Normies and biz alt coiners will pick left

normies and biz alt coiners will pick left

crypto chad has at least 1 of both

Is there an exchabge where i cal sell girls for btc.
I got a 16 year old greek and 21 year old thai girl. Pm me if someones interested

>muh gf

This is why you will always be a broke ass nigger

Invest in what gives return of profit not in what drains your balance

Chads have both and all top 10 coins. They are gonna see gains until they die.

Are there really people on Veeky Forums who don't have at least 20btc by now?

That feel when only a shitty wife but no gf

is there a lot of ex /r9k/ types here, or does it just seem that way?


Have both.

Am I a crypto chad?

1.55 BTC
31 ETH
Asian gf.

already have a 8/10 gf, the bitcoin for sure.

And even if i didn't have a gf, still the bitcoin

Have both.

-t. Chad

She drains my balance and my cock too..
Tough choice

what do you mean by shitty?

>Asian gf.

unless you're also asian you basically got the bch of gfs

>azn gf
That is beta af dude. your Elliot Rogers hapa kids will be such supreme gentlemen that their gf problems will be 10x worse than yours. Way to destroy your bloodline and betray your people.


>tfw gf but only 0.8 btc

You know whats not beta?

Living in Singapore and paying 0% tax on capital gains or dividends.

please a nice rural gf for me

harder to get 1 BTC
not hard to get a GF. Just don't be fucking retarded and put in some effort

It's harder to get a gf.
I could just ask my dad for enough money to buy BTC

>le easy as fuck

Not everyone is chad like you.Women despise ugly men

Ask your mom for fuck

Interested but sniffing something fishy here post evidence

Harder to get a gf but I'd rather have a Bitcoin tbqh

Yeah. If you want a bitcoin you can just ask a family member for money or take a student loan

>Hey, mom, dad, can I have $16,500?