Better OP edition.
Don't help those who can't help themselves.
Better OP edition.
Don't help those who can't help themselves.
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>what is Kingdom Death
Monster Hunter the board game, set in the world of Berserk.
>which pledge do I get
If you don't have the game, get the Lantern pledge. If you do have it and just want to update it, get the upgrade pack. Everything else can be added on from those two pledges.
>is the stuff in the upgrade pack a stretch goal?
>is the stuff in the gamblers chest a stretch goal/is it random
Not a stretch goal. Everything on the table, revealed or not, will be in the chest. The gamble is just that you don't know what's in it yet.
>what are the stretch goals?
There aren't any, really. We blew the lid off this campaign so hard, we unlocked everything and more in the first day. So instead of posting 40 days worth of content at once, he is staggering the reveals. Everything is already unlocked though.
>i won't get the game till 2020???????
No. read the shipping section on the kickstarter page. The game ships in 2017. 2020 is a worst case scenario for some of the very very early in production items, not the game itself.
Kickstarter Page:
Adams comments:
Rules errata:
So okay, I looked this up, and...
The corresponding images seem to be all of large chested women dripping or seated in blood.
As an expensive game, seemingly with miniatures, can you sell me on it?
As in, vs 40k, vs Arkham Horror, vs plain old PnP.
If you like Big Tits, Rape, Gore, and Butthole monsters this is the game for you starting at the $60 Tier if you just want the base game. No further add-one needed unless you want more rape and Acid Farts!
Not shipping until 2020 or later though. Just a heads up.
seems like an interesting concept, but too rich for my limited income
If this is gonna be the thread can we delete the other?
I know we don't want to spoonfeed folks, but this kind of shitposting should be put off for 2020.
jesus the way its started we should delete both and never come back to Veeky Forums
So I guess the important question is:
If I already have a girl who looks like those figures and is into 'sexually aggressive' behavior, is the game still for me?
How is the gameplay, specifically?
I came here for the title, so probably.
Hi Shitpost-kun.
There is no rape. I just made that part up.
Plus the game starts at $200/$250. Base game ships Summer 2017.
>There is no rape.
>set in the world of Berserk
Those sound like contradictory statements, Griffith.
Gameplay is somewhat like Monster Hunter, but brutal, surreal, grimdark, and horrifying. Also fun if you play your cards right and prepare well enough, also not getting fucked by bad luck, which is also like Monster Hunter.
all sex in the game is in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
ofc some user made some custom cards. such as "Beast Lover" or the "Monster Impregnation" event
but no rape in main game or xpacs
the only thing that's raped is your wallet, savings and spare time
Do not sexualize the survivors.
I don't like the description he used.
It's more like co-op monsters hunter/final fantasy tactics in a world heavily inspired by Beserk, Dark Souls, H.R. Giger, and Beksinski.
I'm skimming through some youtube demos of it. Hearing things like "get into the monster's blindspot", and "it's going to cause more than one wound because your weapon has devastating". Seeing equipment cards.
So are we talking some kind of D&D plus MTG? How does it compare to those two?
Is there a reason for there to be miniatures (besides aesthetic)? Since it seems to be on a grey grid board.
Monster Hunter + XCOM is how I describe it to people.
What exactly is the "advanced" rulebook in the gamblers box? Does anyone know or is it too early to know? I've been telling myself I can hold off on the gamblers box and spend the money on expansions instead because so far it seems like it's mostly just mini's which I can live without, but if I'm missing out on a very large chunk of game by NOT getting it, I feel like I'll regret it.
On that note, from someone who has never played, exactly how much of an impact do some of the cards in the gamblers chest make, such as the fighting arts? I figure they're pretty insignificant, but I don't actually know for sure; if it's something that I should just go research, please tell me to do so, but I'm trying not to look into too much myself in case of spoiling too much.
TLDR; at this point in time, how much value does the gambler chest seem to be if I don't care about the mini's and what exactly is the advanced book?
