So she is a miniature now
SoB resin model
Is this the first plastic SoB ever made then?
She needs to lay off the treats at the church bake sale.
I swear to god if the limey fucks make the new sisters beefy as fuck I am going to be mad as hell. She's more solid than a bloody fire warrior. Not even close to faithful to the artwork.
There are no new models. Check the warhammer community post about it
She's in power armour. It's gonna make people chunky.
>There are no new models.
For the Codex: Imperial Agents book.
>She's more solid than a bloody fire warrior.
She's also wearing power armour. This is exactly what I want from a new Sororitas range; the armour design remains the same, boobplate and corsets included, it's just bulked up a little so it doesn't look like they're wearing liquid latex.
I like it but the leg angle seems crazily high. I know it is in the artwork but she's a lot leaner there.
Just what, it looks fantastic.
>those legs
By the Emperor, it's happening!
I want to know price.
Looks faithful to the source material for me, if there was one thing that i hated was the "cute" sisters of battle thing, they are warriors they should look like it (even though i think Blanche made her look more feminine than the model)
"Who cares, you'll pay it anyway."
And they're right.
God-fucking-damnit, I still need four boxes of stuff to finish my Genestealer Cult army, I can't afford to get into Sisters right now.
Your stockholm syndrome is showing user. Sure, it's a sister, but it's buttugly.
Way too blocky for a female model.
I was getting ready for $60. With shipping and GW tax along with third world tax I might end paying $80 could had been worst I guess.
>Way too blocky for a female model.
What part of "power armour" do you not understand?
That's US price, of course, so if you're Aussie or something, prepare.
South America. We usually have to smuggle models. Since GW hate latinos for some reason. It is a bitch to order from them. (Some years no problems others simply won't ship, so you have to get creative and send them to fake PO box and black market that shit)
Whelp, looks like its time to leave my nerd dungeon and venture down to GW to club some children to death so I can get my hands on one.
>You will never be crushed between sororitas legs during rough black widow sex
why even live
Finally a proper model I can convert into Miriael Sabathiel.
God the sculptor who did that leg wants sacking.
To the user samefagging this thread about "muh chunky power armor":
Please kill yourself
Fuck the haters, I like it.
Might grab some made to order stuff as well
It's not plastic according to the leaked release schedule on Natfka.
Well Forge World resin. That does not say much. Since beside the toxic lead smell they feel just as bad as chinaman.
>This is the only new model
This is the model that people will be able to order this weekend
All the rumors say that there will not be actual sister until next year
>When you realize Gaga plays SoB
Fire warriors
have a 4+ save
have a 3+ save
Sisters are more heavily armoured, so by your logic, they should be less bulky?
I thought GW were supposed to be better at creating models now? what the fuck is this? are they blind?
This is one of the best models GW has put out in quite a while.
Strictly speaking firewarriors have a 4+ save because they are dead hard - the game removed listing what gives a model their armour save.
The 80's were one hell of a drug.
>lel it looks nothing like the artwork
I really hope you guys are trolling, otherwise you desperately need glasses.
I'm digging it. It's spot on and exactly how sisters should look.
It's fukken glorious.
Chile. But right now GW ships to chile. No idea if that works for Pre Orders
>Buy chinamen recast and give them the middle finger
Always works
>Not waifuable
GW always dissapointing me. no matter, i already have my tgg2 shit
Oh I already did. I'm a man of the opinion that piracy is a problem of service.
>dead hard
>WS2 T3 Ld7 in environmentally sealed armor
>Not liking THICC
Are you homo?
This is so shitty.
Great idea... Horrible fucking execution.
I disagree.
It's great.
>what are different armor materials
You think paper armor will be the same strength as steel armor at the same thickness? Moron.
>Are you homo?
I disagree.
It's horrible.
I want to see the right hip.
How the fuck has she goth that all the way up there if she's wearing plates of ceramite, as they've obviously sculpted.
To all those fags whining about not looking just like the Blanche painting - she'd have to be a seven-foot tall anorexic for that armour to be anything thicker than spraypaint. Stop being silly.
If someone can buy expensive casting equipment and turn a hefty profit on recasting your minis something is very very wrong with how your minis are priced.
Honestly i could see it if forge world factory workers were payed well enough to support a family of 4 or 5 with them being the only one working akin to the glory days of murricas factories... but from what i hear forge world pay sucks balls.
I disagree.
It's great.
>You think paper armor will be the same strength as steel armor at the same thickness
Perhaps not, but at the same weight I would wager that paper layered armor is the better choice, you homogay
Wow look at all these MUH SOGGEEKNEE apologists on board.
