Story time, Mahjong is totally Veeky Forums related edition!

Story Time Veeky Forums!
Tonight's episode: The Legend of Koizumi Chapters 36-40!

In last night's episode, Koizumi travelled to the Secret Mahjong club to train against the three legendary mahjong players: Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill! Meanwhile, Hitler has successfully defeated the coup let by Rommel just in time for Earth to finally figure out his Strategy. Will they be able to use it and defeat the fourth reich? Will Koizumi's training be for naught? Will I use too many exclamation marks? Stay tuned to find out!







I feel like Koizumi loses a lot in the second half, after the Hitler arc and when the new hero is just some Jap soldierboys.








Chapter 37!


















>That person didn't need air, water, or calorie intake for 72 hours
Oh, I wanna see how this plays out.

I'm calling robot







Chapter 38!























Chapter 39!























That fucking cheating robotic shit. I wish i could strangle him with an USB cord

...and here we have Chapter 40!
What, and let the nazis win?


...maybe? After all, its a tough call - kill a cheating fucker or let nazis win.

How about killing him after he beats the nazis?

But then you're killing someone that beat nazis...hmm

I prefer while main character finishing off nazis - after all, it will kill a three birds in one stone - defeat nazis, make a main character motivated AND killing a cheating shit.





