CYOA General
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Anyone have that one unfinished CYOA with the doll soldiers in it? I can't quite remember what it was called.
I've been on a flight from costa rica for most of the day so i couldn't write this, but I'm finally home and I can tell you all what I would do with Omnipotence.
First is go about my regular life for the most part. Maybe enact some changes like retroactively destroying cancer and modifying the quran, but other than that I don't give a shit and people can solve it for themselves.
More importantly I'd use my powers to fuck with people and create a personal magical realm of fetishes.
I'd go around tapping men on the shoulders and ordering them to turn into big titty sluts for the pleasure of watching the transformation. I'd go to a college lecture and order the female students to forget everything they learned after fifth grade and lose all their ambition to do anything but spread their legs get married and pump out a thousand kids. I'd go to the prostitute on the street corner and fill her mind with the knowledge of a medical program. I'd find nigger gangs and remind them kindly that they're actually japanese highschool girls on their way to school. I'd go to an old folks home and shift reality so that it becomes a brothel and everyone inside is a twenty something slut witth a love of dicks. I'd go to a school, shapeshift into a student and then go class by class enacting all sorts of fucked up fetishes on the students. Quiet demure girls suddenly sprouting a nasty cock between their legs and highschool studs reduced to sissy boys with a love of cock in their ass. Upstanding teachers suddenly realizing that they love nothing more than fucking their students and students on the verge of graduating suddenly remembering they're actually ten years old. Turn the smart girl into a deliquent who never reads and the popular girl into a nerd with giant tits. Then there's the racial transformations, I'd turn proper white girls into foul mouthed nigresses and vice versa.
I'd fuck up reality so bad there won't be a reset button large enough to undo my magical realm.
Update soon
Wasn't there someone who wanted to make a neutral version of the seven sins cyoa? I could swear I heard of it before.
Look forward to more Culling/rape/murder discussions.
Does anyone want to RP this? I figured with 6 season á 80 days each, we could divide each RP segment up into 20 days ie barring interaction between players each lengthier post you make about actions will be about your actions those 20 days.
repostan my PC.
Sorceress: (+1 SP)
Magic 9
>Tier 1: Fire
>Tier 1: Water
>Tier 1: Catalysts
>Tier 2: Lightning
>Tier 2: Arcane
>Tier 3: Combine
>Tier 4: Barriers
Spiritual 2
>Tier 1: One with Nature
>Tier 2: Binding
Weaponry 4
>Tier 1: Marksmanship
>Tier 2: Ancient Weapon (Staff)
>Tier 2: Enchantment
>Tier 3: All-Seeing Eye
Ethereal 6
>Tier 1: Recall
>Tier 1: Pocketing
>Tier 2: Blessed
>Tier 4: Wings
>STR 1 ■
>DEF 7 ■■■■■ ■■
>AGI 7 ■■■■■ ■■
>SKL 4 ■■■■
>INT 10 ■■■■■ ■■■■■
Sunken Desert 45+20 5 threat
Sunken Desert? You mean epic beaches? Even if there's monsters in the water.
Ancient Mountains 20+30 4 Threat
But for hunting, I prefer the tall mountains.
>Persona: 15
Age, Gender, Beauty
>Provisions: 30
Library, Alchemy, Market
All useful for a rookie. Read up on moves, buy healthpotions I can summon through Pocketing, market to sell scavenged shit.
>Services: 15
Training, Healing, Scavenging
Since I'm lacking a bit on the physical side, (I really wanted blunt arms too) whenever I'm not making traps or out hunting, I'll be training. Get better at using my staff, focusing on an entirely defensive style.
>Luxury: 10
Hot Springs, Bar
It'll be in the Hot Springs where I'll be doing most of my networking. The bar for getting people to the Hot Springs.
>Hangouts: 10
Club, Bounty
I guess the Club can be useful for getting to know people too. I'll be looking around for bounty work too incase someone needs some aerial artillery
>Accommodation: (40)
Lots of bedroom and empty space. Going to permanently lock all the entrances to the grounds and electrify the walls so that you can only get there if you can fly
Always looking to team up with someone else with wings for synergy. You can chill at my place, and maybe I'll even tell you where my traps are.
r8 me?
Guy who was working on the space prison CYOA, how's it goin? Page 1 looked cool.
