The 40k format where you play with a few small squads of dudesmen and individual models. GW official and HoR welcome, though it's polite clarify which one you're talking about.
Heralds of Ruin rules here:
The 40k format where you play with a few small squads of dudesmen and individual models. GW official and HoR welcome, though it's polite clarify which one you're talking about.
Heralds of Ruin rules here:
So how retarded would I be if I ran 4 ironstriders in gw kill team?
Probably very. Still, AV11 means you're immune to most basic guns, barring Tau Pulse weapons.
Two Dragoons and Ballistarii make 200 points even without upgrades., or four Dragoons to have 20 points leftover, enough two of them to pack a Serpenta. Still, it's probably a better idea to pack some Skitarii to keep the Melta and heavier hitting weapons away or at least tied up.
Also I'm not sure if there's a rule that says you can't make a team composed entirely of vehicles.
Currently thinking of a couple of teams for HoR, built for campaign build so they start at 200 rather than 250:
Harlequins: 195 Points
Leader [60]
>Troupe Master (35)
>>Piercing Rose (10)
>>Domino Field (15)
Core [75]
>Harlequin x5 (15*5)
Special [60]
>Shadowseer (60)
Adeptus Mechanicus: 200 Points
Leader [50]
>Infiltrator Princeps (45)
>>Refractor Field (5)
Core [90]
>Vanguard x5 (9*5)
>Vanguard x5 (9*5)
Special [60]
>Secutarii Peltast x5 (12*5)
Any cool brews you guys have seen recently?
I stumbled upon HoR's Rogue Trader list. It looks bizarre, but also pretty fun. I like a list with large amounts of choice and neat models and options to consider. Bonus points if it's fluffy.
I was also directed here on a thread from yesterday night. What do I need to start playing 40k if I have literally nothing?
You should probably get the start collecting box of whichever army you want to play.
This: With Roundtree in charge, some of those boxes actually get you a good deal. Of course, it is best to choose an army box that gets you things that are actually useful in game, as some have been or are stuffed with subpar units you might actually never use.
You must have 4 non-vehicle models in your army in the GW rules. A leader and three specialists.
Ah, so quad-strider Skitarii is impossible, then.
Also, Sentinel squadron teams are not a thing either, which is a shame because then your team could basically just play Top Gun but with Sentinels instead of jet fighters.
No, but vehicles in general are very solid in Kill Team. A scout or armoured Sentinel is very good and the weapon options are flexible.
Veterans are great given their flexibility, especially in a chimera which can shoot at three different targets, plus pop people out of the hatch.
Ratlings and scions both solid options as well. AM has very solid options for KT.
And THIS is what I like about Kill Team, the subpar options suddenly glimmer if not shine brighter when the core cheesy models are cut from the roster. Combined with Zone Mortalis or similarly dense and obstructed terrain, you have models coming into their own where they are otherwise bad units in regular 40k games.
That's not to say KT doesn't have cheese, but it's much more limited when it's got only one or two wounds and if vastly outnumbered by cheap goons who only need a few lucky hits from their massed, prodigious volume of fire. Also when they can rarely throw down large blast templates that crack open tanks.
Thank you based bro!
Also, GW KT game.
Just ran a Tau list of:
>6x breachers
>6x strikers
>3x Stealthsuits
Against SM. Went pretty good. Although got close at the end, his SM broke my troops and I lost 2 stealths and 3 FW to Ld tests lol... Won by 1 point.
I think I'm gonna take 10 breachers, 6 Strike, and a Deathrain next time for more bodies.
well you can get close. it's easy to bring 3 sentinels and a vet squad or even just some ratlings to fill out your leader/spec requirements
I've been out of the Tau loop for a while now. Are Fire Warriors now classed between their weapon options? Warriors getting the rifle, breachers getting the shotgun, and strikers getting the carbine? Also, the Deathrain is the turret, right?
Close, true. I still like the idea that these vehicles are highly limited, and love the emphasis on infantry that KT brings as opposed to other options. But I do love walkers, and Sentinels are still cool-looking models. I play Skitarii in HoR, though, so a single Dragoon will hold me over on that mark.
Bumping, but also does anyone have fluff for Their Dudes, do you have a background for your Kill Team, or if in a campaign, is there a context to their struggle?
Is it worth investing into a duelling Leader or should you keep him cheap ?
I bought the Overkill box recently, could I make a a good kill team out of the genestealer cultist in there?
So, question: How viable is a Necron kill team? Also, any list builders for Kill team?
Bought the Execution Force board game so I could get all the Assassins with the start of a Chaos warband as a bonus.
