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Previous thread How long until WotC gets their shit together and fixes the UA Fighter PDF link?

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>Fighter UA is out!
>File not found."

It'll never be fixed.
Next weeks feedback will be "it was fucking broken" and then they'll nerf the class because they thought everybody meant the archetypes.

Humans are just about the oldest race still running around and doing visible thing on Faerun.

Despite this, they were scratching around in the dirt for millennia, then Dwarves popped out of a portal from another fucking planet, brought language and metalworking and all this other shit, and Humans were STILL shitting into their hands and eating raw meat for several thousand years after.

>How long until WotC gets their shit together and fixes the UA Fighter PDF link?

20 min

Are any archetypes pigeonholed into a trope / character harder than the monk archetypes?

Still angry at the monk hate.

>Fighter UA is "out"!

5th level - 1 sp/short rest
10th - 2
15th - 3
20th - 4

But now you need a new capstone feature. What will it be?

>Fighter UA is out!

How can you know Dwarves weren't a far older race than humanity on their own world?
Yours is a non-argument.

I'd scale Sorcerer Restoration more than that.
Level 3: 2/rest
Level 5: 3/rest
Level 9: 4/rest
Level 13: 5/rest
Level 17: 6/rest

A new capstone would be just fine, or boost sorcerous restoration even more at 20.

Or maybe something gay like "whenever you roll initiative, if you have no sorcery points remaining..." ?


What race is the best for chain/blade warlock?

"I'll post here when the week's UA is ready. #DnD #WOTCstaff"

You'd get into some awkward situations in some builds where you have a remaining sorcery point but no way to spend it to make that feature do anything.

>whenever you roll initiative, if you have no sorcery points remaining...regain all of them?

Sounds good

half elf or dwarf

do yall use experience multipliers? i'm gonna run a short 1 person campaign to introduce a friend to d&d. some places advise using a multiplier for xp depending on the ratio of players to monsters.

in the past i've never done this (i've only ever dm'd for a group of 4-5)

Monks and battlemasters already have that, so it's probably fine.

AFAIK most people don't even use experience anymore, just inform their players when they want them to gain a level.

I'm currently playing a Dwarven sage who fuels all of his abilities not with ki, but with a mystical understanding of the nature of matter. Instead of using some bullshit quasi-magical energy source, he's using millennia-old secrets passed down by a society of Dwarven scholars and mystics who sought to understand matter on its most fundamental level to alter the mass/energy of himself and other objects

Slow Fall? Becoming absurdly light so he simply floats.
Deflect Arrow? Draining kinetic energy so that it slows and can be snatched up or plink harmlessly off a section of his skin that has had its density massively increased.
Step of the Wind? Increasing mass while building up speed, then lowering mass significantly so that momentum carries him further.
Stunning Strike? Altering blood density in an enemy to cause rapid shifts in blood pressure which temporarily disorient and incapacitate.
Flurry of Blows? Echoes of the kinetic energy of the original strike.

The multipliers are used for determining the difficulty of an encounter when there are more monsters than usual. It's not used for the final XP reward.

Most people don't use XP and use milestones instead, anyway.

Rather than counting XP, it's probably easier to just let the PCs level up every few sessions without keeping track of XP. Same effect, 100% less obnoxious calculations for you and the players to mess up.

You need to use the experience multipliers for encounter building so you don't mis-tune the encounter for the number of players.

For actually awarding exp, do whatever. I only use exp as an encounter-building tool.

You should really consider it. It mainly becomes noticible when the enemies are double the party's number, which isn't often if there's 5 of them.

For one player, while a handful of kobolds might seem an easy task, their numbers can get overwhelming.

>other players are obsessed about counting XP
>DM humors them but things get missed
>everyone insists we're not using milestones but whenever we get to a point where we clearly should have leveled up but haven't yet for some reason, "Oh, quest completion experience. uhhhh you're level whatever now"

>still using experience

So how does this sound: I have a homebrew class that uses a ki-like resource (1/level, regen on short rest). I'm thinking of a capstone that gives them 1 point at the start of every turn when they have none left. The previous feature, at 15th level, is proficiency in wisdom saves.
Sound reasonable?


Consider giving him a couple henchmen, like the knight background. One with a survival skill to help set/keep camp and cook, one with healing (something like healer feat 1/day) to help him out of combat only, and one who can barely hit but can take a few blows and follows his orders so he can have a combat buddy.

media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/downloads/2016_Fighter_UA_1205_1.pdf IT'S OUT

The only way I feel monks are pigeonholed is that they really need a race that gives them 16 dex and wis, and they really want Mobile as a feat.

This severely cuts down on their options, and they don't have as much freedom over secondary stats.

A Cleric, for example, could easily go for strength, dex, or Con in addition to Wisdom. If they hang back and mostly use buffs, they may even have points free to serve as the face or main Int guy.

A Monk currently can't really afford to invest in Strength, Int or Cha and mix things up. They have to be one of a few races to get that and can't mix things up. They have to use their ASIs for maxing dex and wis and can't mix things up.

