Started with 1500 euros and made major mistakes, still got on the req rocket at 10 and 12 cents, sold my iota today for more req at 23 cents.
What am I looking at in 6 months?
Started with 1500 euros and made major mistakes, still got on the req rocket at 10 and 12 cents, sold my iota today for more req at 23 cents.
What am I looking at in 6 months?
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh and btw, I have 200 Euro worth of INS tokens, it isnt listed yet so 0 in blockfolio, so I am at 2100 euros after a week
Buy low sell high
If you want anyone to rate it, put it in dollars, use ',' as the thousand separator and '.' as the decimal point. Also display percentage gains, not price gain.
This looks quite solid. Although I don't know what RCN, LRC or TNT are. The first four are good holds.
>Ripio Credit Network is a global credit network based on cosigned smart contracts and blockchain technology that connects lenders and borrowers located anywhere in the world and on any currency.
Looks solid. I get that REQ@$0.08 feel from it. Gonna hold onto this for a while.
LRC and TNT are pretty promising non-pumped small caps. But for now I only flip them for 10% profit.
Fuck I wanna put $1000 on a single coin, tell me I shouldn't
I want it to be Req. too late?
>coinholder since 2014
i-i swear ill get some btc guiz. someday..
>too late?
It's on a clear trajectory to $1 short term. If you're not a weak-handed faggot then go for it.
beautiful portfolio.
sub ark rcn req are all great picks.
dont know about link and the other 2 but its still really solid.
pretty sure rcn and sub will moon
>>coinholder since 2014
bruh how are you not a millionaire? I swear I'd be sitting on $250k if I started with $800 this spring.
when you buy ltc at ATH and watch as it goes down..and stays down. you just dont want to be involved with this shit anymore. it was a rough 4 years
>pretty sure rcn and sub will moon
RCN is a hidden gem and with SUB I'm hoping for 100% flip should the autistic burgers repeal NN.
LINK is an ultra high reward pick, but risky too. If that Russian cuck delivers Linkies will go straight to lamboland. LRC and TNT are for no string attached low-risk flipping.
sucks man, I swore to myself never to fomo ATH
Don’t worry guys asling as you are involved you will be making money soon!
it doesnt feel bad at all though. fortunate enough my piece of shit laptop even survived since those days to even still be in it. i invested 5k back in 2014, now 50k. millionaire probably never but then again just never having to work again at 35 or 40 y/o is good enough for me
Look at all those shitcoins
what are you doing my man
Haha I know there are making me god gains though!
REQ marine here.
Started with £700 3 months ago.
mommy I want to be an astronaut when I grow up
the fuck is MM
monopoly money
Yeah what is MM , million?
Did someone say RCN
How do you turn your shit coins into money?
you took the diversification meme to a whole new level
I see that RCN-holders are slowly starting to come out of closet. Looks like we're ready to moon away.
How do I connect my blockfolio to my bittrex account? Or at least how can import all my bittrex trades into my blockfolio?
Looks like I need to stock up on REQ.
I assume you kept your iota on an exchange?
Shit coins well spent
the fuck were you doing when it was 4-6 cents?
Read their white paper and road map and was sold. They have a clear vision and how they intend to make it a reality. Looked at its market cap and compared it to SALT and realised I'd stumbled upon the most surefire moonmission so far in my time in crypto.
Will hold till April for megamoon mission, then immediately go all into AE if they haven't realised their mainnet by then
Yh I kinda just didn’t win miss anything so I spread myself thin. Iv beenin since late April. Should I just sell the 2nd image for 1-2 coins?
Comfy meme coming through
Nice. I'm hoping for a dip so I can buy more. Anywhere between 5-10k is my goal.
With $50k you can diversify pretty good, but keep in mind you have to keep track of your investments. Allocate most of your portfolio in no more than 5-6 coins and throw a few grands on some potential low-cap moons.
Got 5K Credit Card 3 months ago. Purchased ETH with it, Still have 10k debt. Going in hard on WABI, 40m market cap is undervalued for this gem.
Got in chainlink Presale, REQ, WABI, WANCHAIN. Have put down WANCHAIN as eth for now as its not out yet.