If you can pull it off, take it to /qst/. That's pretty much the only thing keeping /cyoag/ on Veeky Forums
Much of my free time will go towards making these little buggers.Through Pocketing I will be able to retrieve them when I'm out hunting and place them in strategic locations, preferrably where I can keep watch of them from afar, or atleast the surface above it. This would be everywhere anyone is likely to pass. If tunneling youre unlikely to spot the trap before its triggered, even with detect magic
>Combine: Binding+Lightning+Water
Pretty straightforward trap. You step on it, gets you wet and then zaps you and those near you. Usually deployed on the surface in daisychains of two and five
>Combine: Binding+Barrier+Water/Fire
Essentially they will act as mines as deep underground as I can get them. When triggered by a wurm-type Hunter, the barriers will activate, essentially designed to trap the tunneler inside a small cube and unleash a flood of water. Hopefully this will drown the tunneler before he manages to get the barriers down, but even if he gets out that water is going to keep coming and flood his tunnel network. And if he surfaces, I'll be a hundred meters up in the sky ready to unleash lightning on his wet ass. The fire version does basically the same thing, but targets his breathing in another way, spreading fire and smoke everywhere in a tunnel will pretty quickly kill through oxygen deprivation and CO2 inhalation. If the flames dont get to him first
>Combine: Binding+All-Seeing Eye+Lightning
I know you're thinking, All-Seeing Eye? Really? But hear me out. They give 360 degrees vision. Plus zoom. If that aint magical, then so arent the wings. This trap is a "non-lethal" one, but I'm going to place them EVERYWHERE, preferrably in the treetops so they cant be easily spotted. The binding gets 360 degrees security camera type vision. When it spots someone, it sends a lightning bolt through the sky, in a 90 degree angle towards the spotted person, so that I can instantly see where in relation to my trap the intruder on my hounting grounds is
Not Bomb Guy's Build/10
>Enchant Staff: Lightning
I might be physically weak, but I'm agile and fast with my 7 AGI and if my staff so much as touches you, you're getting zapped. And may the Hunter God have mercy on your soul if you're wearing metal armour.
>Enchant Mage Armour: Barrier
I can do this, right? The mage armour is a physical armour that I will enchant with Barrier, making my arcane shield take the brunt of any blows I recieve or deflecting them before I get hit incase of an arrow or bullet. Together with 7 DEF, I'm pretty tanky.
The ability to enflame my wings will further aid me if someone comes too close to comfort. A spinning motion would launch a cloak of flames at the attacker, lighting his/her clothes on fire and create a deterrent (fire is scary yo) to get even closer while protecting me at the same time.
Barrier is an energy based shield, and with Lightning I hope to be able to supercharge it by throwing lightning at it, make it stronger and give off zaps when touched.
>Battle Strategy for Culling/Monsters:
Perched high up on a mountain, I will blend into the surroundings and watch tirelessly the land beneath me, scanning the valleys for activation of my traps and prey. Preferrably atleast it would walk into one of my traps, but even if it didnt I would have a massive advantage over the prey, coming in from the sky, hopefully undetected with the help of One with Nature, and launching an aerial bombardment of fireballs and lightning strikes. Some of the melee users can jump high, but not that high. And if they use blink to get close I plan on just smacking them with my staff along with a wing+flame combo, depriving them of initiative and then let them fall a hundred meters or two as I continue my aerial strikes. Blink+Nullify wouldnt be a disaster either. Sure my wings would get turned off, but at that altitude I have plenty of droptime to distance myself using my staff, since Nullification is within a few meters only.
It was in part designed to deal with tunnelers but it is quite different indeed. Count the points in which we differ and I've spent more on things he hasnt than he did.
Is Sandra in this thread now? What were those pictures in the last thread from? I am now even more curious.
Legendary Weapon CYOA is coming soon.
Regarding the omnipotence discussion last thread
What I would do with omnipotence would be to live through scenarios such as CYOA's the lives of various characters in various settings, both OC and otherwise. Limiting my own power and memory where appropriate.
The problem with your build is all your traps are magical in nature, anyone with detect magic can avoid them with relative ease.
Other than that no monster within means you can't use any monster souls, which also reduces your tactical utility and survivability.
Your main advantage is flight and high int for good magical damage, watch for nullification users that also have flight.
I wouldn't trust myself with omnipotence. I'd have to compartmentalize my powers just so I don't accidentally fuck everything up
Glad I could assist.