Hoping to start building an Inquisitorial Retinue after Imperial Agents drops and make a nice fluffy group of witch hunters backed by an Assassin and then build up on my Chaos boys further.
A dueling leader can be fun, but otherwise they can be good at assassinating individual special units if they're speedy. You don't just have to challenge the enemy Captain, you can kill the guy holding the Plasma Cannon and let your dudes advance without the fear of deadly templates. Otherwise, invest in survivability if the Leader gives good benefits or not at all.
Most likely. A good mix of weapons and options but a lot of dudes to build from.
Necron Infantry is durable and packs good guns. It's usually a problem for anything lacking AP3 or AP4 at least. Plus Reanimation Protocols. They do pay for that all but otherwise make intimidating foes.
I'm not sure if they work in GW Kill Team (minimum 4 models, hard in 200 points), but HoR lets you take lesser (but still expensive) versions of them with the option to buy up their rules and wargear to full power, which is good for a campaign where you start small and build up to bigger.
you aren't playing HoR then.
Fielded 2 Crisis Suits and 7 Fire Warriors versus 6 Marines and 6 Scouts. It actually went fairly well; tied on points, lost on elimination. The guy was new, so I didn't abuse the Crisis jetpacks all that much and let them be stationary fire platforms for a few turns.
Any suggestions for a Crisis-incorporating Tau list?
Here's what I had for my Necron Kill team:
10 Warriors
3 Immortals
1 Deathmark
How many points is GW KT?
Oh yeah, definitely using HoR rules
Assassins are actually a little broken in a way. They're cheaper points wise, just about all of them have 4 AP 3 and AP 2 attacks, have access to lots of gear, and can be upgraded to literally be WS 10, BS 10, I 8, Ld 11, and saves on a 3+
Guess the trade off is the point cost for gear is expensive making one assassin add up fast.
14 models makes for a pretty medium-sized list. Although there's a lack of heavy weapons, which I suppose Necron regulars might be lacking in, even if their primary guns have a chance to wound regardless of toughness. Still, generally well-armored for the team.
Also, is that HoR? IIRC, GW KT means you need to follow minimum unit composition rules, and Deathmarks and Immortals have minimum squad sizes of 5.
Anyway, you're probably weak to elite teams of few models but powerful weapons. Balance in Kill Team seems to revolve around a loose rock-paper-scissors trinity of Balanced/Medium teams, Horde lists, and Elite teams.
>Balanced Teams usually beat Horde lists
>Hordes can destroy Elite teams for not having enough shots to deal with them
>Elite teams can many times beat Balanced teams because of the firepower they bring
GW Kill Team is typically 200 points. However, I've heard it can build up to 500. HoR does as much as well, though the standard game size is 250 rather than 200.
Assassins usually lack the attacks or shots to do much damage to more numerous teams. They can be torn up by numerous melee guys or high volumes of fire. Also they're only T4. They're made to kill HVTs, not deal with massed frontline armies.
As much happens in fluff as well, where Assassins are killed by angry mobs.
How many points is a squad of Dark Angel Tacs with Plasma Cannon, Gun, Pistol, and Power Sword with Vet Sergeant and a Rhino?
I'm not very familiar with the DA Codex, but I think that's 147 points.
>Vet Srgt (24)
>>Plasma Pistol (15)
>>Power Weapon (15)
>Tac Marine (14)
>>Plasma Gun (15)
>Tac Marine (14)
>>Plasma Cannon
>Rhino (35)
But that's quite a lot for just four models.
So is boys>toys still true in kill team?
>4 models
I keep forgetting that 40k Tac squads don't come in packs of 10.
Wait, that's only 4 models? I thought it was 5?
Don't tell me that DA can't have 10 man tac squads.
That's just for the points cost with the listed options. I originally assumed you wanted max marines, but just for the guys with the guns and Rhino, it's 147, so you have points leftover for more Tacs. I also assumed the Plasma Pistol and Power Sword were for the same model; the Vet Sergeant.
Also, I'm pretty sure minimum squad size is 5, and you might need to take more models to be able to take the Plasma Gun and Cannon in the same squad.
Yeah, it's why I want to pair them with Inquisitors, I figure they can be either a KT sized distraction-Carnifex or they'll rain swift death.
Hopefully, I don't get to play enough to have a good attack plan with Assassins
Yeah, iirc you need 10 marines to take both. So at 14ppm the total should be 189 for a 10 man squad with the options listed and a rhino. I think. Could probably put some upgrades on the Rhino and call it a day.
>tfw don't have the DA Codex and Mega hates Mobile users
>Refuse to download an app for a single book
>On iPhone so can't into epub
I think that's actually 245.