Look at Eldar or Dark Eldar with save values. They aren't dumb fucking thick and huge.
SoB could easily have access to better armor matetials or armor tech to give them good armor saves without making them butch or obese.
So you're fucking done with saying "thick armor = better armor" that's not how 40k or real world mechanics work.
A 5 foot thick plate of chicken feathers won't be as good as 1 inch thick steel plate.
Quality of Forge World miniatures is only good because they have the original molds.
Once painted you can't tell which one is what. Unless you pick them up and inspect them up close.
Since both fucks need some green stuff to cover up random bubbles too small to demand a refund from FW
Then we have angels, reactive armour and other things.
Also 40k super science of the future and shit.
The setting has fucking magic, demons, kroot, other outraging stuff. But some how SoB Sv3+ power armour is a problem
>Dark Eldar
>Save values
Pick one and only one.
I have a set of Tau Tetras that i got recast and a set that i got from forge world.
While they both had issues. the recast one had less issues then the forge world one.
I'm not really a fan.
I love the Sisters, but I've never liked that piece of artwork. I don't really want it, but I may end up getting it to show GW that there is people interested in buying Sister models.
>look at these sixty million year old remnants of a long dead empire
>they don't have blocky 3+ save models because most of them don't get a 3+ save and the ones that do tend to be pretty bulky
>this means that the imperium of man, an empire 10,000 years old empire on the brink of absolute collapse, where the scientific method has been abandoned in favour of religious dogma
>They should absolutely be able to match a 60 million year old empire in equipping a faction that exists to give the church a weapon to defend itself with after goge almost ruined everything (dispite the fact that even the grey knights and custodes, the bodyguards of the emperor and the imperiums last line of defence against daemons both look like they're wearing castles
this is you
yeah tgg2 is literal shit.
Are you homo?
Otherwise shitaste
This is what I saw.
I am sorry you are retarded enough to think this is good in any way shape or form.
kys 2
10/10 i hope the enire new range is this blanche
Do you even like cheese faggot?More of her to love.
Of course you only like space marines with ugly female heafs, so your opinion is shit
Between this one, Genestealer cultist, and the Tech Priest Dominus I hope for a return to Blanche inspired miniatures.
t. GW employee
I like it overall but I wash they hadn't followed the feet from the artwork. The angle/bulge just looks wrong.
Obese? go fap to horse porn mate. These are wearing power armour, it's supposed to be bulky.
Also, which female DEldar has a good save outside of CQC and is not Lelith Hesperax, best gladiator of the multiverse?
If you like cheesecake, go play with some anime dolls. We want warrior nuns.
Fucking ruined
Shhh, don't blow my cover with your lame memes John.
ITT people expose their fucking garbage taste. I hope this model represents the entire new sisters range instead of some shitty generic garbage like ragingheroes
Not much of a fan of the heels or the skull boobs but otherwise looks pretty cool.
I think people have had their expectations of what sisters should look like because of years of animu fan art.
It gets pretty fucking tiresome hearing people who've probably never even seen a sisters army in person telling me what they think the army I've been playing for the last 18 fucking years should look like.
No they shouldn't look like your Chinese cartoons, or storm troopers with female heads glued on, or any of that tgg nature running Shit.
I want my army to look like a pen and ink scribble from 1998, fat guys with Pope hats included.
This thread, man.
oh okay you're french. explains everything.
I kind of like the fat snookie. Seems like a fun piece
Devil trips confirm, Gaga plays SoB.
Must feel bad that someone steals your ip and then do a better job with it, poor gw
Are you retarded? This is the first model GW has put out in years that actually looks good rather than being bland and awkward shit. It actually has personality and style.
jes, I am gettink stronker!
That Dominus model is amazing, and definitely has that Blanche vibe.
And yet, according to the post this will be the only new mini for the entire codex release.
You know, I would think from this they want to gauge if a sisters release would do well by how well an individual model sells. But if you don't already play sisters or are a die hard collector (they exist?) why would you buy this in the hopes that the might made an army to put it in.
That said, I do like it.
>read dakka thread
>guy who claims to be a sisters "fan" complaining about how this "new" art shows how sexist gw are because it has boob armour
It's the only new model for the IMPERIAL AGENTS release.
Anyway, this model is not going to really represent what new sisters look like any more than that RT marine remake represents modern marine releases.
I want to see Lord Lysander paint this.
Are you trolling or just actually retarded.
Wait... You think hot virgin battle nuns wearing liquid latex is a bad thing? You may be the gayest cunt alive.
Thats what deathcult assassins are for.