New Sisters of Battle Kit Confirmed
Its a start, the only resin GW does now is FW resin so it will be like the Space Marine special characters they've been doing lately.
>yfw that's just Finecast finally perfected
They probably said fuck this shit and just dump all the resin models on FW, just like they dumped specialist games on them.
I don't get what that awsl stuff means. Can I order this through my lgs or is it website direct only?
Is this a rare occurence? What are the implications?
awsl: Available whilst stocks last
It's a limited run model, each store can order max 5 of them. It's a resin model with rules included in the box (confirmed by GW trade rep).
It's suppose to be based on old Blanche art so it's probably the old 2E Sisters Codex cover model.
>based on blanche art
Fuck me if they do it any justice I'll want one.
And they're gonna be fucking impossible to find too.
Well fuck.
I guess you fags were right. GW is not giving us plastic sisters. You were right. But does it really make you happy? That you were right on this subject? Are you pleased?
holy shit the rumors were all true... the teaser canoness :O
Yes, of course. Just to spite SoBfags. Why would you think people wouldn't be happy? The Germans even have a word for it.
celestine model with bare feet when?
How many threads do we need? Resin is pain. Do GW hate SoB so much?
They are in fact giving people plastic sisters.
They do all single run limited edition stuff in resin. They've done several in the past year.
Plastic Sisters are coming next year.
Wait, this might sound retarded, but do you mean January 2017 or 2018. Cause if it's 2018, I'm going to go melt all my sisters down in a crucible out of sperg anger.
It's 2016. What year would that make next year?
2017, most likely that summer
2017, and I'd say sometime in the first 4 months of the year, maybe as late as June or July, but I doubt it.
Till I can shove a fully assemble plastic SoB model into some poor collage girl ass. I won't believe the rumors.
10+ years of lies and rumors are too much.
I'm so sorry that GW hurt you so much, user.
You have no idea. List of games and armies GW had dick me over.
Warhammer Fantasy
BattleFleet Gothic
Epic 40k
Sisters of Sigmar
Black Templar Fleet
Beside my BT fleet I manage to sell them all before the purge
My BT army is gathering dust. Since I got bored of Marine Easy mode. Started SoB mostly as a project to have a very personalisise Inquisitorial Battle Harem
Coming back
Coming back
>Battlefleet Gothic
Coming back
Coming back
Honey till I can shove my new plastic models into someone's ass. I won't believe rumors or any screen capture
That's a picture of an announcement by GW.
They already brought Blood Bowl back.
The fuck is wrong with you?
Ass shoving? Can't you read.
Also not interest in bloodbawl
I want Gorkamorka to be back though
Can LGS order these? Or are people can't camp out at a GW overnight fucked?
LGS can, I don't own or work for a GW store and I can order those.
You can order it from the GW store online.
What do you mean how? Like you'd get any other fucking model.
Of anyone can order it online, then what is the purpose of limiting stores?
Same reason they limit the Battleforces. They want to sell it to you themselves.
I'm still skeptical.
GW is special. The nitch hobby company that proudly says they do not do marketing research.
Kept on the market only by its sizes and as retarded competition
I kind of hope it's not based on that just because that's not only my favourite SoB pic, but one of my all time favourite 40k pics and I don't want to be tempted to give GW 60+AUD for a piece of shitty resin.