Not very M:tG like -- the gear grid has some combo-building aspects but it's far different from magic. D&D isn't a bad comparison since it's tactical move-and-action combat. I might say more like Fire Emblem though.
You could play the game with chits or standees marking out the appropriate X by Y fills but the miniatures are some of the best plastic in the industry right now.
the Gambler's Box is such a huge part of this kickstarter. why the hell would you shoot yourself in the foot and NOT get it?
sure its not (so far) huge like most expansions but its content for all over the game
We know the Advanced Rulebook contains the Philosophy system and the Scout system. It might be fair to say there will be at least one other 'big' rule system.
idk where you get MTG from, but its kind of a grimdark DM-less DND I guess. It's more structured, though.
Not sure what kind of "reason" you're looking for to include minis. It has minis because people like minis and it makes the game look better, just like literally every minis game.
Additional playstyles. Stuff like the Philosophy of Death that refactors how your survivors gain experience and contribute to the settlement, or the Scout who is able to follow your survivors into battle and enable the settlement to learn from your defeat if you should happen to lose.
The Gamblers Box is such a good deal, and so important of an expansion I'm debating buying a second one because YOU JUST KNOW it's going to skyrocket in price.
I think rape might be in the lore, but the game does not feature it. There is a period of reproduction, but it's not explicit or anything.
The gamblers chest is basically where he's shoving the "stretch goals." By the end I believe it will definitely be worth it.
It's definitely in the lore, the wetnurse is literally a rape machine. I can't recall any in the game itself.
"Intimacy", what the game calls sex, explicitly calls for two consensual volunteers. So, no rape, just cheesecake and gore.
Basically I was just trying to decide if I should use those 100$ toward other expansions instead or not. It seems like there's at least a decent amount of extra gameplay in it already, and I'm sure the price of the box will skyrocket after the kickstarter, so I guess I should just go for it.
Somewhat unrelated, I've looked a bit into the current expansions, and have a general idea of most of them, but can anyone fill me in a little more on the slenderman, lion knight, and flower knight expansions? I've read some general overviews but can't seem to find what they really do for the gameplay. I'm also interested in gorm and dung beetle knight, but I've kind of seen what they do for the game; slenderman i've just heard is a nemesis, flower knight I heard might not be an enemy? And lion knight I heard something about theatrics, but that's all I know.
If the reason I haven't heard is because it's super spoilery to the game, I get it. I just wish I knew a little more about the gameplay impact of an expansion before deciding. I don't have the money to throw around at the 750 pledge level to grab all the current stuff, so I have to pick and choose a few for now.
>idk where you get MTG from
Well I saw "affinity requirement for a red and green affinity", and equipment cards.
>D&D isn't a bad comparison since it's tactical move-and-action combat.
So you can get monster parts as loot, and bring them to locations like a skinner to do things with. And it all seems handled by cards.
I'm not sure how 'couth' this is, but as a gamer I automatically do efficiency calculations:
Ex. How much of this actually benefits from there being a card for it? Like compared to PnP, a lot seems to be 'common stuff the GM describes', you know?
Is there something about the board or the cards that a GM or 'play alone' ruleset cannot do?
It's not a roleplaying game or TCG. It's a board game. The closest comparison would probably be Descent. You do have a character sheet though. No GM or anything. 1-4 players, with rules to support up to 6 but those rules are terrible don't use them.
You start off with 4 survivors, in a tutorial fight against a white lion. After you kill it, they Explore out into the darkness and find a Lantern Hoard, a massive pile of lanterns that the survivors feel safe near, and monsters stay away from. The survivors find some other people there, and start building the start of a civilization. That's where the tutorial ends.
Typical campaign (where you don't die a horrible death) is 20-25 sessions long, with each session being 1 ingame year. You start each session by hunting down a monster in the Hunt Phase, fighting it in the Showdown Phase, and then returning him in the Settlement Phase to craft new gear, get more population to send out to hunt, and improve your settlement with new facilities or innovations (the games equivalent to a tech tree)
Combat is grid based, with miniatures used to show location for survivors, and location+facing for monsters. You can use proxies though, it's not an issue.
