MtG Aether Revolt Spoilers

Didn't see a thread in the catalogue, so let's get today's spoiler thread started.

Bolas Walker card confirmed for Amonkhet. Thoughts?

Also, Convoke but for artifacts.




...Is it just me, or does that look like the Weatherlight?

>Easier to cast voidslime

>Bolas Walker card confirmed for Amonkhet. Thoughts?

It was a given, but I'm still not used to seeing things like "A Bolas Planeswalker Card" on other cards.

getting real Communist vibes here.

are they really going to Lionize Communism like so many others?

Is this Weatherlight II: Jacetice League Boogaloo?

Is Rosewater finally going to reek his bloody vengeance on the world for being forced to cancel Weatherlight Saga early?

Why does each have the planeswalker watermark? Is it because of the story spotlights?
>it begins

If anything, the resistance lead by Pia is anti-communist.
The Consul dictates who gets what and how much, and makes sure to spread everything "evenly and fairly" among the populace. (the rich and/or powerful get more, as always)

Its wording that shows up in the new planeswalker duel decks. "A Chandra Planeswalker card", "A Nissa Planeswalker card", etc.

Yea, the Planeswalker watermark are those "story highlight" cards - they wanted to denote the cards that are key points in the story to people who play the cards but don't read the lore.

The Consul is already pretty much a parliamentary communist governing body isn't it? Seems more like Pia's got a White Rose Society thing going on.

That's pretty bad fucking wording that will confuse a bunch.

Yea, it doesn't look good. They copy-pasted the new text from the Convoke re-do in the recent core set, but they had to adapt around things like mana rocks, and that makes it a bit awkward.


Guess it's time to upgrade Ye Olde RB Artifact Deck.

>Ensnaring bridge reprint confirmed

Wasn't Kiran Chandra's pops?

He didn't have position of power, right? He was just some rebel artificer.

It should have crew 5 for each pw.

About the cards, not enough to get me hype.

Yea, Kiran was Pia's husband and they're Chandra's parents.
They were artificers out in the rural areas, and it seems that Kiran's been killed and Pia's started a revolution against the Consul's rule.
Hear of Kiran is probably the resistance's flagship, like how Skysovreign is for the Consul.

I was kind of assuming that the "aether revolt" would refer to the aetherborn leading a revolt. Think about it - they're the most inherently disadvantaged group on Kaladesh. They generate spontaneously, they're literally unwanted, they have no families to raise them or inherit property from, nobody trusts them, and they really don't have the time or the incentive to put up with anyone else's shit.

It looks nothing like the Weatherlight other than the fact that they're both airships.

If you take off the sails and the "spines" and cover up the deck, I can kinda see it.

>if you do this, and this, and take away half of it, it KINDA looks like it
ah yes, definitely worth saying then

Just wait until some old, still alive Captain Sisay shows up to fly it

I mean they're totally gonna stick Rashmi's planeswalking device on it eventually

How long has it been in game years since Invasion cycle ended, anyway? It's got to be hundreds or thousands of years, because that postwar period includes Mirrodin's entire life cycle.

In contrast, the entire new-planeswalkers era (from Lorwyn to now) has been maybe ten years at most because Chandra's mom is still alive and looking pretty good.

I thought the whole deal with the Atherborn is they live a life of luxury for however long they're able to hold themselves together.

>Implying Captain Sisay isn't a 'Walker now too
Haven't you heard? Anyone that isn't a Planeswalker has to be a secondary character, even when they're more interesting than the main characters.

With what? They appear out of nowhere with nothing and connected to no one. Considering that they're all black-aligned, they're probably not even very nice to each other. They may live lives of hedonism with whatever little means are available to them (and it's hard to be a hedonist when you can neither eat nor fuck,) but surely the vast majority of them live in grinding poverty.

>or inherit property from
Wrong. Aetherborn 'claim' a region where other Aetherborn are born and basically adopt the Aetherborn that form there, including leaving them all their stuff when they die.

Reposting this baby then. This is gonna win games

Doesn't trigger with elder dragon Bolas shit/10 wouldn't even consider in bolas themed edh
in all seriousness though, this would actually be great in a bolas edh deck if we're getting a new bolas

>Stick an extra loyalty on Elder Dragon Bolas

no new bolas PW card, just a reprint in Hour of Devastation and MaRo is going to say "Oh, I didn't know you guys wanted a NEW Bolas PW card, we'll make that when we reprint Damnation."

>Heart Of Kiran

So I'm guessing Nissa-mom built this flagship, and in the story it will go really fast because Chandra heats the boilers or something?

>we'll make that when we make Contraptions and Riggers


um, why? They're black-aligned. Giving out free stuff to strangers for no reason isn't really in their nature. Even if this setup was imposed on them by outside laws, it'd be really easy for an aetherborn property owner to deny that a given aetherborn generated in the right area to receive property (or for an aetherborn to sneak into a richer area and claim to be from there.)