For simplicity's sake:
Tac Marine x10 (14*10) [140 points]
Upgrading one to Veteran is... wait, is that 10 points or free with squad purchase? [10 points?]
Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Gun, and Plasma Canon are 15 points each (15*4) [60 points]
A basic Rhino is 35 points, I think [35]
Unless I'm missing something.
Dang. So get rid of the Veteran Sergeant and the Rhino and it's fine then.
Yes, kind of. Models are generally the best way to build your team, and around 10-16 is pretty ideal, but without some heavy weapons you can have a hard time dealing with hard targets. Though if you max bodies on the field with a horde army, you can drown most other armies, though balanced teams might have a flamer or two or a good mix of high-output weapons to deal with them.
In HoR, you're fine, assuming you're playing with the Dedicated Transport optional rule. Although you can also just lift the point cap to 250 and be fine in GW KT as well.
Oh, nice! 250 points would fit it perfectly then.
Has anyone considered custom rules for their Kill Team campaigns?
Personally considering:
>Unwieldy reduces Initiative by 1, rather than to 1 (when used for determining Initiative order in CC, not for Initiative tests)
Because there have to be reasons to take unwieldy weapons, and now a Powerfist punches faster than someone who is Concussed. Concussion is now worth it against those models as well. At the very least, these weapons strike at the same average Initiative as lesser armies. In HoR, it also means you can freely buy Initiative in a campaign to compensate, without it being pointless outside of running and jumping.
My store is considering heavily overhauling terrain rules for GW kill team, mainly by allowing players to target any and all ruins as av 12 vehicles (our store has mostly ruins) due to the fact that my IG list turned out to be a little broken on a high terrain board
Vet squad: Bolter sarge (leader) x2 plasma, sniper, autocannon (fnp because fuck you), camo cloaks
Vet Squad: Bolter Sarge, x3 sniper, autocannon, camo cloaks.
The leaders in our store can choose their trait, so I go with 12" break tests score
The plasmas are ignores cover and preferred enemy
One autocannon team gets FNP, as with as many weapons as I have I don't have to move them around much.
You got numbers, surprising amount of firepower, and are an absolute bitch to dig out of terrain. The only spooky thing out there really is plague marines, which is why you bring the snipers as dirt cheap ways to hurt high T units.
Onagers are KT legal right?
Are they worth?
They're 12/12/11, so they're 2 armor too high.
I'm getting the Start Collecting! Tau Empire box for Christmas. My game store is just starting to do Kill Teams, but I don't have any rules for 40K or Kill Teams or the Tau codex. What do I need to play, and what should I run as my kill team?
I thought it was 33. Does HoR lower it?
Can I use Legion rules in a KT? I don't see why not.
perhaps, not familiar with HoR, I just checked my skitarii codex so that's the GW version.
HoR has their own mini Codices for each faction to choose minis from, plus custom equipment in a few cases. The Onager, and pretty much anything like (tanks and such) it aren't among them.
However, the 33 armor rule still applies to vehicles, mainly Transports for the optional rules, although Drop Pods are a notable exception to this rule.
The Campaign supplement does include a custom Davian Thule as an example of a Legendary Hero (essentially a KT character mercenary), however he is AV12/11/10 to fit with KT's armor values.
30k generally does poorly against 40k because of balance (Forge World gives a shit), but in all but official tournaments, it should be fine. HoR even has a shittily-formatted list for legions, but I'm not sure if it's up to date.
user pls
Have you been under a rock?
Sorry, I was under the impression you meant Legiones Astartes. You did only refer to them as "Legions" rather than "Traitor Legions" so I must have assumed otherwise.
Anyway, I see no reason to bar Traitor Legion rules from CSM Kill Teams, provided they follow all the other rules for KT. It's not like CSM is especially powerful without them, and many of those rules would give them a welcome and fluffy boost to the tabletop.
I personally can't wait to see how it expands in HoR, which the dev team did try and do justice to long before Traitor Legions, but having them be official is nice, too.
I had just planned out my Night Lords, and saw the KT thread. Funny enough, raptor troops don't actually matter because they're 95pts base. However, night fighting, stealth, and super fear are pretty sweet.
What are the solid Ork lists/choices for kill team?
In a game mode that focuses on Infantry and smaller dudes, Fear can go a long way because a lot of basic infantry doesn't have some form of Fearless.
In all honesty, I wouldn't know. I am tempted to say Boyz spam, but I am far from sure. I know HoR amends some rules like Mob Rule to make them work better with Kill Team.
How exactly would Mob Rule work for Orks if every model is its own squad?