It nurses and steals babies, but nothing is ever mentioned of the Wet Nurse itself raping anyone. If anything the captives may procreate with other humans, and the Wet Nurse nurtures their offspring into zombies.
>can anyone fill me in a little more on the slenderman, lion knight, and flower knight expansions?
Slenderman replaces kingsman entirely (no Armored Strangers). He teleports around like an asshole and messes with your insanity.
Lion Knight is special, you fight him at most 3 times (unless you lose on the third go I think?). He gives all survivors "roles" in the psychotic play that is his fight. at level 2+ he sets a cool stage too. The roles will be shuffled throughout the fight and the survivors have some control with a role that grants the special power to swap roles, and tend to be his targeting condition.
Flower Knight is an Antelope-level fight. He gives perishable resources (can't store them), messes a ton with the luck stat, and can be VERY swingy in what you get to craft. Likes swords and the Vespertine Bow which is really powerful and accessible early. Kinda mixed on that, but one of the better sculpts in a world of cool sculpts.
>might be
Poots has outright stated there are 3 major rules systems. Context clues can also tell us that it's the 13-16 result on the chart.
Slenderman replaces the first nemesis (boss) for some variety and is very difficult. Interesting fight but nothing to write home about imo.
Flower Knight is a huntable early-ish game quarry. Model is great, fight is moderately interesting, one of the few expansions that makes the game somewhat easier. Which isn't terrible if you're also adding some harder expansions.
Lion Knight is an extra nemesis (inserts himself rather than replaces anything) and a very interesting fight. Moderately difficult and adds a bit of humor.
From most important to least important expansions my opinion is:
Dragon King > Sunstalker > Gorm > DBK > Flower Knight > Lion Knight > Spidicules > Manhunter > Slenderman > Lion God > Lonely Tree > Green Knight Armor
Well, the game has no DM, it's played cooperatively with the group of players vs the game. All of the cards are necessary, either representing equipment, actions or events. There are rules for playing the game by yourself.
>confirmed to know nothing about the lore
The Wet Nurse does no such thing. It raises other people's children, that's it. It's literally a wet nurse.
You are thinking of the Mothers and Godmothers, who bite off people's dicks to create new monsters in their wombs which are literally furnaces.
Most interesting thing I've seen I would say is the book of choices/events.
But what I meant by 'things the GM can do' is, say for example I play Rogue Trader:
It has a book of rules for establishing your own colony, and vast amounts of stuff on star systems, planet types, adventure seeds.
So I'm comparing the replayability of this game to a PnP.
How much 'life' do you believe this game might have in it, once you know the strategies and such?
Call me edgy or what-have-you, but as someone who's a total sucker for the whole slenderman mythos, is it a worthy expansion if you're super into that kind of thing, or is it just flat out better to pick up the other stuff first if you need to choose? At the end of the day, I'm a gameplay over story kind of guy, and I'll ultimately enjoy any of the expansions regardless of theme as long as the content is solid, but if there's no real reason to skip out on it other than it's not the BEST expansion, I definitely want to pick it up.
I should also ask, outside of fights, what do the expansions generally add? Just an event or two, and that's about it? I don't really know how significant events tend to be, so that could be huge and I just don't really know. I know the dung beetle knight does something with equipment "farming" or something along those other expansions beyond the ones with alternate campaigns add other stuff throughout the game, or generally are they just alternate fights with new gear?
Thanks for all the answers to everyone btw, really appreciate it.
The game goes like this
You pick 4 people from your settlement to go on the hunt. Each person gets a 3x3 grid of equipment with some gaining extra abilities based on matching squares of a particular colour with other gear cards (affinities)
2. You reveal a number of random events, some from a book, some specific to the monster. These could be good or could be bad.