>That flavor text

Phyrexia confirmed

>That's pretty bad fucking wording that will confuse a bunch.


Pretty much anyone you as for an opinion of Convoke will say "It was kinda cool, but the reminder text was fucking awful" they used it again

It makes sense, to be honest. Think about it. Of the old cast, who do people remember the most? Urza. Why? Because he was a fucking planeswalker. Noone gave a shit about Gerrard.

It's so blatantly obvious now:
>Gerrard -> Jace
>Sisay/Hanna -> Chandra
>Tarngarth -> Ajani/Gideon
>Orim/Mirri -> Nissa
>Crovax -> Liliana

Only a matter of time when Karn will be written into the story.

new karn is going to be only +3 instead of +4 because +4 was too much.
+3 karn, get advantage
-1 Karn to pilot Kiran's ship
>tfw still +2

So this is Nicol Bolas's 'pseudo-Oath'?

I wonder if Tezzy will get one as well.

Maybe my retarded idea of "Nicol Bolas and the Dark Gatewatch" will come true and there will be one of these for each of his lieutenants.

Tibalt gonna make his come back, baby.

Yet that's exactly how the lore goes.

Black isn't evil, and it still has things it wants or cares for.

Aetherborn want family, so they make one. And a legacy is a hell of a thing when you only live three years.

Tibalt, Tezzeret, Garruk, Nahiri, Ghost Elspeth...

Think a bit bigger dear, by receiving that donation you are giving those providing for you power. They grab you, provide for you and you do a few things for them in return because hay fair's fair and before you know it they own you.

It's just organised crime really, nothing totally out of the ordinary as a structure.

Wanting family seems more green and/or red.

Aetherborn don't make family. New Aetherborn are born of aether nothing and older Aetherborn take them in so that their own 'legacy' can carry on and any money not spent on their death party doesn't leave their 'family'.

A 100% black character only acts in self interest without feeling anything for anyone else and doesn't care for anyone or anything else. That being said, it's not like there can't be B/x aetherborn and it's possible they're black/red but mostly black aligned.

I really like what we've seen of Gonti, and I hope we see more of him and his robo-Aether pump heart.

I wonder if an Aetherborn sparked, would they be able to live off the Aether in the Blind Eternities?

>A 100% black character only acts in self interest without feeling anything for anyone else and doesn't care for anyone or anything else

You can keep posting that, but it won't make it true.

A black character can care only about themselves and those close to them, or they could care about how their family/friends are treated because that disrespect reflects on them, or many other things.

God I hope so. Only so that we can thin the Planeswalker herd out a bit.

Gerrard is nothing like Jace. Hanna is nothing like Chandra and Sisay isn't particularly similar either.

Who the fuck is Yahenni? and why should we care what he thinks

>Ajani will never be forced to cut off Jace's head while being forced to fight for Elesh Norn

>A 100% black character only acts in self interest without feeling anything for anyone else
I'm going to have to disagree with that just slightly. It's not like Lilianna being slightly bothered by plotting to kill Jace, Crovax being obsessivly in love with Selena, and Queen Vamp leading an army of Allies to save Zendikar and her clan were just accidents

oh good, it's time for #blackpermanentsmatter the set

done with pandering to minorities, Wizards is trying to court traitors, unionists and Bernouts with LE QUIRKY ACTIVISM set

Can't wait to roll out my Boros deck and put rioters in their place

>Didn't read the story
>Care about flavor text
Just choose one

Wasn't the only reason Yawgmoth was black was because that was all that was available to him?

>Lilianna being slightly bothered by plotting to kill Jace
I don't think anyone in the gatewatch is monocolored except maybe Jace
>Crovax being obsessivly in love with Selena
Crovax wants Selena
>Queen Vamp leading an army of Allies to save Zendikar and her clan
She can't leave Zendikar, if the Eldrazi destroy Zendikar, she dies.

It's the only mana naturally on Old Phyrexia. Dunno about when he was still Yawgmoth Baxter, Frontier Physician. He was pretty violently opposed to abusing magic when he was human wasn't he?

pretty much from what I remember. His philosophy was more aligned with White.

Why are you so shit? What possesses a man, to make him submit such a post?


>"You don't really know how powerstones work. You've created a whole city that relies on an energy source you do not understand. 'Magic!' you say. 'It's magic!' Oh, how clever. And then when the magic fails, you simply say, 'It must have been more magic!'"
Maybe just a little.

>I don't think anyone in the gatewatch is monocolored except maybe Jace
But everyone on the Gatewatch has only been represented as mono-colored in their Walker forms.

