ITT: We come up with a mech parts
I'll start:
>Beam Sword
ITT: We come up with a mech parts
I'll start:
>Beam Sword
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Right, well, you've got your standard weapons tech. In addition to your mention of beam swords, you've also got beam rifles/cannons. Many mecha use more conventional projectile weapons, though they may use electromagnetism instead of chemical explosions to launch them. Missiles, too, obviously.
Flight is a popular ability to grant mecha in many settings, so wings or thrusters or even giant fans have been observed. Likewise, underwater capabilities, so propellers or water jets, as well as improved pressure seals. Rarely you have burrowing mecha, so drills or (one I find particularly interesting) ultrasonic rock disintegraters.
For control systems, you've got your usual cockpit, with or without 360 degree panoramic screens. "Linear seats" that compensate for acceleration forces are a staple of the UC Gundam setting. Other settings might use fluid buffers or more exotic systems based on electromagnetic or gravitational fields to compensate. You've also got a wide variety of possible control schemes. I'm quite partial to mind-machine interfaces, but motion tracing or compact physical controls are more common.
Getting into the weird stuff, I've always loved biomechanical mecha, whether they're cyborgs or made of some halfway point between flesh and metal. Energy shielding is a must in many settings, offering strong protection for little dead weight. Cloaking is fairly rare on a mecha, but I've seen some works use it effectively. Similarly, teleportation or phasing tech appears occasionally.
Lug nut #2098, found in the left knee joint.
This fight still triggers PTSD from.when I was 12
>BN3 is 14 years old today
a highly corrosive liquid that can eat up to a hundred times its mass in metal in less than 10 seconds, it is dispersed via mouth mounted mist dispersal unit
within 10 seconds, the entire target will appear to rust in fast forward until it collapses in a heap, as the liquid creeps along the metal surface at an alarming rate, corroding an area vastly wider than the original sprayed area, and digging quickly into the surface
Junk cannon as backup ranged weaponry?
Can't forget gravity generators for fighting on space stations, and it couldn't hurt to have some sort of mini-mecha drone bay.
Symbiometal augmentation network connected to the copilot's seat?
Add a high-powered turbine to spray the mist at long ranges and you've basically got Mazinger Z's Rust Hurricane attack.
Androgynous teenage pilot as portrayed by dwayne the rock johnson
Rocket Javelin. So the mech throws it like a javelin and then the solid fuel rocket booster activates mid air.
Ablative heat dispersal unit
The firing of energy intensive weapons or being hit by a thermal beam heats the mech up, impairing function and at high enough levels overloading the passive heat sinks and frying the pilot.
A solution is to have a consumable fluid in which to absorb the heat. When it gets too hot, it is simply released as a superhot gas which has the added function of a smokescreen or antipersonnel area effect.
Spider legs! but only 4 or 6 because 8 are too many.
>Spider legs
>anything but 8
An entire gundam.
I like the WISP from Zone of the Enders. Little floaty dagger things that will happily rush forward and stab or latch onto foes to drag them in close for your melee enjoyment.
>BN3 came out when I was 10
Bump of interest
You'd really hate Leng Spiders.
They have only odd numbers of legs, in random amounts, randomly distributed to either side of the body.
Fuck, this honestly really bothers me.
Time to cut one leg off all the seven legged ones and sew them onto the five legged Lengs.
Because fuck you, you WILL obey biology.
Beam knees.
The shoulder-blocks, the back-junk, and the no-feet.
>randomly distributed to either side of the body
Can they randomly be born with 15 left legs and 0 right legs?