3. You start the fight, the monster draws a card from its AI deck, and you do what it says.
4. Each player gets a turn, on their turn they get one move and one action. The action is usually to attack the monster. Each attack has several rolls, one to hit, which results in drawing a hit location specific to that monster, and one for each hit to wound, with each wound removing a card from the AI deck.
5. If the monster is wounded with no AI cards then you win, if not, return to 3.
6. Get loot, some generic and some monster specific. The stronger the monster, the better the loot.
7. Draw an event to affect your settlement.
8. Build stuff with your loot including new buildings (that let you build better stuff), Innovations (that buff your whole settlement in some way) or gear.
There's a lot of stuff I glossed over, but that's a rough overview of the game's flow.
Honestly I thought it was worth it the second it was revealed, and shown that it will have an advanced rulebook with class based character advancement. The cost of plastic so far is also enough to justify it IMO, but both of those things are pretty subjective.
Ah, the MTG comparison kinda makes sense, though not entirely accurate.
Each character can have up to 9 pieces of gear. That's the equipment cards you saw. Many pieces of equipment have colored squares on the edges, which are Uncompleted Affinities. If two of the same color match up, it becomes a completed affinity and gives you +1 of that color. Many pieces of equipment have additional abilities that can be triggered on them. The cost will be shown in either squares or puzzle pieces. A square means you have to have a completed square of that color SOMEWHERE on your equipment, doesn't matter where. The puzzle piece means you have to have a square completed with the card it is on.
So in pic related, the White Lion Boots would get their bonus, because both of the affinities on the card were completed. The grease doesn't get a bonus because there are NO green affinities, and he needs 3. The helm doesn't get a bonus because while it does have red affinities, they aren't on the item itself so they don't count for the puzzle piece cost. It also doesn't have the needed blue affinity somewhere on the grid.
I don't think it's a bad expansion at all, I just prefer the others. The only three I would recommend to get absolute last is Lion God, Lonely Tree, and Green Knight armor. The problem I have with slenderman is you don't really get to fight him that often and he doesn't bring much else to the table. The model is awesome and at a presumed $30 its a steal, though. Problem is that applies to almost all of the xpacs at half price.
The two expansions that change the game the most are Dragon King and Sunstalker, as they have alternate campaigns. DBK adds an interesting subsystem, the others are mostly fights + small tweaks to the main campaign. Flower Knight has an alternate campaign as well but I haven't played it, supposedly its only slightly dofferent from the main one.
Fucking Satan over here is right.
I can't say much about the Slenderman mythos, because I don't follow it. The model is kinda goofy in it's pantaloons, but it works. The presentation in game is pretty creepy. The Slenderman steps into and out of an alternate dimension, hiding within your settlement and fucking with people's memories. It also teleports a lot in the fight, and can drag your survivors off to someplace else.
He does include a settlement event, a random card you can draw that will randomly insert him into your campaign, if you choose to use it.
Slenderman is pretty solid. It's a neat take on him. His outfit also grew on me when I realized it's just the fantasy equivalent of the "business suit" look he is frequently depicted in. He's a classy mother fucker, so he wears a regal outfit.
As far as content, pretty much all of the smaller expansions add interesting new subsystems.
Gorm adds Alchemy through the innovation system. DBK adds a way to upgrade gear through special events you put on the timeline. Lion Knight adds Hybrid Armor which are armor sets made out of mismatched armor from other sets. Spidicules has a levelable fighting art, and an interesting mechanic where you want to beat it in a specific way so it's incapacitated and you can keep it alive in you settlement and farm the fuck out of it.
Slenderman adds an interest settlement event (timeline event, not a card) that you can be upgraded as it shows up to improve the odds of stuff you get from it.
Also I love the fighting art you get from slendy, where with the right build you can basically turn into a weaker Slenderman, teleporting around the battlefield.
Sounds pretty much in line with the slenderman mythos. Definitely gonna make that a first purchase, I'm too into that creepypasta to resist. Would you say it's worth getting dragon king and sunstalker right away? I know that everything is half off right now which kind of makes the point moot, but I feel like I'd rather spend the money to expand the base game first.
