If you could remove one rule from 40k, what would you remove?
I would remove "ignores cover' rule due to the amount of AP3 weapons in the game. Troops barley stand a chance anymore.
If you could remove one rule from 40k, what would you remove?
I would remove "ignores cover' rule due to the amount of AP3 weapons in the game. Troops barley stand a chance anymore.
People die when they are killed.
'No female space marines'
old forced meme..
do you even 2016 bro?
You can't fix the game by removing just one rule... You have to throw the whole goddamned game into the dumpster fire, and start fresh.
But if I had to pick one, I'd go with And They Shall Know No Fear. The bitching and whining would be glorious, and the rule is little more than "babby's first morale rules".
But you're dumb and that's lore not a rule. Its like saying your one rule change would be "the emperor isn't dead".
>Its like saying your one rule change would be "the emperor isn't dead".
>implying he is
What kind of heretic are you?
I mean don't space marines not really have genitals anyway
I think fearless is the worst rule in the game. It's a rule that invalidates countless other special rules and that is absolute dogshit game design.
Rip the Guard, then.
Overwatch. Assault is gimped enough as it is the last few editions. It doesn't need another 'fuck you for playing the game wrong' should you miraculously make it to assault range.
Remove the current cover rules all together and replace them with something less autistic.
>Nope, the tip of the model's tail is in cover, so i get a cover save even though my Exocrine is sticking 6" out of the ruins to get more range. Read the rules bro
Fucking autists are why I don't play 40k anymore...
Everyone should take their turn at the same time.
They do and they are appropriately sized. They're just psycho-indoctrinated to not make any use of it, though some chapters also include chemical castration.
"Inertial Guidance" and "Drop Pod Assault".
Paying fuck all to give any unit in your codex Deep Strike is powerful enough, it doesn't need to be the most safe, effective and timely strike that cannot be stopped by reserve manipulation.
Drop pods also shouldn't be scoring.
I agree. It may slow the game down, but taking turns moving a unit would be nice. Followed by simultaneous shooting
Either that or remove fear from the game.
Yeah interial guidance needs to go.
Decurion is the only bad formation.
Although, I might change my choice. I want grav to go away.
Not sure if this counts as "removing" a rule but fix the goddamn dice system. Using the D6 in a base 10 system is terrible. If not that then make turns simultaneous.
What does skyhammer do again?
Without a doubt it would be Grav. It's the number one rule that has caused the game to escalate to such madding power levels. It invalidates most walkers and expensive vehicles (Land Raiders), especially transports. It turns a unit's strengths (armor, toughness) into its weakness with no down side. It's far too ubiquitous with too many shots, especially on platforms that can move and shoot.
Drop Pods should never count as scoring much less objective secured.
Skyhammer is a formation, not a rule. Sounds like someone has been on the receiving end of an ass whooping. Yeah, it's OP, but removing it does nothing to fix the game overall.
devistator and assault marines must have been selling terribly for them to create that rule set
.got some bad news for you user...
I would remove the absence of consolidating into another combat
I don't think Overwatch is the biggest rule change needed, it is one of my pet peeves. It's mostly a waste of time and doesn't add much tactically to the game.
I think it also fosters people's opinions that their dice are against them. Was it tactically sound that you rolled a 6 with your melta and blew up my dreadnought or just lucky.
The unit already had a chance to shoot, it's called the previous shooting phase. If anything they should be more accurate since the enemy is closer. It's just an abstraction and doesn't need to be perfect.
Mostly it's the extra time it takes to (mostly) do nothing. I've never seen more futile dice rolling that a prescienced guard blob firing into wraiths with reanimation protocols. Measuring range, re-rolling to hit, rolling to wound, different weapon groups, etc. Probably 100+ dice rolled for no effect.
Is that just Steel rain?
Personally I would just like less formations over all. Formations tend to be bullshit, or for you to play certain ways.
Glancing hits removing a hull point. I'm sick and tired of seeing my already squishy Raider die to a single round of bolter fire. I know vehicles were powerful pre-hull points, but this nerf hit too hard. And the devs know it, there's a reason why damn near everything new is a monstrous or gargantuan creature nowadays.
Overwatch should be what it is in other games. You give up the opportunity to shoot in your shooting phase for the opportunity to shoot in your opponent's turn as a response to their actions. THAT would make an actual tactical choice:
>My Devestators with Multi-meltas sitting on Objective A
>Just in range of a unit of Scouts. Out of range of a Land Raider carrying a unit of Terminators.
>Do I shoot at the Scouts an almost certainly neuter a threat?
>Or do I overwatch? That means that if the Terminators want to grab Objective A, they have to come in range of my Multi-Meltas and almost certainly take heavy damage.
>BUT my opponent can always just not come in range with the Land Raider and move out of range with the Scouts so I'd have wasted some shooting.
I want to say Drop pods but that's just not going to go, 1-2 is okay, but they should not be coming in gaurenteed turn 1 and skyhammer is just the ultimate evolution of drop pod cheese
If I had to do away with something it would be jink, or maybe make it flyer only, these rerollable 3+ jinks are getting insane, and the fact an entire army of jet bikes can basically be marines with 12" movement and 4++ that usually won't be ignored
as a guard blob player, I definitely wouldn't want that removed. My troops never had a chance in the first place.
