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Previous thread What ideas do you have for multiclassing with the new Fighter archetypes?

I wonder what the rogue will get?

Hopefully we get drunken master next week.

Probably something Fey related.

So will Ranger be the next one to get an UA or are they skipping it for now because of the relatively new reworked Ranger?

To repeat from last thread, I took it upon myself to try and fix the Samurai archetype from just being a level 3 pump and dump. Any critique is appreciated.


Coming in off the other thread's Conjuration thing-

What exactly can you conjure that would be good?

For example, you could conjure, say, a vial of Alchemist's Fire. But then if it shatters it would probably disappear before the fire did any real damage.
So what about Gunpowder? (Assume said wiz knows how to make it normally). Could you make a decent size gunpowder charge and use it to propel something, since it only takes an instant for the explosion to release enough force?

What if you made a 3ft/3ft cube of water and drowned someone? Obviously Water doesn't take damage if you hit it with something.

Next week is Monk. Then Paladin, and then Ranger. Ranger is guaranteed to get one.

? It's by alphabetical order so Monk is next.

It's fine.
You're catgirls are still inferior tho~

hey guys what if, this thread, we don't argue in circles about literally fucking nothing

Since the object has to be conjured on the ground you must create one of those Japanese noisemaker fountain things out of glass, filled with acid.

The weight of the acid tilts the glass canister towards the enemy, splashing the acid onto them. But since the glass isn't smashing into the ground or anything, it does not break, and no damage is dealt to it that would cause the whole thing to unsummon.

Conjure korred using conjure fey with a 7th level spell slot.
It can summon a galeb dhur.
The galeb dhur summons two more galeb dhur that can't summon.
It's beautiful.

Even more beautiful if you can planar binding them.

lets talk about how cool the new monk UAs won't be

Shhh don't jinx it.

>Veeky Forums

>making posts like this

Don't know nothing about any cat girls, got that picture from some user earlier today.

WotC should just hire me to fix their shit, it is not hard to look at the Samurai archetype and see what it needs to be leveled out to the others.

(reposting since it new threaded while i was writing)

Rate my kobold homebrew (since i dislike almost everything about the volo kobold)

Size: Small
Speed: 30 feet
Vision: Darkvision
Attributes: +2 dex, +1 cha
Proficiencies: Gain proficiency in stealth
Trap Sense: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws versus traps
Scamper: Once as part of your move action, you can move without causing attacks of opportunity against you. After this feature is used, it cannot be used again until after a short or long rest.
Languages: You know common and draconic

it's essentially the 4e kobold with it's power changed but the theme of it kept since shifting isn't really a thing anymore

I do like the Ribbon on Swallow Strike, though I think it should technically be regain rather than gain.

Aside from that, accelerating some of these benefits helps a lot. Getting the skill bonuses early helps make it feel more meaningful and influence the upcoming feat decisions.

Rapid Strike being at level 7 helps to keep up with Battlemaster and Eldritch Knight that get combat boosts at that level as well.

Now it really feels like there's a real incentive to keep progressing in it rather than multiclassing out.

monk fucking SUCKS you'd be better off playing any other martial

eastern kung fu man does not fit D&D

>hurf durf
>Muh Medieval Fantasy
>Knowing jack dick about what Gygax intended

They're really good as stun-bots.
And open hand 17 makes them legit very good.

I'd have Scamper be Disengage as a bonus action or just a bonus action in general. 'Move action' isn't really a thing in 5e.

Aside from that, I'd say it needs more ribbons and flavor. Just small stuff that's less mechanically important.

And so it begins. Good thread while it lasted

>eastern kung fu man does not fit D&D
>I know nothing about Greyhawk

>does not fit D&D
>has been in the game since its inception

It's amazing really, I thought I made my post completely obvious

Good m8, glad you like it. As a weeb myself, I felt like Samurai "had" good intentions but felt really rushed and lacked a real focus to it. By bumping up the progression to it, it'll incentivise people to stay inside the class or multiclass out at a later level. If I feel the need to play a Samurai, I'll kick this to my DM and see if they'll allow it(they probably will).