As a general idea, the expansions I'm interested in picking up first are DBK, gorm, light knight, and slenderman, then dragon king and sunstalker more for the amount of content they offer than the theme of the expansion itself. Also maybe flower knight. I'm likely doing a gamblers box pledge, which puts me at 350 already, and I'd prefer not to go over I won't be getting all of that for sure.
Absolutely grab the dragon king. Of all expansions he was the hardest to get a hold of, went back on sale once and then disappeared to the mists of scalpers.
Buy the ones that appeal to you, either in terms of looks or in terms of content. I didn't care for the Gorm, only got it to round out the collection, but the alchemy grew on me, as did some of it's weapons. So take a chance on some of these guys.
Dung Beetle Knight is a solid buy, but doesn't offer terribly much in the way of armor, but does have an awesome improvement to a lot of people's favorite weapon.
Lion Knight I would say is not a super high priority, but I'll be honest, I prefer quarry monsters to nemesis monsters, so that's personal bias.
I'm sorry for the retarded question, I've never used Kickstarter. I understand how to increase your pledge for the future expansions, but when exactly is it time for me to actually shed dese bucks?
If I add 100$ of pledge to my 350$ Gambler chest, that'll be 450$. Does that mean I'll be debited of 450$ as soon as the campaign ends, or later on as the expansions come out?
Also, I'm going to go ahead and say that no one can recomend anything. We got new expansions incoming, and no way to speak for how good they are.
I like the Frogdog as a sculpt, but personally am really turned off by electric fart bombs. We already have one gross monster in the Gorm, we don't need another. On the other hand, dat armor.
I really like the Nightmare Ram. Just purely based on it's aesthetics. It and the phoenix are the two models I point to when I show people the weird monsters aesthetics. Them and Spidicules.
You will be charged for the full cost of your backing at the close of the campaign in one lump sum. Then you will wait however long until it's time to ship, and be charged for shipping.
Then delightful presents show up in your mail and you haven't spent more than shipping on them because YOU ALREADY PAID! It's a good feeling.
everything, not anything.
>Then delightful presents show up in your mail and you haven't spent more than shipping on them because YOU ALREADY PAID! It's a good feeling.
Unless you live in EU in which case shipping, customs and VAT might add up more than the original cost of the kikestarter.
I feel the same with the gorm, which seems to be a pretty common complaint. Don't really care for the look by any means. But like I said earlier, I'm more about content over aesthetics and story, and I feel like fighting the lion over and over as the beggining monster is gonna get boring, so being able to switch that up seems like a really good idea. Though maybe I could look into one of the new expansions for that instead? I know frogdog is supposed to be a level 1 monster, but me and everyone else seem to agree it ALSO looks pretty meh.
Yeah, I get that. I'm sure some of the incoming expansions are gonna be better than a lot of the current ones. But since I can't grab everything now, I'd rather grab the stuff that has actually been played and is known to be good while it's all half off and I have a little wiggle room to spend. I just wish finding info on these expansions was a little easier; this thread has been a great help so far.
Aw fug. I'd rather be charged in summer. Oh well.
Thank you, user.
Not going to lie, I kinda hate the white lion. The gear is nice though.
If you don't like White Lion, Frogdog, or Gorm, there is Spidicules.
Spidicules shows up at year 2, so you'll have to fight the tutorial lion and one extra lion besides. But after that you're good to go farming them spoders.
I personally, love the spider. She and Dragon Knight were my first two expansions (and leaving the pledge manager open forever let me add all the others). It likes to skitter all over the board, and be careful or it will swarm you with babies, but other than that, it's just a solid quarry monster.
Here is the event that introduces slendy.
>There is a story about a darkness so dense and so deep that anyone who saw it was drawn into it's inky depths.
>The story tells of a vast ocean in the depths of the darkness from which I shore is ever visible. It's murky waters term with vegetation of a horrible sort: grasping roots and waving slimy leaves with razor-sharp thorns.
