>Only Sigmar'ed faction i want to play are Slaanesh daemons + Slaneesh Warriors
>No rules or models
Fucking hell GW release Aelves and Slaanesh already
Nah I finally started reading the books
You guys should really check out the AoS general and ask the Anons there on why they like it. Get some answers from those that actually play the game
>Calling people moron
>When you don't even realize that, all that matters is to make a profit
Dude, basic economics will tell you a new customer will spend more during his first 2-4 years than he will the next 10-20. Finding new players is therefore everything in a world where a company must make a profit.
You smart asses all sounds the same, you talk as if its 1990 still. When I started, home computer was barely a thing, the internet was un-heard of, and there wasn't much to do in terms of hobby. Sure, if you where rich (or had a rich dad), you could get in to RC cars, now theres a hobby that will eat your money. But mostly it was stuff like fishing, hiking, playing football. Shit that didn't cost a fortune. I played D&D at the time (already a nerd), but when I saw miniature wargames for the first time, my jaw was scraping the fucking floor! It was literally the coolest thing I had ever seen, and my mind just exploded!
Today, when you have kids that barely shrugs the shoulders for a home VR system. How the fuck are you supposed to impress the next generation with "toy soldiers"...
My point being, its a hard market, and miniature wargames hobby is slowly but surely dying. GW, the top dogs (for a long time at least), is still just a fly on the wall when you compare them to anything outside this thin slice of a hobby. Hell, just FF would probably eat them alive if they wanted to.
Anyways, now I'm just rambling away, key points;
>stop being stupid
>Stop thinking a company has any obligations to you
>Miniature wargames are not that expensive as far as hobbies go.
>I'm old...
>To a company, profit is all, and new players spend so much more than the veterans, thus new players = bread and butter
>As GW themselves have said "If you buy, you're a customer, if you don't.. .well, then you're not..."
I don't get to play anything as much as I would want. Being one of the former haters, I feel a bit sad to admit that AoS was fun. Simple, but fun.
user there are rules for Slaneesh Warriors and Daemons one the gw website, for example here are the rules for hellstriders.
Oh sweet, might have to pick up a Slaanesh Mortal army when i finish my current 40k projects
they could have literally just done age of smegmar skirmish gameplay in the fantasy universe instead of replacing the old world with world of warcraft + high fantasy overload cranked up to 6,000,000
I've had my fill of Sci fi tho
I like the High Fantasy of AoS it's ridiculous
No, WHFB was unsalvageable. It was less original and more boring than warmachine and that's saying something.
At least in AoS we are on your toes waiting for what's the next crazy thing.
>as many tactics as before
You mean like "go straight with your invincible block" or "Destroy everything with overpowered magic" or...
There was something else?
>next crazy thing
>shitty plebshit high fantasy
Did you even read the post?
Because the majority is not about how veterans generate more sales, but how they are one of the biggest marketing sources in a niche industry. A free marketing source. And how the whole debacle turned the free marketing source into almost 2 years of continuous bad press and support for competitors.
I am sure none of this had any effect on the slow sales and lukewarm response the biggest name in wargaming's new product. And how they could have simply turned that around it to positive press by just doing some appeasement.
Gnognards that play only 2000 points tournaments armies and that like steamrolling newbie off the table aren't good marketing user. The best thing AoS did was getting rid of all of them.
Opportunity cost.
>I think at people might just be bored of generic fantasy or new customers thought it wa a Warcraft knockoff.
Anyone being into warcraft enough to look for a miniature game knockoff will know what actually is warhammer
People can't be tired with generic fantasy because the people into AoS are either warhammer fans looking for more of it or people getting attracted because it is generic fantasy in their eyes.
What in the end decided the shift to AoS was the novelty of the support it is receiving.
You can't tell the people in this thread that, user, because they ARE the grognards you are talking about, and they will never accept that they are/were a part of the problem with Fantasy.
Things like that require introspection beyond what the self admitted literal autists of Veeky Forums are capable of.
They also keep a persistent meta plot now as well. Apparently people eat that shit up. I myself am to old to enjoy all the cheesy clichés that goes into it.
I did once, what I got was people bandwagoning on the stuff on the basis that it is new, people applying double standards on what could be done with AoS compared to old warhammer, people playing it because that's what the GW store driven local scene provides and simplicity of rules.
>what's the next crazy thing.
want to bet the next book will end with an explosion again? I won this bet 6 times already.