Change the charge rule to 6+d6 charge distance so there is at least some reliability to assaulting units.
that is an interesting turn around the rule of overwatch
It's pretty much the only response to ravening bullshit.
As far as formations go, I don't see how this is broken. No free upgrades, no broken Reaniation Protocols, no 2+ Warp Charge generation.. Hell, after the turn you deploy on all benefits of the formation go away, and it's not even remotely unique in Reserves fuckery.
4/10 would play against with my lower middle-tier codex.
although the idea of using someones strength against them is a pretty cool concept
Delete anything larger than a Leman Russ tank, completely inappropriate for the intended scale of the game.
Can't run and assault. Seriously, it doesn't even make logical sense.
Thing is i personally like grav. it's the only reason i have a chance against tau bullshit.
FAQ says MCs and GCs don't benefit from area cover anymore.
Yes, let's make more CSM. The whining from those fags is already bad enough, why multiply it by 20?
Skyhammer would be easily fixed by tweaking the rules to sane levels, down from the turbobullshit they currently are
>Shock Deployment
Drop pods in this formation can roll reserves in turn one even if they weren't deployed via the Drop Pod Assault rule. Assault squads can roll for reserves turn one. If the Drop Pod Assault rule is used, then Assault squads can roll for reserves from turn one.
>First the Fire, then the Blade
For each drop pod that successfully arrived from reserves, an Assault squad from this formation can reroll its own reserve roll.
>Supressing Fusillade
Devastator squads gain Pinning
>No Survivors
Assault squads from this formation can reroll charging distance to units targeted by the Devastators from this formation in the previous shooting phase, even if they used their Jump Packs in the movement phase. No unit may assault in the same turn they arrive from reserves.
There, from OP bullshit to moderately meh in one post. But GW gotta sell them Devastator minis, huh?
Heavy weapons cant fire on the same turn they drop pod in.
They can only snapfire, it's the Skyhammer formation giving them Relentless and Pinning on 3D6 the bullshit part.
The flyer rule. These ships are flying at hundreds of miles an hour, they should never be that close to the ground or relevant at all besides bombing runs.
I'd scrap the current unit classification system since every unit type other than infantry is a giant lump of special rules. If there is one section in the rulebook that needs to be rewritten for 8e, this is it.
Thank god.
Actually why DO CSM know fear? Aren't they older, more experienced and literally living in hell where eldritch fearsome horrors are as common as houseflies?
No. Formations.
There's so much bullshit in formation rules, and some units have essential rules stripped out of them only to have them accessible through formations - and it ruins freedom in list building, effectivelly forcing palyers to spam formations.
Does the Tau Codex count as a rule? No? In that case I pick Interceptor. It so easily completely invalidates some units.
Why not Eldar? Tau aren't even remotely as broken.
Do people bitch about Tau and Eldar because of those 2 units that everyone seems to hate?
And because rules all but force Tau and Eldar players to spam those units.
Seriously, gun line tau can be broken by a mixture of mind bullets and LOS blocking terrain. Stop putting up 4 hills and calling that a well done board.
Also 100% guaranteed alpha strike needs a measure to keep it pulled back. Tau are the hard counter to this. This doesn't make tau stupid, it just means you got the wrong match up.
Tau lack assault and mind bullets, this makes them strictly worse than eldar and marines. Once you learn how to neuter, survive or mitigate tau shooting, they become practically useless. It's not like They're going to park fire warriors on an objective or something. Midfield for tau is suicide 2/3rds the time.
if it were up to me, I'd change formations. Either make them take more tax units and remove things like riptide wing. Formations can be a good idea if they're either taxed with extra points to use them, or with tax units. I feel tax units are the way to go as they can be used to make lists less spammy and more fluffy if done right.
>and LOS blocking terrai
Crisis teams would like to have a word with you.
Yes, this, thank god. Bigger stuff is cool but that is exactly what Epic is for.
The entire idea of unbound lists needs to die quickly and quietly.
This. I avoided Apocalypse back in the day, but now that shit is at my front door.
It's not that their rules are borken -even though they are- it's that everything abut their rules make the game less enjoyable. Either they shoot your army to death or you CC them and they just die.
I also despise their fluff, artwork and miniatures.
Mob Rule.
Dunno what cackhanded cross-eyed dickhead took one look at the Ork codex and said "Hey, let's fuck up the ONE thing they have going for them", but it's now a complete liability.
Either that or "Da Boss iz Watchin'"
Or the Destroyer rule.
Fuck that. Just play a standard CAD. No huss, no fuss.
Soul Blaze slows the game down for not a whole lot of purpose. Delete it.
That's typical of 7th. So much does that.
What about them? Their being MCs?
The assault move is their running.
The 6/7e method of shooting. It's slower, more abusable, and just worse. A guard blob shooting at Manz can take ages.
>ITT: instead of fixing the game everyone thinks up the most troll change they can
This is why all your complaints about the game fall on deaf ears.
>The assault move is their running.
running is in the assault phase.
derp I meant running is in the shooting phase.
The phases are just for gameplay, it effectively happens all at once. The phase thing is because running replaces shooting.
What I meant was assaulting and running arent in the same phase. So why cant you run then assault with out special rules?
Hatred (faction)
Rules that hose factions are old fashioned game design and most games have stopped doing it for a reason.