Here's my build, for fun and comparison.
>T-turbo lewd Girl!!
Libido rubs off and it feeling as good each time while feeling "out of this world", too good to pass up.
Eating and sleeping is not what I want to do with my time.
Wings are great too and the magical girl is pretty vague.
My libido demands this anyway. Happiness is a close second.
Needs no explanation.
Sounds excellent.
>Status Quo
For my twin and my friends and whoever else. A quiet 'thank you' for staying with me.
Singing is great. To be confident and sound good, that'd make my day, often.
>Pleasant girl
Controlled fertility and avoiding the pain I've seen my sisters in.
>Scrunchie of great hair
I don't know how to properly care for a woman's hair. The time investment isn't appealing either.
I think this would help with adapting to the new body and the looks of horny boys.
>Pure love
Make sure my first is my twin~
>"Is it getting hot...
Quickies are fine. When I maybe succeed on my quest to get my dick back, or a new one, whatever, this will be a boon.
>Good girl
A little vague but I'm fine with lewd favors for people. Plus the image is hot. Fits the immortality option too.
Gotta meet all the cute monstergirls and witches and such. Plus, maybe I can find the methods needed to get that missing part back.
Getting fit does sound good. Getting fit with a girl like that who'll dominate me? Yes, please. Having someone who can do heavy lifting or protect sis and I is also great.
Best choice.
>Part-time job
Neko version. Money and attention, something to do to make me focus through the lust, good stuff. Hard though.
Yes. Yes.
I'll steal everything from his home and he'll be lucky I don't murder him.
I'd be interested in following this.
>4 and 5 threat licenses.
That's quite ambitious.
>lock all the entrances
Pretty sure your accomodation is restricted by divine law to anyone other than you and who you approve.
>epic beaches
Prett sure there are beaches along with a very murky sand filled ocean which you have to fight in...
The traps/int/def/agi build isn't bad.
Cylprana Zendys
>Str +++
>Def ++++++
>Agi +++
>Int +++++++++++++
>Ski ++++
>+3 Stat Points
>Arachnid 20
>Kraken 60
>Dragon 110
>Age 5 (22yo)
>Beauty 10
>Forge 20
>Library 30
>Alchemy 40
>Market 50
>Healing 55
>Training 60
>Scavenging 65
>Diner 70
>Bar 75
>Hot Springs 80
>Low 100
That could be fun! I'm going to changing my build some when the update comes out though.
Do they allow freeform rp there?
I figured underground you'd still have to dig up to the trap unearthing it before you could see it with Magic Detect, since it by no means automagically gives you stonesense and rock penetration sight. And its true those with Magic Detect can spot them on the ground.. but those that cant? If the Omni-Eye trap goes off I'll know position and relative distance regardless if they could detect the trap or not. They'd just see a lightning going up into the air nowhere near them. My traps and what they do would ofcourse ingame RP be a closely guarded secret so most wouldnt know they're a lightning beacon.
Not really sure how to squeeze monster within in there, but I really did want it. And Nullification does cancel their own wings aswell, so they'd be in as much trouble as I am 100m above the ground. Though I have barriers to land on.
>4 and 5 threat licenses.
With Wings and a focus on long range lightning spells I hope to be able to stay out of range and pick my battles carefully. And its not Private either, so friends can come join me for the loot.
I suspect we will all be changing our builds a little when it comes out, but my intent for the build will remain the same.
Updated my contract torturer build.
+3 INT
-Catalysts (1)
-Arcane (2)
-Detect Magic (3)
-Time Warp (6)
-Gravity Warp (9)
-Indomitable (10)
-Recall (11)
-Blessed: Dark (12)
-Telepathy (13)
-Ascension: Dark (16)
-Psionic (19)
-Poisons (20)
-Strange (50)
-Arachnid (70)
-Basilisk (100)
-Alchemy (90)
-Library (80)
-Market (70)
-Scavenging (65)
-Bounty (60)
-Underground (55)
-Middle Class Home (25)
-Servant: Strange + Appearance + Knowledge (0)
>Pretty sure your accomodation is restricted by divine law to anyone other than you and who you approve.
Thats good to know, I had imagined all kinds of sneaky sneaky going on at nights.
>Prett sure there are beaches along with a very murky sand filled ocean which you have to fight in...
Well.. Hopefully there's beachmobs or I'm simply going to have to make that Mountain my bitch to earn my trophies.