>Japanese Goburin

Who cares about what Gainax wanted?

Either way, people who get butt mad about monk being out of place in fantasy settings need to sit down and have a drink. It'll be okay.

I don't really like spiritual eastern shit either, so I just fluff my monks to be some kinda pugilist.

It's okay to complain as long as it leads to you DOING something about it.

I wish Level Progression still varied by class

Players would be salty about other people having a higher number than they do.

I can take or leave Samurai fluff myself, though I think it does fit nicely as a sort of 'intense focus' Fighter based on willpower and the like. Wisdom as a secondary stat of sorts adds to that, and also has the benefit of mixing nicely with Monk.

I think it's a very nice archetype for people who want a more straightforward swordsman than the Battlemaster, but still want more control over it compared to the Champion.

2e still exists, you can still play it, grandpa.

If you love convoluted rules then why even play 5e?

>tfw every D&D game would be more fun if people actually played it like Conan, Barsoom, and Fafhrd as Gygax inteded
>instead we get the Hobbit-only parts of Lord of the Rings and Gandalf solving every little thing with a fireball or teleportation

>Who cares about what Gainax wanted?
Get in the damn robot, Melf!

I just realized Rapid Strike and Fighting Spirit both use your bonus action. And it's like that in the real version too.

That's annoying, although I suppose it's for situations where you have advantage without needing the feature.

fighting spirit lasts till the end of your next turn iirc

Fighting Spirit lasts until the end of your next turn, so you activate at the start of your turn, make attacks with advantage, then forgo advantage on one of the attacks the next turn for a free bonus action attack.

I just see it as a potential way to curb that caster supremacy complaints that always pops up.

that or spell failure

or giving the wizard d4 hit die

Exactly, while I like playing fighter there wasn't a whole lot of options before Battlemaster and Champion. Battlemaster required too much effort sometimes to remember every maneuver for the right situation, whereas Champion was way too boring and streamlined. I feel like Samurai is a nice in between, as you said.

What these guys said

I had assumed it was only until the start of your next turn. That makes it even better than I thought.

>Battlemaster required too much effort to remember every maneuver for the right situation
Uh, it's easy because you only know 4-6 for most of the game and that's about how many there are that are good (Trip, Push, Menacing, Riposte, and Parry are good for anyone; the +Accuracy one, Commander, Maneuvering, and Lunging are niche).

What caster supremacy there is in 5e is all utility-based, out-of-combat stuff. It's best curbed by allowing martials a lot of leniency with what they can do with ability checks and giving them nice utility magic items here and there.

>Battlemaster required too much effort sometimes to remember every maneuver for the right situation

I really hope you're not serious. If you can't remember the 3-9 manuevers you get sweet god please never play a caster or any other edition of d&d

Yeah, I get what you mean. While I personally like Battlemaster, that's partially because I started with 4e and so I'm used to some complexity. I like Knight for the similar reasons.

That said, I do appreciate a good middle ground, and Samurai seems straightforward, but very engaging.

or make crafting worth a damn

Hey remember when this faggot was dead wrong about literally everything?

This is why you always screenshot a "screeshot this"-er

I remember telling him to fuck off, lol

Glad someone actually screencapped his dumb ass

What I meant is, sometimes I just don't want to deal with the extra maneuvers and dice sometimes. Playing a wizard and memorizing all of the spells is nice once in awhile, but other times I'd like to turn my brain off and just smack shit without keeping track of the Battlemaster stuff. You know? While champion allows me to do that, it is also a very boring and inactive archetype in my opinion.



I fucking hate tieflings and you if you play one. Tell me why I'm wrong.

Because fags didn't get to vote in Hillary? So you're wrong. Ez.

>tell me why I'm wrong
You... don't hate tieflings...?

>fun is a buzzword

Well how would that even work? Do we need to prove that you're deluding yourself and you actually love Tieflings?

>tfw my "dedicated archer" guess was right

You're not wrong, you can hate whatever you want, but you're fucking stupid if you just hate it blindly without reason.