Unless they're marines of course, but yea. An army of fear that forces tests with a -2 penalty is pretty great.
Quick list:
Night Lords Kill Team
Raptor x5
Raptor - Exploit Weakness
Plasma - Sharp Shooter
Flamer - Infiltrate
Lightning Claw - Leader
CSM x5
I'm doing a Raptors SM army. Chapter tactics give Heavy 1 Rending to bolters and bolt pistols if didn't move, and Stealth/Shrouded as Raven Guard rules.
What's the optimal combination? I was thinking of putting out a bunch of Tacs and a Scout sniper squad, how does that sound?
Could work. You're relying on playing defensively to put that Rending to work. Scout Snipers can be good, but you're really relying on those 6s to make those wounds count. Still, if they're packing heavy weapon specialists their concentrated fire is likely to pick them off.
Doesn't sound bad. Scouts are the cheapest model you have access too, and Tacs are fine as they are. If you want pricey (for points) I suggest Sternguard, which have a profile for different situations. Generally, that utility is invaluable when you don't have a lot of space in your team to specialize. I'm building HoR Skitarii and am getting Secutarii Peltasts for this reason.
Also contributing Zone Mortalis rules from Forge World for those interested.
We might need to make a dedicated copypasta if we want these threads to stick around. If there's enough interest, of course.
As a new person looking to get into the hobby it seems like kill team is the way to go. Does getting the current box give me everything that I need to play a full game of KT with someone or is there anything else that I need? This is asking as someone who has never purchased a single mini in his life
The box gets you pretty much all the models and the rulebooks you will need to play. You will want the codexes if you want to really get into how each squad works, but you can get those for free as downloads off the 40k general.
From there, you will need modelling supplies to build and paint the models, which are not included. Basics would be
>Superglue (loctite works great)
>X Acto knife
>Hobby clippers
That would get you pretty much all the mandatory hobby stuff. You can live without stuff like files for a while
A Start Collecting box gets yah everything yah need.
Kill team is only 200 points and most games of 40k are around the 1500 range. This means you need significantly fewer models to play a game, and thus an equally significant drop in investment with Sisters being exception.
In short, yes.
The boxes have enough and iirc are actually a little more than enough, though don't think that you need the KT boxes to play. Start Collecting! Boxes are just a good place to start in general, and KT is no exception.
But, yes. The KT boxes are good for KT as is because that's how they were designed.
>Still, if they're packing heavy weapon specialists their concentrated fire is likely to pick them off.
What do you mean by that?
So how good are noise marines considered in kill team ?
They seem pretty versatile with In5 and ignores cover.
Have a killteam laegue coming up, and taking a couple of them + some bikes sound like fun.
>on Tau
I am so happy about not following the new releases right now, spared me some ragefits.
So what do yall think a good list for skitarii would look like? Gw kill team.
You can easily fit a couple of minimum or even full squads of Vanguard in there. That in and of itself is quite deadly to most troops just from the volume of fire it packs. After that, maybe a Dragoon or stick some special weapons to those Vanguard to get some ability to deal with tougher units.
Noise Marines are actually pretty intimidating in KT. The Blastmaster is best, and Sonic guns are okay but need to be stationary to get the most out of them. Unless they have Relentless for some reason.
Currently planning a kill-team to make the start of 40k for Christmas how'd this look
9x Cultists
Cult Champion
5x Chosen ~ (Autocannon - Sharpshooter, Flamer - Crusader)
Chosen-er ~ (Chainaxe, Bolt Pistol) - Leader
1x Chaos Spawn ~ (MoN) - Killer instinct
I wanted to do Death Guard legion rules but no I need to buy MoN on everything if so then I guess I will drop the mark and pick up a power sword or something
Deathrain would be a missile pod Crisis, I believe.
Playing Dark Eldar in 250pt GWKT.
On Scourges, I'm deciding how best to run a Weapon Specialist-
Splinter Cannon with Reaping Volley or Sharpshooter; or Heat Lance with Eagle-Eye?
The rest of the list besides Scourges is Kabalites either in a Venom or a squad of Mandrakes. Any opinions on that?
My 200pt Word Bearers GWKT:
Chaos Champion (Power Sword, Gift of Mutation)
Chaos Marine (Heavy Bolter)
Chaos Marine (Plasma Gun)
7x regular Chaos Marine
And VotLW on all of them.
Gift of Mutation is a fucking blast in KT.
Is GW KT actually any better than just playing a 300-500 point game of 40K? I looked over the rules and wasn't particularly impressed. Controlling models independently is interesting I guess, but you can get the same effect from playing a slightly higher point game. Is KT just for people that only own 12 or so models, then?