Angel what is your favorite cyoa and who is your favorite author?
>I suspect we will all be changing our builds a little when it comes out, but my intent for the build will remain the same.
Monster hunter is getting an update?
>And its true those with Magic Detect can spot them on the ground.. but those that cant? If the Omni-Eye trap goes off I'll know position and relative distance regardless if they could detect the trap or not.
If you can enchant a trap with omni-eyes than a nullification hunter can enchant his arrows with nullification and try to shoot you down. Hell someone who took Ancient Will, Skull weaponry, nullification and enchantment can technically command a animated sniper rifle to remotely fire off homing magic nullifying rounds from a safe distance.
Now that's an crazy idea for a build.
Time to slay all in my way
Skill points -20
>Physical- 6 pts
-Tier 1 Tempered -Tier 1 Toughness
-Tier 2 Willpower -Tier 2 Flurry
-Tier 3 Enhanced -Tier 3 Sixth sense
-Tier 4 Overdrive -Tier 4 Iron mass
-Tier 1 Catalyst -Tier 1 Fire
-Tier 2 Arcane -Tier 2 Lightning
-Tier 3 Blink -Tier 3 Detect Magic
-Tier 1 Bladed arms
-Tier 2 Ancient weapon
Terrain & monster set up-
- Forrest
- Glacial
Dangers= Molten,Ancient
-Tribute points = 100pts
>Middle Home-30
Pretty strong build now. With Gravity warp, ascension and psionic you're getting some good offensive power.
Is your plan to primarily subdue your enemies and 'break' them?
Would be fun, link a page.
Supposedly. I really hope he will give int some more options for stats.
no not... wait what is... never-mind, I give up.
2bh I really dislike the whole "skull weaponry makes your weapon a gun" thing. So silly. It should just have the description in the CYOA. "Unleashing blasts of energy with its strikes".
And dont forget that for bombAnon to make bombs he needs tons and tons of piss, or urea as he calls it. If he wants to be the hunter that hangs inside the bathroom at the bar asking if people can pee in his bucket thats ok with me. We'd be able to locate him for miles just from the smell, even underground.
That's pretty much what it says. It's like a magical gun or something. A rapid firing brow/crossbow. Call it whatever you want, it might as well be a gun.
Tell me about it, When bliss was asking for a possible replacement for self repair, I proposed a skill that allows a weaponry focused hunter to craft ammunition for his or her ancient weapon, Bliss's response was that's redundant because apparently ammo crafting is already inherent to hunters with high skill and wields a ancient weapon that uses ammo.
There is a lot of caveats and technicalities that aren't explicitly or implicitly states in the cyoa.
>There is a lot of caveats and technicalities that aren't explicitly or implicitly states in the cyoa.
Not the first CYOA that has had confusing/lightly detailed descriptions.
If bomb user was a cute girl, It'd at least be fun to "give" her what she wants. :^)
What are you trying to say?
>my intent for the build will remain the same.
Pretty much same here really.
Idk if I have a absolute favorite, but Super Soldier and Domain Master are up their. Magical Realm and Alternate Timeline ones are good to. So Bliss and SDA are probably my favorite authors.
Pic Related is servant, Pastebin link is some story fluff.
I took the skills necessary to make my character the perfect torturer. I plan to use a combination of time and gravity warp to trap people in a sort of inescapable plane, and then use psionic and the dark element to grate my fingernails through their mind like a fine-toothed comb, using poisons to lower their mental defenses and render them paralyzed. I'm a primarily non-combat character, so I'm planning to use my torture skills to get contracts from other hunters, because I feel like torturing is a relatively untapped market in the bounty hall and the underground hangout. My servant is of the strange type and retains it's knowledge from when it wasn't trapped in my grasp, so I'm going to ask her what tactics her type used to mess with victim's minds.
I took the three monsters I did because the basilisk's paralysis, the spider's grotesque appearance, and the strange's illusions seem to be EXTREMELY useful for interrogations and torture sessions. If I can learn what they eat, what they like, and how they fight, I can probably capture and domesticate the spider's and basilisks and ally some of the strange.
As for surviving the culling, in the year prior I plan to make connections with some of the more immoral hunter's and more importantly, gangs. Gangs could probably use a good torturer/interrogater, and I fit that role, so they would probably offer me their protection.