I don't like Tieflings but i don't care if other people like them

Maybe it's some sort of clever plot to make us post tiefling porn?

Well I don't have any of that.

Maybe someone should post some so uh, he can change his mind.

You don't have that strong feelings towards anything imaginary i'm afraid

Does Clone work even from other planes? It doesn't say it doesn't iirc so I dont see why not but can your soul fly from one plane to another to reach the clone?

>I can play a catgirl samurai
I am tempted

Aww yiss.

you can also hang yourself while chugging a liter of drano

If you need the fluff justification for it, you and your clone are connected by your Silver Thread on the Astral plane, because you are the same person.

They could probably just rename the samurai as something else and it'd be fine.

Fighter UA kinda disappointing.
I love the ranged stuff.
Hate the Knight/Samurai, dumb shit, could have made a battle master and reskinned him as a Samurai, or a Barbarian as an undisciplined Samurai.

Knight is boring but honestly it's not actually mechanically bad.

>Orcus can use an action to conjure undead creatures whose combined average hit points don't exceed 500.

Holy shit. What's the most OP thing he could do with that? 5 Mummy Lords? Just dealing with all the legendary actions would be a nightmare for both DM and party.


500, 1 HP nulls, imagine how long it would take to kill them? They would fuck a town up!

5 demiliches. Instant-death AoEs.

How the fuck would a party kill Orcus without serious serious macguffins?

even if it was like 8 level 20 adventurers i just dont see it

3 liches and a demilich.

>What's the most OP thing he could do with that?

Use it 6 seconds before Dawn. Then do it again.

I totally forgot Demiliches! You could have 6 of those, since they have less HP. 6 Howls could devastate even a high level party.

Seems like the priority before taking on Orcus is getting the wand away from him

Variant human Arcane Archer with Sharpshooter feat.
Blows the Sharpshooter out of the water.

>Alright, so at the end of your turn, I want everyone to go ahead and roll 6 Constitution saving throws.

I mean, assuming they had enough prep time they could probably do it. Scour the planet for sunswords, use Wish to turn everyone's natural form into an ancient dragon, find an Iron Flask and so on.

Sharpshooter beats it in terms of DPR at higher levels though.

Is that all you people think about?
It's an R.P.G. bitches!

Sharpshooter also effectively gets another feat to work with because it doesn't need Sharpshooter to be a good Sharpshooter

I'd take sharpshooter (the feat) anyway though. Free damage.

Rekking things is flavorful too senpai.

Well, you have to aim for the sky before you reach!

If anything early DnD had more of a Wuxia vibe to it.
Do you hate paladins too? Because they were introduced along with monk and ranger.

Today was a good day

Hope the Monk UA won't be shit like fighter.
What I hope for:

Drunken master - improvised weapons as monk weapons, brewing magic booze, tumbling arround and an alcoholic firebreath as capstone.

Arcane monk (wot4e is an elementalist closer to druids) - AT/EK spell casting, mage-hand punching, spend ki to regain spell slots, bonus action unarmed strike/FOB after spell, at will low level spells.

Iron body monk - Calculate Hp with Wis instead of Con, cast shield on self for cheap, Wis mod to unarmed damage with concentration, High damage bludgeon attack.

Charming school tradition - basically a kungfu bard.

Blood monk - blood magic ki edition.

Separate elemental archetypes (or one monk archetype that works on lieou of Dragon Sorcerer).

Weapon focused monk (Iron soul) that can enchant his weapons and fists.

Druidic monk.

Nah man. February 23, 1993 was a Good Day.

Don't you mean January 20th, 1992?

I'd like a monk that gets a channel divinity feature

Monk UA is next, but no one cares about monk so let's talk about best class instead

Paladin is the next UA after Monk. I don't think pally has ever had a UA oath? just the three in the PHB and crown in scag and oathbreaker in DMG?

What could they do? What would you want?

I'd be happy with a drunken master, and either a boxer/pugilist type or some kind of kung fu movie inspired option that gets way too many reactions, like some of the fighter options

You should add magic tattoo monk to that list.