>Swimming among the dark water jungles is a squirming shadow of writing tentacles
>Its horror is such a burden on the minds of miserable trespasses that they cannot recall what they have seen.
>A chilling dread without form, the terror of its approach can be felt so intensely that it cannot be committed to memory.
>When she emerged from the dark water pool she was shivering, desperately trying to speak as she choked on black water.
>Her pleading eyes desperately searched our faces, until suddenly they widened with utter horror as she looked out into the emptiness. Bitter black tears rolled down her defeated face. She was too late.
>She fell slack at our feet, her lifeless body twisting and exploding in a shower of black ichor and red gore. Where did she come from? What did she give her life to tell us? The feeling of dread that followed her to the settlement would not lift.
It also implies throughout HE expansion that once he shows up, slendy NEVER leaves the settlement. He is always there, just not actively causing a fuss so no one ever actually notices him.
>(and leaving the pledge manager open forever let me add all the others).
Tell us more
pretty sure customs are included as VAT, which is only 20% eitherway and shipping is thought to be end up like 20-30 buck for the main game and 20+2per for the expansions
stop bitching, its not going to add up to more.
First you tell us how's the maid dress going?
After the kickstarter ended the pledge manager was left open for I don't remember how long. Somewhere between half and a full year.
So I was able to go in every so often and go "Yeah, I think I'd actually like to add the tree expansion." And got the kickstarter prices.
That kind of thing nearly bankrupt Poots, it won't happen again.
I'm sorry senpai, if this is a reference I don't get it. I just saved this gif because I like killer whales.
It is. Never mind then.
Just so people have some pictures, here is a work in progress Sunstalker I'm painting with fancy color shift paints.
Without the light, you can see the green more.
shiny and chrome
Yeah, he's a little metallic, and I have to clean up his lip a bit, but I really like the effect.
>13-16 is the last rules update
>implying Poots would do anything that makes SENSE
i'm sorry user
I feel what you're trying to go for but this physically hurts my eyes and made me retch
maybe its better looking in person but somehow I doubt that. please at least douse it in ink or wash or something. lest a stray ray of sunlight reflect on and blind one of your players
> lest a stray ray of sunlight reflect on and blind one of your players
But that's the theme
Seriously, the sunstalker vomits out different colors of light that do weird stat buffs. Also has a thick black underskin. I think it works well, but I do need to do something about the glare, sure.
>"I waited for you, Percy"
you tried so hard
I know its the theme and some people (pic related) translate ideas magnificiently through paint but sometimes things don't go too well and fancy paints are no substitutes for skill
trust me, I know. I'm probably never going to end up painting any of them for fear of ruining them or something but take my advice, at least throw some wash on this then do a drybrush or highlight it again if its too pale for your taste but just a background color of this paint is excrutiatingly painful to watch
I'd probably do the DB/HL with another paint too. Keep the gloss as a background tone and DB with the colors you'd like in the particular area
unrelated but wow. that glans looks juicy as hell. clearly the sunstalker / the painter is uncut masterrace
I think I figured out my dislike for the pepedoge; it lacks the character and pose of the art card. The arms are too long and thus change the posture from upright to straight forward, the hands are not claw-like enough, the arms are not bulky enough with loose looking flesh. If it was just stockier it would look so much better.
The thread slowed way down when I stopped asking about expansion details, so I guess I'll keep going...
How do the sunstalker and dragon king campaigns differ from the main campaign? They don't have all new monsters I'm assuming, so I'm curious as to how exactly they change the game up. I've heard a little about the dragon kings campaign, but almost nothing about how the sunstalker's works. Same with flower knight, other than what's been said in this thread, which isn't much.
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who painted their KDM minis
It's a learning experience, yeah. I'll see what I can do.
