But I had this boardgame when I was a kid and this is the only piece I still have from it. I was wondering if anybody had any sort of idea what game this was? There were more of these and if I'm not mistaken I belive it was a fantasy game where you had to collect these pieces. There were also a blue one aswell. Does anybody know what game this came from?
I know this is a long shot
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bump for interest
Don't suppose there's any text on the underside
pmub rof tseretni
Enjoy a bump on the house, op.
W-what is this, I must know!
Fireball Island. It's the 'goal' you had to capture and take back to the start. Getting killed by a fireball meant you drop it wherever you are.
how do you capture and take back an island wtf
This poster is wrong and also possibly a normie
Yep. The gem from Fireball Island (fantastic fucking game btw) looks totally different.
Fireball island is the shit.
Think ours is still at my moms
>best guess for this image: Shoe
Well, guess I am bumping your thread then, OP
That's a thing of beauty!
Post some better pics, it looks familiar to me.
They customized it!
This is great! Apparently the bridges are custom made too.
their is no underside, its open on the bottom like you could almost stack them
Do you remember anything else about the game?
I'm sure it's not Fireball Island, the pieces look different, those look like the pieces from Dragonmaster, which I almost thought was the game it came from.
I'm sure it was either a kids game or for young adults, I'm fairly certain it was one board and i have faint memory of a cave setting. I don't ever remember playing the game with someone but I did have it and liked the pieces
I recognize it, but I can't remember from where. I thought Key to the Kingdom, but that was wrong and now I want to play that again.
Now those figures were adventurers.
Can you tell us anything else about the game? Did it have a 3D board or a flat board? Did it have dragons? Sorcerers? Was it just the red gem and the blue gem or were there other pieces?
Shit son, I remember this game! It was amazing when I was seven years old. I loved these kinds of 3D, sculpted-environment games from the very first, on reflection it makes a lot of sense that I grew up to like Mordheim and high-terrain fantasy wargames.
Never heard of this game but I just want to agree: that's a seriously good sculpt.
Best thread on Veeky Forums right now. Bump to help OP!
Key to the Kingdom was amazing!
I just want to be lovingly bullied by muscle girls, is that so much to ask OP?
OP, what era was the game published in; 90s? Later?
Bejeweled the Board Game. I bet it smells vaguely of vagina.
Hmm. That piece looks familiar.
It's from a 90's board game, right?
That's all I remember, it was when I was a kid and I'm 22 now.
That looks like delicious, cherry-flavored candy.
It's from Dragon Strike my man, it's one of the treasure gems the swingy dragon head would knock off.
That doesn't look like the one true Dragonstrike to me: youtu.be
(skip to 33 seconds in)
That's actually a seriously good sculpt.
Yes, that it. I had that thing too when I was younger and I remember the stones look exactly like that
Alright, so we've found it... maybe. Now to dedicate the rest of this thread to obsessing over this system. I'll start.
What the fuck is with the dragon neck? It's like an Eastern Dragon fucked a Western Dragon and this is their bastard offspring
It's a weight thing, when held at a certain angle it moves like a snake. If it stayed stationary it wouldn't be much of a game.
Picture related I bought my kid one for one of their stocking stuffers. It cost me a buck but since it's in a board game it's $59.99 good goyim etc.
What's fun is that all the gear sculpted onto the mini was what you had in game (at least to start with.)
I love this kinda shit. I almost want to get the game now just in support of its principles. Does it play well as well?
So how exactly does the dragon neck swinging around work? What makes it swing?
It says "motorized" right there in 's picture, dingdong. There's presumably a simple electric motor in the dragon's body and it makes the neck speed turn, while the linked snake neck pieces make the head's movement unpredictable.
>it makes the neck speed turn
It makes the neck *piece* turn, jeez. Too early.
>It says "motorized" right there in 's picture, dingdong.
The words are fuzzy and in the background, and I'm not wearing my glasses. Plus, reading is hard, and since I'm no longer in school, I don't see why I should have to do it anymore.
Excellent impression of a Veeky Forums regular
Plus a bump for OP so he doesn't miss this
Well, it's been like two decades since I played, but I recall it being enjoyable as a kid.
I mean, it's not going to be tactically brilliant, but it's a fun bit of fantasy to play with kids too young for complex shit.
Plus, fold out board.
OP here
Holy shit yes, that's it. thank you so much friendo, after all this time I can now finally rest easy