>Crovax wants Selena
I'll concede that the relationship was far from healthy, but even before he became Evincar Crovax was deeply attached to her. Whether you want to interpret that as actual love or as a need to possess something perceived as pure and perfect in contrast to his own cursed nature is up for debate, but learning that she turned on him and the Weatherlight crew was enough to cause him to fall into crippling despair. And before he was cursed fully, Crovax willingly joined and befriended the Weatherlight crew, and refused to bargain with dark forces for power.
>She can't leave Zendikar, if the Eldrazi destroy Zendikar, she dies.
But that alone doesn't explain why she dispatched members of her brood to aid humans. You could argue that it's just pragmatism, but I distinctly remember at least one bout of flavor text from Drana stating that the Vampires have to help mortals to save the world.

Holy shit this looks fucking per-


God damn it.

Being a nerd is cool now so him and all his edgy friends moved on to the next group for outcasts (fake neonazis and ultra-right conservatives).

About five hundred or so years.

>Bolas wants to use Phyrexia as his own personal army
>Uses the gate stolen from Kaladesh in Amonket
>Amonket is all about Bolas trying to enslave New Phyrexia


>A 100% black character only acts in self interest without feeling anything for anyone else and doesn't care for anyone or anything else.

Self interest and selfishness are not the same thing. Black can have things and even people it cares about and it is fully capable of going against its own self interest to protect these things. All colors can be have people and things they value, what matters is why it values these things and how it treats them.

Seizing all the inventions makes it seem like that's the reason Tezzeret was there. But in that case, why is he still hanging around?

I wonder if it's just to fuck up Jace and Lili, and Bolas will turn up because he's late as fuck.

This is it. This is the mechanic where they'll fuck up and make something broken for Affinity.

Sorry, only one good removal instant per block.

Probably one of the worst lore stories written yet.

Use to let plagues go on random races for study.

>Only -3/-3
>Not an instant
>Doesn't give the free spell flash


>I haven't ready any of the books or flavor articles older than one year
That's precious.

You're casting the spell as part of the card's effect, flash is irrelevent.

The point I'm trying to get at is that you cant save that spell for later. You cant cast Yahenni's Expertise and then hold that free spell to use at a later time in the turn.

So either Black or a particularly cruel Blue?

It doesn't matter if the other spell has flash, it's being forced to cast as a part of Yahenni's Experticse's effect

>So this is Nicol Bolas's 'pseudo-Oath'?

It's a shittier version of his Ultimatum, because that was meta-defining while this is bin fodder.

Seems like you were the one not ready.

Also I've read more magic novels then you have braincells. ;)

"Than" not "then"

Unless reading Magic novels is somehow granting the other user brain cells.

Wait, we are back to convoking, but with artifacts?
Affinity treasure incoming!

I don't believe for a second that the characters themselves are monocolored. Yeah, their cards are all monocolor but the lore discussion isn't about the game.

I don't believe Tamiyo is WUG but there she is costing a full Bant.

Drana doesn't care because she knows her vampires and the rest of the allies need to work together to save Zendikar. If she doesn't tell her vamps to work with the allies, she dies.

Because he has no way to transport all of the inventions with him. He can learn a lot fro them, and put them to incredible uses, but he needs time to study them.

If he can figure out how to perfect the transporter rings, through, he can fuck off to another plane with the best of the inventors fair and just spend the next year teching up/getting absurdly rich and powerful on basically any plane.

Jace was almost printed as azorius and was designed to represent the guild, it just didnt make sense for them to break the cycle so they bent the color pie. Watch maros podcasy

Pia is white now

Are we talking about Color Philosophy in pure lore terms and not in relation to a card's color identity then?

In that case the only people I know of that embody a pure Black mentality are the Evincars, Purraj, most demons, and a few Kami.

Likewise Eldmari's need for vengeance and quest to overthrow the Rathi would come into conflict with Green's mentality of unity and acceptance of fate, and Avacyn's (former) compassion for the wolfir would interfere with White's need for conformity. I don't think it's even possible to create a decent character with a full fanatical devotion to every aspect of their Color's philosophy.

He brought the mox opal from mirrodin to kaladesh and used to be an interdimensional smuggler. He knows how to planeswalk things

Are you high??


Almost every card spoiled so far has some kind of older ability on it. This seems weird.

Gonna need someone to shop a Rhapsody shirt and a guitar on him.

>Inb4 whining
This is shitty intro-deck Tezzeret, not the Tezzeret that will be in the set.


How's that any different than generic "Kicker but not really Kicker we don't call it that anymore" ability that happens almost every block?

Kaladesh is just a rehash of abilities without using the names. Affinity (Gearseeker Serpent), Landfall (that one shitty green rare that makes energy), etc.

>target opponent loses life equal to the number of artifacts you control
Time to pull out Sculptor and Golem Forge.