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Ajani #1
Ajani #2
These cards for some new Planeswalker decks?
Tezzeret and Ajani 2 are from the planeswalker decks it would seem by their collector number. Ajani 1 looks like it's from the actual set
I was gonna flip my shit about seven planeswalkers in one block, but one of those ajani is from the planeswalker deck. still probably going to be six walkers again if there's an in-set tezz to go with that planeswalker deck tezz. also i want that planeswalker deck tezz for an actual deck, which already makes him better than the other planeswalker deck walkers
>G/W and U/B
I'm new to the game and I hardly see any U/G cards, should I just scrap the U/G deck I'm working on and focus on my R/B artifact creatures deck?
This art is so fucking boring.
It's not Aether Revolt.
Ajani Unyielding is. And I don't think they magically ask artists to be worse for planeswalker decks.
>should I just scrap the U/G deck I'm working on and focus on my R/B artifact creatures deck?
How do you expect anyone to meaningfully answer that?
No, but paid less.
But they look about the same as Unyielding to me, and Unyielding is just dull.
>tfw his ultimate can be responded to.
do blue and green have significant synergies to warrant trying to build a deck for standard on an extremely tight budget?
there's some energy shenanigans, but probably not right now, no.
If you are building on a budget, it doesn't matter what colors you use, just go have fun.
Its the best goodstuff color combo in edh
EDH Fodder
Literally a upgraded Ob Nixilis. I don't know what is worse, Bant getting another toy to goodstuff you to death or that they are Powercreeping good Walkers, (inb4 :homossexual Modern players that it isn't viable. No shit, sherlock it's a 6 mana Walker)
Shit walker just like weak Chandra and weak Nissa. At least Tezzy got it right,
Just remember if you only have one artifact in your deck Tezzeret just gets it.
You mean if you run blue Gearhulks his +1 says draw a blue Gearhulk.
>+1: stack your deck in perfect order, draw a blue gearhulk
Four copies of one artifact card would be better, so Tezz can actually do something again for three more turns
>tfw will slot tezzeret in with new breya artifact degeneracy
I dont think I can get any harder right now.
must be a great deck if "random" is the perfect order for it
See pic related.
With the way Standard is going I frankly didn't expect a Tezzeret Agent of Bolas or a Tezzeret the Seeker, but this is just demoralizing. It's not TERRIBLE but it's not a card I'd play in any deck, and it'd be a weak in any "competitive" EDH deck. In an artifact deck I have hugely better cards to play that kill way faster than new Tezzeret. His minus is fine but unremarkable. His plus is okay but there are much better tutor effects in the game for way less mana. His ultimate is cool but the rest of him is just not enough to make me excited.
That is also the shitty intro tezz rather than a main set tezz
Holy shit you are right, like that wasn't implied you retard of course if a card is good enough to tutor for you should be probably running a playset
Backpedal any harder and you'll be in fucking reverse, mate
ITT: People who don't know that this is the Planeswalker deck Tezzeret.
That being said, this is definitely the best of its kind so far. Nissa almost got there and Chandra was a big miss (so is the new Ajani).
I read it as "any order" for some reason. what happens if you +1 him without any artifacts in your deck? does it just become '+1: shuffle your deck' or can you simply not use it?
with no artifacts it becomes "+1: reveal and shuffle your deck" so it's almost actively detrimental.
I know it's an intro deck planeswalker but Tezzeret's 2nd ability is potentially strong in eternal formats. Especially Vintage decks ahoy where you can drain them hard with a bunch of Moxen in play.
Rev up those Cosi's Tricksters.
I have a casual deck that uses mirrorworks to produce a fuckton of mana rocks, and honestly i think i'd rather run new tezz over agent of bolas just because it can dome someone the turn it comes out, and not have to survive at least one turn to pull it off. it's not a competitive deck, but it still speaks to the fact that tezz could be a functional wincon in a real deck. the spell that fetches him is gonna cost five, and probably not be worth it, but I'm worried it'll toe that line and both might actually hit playable in some niche archetype.
except it doesn't actually shuffle your deck, it just functionally shuffles your deck, so no. it's like how any effect that puts the top card of your livrary into your hand doesn't work with anything that cares about drawing.
So, uh, if you run 0 artifacts doesn't the +1 stack your whole deck?
No, it just reveals your entire deck to your opponent.
read the first cost?
Fucking card
Both are kind of shit, which one is the starter deck exclusive?
Whatever. My Breya deck is finished anyways.
Guarantee that someone will try and make Metallurgic Summonings+intro Tezz.
>tfw paging through all 3 CMC artifacts to see which format snaps when Trophy Mage drops
The answer is "casual".
If it was CMC3 or less, every format.
The one without StP on it.