My friend asked me if he could use Ministorum Priests in his Sisters of Battle Kill Team.
Obviously they're HQ choices in the HQ section, but they don't take up HQ slots, and rather are just something you add on to a detachment, which at the time of writing the codex was either CAD or Ally.
My good instinct is that I'd like to let him, and will, but I was wondering what you guys would personally do?
Controlling models independently makes it feel very different. A lot of units are made better or worse by having to work as a unit. For example using a heavy bolter, in standard 40k that's awful, because it's a heavy weapon and can't be fired on the move, so the rest of the squad suffers. But if the heavy weapon can find somewhere to camp and unload, it's much better.
In the spirit of Kill Team, "Fuck it, let's give it a try."
the fire warriors and the crisis suits are all you need. tau, specifically crisis suits, are very good in kill team.
you can run 8 fire warriors, 4 gun drones, and 2 crisis suits with options for 200 pts. the start collecting box is good for kill team.
If Gift of Mutation rolled a Daemon Prince, that'd be allowed, right?
I have heard that Space Wolves Start Collecting is also a "ready for kill team" box.
What about Nids? Are they ok as they are or should I buy box and obligatory something extra? I want to keep this party as cheap as possible
You know i really wanna play HoR, but all the guys i know just play GW.
We had a local tournament with gw kill team a year or so ago. I brought 3 jetbikes and a swarm of Flayed Ones. My friend just brought 7 Triarch Praetorans.
Unfortunately we faced each other in the first round and he trounced me. But we both won every other match we played. I lost once to him, and he went undefeated.
Flayed ones were extremely fun to use, and the Praetorans are fast enough to do anything, while being tough as nails, and ignore all armour.
Necrons are stupidly tough in KT.
so i've found that Nids have a hard time kill team. warriors are good; 3 wounds is massive in KT. i've not seen gargoyles fielded against me, but being jump infantry is super useful in high terrain games common to KT. genestealers would be a good pick up - no worries about synapse, super fast, psionics option.
But user, I want to play only pure "wormy" Nids, no genestealers
then you'll have to start with a squad of warriors or shrikes. only synapse units pick-able in KT.
My Ork kill team right now.
4x Kommandos 40pts
Boss Kommando w/ Big Choppa 25pts
>Specialist: Dirty Fighter - Blinding Distraction
Kommando w/ Big Shoota 15pts
>Specialist: Weapon - Expert Shot
Snikrot 60pts
4x Stormboyz 36pts
Stormboy Nob w/ Big Choppa
>Specialist: Guerilla - Move Through Cover (lol)
Whoopsie. That last dude is 24pts. Brings it to a perfect 200pts.
Better to max out on 10 raptors with 2 special weapons, go with 5 Raptors and 5 CSM for a 3rd special and a toy for the raptor champ?
HoR addresses this by rerolling all results of Spawnhood or Daemon Prince on the table.
Show them the rules, or ask if you can build to 200 points using the HoR builder.
Biggest changes are how it makes terrain more granular and gives models more choices for movement, taking special care to address how certain units, and even whole factions, play while on the field.
HoR gives 'Nid leader base 24" Synapse range, and 12" for others IIRC. They also let you take gaunts and gargoyles by the 5-man squad.
Is death watch the only way to play loyalist scum in gw kt?
What are you even saying?
You still need an infantry squad friend
why even bother playing any other trash chapter in loyalist scum?
Bump? Currently leaning on the latter, but more mobility is nice.
I see.
I suppose for flavor's sake, but also mechanics. Deathwatch have toys, but they do lack in Chapter Tactics, even if they do have their own Combat Doctrines.
Of course, half the Chapter Tactics are trash anyway, or much better for larger forces than a tiny Kill Team. And if you're going with the Codex deviants (SW, BA, DA) then they have their own unique units they can bring that you miss out on. Deathwatch are better for making even more Elite teams than regular Space Marines, which are just a bit more flexible.
Do as you will. The second gives you some extra firepower, and that's a good thing to bring to field, but the first does net you mobility, which is also great in the cramped spaces of Kill Team boards. Really it's up to you: mixed company and more special weapons or a more uniform force with a direct approach.
Could Killteam make it actually viable to play Sisters?
Possibly. They're still -1 Space Marines. Acts of Faith would need to be revised as well.
Still, they have Flamers enough to deal with Horde lists, Melta enough to deal with Elite lists, and Heavy Bolters enough for everything in between.
Otherwise they all still suffer the faults that come with Sisters of Battle, although this is somewhat mitigated by the lack of heavy vehicles and bullshit they have to deal with, though they also lose all their HQ choices, which were where the SoB's power choices were.