How far would your King go to save his Kingdom?
How far would your Kingdom go to save their King?
How far would your King go to save his Kingdom?
How far would your Kingdom go to save their King?
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Nice Dubs
I'd stand by my king
Or at least give his car a push
In the Kingdom my last character was from, the King was basically just a figurehead for a shady council of nobles, which basically left him free to personally be involved in public works projects and crisis mitigation. He's popular and well known enough that most people would help him out if they had the opportunity, and since he is the official ruler, if not the de facto one, a fairly serious attempt would be made to rescue him if he needed it.
Those digits
>Triple dubs
I need to buy this game.
>Florence and the Machine doing a Final Fantasy soundtrack
Gotta admit, did not see that coming.
They did two original songs as well as the Stand By Me cover.
Stand By Me plays at the start and end of the game, but you can't find it on the regalia radio.
>Oh sweet FFXIV soundtracks
>One is literally one song, the other isn't much better
Fucking boo.
If the Coerthas daytime music isn't on it, I'm not fucking interested.
Eh, the open world is only in the first half.
At least better than Corridor Simulator XIII
Oh, definitely. They can get away with the railroaded second half of the game because it's well-designed and works with the real time battle system.
Now, if it used turn based encounters there like XIII it would have been awful.
Least it has Under the Weight and Torn From the Heavens.
It looks stupid but they actually had a good chance to win.
Paraguay had a bigger army and was better equipped. Uruguay was devasted by their civil war with almost zero military power, Argentina had a good chance to align with Paraguay and Brazil had some internal and financial problems at that time, they thought that they only need to start a war and Brazil would tear apart itself on civil war...
Except that it dindt happened, Paraguay lost the war, BR kicked their butt and 90% of the population was killed.....
Yeah, the war actually strenghted Brazil.
And improve relations between Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay
This fucking game is all about being railroaded by your autopiloted car, sometimes entering into pointless battles, and having a bland boy's band devoid of personality as main characters.
I don't understand how 10 fucking years could have led to this subpar mess.
Also, fucking Nissin Cup Noodles(TM), for fuck's sake.
Thanks Square Enix.
>A fantasy based in reality
>Paraguayan War
>Francisco Solano López
Holy shit, I'm not sure if I should call him brave or insane. The absolute madman die charging the enemy general after getting gutted with a spear and injure in the head with a sword, he order his soldiers to kill any officers talk about surrendering. How many presidents had the balls to go into battle like him?
This guy got fucked over so, so hard.
He was both...
Brave to fight until the end and insane to kill his entire country including using children and woman because he did not wanted to accept defeat....
I mean, if it was at least a justified war that would be something but the guy started that fight from nothing, there was some tension on that time but no one would think that someone would start a full-scale war like that, it was madness and it surprised everyone.
Brazilian emperor actually fought some battles on the front line, the government wanted to stop him but he said that he would waive his title if he could not fight.
I'd go on a roadtrip with my not gay buddies
>Hey prince, you just turned 20! Congratulations, you're getting married to your childhood sweetheart and you get to see her again!
>Oh wait no, your city has been conquered and your father is dead! Now you have to go on a roadtrip with your three buddies to fight a 4 man battle against a globe-spanning army!
>Oh shit, now you have to deal with massive headaches and Titan fighting you!
>Uh oh, now that you've arrived in fantasy Venice, you have to fight a giant sea serpent god, your sweetheart gets stabbed in the abdomen, and one of your buddies is blinded in combat.
>Now one of your other buddies is angry at you for DARING to be sad about this and it takes your blinded buddy to get him to cool off.
>NOW you're getting fucked with by the main villain via illusions, so you try to kill your THIRD buddy because he looks and sounds like the villain to your eyes.
>You end up almost choking him to death, and then later you sword him off of a moving train.
>NOW you've just got blindy and asshole, AND you're getting attacked by demons on a train with your weapons gone!
>Now you've got to dungeon crawl through an abandoned spooky research place with tough monsters, without any weapons.
>Main villain is fucking with you throughout all of this, you can't even see the bastard, he just uses illusions over PA
>You finally get a sword and your mates back! Things are looking up!
>Oh hey, the buddy you knocked off the train is fine! Hooray!
>Oh but he's actually what was going to be a demon. Oh well, that doesn't matter, he's a cool dude either way.
>You're finally get to that goddamn crystal that you've been after all game.
>You have to leave your friends behind with a horde of demons in order to reach it? Eh, they'll be fine. You just need that crystal and then sweet sweet victory.
>You get to the crystal. Awesome.
Spoilerific spoilers.
>It sucks you in and spits you out ten years later.
>World has been without light this whole goddamn time
>Demons everywhere
>Everyone is dead except for one settlement and a fucking GARAGE.
>Your buddies are ten years older
>You didn't get to experience any of these years, you've still only been around for twenty.
>You now go back to your home
>Kill a malicious fire god
>Singlehandedly kill someone with all your abilities but evil.
>Say goodbye to your pals.
>You finally get to sit down on your goddamn throne.
>You have to die there so you can bring back daylight
>But hey, at least you had a photo with you when you died. Yay.
Some fucking Road Trip. Didn't know the lyrics to Stand By Me were going to be so literal for this goddamn game.
Man, I love important historical figures crazy enough to fight in the frontlines. There little benefits beside moral butt makes for better stories.
The main problem with it is that the two parts of the game are from very different stories. In one story, it's about a guy who's in no hurry to get married, so he's on a road trip with his buddies and basically fucking around, taking the scenic route.
The other story is about the end of an era, the death of kings, an epic revenge plot, and terrible sacrifices with men saying things like "You may take my life...But give me the power to save my King!" and gigantic statues having fistfights with demons.
Logically the first story has a happy ending and the second doesn't, so when you jump from the first one to the second it's especially jarring. Like, Noctis got fucked over, and he got fucked over bad.
He literally only won because the villain wanted him to win. At no point do you do anything the main bad guy doesn't allow, and he could kill you all with a twitch of his eyebrow.
Not too far by himself.
Reasonably far.
Eh, y'know, pretty far.