It'll see fringe Vintage play because Crucible and Trinisphere in Shops.
Just play casual.
So is this good in standard or not? To me, if it costs more than Torrential Gearhulk, it's not worth casting, right?
It hits a lot of good shit.
Pity that Stoneforge hits all the swords already. I can see it in vintage 5color humans to grab spicy hate cards, and it could be a way for some etb deck to eke out card advantage. Modern it feels too slow, I don't think any deck wants effectively two playsets of crucible.
gets razor boomerang tho
Gideon can now drive two vehicles at the same time
It's only the intro deck Planeswalker. It would surprise me even more, if they were decent in any form.
With so many copies of Lilly being played, I don't see how you'll ever crew 3 so early.
>Be Gideon
>Put one one foot on the flagship
>Put the other on the Heart of Kiran
>Cross your arms
>Fly your opponent in the face for 12 dmg
It's Liliana that's going to be doing the crewing
>Get Natural State'd and Blessed Allianced.
I mean really?
One is card draw and removal on a stick and one is +1/+1 counters and lifegain
I can see Nissa voice of Zendikar working with this in some G/x aggro list.
>opponent simply uses the crew ability to drain Lili and proceeds to crew the Heart of Kiran X times with your Sorin where X is Sorin's current loyalty
Gideon: Crew this and Copter
Liliana, Nissa, Saheeli: 3 mana curves well with this
Nahiri, New Ajani: +2 makes crewing this even better.
Then your opponent casts Emrakul and makes Gideon crew it 4 times, Lilly crew it 4 times, Saheeli crew it 4 times, and oh wait all of your planeswalkers are dead now.
This card is spoiler: broken
>get done playing EDH
>every game has a atraxa super friends deck
>well theres always standard to change things up
>25+ planeswalkers in rotation
If you want a budget color combo pay BR, a lot of the good cards are under a dollar and (save Scooter) the ones that aren't also aren't exorbitant. (unless you're the kind of mega casual scum who thinks ten bucks for a playset of a really strong card is a waste of money)
>Not running 5 colours and tutoring for Atraxa so you can finally tick up Tibalt without fucking your hand up
Modern Sun and Moon, welcome to tier 1.
never said anything about budget. if you dont like playing against/with planeswalker, it a shitty time to be an mtg player. The market is so over-saturated with the things that you will have to deal with them even on a kitchen table level.
Out of all the planeswalkers in Standard, only 5 of them exceed $10. How are they too expensive??
Plus, NewJani won't exceed $10 either when the set prices settle, it will be $6-8 at best. Will new Tezz be OP, or will it be mediocre like Ajani? We shall see.
Gee I wonder how many planeswalkers are actually playable in standard
>Standard hs Offically become this scene
Gideon, Liliana, Nahiri, Chandra: what's the 5th? There seem to be only 4.
you may want to reread my post. I never said anything about cost. In fact, them being so cheap, due to over saturation of the market, means there going to be played in everything from kitchen table on up. If you dont like to play with/against pw or if you want to see big spells printed, and not stapled to the bottom of a pw, your out of luck.
Yes, that's the shit I'm talking about. Fucking perfect
No it fucking won't, colored shops is ass and not one plays it.
>Gideon "come on jace, just believe in the Gideon that Believes in You"
Yeah there are only 4, sorry didn't realize Nissa VF dropped in price so much. Seems the only way for a walker to be good these days is to a) control the game as soon as it hits the board (Gideon) b) be grossly undercosted (Liliana) c) be a textbook example of bad card design (Nahiri) or d) be a mega-toolbox (Chandra)
>oh cool a vehicle that has synergy with planeswalkers
>4/4 with vigilance and flying? not bad.
>I didn't look at the CMC first though this things gotta be like 4 or 5 mana
alright well this thing is stupid
We Secret Rare now.
Jace is pushing 10 and has passed that on some sites
so you have 4 and 1 borderline I think
It's like that because it's in the preconstructed Planeswalker decks but not actually printed in the set itself.
It still weirds me out.
>12 damage
Gonna have to ask you to show your work on that one.
Oh excuse me 13. Thought Sky Souvereign is 5/5. Not playing standard, so it's been a while.
Sky Sovereign can't shoot players
You also thought Skysoverign's ability hits players.
I just shat myself
All planeswalkers can now protect themselves, nice. Now if only we had some cool walkers that took advantage of that instead of the same +card advantage -protection stuff
i imagined him crossing his arms before you even typed that out. amazing
so we now have the Weatherlight vs the Predator Part II.
>Chandra at the wheel!
>Doesn't even close to instakill
>Requires a creature
>Probably just going to get Murdered anyway
How awful
>chandra has her big breakdown
>the gatewatch supports her in her hour of need.
>this kicks in