Need ideas and images for a pseudo-Polynesian themed culture.
Polynesian game
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Did you literally just watch that new Disney thing?
How did the Southern Polynesians and Maori end up so much different in appearance than the Melanesians in New Guinea, the Indian Ocean, and Australia?
Not yet. I have a friend in New Zealand.
Just started a campaign in pseudo-south Sea setting, I hope Melanesian/Micronesian stuff is okay as well. Some interesting trivia to take from
- Lapita burial customs and graves. Basically, the heads of the deceased were buried seperatly and replaced with cone shells
- Roy Mata's domain
- Land diving on Pentecost. You probably heard of this one as the origins of Bungee Jumping. People jump from up to 30m high wooden towers, only held by vines. This is some sort of Initiation rite
- Cargo Cults and kastom. Blossomed especially in and after World War II. People saw the American soldiers who brought them stuff and began seeing some of them as their messias. The biggest one is probably the John Frum movement, even having members in the Ni-Vanuatu parliament. Others include the Tom Navy (the tribesman from Meet the Natives worship this one) or the infamous Prince Philipp Movement. Their practices include hissing the American flag, doing war marches, sea shell telephones and make-shift airstrips on which their gods can land.
- Nan Madol in Micronesia
- The Giant Stone Money on Yap
- The Jellyfish Lake on Palau
- Tuvalu, the whole country. It always seemed so absurd to me how the majority of a country's GDP could come from the coincidence that their internet domain is .tv. Their Prime Minister even complains about this when posting on >reddit
- Drinking Kava
- Taboo
- Devil's Sea or the Pacific Bermuda Triangle. Could also include long-lost civilliasations like the creators of the Yonaguni monument
This is some great shit. Thanks friend
>fat people
can a kiwi give you any more ideas
There's ~5000km between New Zealand and New Guinea, to say nothing about the indian ocean
That's more than the distance between ireland and iran
you forgot beating their kids to death and/or bringing guitars everywhere.
A few things to add to this, from what I observed of Hawaiians when I lived there.
Their culture really values kids. There's like a huge party that fuckin' everyone turns out for on the kid's first birthday. Attacking kids is utterly taboo.
Tattoos are a big thing, and it's all really, really symbolic. Fuck if I understand it, but they love their ink.
Historically, they seem to form their own little groups and then fight over who's dominant. Easter Island, Hawaii up until the final conquest of King Kamehameha. This is probably your strongest lead-in for a tabletop game.
Before King Kamehameha met the Europeans and embarked on his unification campaign, settling disputes with ritual combat seems to have been a thing.
They didn't have the resources to do a lot of the stuff that Europeans did, so they were pretty much stone age. They still managed to sail all across the Pacific. Remember that scientifically-ignorant and resource-deprived does not mean stupid.
They seem very, very class-conscious. At one point they were a legit caste society. As mentioned, taboos are a thing; looking up Kapu will get you a lot on their taboos and religion.
Polynesians, Indonesians, pinoys, and what have you are Austronesians, descended from Taiwanese Aboriginals (Atayal, Tsou etc). The differences between them are results of mixing with different peoples on route. The ones who colonized Madagaskar eventually mixed with Africans when they arrived later form the mainland. Those who colonized Philippines mixed with Philippine indigenous peoples (Negritos like Aeta). Indonesians and Malaysians are Austronesian + Negrito + Khmer. Melanesians and Polynesians are Austronesians mixed with native Papuans, but Melanesians are more Papuan and Polynesians more Taiwanese aboriginal.
Linguistically Taiwan has more diversity than the whole of Pacific since only one branch of Austronesians left the island.
this is too real
>I'm too creatively bankrupt to run real games, Veeky Forums. Help me with my gimmic
>very family orientated
>warrior culture yet laid back
>smack the shit out their kids if they're naughty
>civil war and probably have a hated enemy
>in touch with nature
>good swimmers and naturally athletic (inb4 diabetes, polynesians are naturally pretty fit)
>tattoos are very meaningful and one can have their ancestry tattooed onto their bodies
>tribal society with a strong strong sense of identity in regards to those tribes
>gender segregation in sleeping areas
>weaponry consists of clubs, spears, hooks for ripping, cudgels and pics
>no metallurgy at all
>african tier bonkers mythology
>weird traditions surrounding burial and graves
>eat a lot of fish
>generous to guests and hospitable
>very classest
>age seniority status and older men will hit younger men regularly if they are not pleased with them
>communal eating everything is shared
>cheery people always singing and chanting
>tend to be very chill simple minded laid back people content to live simple lives
Overall polynesian culture is really simple yet has a good feel to it.
Is this an offshot of the new Disney flick? How much should be scared to have a fucking explosion of Polynesian threads now?
>if it's not standard Euro-centric medieval cookie cutter then it's bad
>fuck originality
It's unrelated. Calm down.
Shouldn't you be busy shitposting on /b/?
Thank god. I'm still recovering from last year late summer, when Veeky Forums get a fixation about Fury Road.
Have no fear , fads may come and go, but fa/tg/uys will always weather any storm!
You might check out White Wolf's Exalted setting on the West. You can disregard a lot of the Exalt stuff but check out how they mimick oceanic cultures.
who/what is this?