A choice of fighting style to five some extra damage or survivability as well as an extra ASI or two would go a long way to giving them more variety in where to put things.

why not just upload it you goof

Is it worth it for my rogue to dip into fighter for one level to get the two weapon fighting feature and action surge? I intend to make him a swashbuckler for a pirate-themed campaign.

Does anyone else have a problem with a DM who insists on handling every single non-combat action as a skill challenge?

>be in large town
>the DM asks us to take turns saying what we're doing in town
>No matter what anyone says, he asks us to roll something
>I go first. just want to buy arrows
>"Roll Investigation."
>I roll poorly.
>town has no arrows in it
>Same happens to everyone else who tries to go shopping. Only one player succeeded on finding a place that sells rations
>The last player to take a turn has caught wise to what's going on. She also just wants to buy rations and says she's going to the same place the other PC went to.
>"Roll Investigation."
>"I can't just ask the other player where he found that store?"
>"Roll Investigation."
>She rolls poorly.
>"Uh, they're sold out."

It's like a fucking King's Quest game.

>two magic arrows per rest

>Does anyone else
No, thank fuck we're not totally insane people

they actually did it

ahhh right. i've learned this before but had forgotten. it's confusing to me how the dm guide tells you to use experience totals to figure out encounter difficulty rather than challenge ratings.

since experience yields are directly related to challenge ratings i feel like it's needlessly complicated. the challenge ratings are much simpler.

thanks for the reminder yall.

i usually dm sandbox style campaigns. it's easy to use milestones for a more linear campaign but when your players are free to just dick around it's nice to give specific rewards for specific tasks. if i just gave out levels when it felt natural it would make it hard to reward them for being overly efficient or inefficient.

if they push a large boulder onto a giant they could circumvent a battle that would normally take half an hour. they could also spend hours being annoying shits while slowly accumulating a surprising amount of experience.


>The Knight has 4e Marking

Let the wailing of autists commence.

Sharpshooter looks neat

Shits, didn't mean to quote

Is this the first encounter power in 5e? I feel like I've seen it before.

>Beguiling Arrow


only the ranged ones seem not shit to me at first glance

>hey this class looks pretty cool it's like a battlemaster but with a wider range of effects that don't all function the same
>two uses
A Warlock with worse spells

Seem pretty straightforward and simple overall, but decently strong. More skills is always nice, and I like the Knight being able to defend properly, but I get the feeling these are going to be hated for being either too simple or too complex.

There are some that trigger on initiative rolls

>Every single archetype gains skill proficiencies
Literally why
>Samurai is moronically OP as a dip
At least nobody is surprised

>3 rounds of every battle, gain advantage on all attacks and resistance to all physical damage
Doesn't sound very shit to me

3 times per short rest. What a travesty.

Fighter's actually out

I don't want to be a weaboo though

>Reading comprehension
It only gets +tons of damage on special AoO 3 times per short rest. It marks all day every day.

Other than restoring Ki/sup dice?

>Doesn't sound shot to me

It didn't to me either at first, but then you remember Barbarian exists for easy advantage and resistance

So play Captain America

20th level samurai can make 16 attacks with action surge rapid strike and its free advantage

>the DC on escaping a Grasping Arrow unharmed is 10

>I don't want to be a weaboo though
He said, on an anime image board.

Rapid Strike costs bonus action, friend.

weebs having a field day

Piercing Arrow seems cool.

Could you use it with the Sharpshooter feat?

No one asked for it but these are my first impressions.

>Arcane Archer
Seems kinda ok, not too great and not too shit. If I sat down to consider multiclassing with it I'm sure it'd have a lot of use.

Do I even need it to say it? This is the best one by far.

3 level dip and you're done.

Oh baby, this with the UA Ranger(Revised) is gonna have a lot of cool combos.

Knight's Hold the Line looks pretty helpful, basically the ol' Sentinel-Polearm Master, but limited to short-range.

It's meant for grasping infants and small animals.

>Otherwise,the brambles last for 1 minute

I can't remember the last chinese cartoon i watched all the way through

Knight seems a little too strong for me if you're going into a boss-battle.

They have two arrows per rest and never gain more, only regain one after each fight later...

Oh, and they only know two arcane shots, and never learn more than that?

The problem, as with all the Fighter archetypes except maybe EK, is that the features are too easily expended for simple combat benefits and anything that enables you to really spam or do more than "hit things slightly better a few times" is so late in the game that you'll never get it.

Arcane Archer isn't a guy with magical bow powers, he's a guy with a box that summons two magical arrows every hour it sits in one place and hums away. Summoning more non-magical arrows is pointless and the class is restricted to bows (not crossbows) for no good reason so I expect most people to fluff that out if they want.

Knight isn't about being good on a mount, it's about not getting your ass kicked immediately upon falling off. Where's the feature that actually lets you do more impressive shit while on a horse, or do something that other mounted players cannot? Skill ribbons suck.
The Marking is always active and therefore useful, though.

Samurai is a three level archetype. That's it.