No, I plan to stay away from combat altogether and catch people unawares when I need to fulfill a contract on them.
>TYPE: Titan
I remember the time before. I was weak. I was afraid. I was ready to die, to give up.
But something changed me. The running, when I could not hiding. The hiding, when I could not run. The fighting, when I could not do either. It changed me. I realized something, in the midst of the blood and the screaming - I did not want to die.
They say that hard times make strong men. I never expected to be one of them.
>MIGHT: Peak Human (19), Refined Senses (18), Health Freak (17), Perfect Grace (16), Thick Skin (14), Endurable (12), Superior Strength (10)
>SURVIVAL: Danger Sense (9), Weaponmaster (8), Iron Will (6), Battle Intuition (4), Predation (0)
But now the Shadows must contend with me.
Does anyone have Branching Hearts CYOA? The one where some magic girl turns you into a waifu yourself due to a shortage, but you she gives you the option to get a waifu yourself for some reason at the end. I'm not looking for the Monster Girl one.
I'm only aware of the one Branching Hearts. You may be thinking of Waifu Blues?
Angel, have you thought about my offer of teamwork? I feel us intellectual folk must stick together, and with the mass amounts of people that seem to take offense to your very existence you could use some help. I feel that if anyone harasses you I could help them change their mind (or rather, reach into their skull and change their mind for them, ohohoh!). And if you do decide to take me up, I offer my services to my friends free of charge!
Yes, that's it. I'll probably be able to look it up just from the name thanks.
They're both by Beri, if I recall correctly.
Guess I'll repost my tweaked build as well
Class, Warrior
Blessing, Dragon High Soul
STR ********
DEF *****
AGI ****
SKL ***
Physical 8
Temepred, Toughness, Martial Arts, Willpower, Athletics, Enhanced, Sixth Sense, Shockwaves
Spiritual 4
One With Nature, Bloodlust, Soul Spirit, Killer Instinct
Weaponry 8
Blunt Arms, Ancient Weapon, Self-Repair, Stamina, All-Seeing Eye, Skull Weaponry
Bounties +90
Wolf, Behemoth, Wurm
Persona -40
Physiology, Gender, Beauty, Exempt
Resources -40
Training, Healing, Market, Diner, Bounty, Inn
Be the cute dragon girl and punch things to death.
Do you guys generally prefer the Great War of Ordion V1 or V2?
I know V2 was cleaner and added some new factions but V1 had much more companions.
I would just love to.
If you have both, could you email me at [email protected]? I don't know which one I have in the dropbox.
I want to pet you.
Yeah sure
I'm claiming personal responsibility for the recent influx of trap builds.
>Stat Points (+3 Int)
>Catalysts 19
>>Arcane 18
>>>Detect Magic 17
>>>Combine 16
>>>>Gravity Warp 13
>>>>Barriers 10
>One With Nature 9
>>Binding 8
>Marksmanship 7
>>Enchanting 6
>Indomitable 5
>Recall 4
>>Blessed 3
>>>>Psionic 0
STR •• (2)
DEF ••••• •• (7)
AGI ••• (3)
INT ••••• ••••• ••• (13)
SKI ••• (3)
>Twilight Ruins
>Ancient Desert
THT ••••••••• (9)
TRB 115
>Gender 110
>Beauty 105
>Exempt 80
>Library 70
>Market 60
>Healing 55
>Training 50
>Scavenging 45
>Diner 40
>Bar 35
>Hot Springs 30
>Club 25
>Underground 20
>Inn 10
Pretty generic trapsmith build; Combine and Bindings lets me make Psionic, Gravity (and once the update hits, Time), and Barrier traps - all ways to nonlethally subdue monsters so that I can take the kills for myself or sell them to other people.
Enchanting's mostly to make permanent versions of the "magical" traps, letting me chain my way into collars of domestication - which I'd obviously wouldn't keep lying around.
A few times a season, I'd just set a bunch of traps around my hunting grounds, and let the Scavengers bring back anything that gets caught.
Relevant shitposting is the best
I like the fluff, I plan on writing up something similar for my character in a bit. Just a thought though.. if you plan on combine time and gravity and such.. it could be good if you had combine? Would really open up your skillset.
>No, I plan to stay away from combat altogether
During the Culling your torturing ways might create some enemies who wont let you stay away from combat..
Idk... You aren't going to be torturing people during the culling are you?
