How about a pre-7th 40k art thread? None of that new cel-shaded shit here. I'll start
Proper 40k Art
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Whoever at GW came up with that whole "don't draw anything we don't have actual models for" should be fucking shot.
That fucking moron has ruined so many cool art pieces with the right atmosphere and would even inspire models to be made off those themes.
Fucking lawyers man, and its clearly only infantry level units because 40k now has some cool backgrounds and depicted ships like the Rock and the Silver Towers.
Who's idea was it to change the art style? It looks so fucking stupid now in comparison.
This is the kind of artwork that got me into 40k.
The best part is when you notice the tracks on the giant fortress cathedral behind them.
Its a fucking SUPER CHURCH TANK.
We need epic back now, so this shit hits the tabletop.
are those harlequin or DEldar?
Where can I find the pictures in all the 3ed codecies?
I don't wanna dig them all out from my garage
Art like this is how I originally fell in love with SoB and the Inquisition. Metal. As. Fuck.
This thread is sexually arousing me.
Assault Church
AV 15/15/14
HP 12
The Assault Church counts as a building in every way except it can also move as a super-heavy vehicle.
55 models may ride inside the Assault Church. Because it is a building they can charge the turn they disembark.
Super Faith: The Assault Church has a 5+ Invulnerable save and boosts every other model's Faith Save by 1 if they are within 12" of the Assault Church
>that smurf in the foreground
hee hee
Aaand thats all for me
I'd say this was the peak of 40k art. More professional than a lot of the earlier artwork, and more detailed (and finished) than the current artwork.
this will always be the most 40k thing ever.
I believe these are supposed to be Hawk Lords rather then Raven Guard.
I recall seeing the dude with lightning claws coloured purple.
what is this depicting?
Looks like an Inquisitorial Retinue doing what they do best; cleaning house.
I don't think this is official art but, to me, it's this.
This is the funniest thing I have seen all day. Now you're in a grapple with an Ork. Good luck.
can someone explain what the hell is happening here ?
also proof that at least some modern GW art can be more than decent
these were better times
I'll be fine, because I'm not >I2
You ara aware this is supposed to be Imperial popagand and is utter bullshit? A guardsman has as much chance of succesfuly twisting an Ork's arm as you would against a heavyweight mma fighter. With an axe. And impervious to pain.
I like the story in this one. One CSM with a Primed Grenade and an empty bolter, Middle CSM was gonna give Grenado a fresh mag when he was killed, Far righty is getting punted, and far lefty is just having a good time blowing apart masonry.
Combi plasma guy is having a simmilarly peachy time, Main Character Jim is giving no fucks, And Eldar fill is just sneaking around in the background.
It's this kind of crap that confuses folks - you have mistaken 'ork' for 'nob'. An ork is functionally equivalent to a fit, trained human soldier. A Nob, however, is a boss ork: he's equivalent to a space marine.
Do you see the difference?
I find it somewhat funny that instead of posting the originals, you're posting art that has been colored by a third party.
>Proper 40k art
>posts fan-made edits
looks like an inquisitorial trial
yeah but it's weird, it seems that guy on the left is accusing the inquisitor who reply by ''going to rekt ya shit heretic''
best rogue trader era pic
>an ork is functionally equivalent to a fit, trained human soldier
dude what
Read the lore on Orks physique and then tell me a guardsman has a chance of wrestling with a regural Boy.
Fuck off, salty green mushroom, and stop making dozens orc threads to bitch at hummies.
I dare you to find a more GOAT 40k piece.
I ain't the gut, believe me. I usually don't give a fuck about Orks, but them being pin immune insanly strong and brutal killing machines is elemental knowledge when it comes to 40k lore. Implying a guardsman could disarm an Ork with an wrist twist is like saying one could win a fist fight with a gaunt.
Hey there Dominique, you're still alive!
It's been a while since I've been able to contribute to one of this threads.
7th Edition still has good art bra
Wayne England best artist.
The art has definitely an up tick in quality recently, but it was real shit towards the beginning of the edition.