>instead of taking four levels and using an ASI to get Sharpshooter, take three Fighter levels and an archetype to get Sharpshooter

Three of these archetypes have Rapid Strikes, and while that's cool and would always be useful since it has no per-rest limits, it's LEVEL FUCKING 15 so it's just not going to come up in normal play.

This martial archetype shit really needs to be condensed down to 10 levels. Come up with more wacky bullshit for 11-20.

It does take an action to remove, so it does still cost them something.

I would say the best combo of arrows to get is piercing/bursting for the AoE factor, along with either one of the defense/debilitating arrows.

Alternatively, take Seeking as a dip, go into Assassin. Enjoy really silly sneak attacks.

Please reread the whole thing and then come back.

>TWO (2) new archetypes that make Fighter better than Ranger at ranged combat

They can't keep getting away with this

>He said, on an anime image board.
So what, I follow a few dozen manga series and animes and I wouldn't play a samurai either, unless the campaign was specifically set in not!Japan.

Fuck, that line hiding at the top of the page's second column (also I'm mildly drunk)

But the first three archetypes also made Fighters better ranged combatants than Ranger.

The fighter SHOULD be able to be better than the ranger at ranged combat (word similarities aside). The ranger has a variety of exploration and utility features; the fighter only has combat.
Next you'll be complaining the fighter is better than the paladin at using a shield.

>allow a Paladin to take TWF fighting style but not smite on their off-hand

no deal. sword and board only.

>Arcane Archer can't even cast Flame Arrows
>Conjured ammunition doesn't even count as magic to bypass resistance

>being good on a mount
Yes well imo this wouldn't have been a good choice. The game is called DUNGEONS & Dragons for a reason, and mounted focuses classes tend to suck fucking dicks and force you to play small characters not to become the equivalent of a fallen paladin.

>the archetype is called SAMURAI so it literally has to be a guy from Kara-Tur with a katana
Y'all niggas need imagination like

Hey guys what makes sense for someone born in the Shadowfell; Sorceror powers derived from it's natural gloom, or Warlock powers from a pact from an entity in it?

say that to my face faggot not online see what happens


The last three times I've been in a dungeon it's never had any spot I couldn't have ridden a mount around in for combat. A few places to climb or sneak through, but there are means of getting a horse up a cliff or through a hole.

If you want to be a TWF Paladin, just do so already. You can take Defense so you won't miss a shield as much, and lacking the extra 3 damage on your offhand barely matters when you have Smites.

Heck, Paladins might even be better at TWF in the lategame, since their level 11 damage improvement would probably apply unless I'm forgetting something about the wording.

>Samurai, 3/short rest (never more
>Resistance to basic physical damage, advantage on weapon attacks, eats bonus action so no GWM shenanigans
>Barbarian, 2 (scaling)/long rest
>Resistance to nonmagical physical damage, advantage on strength checks, bonus damage on hit, additional effects from archetype, Reckless Attack lets you get easy advantage with a bit of cost, takes one bonus action but lasts a minute
I don't think it's absurd, guys. Sounds fun though.
I actually want to use it to portray a pious crusader-type warrior who couldn't cut it in a paladin circle.

What if your mount is a spider?

Noncombat abilities are largely useless (unless they strongly affect past or future combats, like out-of-combat healing/resurrection, or encounter-skipping spells like Wind Walk.) Useless abilities shouldn't factor into how powerful something is. Fighters and rangers should be roughly equally good at combat, but in different ways.

Personally i just track the players XP in a spreadsheet and tell them. It helps me personally get a good idea of when to let them level without tge hassle for them. I also dont luke milestones because i think it devalues "side quests" and other activities they can get XP from.

My favorite thing about the 3.5 Complete Warrior was how they described the samurai in completely non-oriental terms and used a typical dwarf as the example.
The class was complete shit, but it was surprisingly non-weeblike.

If the players are doing sidequests, the milestones come faster.

>Bursting arrow
does that mean the original target takes 4d6 damage?

>Noncombat abilities are largely useless

You have an objectively shit DM

Yeah, it is pretty nice for a Willpower focused fighter.

I just wish there was a bit more substance here, or at least more effort to try and link features together.

>Rangers get more/better skills, advantage against various enemies, and spells
>Should be equal to fighter in combat
Sorry, I simply disagree with you.

Spiders are banned in our campaigns because the Rogue's player has arachnaphobia irl

Fuck, you're right. I'll have to consider this when I make my first Eladrin character.

>I m p r o v e d D i v i n e S m i t e
>By 11th level, you are so suffused with righteous
>might that all your m elee w eapon strikes carry divine
>pow er with them. W henever you hit a creature with a
>melee weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant
>damage. If you also use your Divine Sm ite with an
>attack, you add this damage to the extra damage o f your
>Divine Smite.

You have an absolutely terrible DM user

I'm sorry you're playing a combat simulation instead of a roleplaying game

>inducted into sacred order of paladins
>fall while celebrating the night after graduation
>nobody will teach you after that
>you live on in history only as the paladin who took the least amount of time to fuck up

tfw the ranger in my group never uses his spells and only wants to be Legolas

yet he didn't go bow fighter like I told him to