Hands off!
>STR: 7(12)
>DEF: 5
>AGI: 6(11)
>INT: 1
>SKI: 4
Class: Warrior
Blessing: 20 Tribute Points
>Physical: Tempered, Toughness, Martial Arts, Willpower, Flurry, Athletics, Enhanced, Shockwaves, Overdrive
Weaponry: Blade Arms, Blunt Arms, Stamina
Ethereal: Pocketing, Blessed, Healing, Ascension
Ancient Desert (Danger 5, Tribute 65)
Ancient Ruins (Danger 4, Tribute 50)
Tribute: 135
Physiology 130
Private 120
Visitor 100
Forge 90
Library 80
Training 75
Festival 70
Club 65
Servant 50
Attitude 45
Knowledge 40
Upper 0
My original build I developed last year, at the peak of MH's popularity required the collection of metric fucktons of shit, allowing all that shit to ferment for 365 days at least, before leaching the nitrate off with water, treating the dissolved nitrate with lye and potash and doing so much processing and purifying with such a little payoff it wasn't realistic means of producing enough cordite for my needs.
But piss is a viable source for explosives. An average healthy person pisses about 2 liters of urine every day, with a urea content of 4.9 gram per liter. Since urea content is proportional to how much protein you eat, I suspect most hunters in the MH cyoa's setting who's sole livelihood relies on hunting, slaying and eating giant monsters, would have extremely high protein diets, so you're most likely looking at about 10~ grams of urea from the average hunter as a low conservative estimate.
In order to make let say 500 pipe bombs with 250 grams of explosives (200 grams of urea nitrate and 50 grams of aluminum shavings) I would need to harvest about 50 liters per day so 2 liters of piss from 25 people. Which is easily achievable.
The wonderful thing about piss is, it has far less waste chemicals/contaminants than shit, its 95 percent water so you can boil the water off, urea nitrate is relatively insoluble in water/acids and precipitates out once it reacts with nitric acid, you don't need extremely concentrated nitric acid, concentrations of 33% nitric acid yielded of 95-97% (
The downside is that urea nitrate is more sensitive to shock and vibration force and has a varied velocity of detonation between 11,155 ft/s (3,400 m/s) and 15,420 ft/s (4,700 m/s). But eh.
Only If I'm paid to or my friends need me to, my dear. I don't do it for fun unless I'm having an awfully bad day! Ohohoho, I kid.
As I said, I am quite sure that my continued living would be in the best interests of the gangs and other criminal organizations that use my services.
I also talked to bliss, the warp abilities don't count as elements so combine doesn't do anything.
>Name: The Handyman
Strength: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 3
Skill: 7
>Class: Hunter
>Blessing: Free High-Tier Monster Soul (Hydra Regeneration)
>Physical: 4
>Magical: 1
>Spiritual: 6
-One With Nature
-Monster Within
-Killer Instinct
>Equipment: 6
-Blunt Arms
-Ancient Weapon (These Hands of Mine)
-Ancient Will (Animated Hands)
>Ethereal: 1
-Hydra Physiology
>Servant: Strange, hybrid form
-Friendly Attitude
I sever and regrow my own hands, animating them with Ancient Will, powered by my Hydra Soul. They are, in essence, my Many Heads.
Each animated hand can fight individually and unleash fiery shockwaves on my foes. Meanwhile, I hamper them with magically generated traps and poisons.
I store extra hands in my Pocket space to release and overwhelm foes en masse.
My servant is an eldritch creature bound to a twisted, androgynous human form. He/she/it shares with me forbidden knowledge and lore, but may well still have an agenda of their own. They're a little TOO happy to help.
I strongly suspect that you're on some kind of watchlist.
>Which is easily achievable.
"Oh hey, uh.. Can I get some of your piss?"
"Hmm.. you're not that weird peebomber are ya?"
"Oh no, I need it for uh.. other reasons"
Suprised Awoo is best Doggo
....let's petition the God of the Hunt to get rid of this guy.
Every community needs their...lovable eccentrics?
Yeah it does. He said Warp is arcane. It even says that in the description. Arcane is an element.
No, he said arcane is not an element. He said the only magic that counts as elements are fire, water, lightning, ice, light, and dark.
Unless it's a cute girl.
It's sent
He said (about my build , in fact) that I only had Arcane elements to Combine, and that that was the list of OTHER elements that could be used with it.