I do love the effect though, so I'm nervous about losing it.
go suck on nearest phallic object
Wait, there's a mythos for a Something Awful meme? He is one of the better expansions, and the model is really nice, so if you want it, now's the time to get it.
nearest is mine and I don't have that secret fighting art
Oh, yeah. Assuming you aren't kidding, Slenderman blew up on the internet. It's kind of a guilty pleasure of mine how much I'm into it. There's all kinds of ARG stories and webseries based around him, and I think an official movie or two were made at one point or another (but I'm pretty sure they ended up sucking). There's a lot of lore people have kind of made up and mashed together, but it all kind of works together as the whole theme behind him is that he's more or less paranoia incarnate, and so that the more people talk about him/learn about him, the more power he has over you, as you become more and more consumed by thinking about him. So some of the stories involving him are based around the idea of people being "infected" by others just by mentioning him, because it starts the idea in their heads that he exists and could be stalking them, leading them to become increasingly paranoid, which gives him more power over you, etc etc.
Overall, me and a lot of other people recognize how silly it all is in the end, but it's made for some really interesting content online and some great stories. So yeah, the expansion definitely interests me and sounds like it totally fits the theme.
Try it on a sprue first to make sure it doesn't fuck up your paintjob
>OP creates a duplicate thread in a fit of autistic rage over people helping new players/backers
>entire thread becomes about helping new players/backers
Happy to help user.
Dragon King plays pretty similarly, it's just the story that is different. Also instead of fighting the kingsmen or the Hand, you fight the humanoid version of the Dragon King, with him testing your settlement. The major difference is a couple new innovations, and a replacement for saviors. Instead of having saviors, as survivors advance they can unlock various bonuses on a grid. If they get a full line vertically or horizontally, they are embraced by a celestial constellation and gain powers granted by it. The campaign is geared around getting as many of those as possible to try and resurrect and/or become the successor to the dragons which have gone extinct, save for the Dragon King himself.
Sunstalker plays VERY differently. You are forced to take Survival of the Fittest, but use a completely revamped intimacy table that lets you burn resources to make a more powerful child, even going so far as to graft the child's umbilical cord onto a Sunstalker to turn it into the People of the Suns version of a savior. The campaign structure is the thing that really sets it apart though. You don't have Nemesis encounters. People see the "You game over if you fail a Nemesis encounter" and get worried, but your first Nemesis encounter is in year TWENTY. The game is 20 years of building up the best god damn settlement you can, to prepare for a 5 year boss rush. It's actually my favorite campaign.
Flower knight is just a variant. It's entire rules can fit on a single card.
I wasn't kidding but I didn't know the meme had gone that far. The whole thing was made up on SA one day to see if people would buy into it, and looks like it worked.
Alright, so I just watched this:
And I'm not going to lie, the first 46 minutes bored the crap out of me. Maybe it was the blond sith PR dude. Is that indicative? How diverse are the fights later? Ex. There doesn't seem to be any magic.
The colony phase seemed to be more interesting, but at the same time it reminded me heavily of stuff like Darkest Dungeon and Don't Starve.
Finally, a really big issue I noticed is that the player-characters don't seem to interact with eachother at all. Does that change later?
That one's a big dealbreaker since for me it separates board game from computer game.
Ex. Battlestar Galactica boardgame has a lot of fun bluffing and interplay.
What gets me about the People of the Sun campaign is the "no heavy gear" rule.
>I didn't know the meme had gone that far
A group of pre-teen girls literally sacrificed one of their friends to appease slenderman. Memes are a much stronger, darker force than we initially thought.
girls are temporary
figurines are forever
Each monster plays very differently, and the white lion is the most boring of all to hunt.
>Finally, a really big issue I noticed is that the player-characters don't seem to interact with eachother at all. Does that change later?
>That one's a big dealbreaker since for me it separates board game from computer game.
>Ex. Battlestar Galactica boardgame has a lot of fun bluffing and interplay.
I really don't understand what you want here, it's a co-op game, why would there be fucking with your fellow players?
Yeah, that's why me and a lot of other people know it's kind of a silly thing to be into. It just popped up one day. But trust me, it really stuck.