Tfw bought 500 KNC at 7.5k and sold at 8.2k. Now it's 10k. JUST
2500 invested. Got 10k req at 3 euro cents on ED. Just wished I'd put more in req instead of getting this shitty airswap bag.
Never EVER trust anime posters anons. EVER
>Never EVER trust anime posters anons. EVER
You can trust me.
Started with $13000
Made a few buy low sell high trades ( REQ, VeChain, XLM)
Rate my blackfolia plox men
What is tron? should I throw 200 dollars into it? or 500
Started in June, and wasted a lot of money on the eros scam. But doing okay, I bought Walton at $1.20 and sold half at $8
Got here in oktober. Failed with biz chillin me ebet. Then bought into request. Feels good.
You're gonna make it.
Oy'vey feel I'm gonna get just'd on SALT
You're overstaying your welcome on that one for sure.
SALT will moon this month
Nothing can happen to me.
Getting kinda antsy,but gonna take the risk. Have a stop loss can live with it
hope so
>RCN is a hidden gem and with SUB I'm hoping for 100% flip should the autistic burgers repeal NN.
Is there any generous people that can give me any iota so I can get any airdrops, I am broke but I'm going to do faucets like a madman when I get at&t internet. Please help.
sent ;)
Thanks a lot :)
I have iota wallet (beta) and it still shows nothing. Were you just messing with me or should I get a new wallet.
Am I going to be ok biz ?
kill yourself faggot
Update your wallet user
not gonna make it/10
Yes why?
I already have a job that will allow me to live as comfy as I want.
I just want to buy furniture for my study in 2018, will I make it then?
Yes, that portfolio will send you straight to IKEAland
Thanks user, I mostly want 4-5 carpets to cover the reflective floor for my HTC Vive room, I'll be fine then :-)
>I already have a job that will allow me to live as comfy as I want.
>$300 poorfolio
Am I Veeky Forumscore enough?
Keyword being 'will', I'm just a junior sw engineer that bought into normalfagbase this morning.
I never dreamed of lambos, luckily
I got blockfolio because that seems to be the best :)
Thanks for the help!
Poorfag in here. Started in october with $300. Just want 2k in 2018 to move to another country and put real money into crypto. Will I make it?
You'd have to be retarded to not double your $ in this market.
What the fuck is the deal with Req
Request fucking Network?
Am I missing something? Read through it and it looks like utter shite. Something every other Crypto allows you to do, probably better
>t. picture related
just gonna post my hodlings because blockfolio is gay
18 btc
20 bch
800 ark
5500 iota
50,000 xvg
1 eth just for shits and giggle
11 btx (really just haven't gotten around to selling it, bitcore is going nowhere)
am I gonna make it bros?
You didn't read through shit then. Take 30 minutes and read the white paper.
Get more ADA and you will be.
Trying to get back in after selling like a tard
I'm thinkin about adding Cardano ?
Substratum rocket t- 60 minutes. If you want quick 2x I suggest to get in.
Source ?
Enjoy. I'm strapped in with 4175 SUB.
Average costs paid
eth $41
ltc $22
Ark $0.87
In total I've spent about 13.5K overall on crypto and haven't done more than hodl
From another thread. R8 me
$1.90 in Bitcoin. Fucking Hell user
Good portfolio though. Think I need to get me some Req
Looks solid. RCN is literally a second chance for brainlets who missed REQ.
Don't know anything about WABI and RPX.
fucking pajeet thought BCC is bcash
Started with 1 bitcoin in May, fell for the ICO meme.
Rate poor guy from Russia pls
If you're poor don't diversify. Do some extensive research and yolo go all in some promising coin/ICO. That's the only way to make it if you're late to BTC/Big coins party.
What about mine? Just started..
Buy more RCN and SUB.
Idk, i just want to be rich here in Russia, the best country to be rich in
And dunno is this small or big bank?
What should I dump to get more RCN and SUB ?
I'd dump everything else. You have too small of a portfolio to diversify into more than 2 coins. Watch closely net neutrality vote in 15 minutes, if it gets repealed SUB will probably pump
Throwback to when I first started ~2 months ago