This is what I remember as well.
So few are taking wings.. Guess I'll be the sole avian predator. Advantage: me
I appreciate the off, but I just don't think I can be a party to torturing other hunters.....
Back to School CYOA: (+40)
>Normal Hair Color: Blonde (Free)
>Ahoge: Airhead (+3)
>Normal Eye Color: Blue (Free)
>Normal Skin Color: White (Free)
>Pure (-6)
>Ultra Sensitive: Copper Allergy (+5)
>Athletic: Untalented (+5)
>Bookworm: Untalented (+5)
>Cute: General (-5)
>Tech Mastery: Untalented (+5)
>Artistic: Untalented (+5)
>Lucky: General (-5)
Magical Enchantments:
>Extended Life x9 (-9)
>Retain Memories (-15)
>Female Fuse: Future Love Interest + Genius + Heroine + Stalker + Olympian (-25)
>Fun Kindergarten (-3)
>Sweet Teacher (Free)
user I have bachelor degree in biological and pharmaceutical chemistry.
In my second year of orgo chem I made 2, 4 - dinitrotoluene for an experiment, I could have made TNT if the lab had oleum, but Lab coordinator and TA made sure there was none available for that specific reason and I didn't feel like pushing my luck and distilling sulfuric acid into oleum for shits and giggles.
Making explosives with basic chemical knowledge is piss easy. Pun intended.
Do I get to keep my powers and gear at least?
>What is Gravity
>What are squirrel suits
>What is Enchantment
...that actually sounds pretty rad.
No, I know what you're talking about, and you understood him wrong, he meant that arcane couldn't be combined with it because it wasn't technically elemental. even if it was, if time and gravity warp are both arcane how would combine help me?
Got it, also, I don't know who owns the pastebin or if they'll be on here. But the current dropbox link is dead. I accidentally deleted the CYOA folder and had to restore it, but it generated a new link.
Ohohoho, I don't do it for fun, but if you are morally opposed to it I suppose it can't be helped... Although if my truly morally reprehensible clients were to be attacked in the night by a powerful sorceress, I certainly wouldn't be seen as a traitor. I only hope that if such a thing were to occur, this hypothetical sorceress would leave my less truly evil clients alone.
How in the fuck are you going to harvest 2 liters of piss from anyone?
Alright, the specific discussion was about Enchantment, but he said
>And I'd say Enchantment wouldn't do much for you, since you have only the Arcane element. (There are also Fire, Water, Lightning, Frost, Light and Dark elements.)
>Arcane element
>also Fire, Water... elements
Sux to succ.
By asking politely and paying them with tribute.
Okay, that doesn't change the fact that your suggestion to buy combine doesn't apply to me.
Or by setting up a pipe system in all the toilets in town that sends all liquid waste to his workshop.
And everyone will just no problem give you all their piss despite knowing the only guy who wants piss is someone who will try to blow you up with your own piss.
The whole process behind making the amount of bombs you need to be able to do any good at all is so extensive that you're not going to be able to make many in any case and even then they might not be stronk enough to get through Barriers and the alike.
Doesn't it take a lot of time too?
It does, atleast in the scale he's imagining. My guess is by the time he's ready to deploy enough bombs for effective use, enough seasons will have passed for him to lose all the tribute shit and gifts too
I don't think anyone is going to let you tamper with their toilets when every 440 days people try to rape each others' eye sockets. Who knows what traps they're setting for midnight on Culling Day?
SDA owns it and you can bug him on the #cyoa irc
Looking back at it, there isn't really any way to see that I took up the conversation.
I didn't suggest Combine (even though I'm pretty sure it lets you fuse "sub-elements" better than without), I just nitpicked about Arcane being an element.
>And everyone will just no problem give you all their piss despite knowing the only guy who wants piss is someone who will try to blow you up with your own piss.
It depends on how technologically and scientifically savvy the residence of MH cyoa's setting are. You understand I need the piss to make explosives because I explained my entire plan to you, but to a random shop and innkeeper? I'm literally throwing free money to them for getting rid of their waste, they'll probably think I've lost my mind. Good. I want them to think that.
There's also the possibility of recruiting exempt hunters to help me collect piss or piss in a barrel at a popular meeting place/watering hole, it requires no effort from their part at all.
As for effectiveness we can't gauge that at all, I might as well stick to what I know than what I don't know.