If you're at all interested, the thing people usually recommend as an "intro" to all things slenderman is this youtube series called marble hornets. It's about this amateur director who was working with another guy for a student project. The director became somewhat crazed over the course of making this student film, called marble hornets, and decided to stop production. He then gave all of the tapes he had made to the main character of the youtube series, and told him to burn them. The first chunk of the youtube series is the guy who now has the tapes uploading any weird footage he finds in order to document it. After finding some strange stuff going on, he goes out and records some stuff of his own. And it kind of goes from there.
It's really a hit or miss kind of thing, honestly. It's a little like a found footage film, but it acts as if it was really happening; some of the youtube updates take place up to 7 months apart, as if the events were happening in real life. And it definitely shows that it was made by a couple of guys with no budget whatsoever. But if you give it a shot and stick with it a little, it can be pretty entertaining, if only because you want to know what the fuck is going on, because the story gets pretty interesting.
There's other gateways, but that's the general recommended one, as most things about the slenderman have really spawned from that series. It shows it's age and it's not for everyone, but it's well known and well loved.
It sounds like this REALLY isn't the game for you than. Sorry user.
No magic. A bit in the lore, but the players don't get it. Even then it's closer to old school greek epic style magic, not spell slinging.
Darkest Dungeon is probably a great comparison. Your harassers mean jack shit compared to keeping the PARTY well off. If you mourn the loss of every memeber, you will not enjoy the game in the long run. They die. A lot. And don't come back. And injuries take years to recover from, if they can at all.
Player interaction is fairly low. There is stuff like the Encourage action to help a knocked down survivor, or bandages to heal them, but that's about it.
It's a fully cooperative game. You are all on the same side, not trying to win at the cost of another player.
>Maybe it was the blond sith PR dude.
The spiky haired guy has actually posted in one of the earlier threads, he's >one of us
But I would not blame him for the drag of the video. This is made for normies first and foremost.
Everyone has recommended dragon king, but I gotta be honest, sunstalker sounds pretty damn fun the way you describe it. Does dragon king really add a lot in the way of content outside of just the boss fight? Like, are the constellation powers really game changing? Or is it just an extra perk on top of the new boss fight and such. Cause from those two descriptions, it sounds like sunstalker is the more entertaining if I wanted an actually NEW campaign that really plays differently.
Firstly, you don't have player characters. Players are expected to control multiple survivors as needed, as there are instances when one either cannot go out to hunt, or where you wouldn't want them to.
The game isn't built for roleplay but you certainly can have some.
Player interact and typically learn to strategize more when they realize at what point in the game you cannot simply wail attacks on the enemy and win.
I can't be arsed to look at your video but I'm guessing it was boring at any rate.
Settlement phase is deceptivly interesting, and most groups don't realize how fun it can be to work together to make decisions, and this is often where some roleplay happens with the guidence of the events that happen. (I've never had a group where the first story event wasn't fun and people got into the role of the one who utters the first words)
>it's a co-op game, why would there be fucking with your fellow players?
Not necessarily betrayal, though I would say it could certainly fit the setting.
But for example, in regular RPGs and hidden-information board games, there's more a sense of individualism and cooperatively figuring stuff out.
I guess I'm trying to say that there doesn't seem to be a 'reason' for there to be multiple players as yet, other than having a good laugh at what happens.
>It sounds like this REALLY isn't the game for you than. Sorry user.
Possibly. I've elected to continue on to watch year 2. But you're right, I am appraising it relative to Darkest Dungeon in terms of value.
>Not sure what kind of "reason" you're looking for to include minis.
I meant like in 40k, there's line of sight, base size, armaments, etc.
I possibly would have wanted to see that/different board environments for this game.
>being so shit you can't paint your own
I weep for you
>I guess I'm trying to say that there doesn't seem to be a 'reason' for there to be multiple players as yet, other than having a good laugh at what happens.
Welcome to full co-op games.