LlNK pool discussion


Let's say, hypothetically, that Sergey's net launches and link oracles become a real functioning thing. How safe would you feel staking all your link in a link pool for passive income?

Would divide it up between several pools.

The staking contract would have to get audited by some independent people which I think they’re doing plus if it was open source we could verify that it’d be safe. So I’d feel pretty comfy.

Veeky Forums not interested?

>How safe would you feel staking all your link in a link pool for passive income?

Assuming it was all mediated by a smart contract you'd have to feel as safe as it's possible to feel.

biz is distracted from shitcoins

The deal is made through a smart contract. Its comfy af

"main net" was a meme though. It's already been delayed 4 times. If the mainnet ever launches I'l rub honey all over my body.

You're not allowed to lie on the internet, user. You'll get arrested by the internet police.

Although your trip does have Wew in it so maybe not.

Yes but isn't it theoritically possible for the node operator to lose your link anyway through penalties?

also we have no clue what the typical payout for successful information requests is, nor do we have any idea how staking link will affect that or how much you have to have.

Prepare to be highly disappointed with your 100k link that your staking to someone elses node that pays out 13c a day. The "scam" with chainlink was never that they were going to exit, it was always that the tokens were worthless.

I hope you know that node providers are getting paid IN LINK

Does anyone has any idea what the minimum amount for skating will be?
What will the potential profit % will be?
Or what both of those *might* be?
This is not much of a threat

if it turns out to be a decent staking reward (10% annually would be enough for me) i might hold link indefinitely

It seems so.
All the more reason for nodes to have a sound reputation.

Also, the consequences for the pool contributors would be extremely clear from the smart contract stipulations.

>It's already been delayed 4 times.
Proof that it got delayed even as single time pls.

They weren't supposed to take a year post ICO to have a working product. Connect the dots faggot. 32 million dollars (now 100 million+) and they literally haven't hired anyone else or made any progress. At what point do you realize this is a farce? Sergey has no idea what he's doing.

So no proof then, got it.

>they literally haven't hired anyone else or made any progress

Maybe PoSW can add trustless staking support for Link

You way off Intel SGX still needs to be developed. Corporations will only use Intel SGX.

Chainlink begged Rory for some type of news. So Rory convinced Sergey to deliver an EOY announcement but everyone in the community already no it won't be major.

They are not there yet.

$10 after announcement or I'll drop out of university

Listen to him... he gonna be poor and dumb

taste of bag..... mmmmm.....
fuck everyone who was shilling this piece of shit.

linkies deserve their bags, brainwashed poorfags