/cyoag/ CYOA General
Well would you look at that. Guess you get twice as many rings!
>2 options have the maximum(5) Knowledge, 0 have the minimum(1)
>1 options have max Strength, 4 have min
>0 options have max Charisma , 4 have min
CYOA bias is clear.
It's a different ranged option that isn't better than bows like real guns would be.
>Atleast no silliness of infusing sniper bullets with nullification is possible with this.
Nullification is arm's reach. Full stop. Trying to Enchant something with it is like using a fire extinguisher as fuel for a flamethrower - not the stuff in it, but the actual extinguisher. Best case, nothing happens, worst case you die.
A lot of those traps are good, but you have a looser definition of what can be Combined.
Viable targets for Combine and Enchantment are the Arcane tree, Binding, and Ascension.
Binding can have a single not-quite-magic like Skull Weaponry (ammoless 'dart' traps on a skull) or Psionic added to it that's used when it triggers, but can't have any other effects.
That you're supposed to be a leader, not a fighter or negotiator?
I solve everything for everyone forever. Then I start creating stuff.
>It's a different ranged option that isn't better than bows like real guns would be.
>Nullification is arm's reach. Full stop. Trying to Enchant something with it is like using a fire extinguisher as fuel for a flamethrower
Thanks for the clarify. Mostly pushing for answers so that we can counter the handwaving in some builds.
>Viable targets for Combine and Enchantment are the Arcane tree, Binding, and Ascension.
If by Ascension you mean light/dark magic, does that include Intangible?
Still considering doing a "bug waifu" dlc for this one, just to make fun of that one guy who said this was another waifu cyoa in disguise. Hell, I haven't even started on mechfu so maybe doing something small would be more manageable with how busy I am right now.
>leadership is pure knowledge, not dealing with people or taking action
I think you just proved that guy's point.
I can't decide. There are two things I think I'll do:
Option 1:
Make my life comfier/easier.
Remove the need to pee/poo/sleep/eat/sweat/shower, give myself steroids and be better at focusing and reading faster. I'll also give myself decent drawing skills.
But the thing I want most, is a learning factor. I don't want to be the best, i want to have to get good. i want to learn at an accelerated rate, so i get good at drawing faster.
Knowing ill suck for possible hundred(s) of hours before being decent, sucks.
I don't want to change the world or anything. I don't like it if things go bad, ill be responsible. just make my life easy.
(Oh brother, that's only 103 words...)
Option 2:
I'm gonna be the best most perfectest waifu. I'm gonna replace my personality with one that is loving, kind and happy. I'm gonna make my happiness be derived off the happiness of the one I am a waifu of.
I'll probably have to remove the memories of my life being different, to avoid some brain stuff from happening, but I don't know. that's iffy. i think I'll stick to just, put the memory of my old life in the back of my head. It won't harm me or give any trouble. It will fade away over time.
I want to know my life changed, so i can appreciate the changes.
I already have my first week as a waifu planned out but whoooo boy, THAT is not for a Christian board!
I am ashamed, and sad, and disgusted, and all other negative adjectives, about how degenereate that dream was. and how much i loved having it, and how hot it was.just euthanize me and get it over with, fantasy can never be real, i can't be a waifu and even if i could be, 3D waifus don't exist. I can't be the perfect girlfriend. i'll still try.
DANG DANGIT! Only 198 words. I guess I combine the two options? That's fine. If I don't need to eat, there's more dinner for whoever i become a waifu to.
Isn't this supposed to be venomous?
I hope so, good luck getting people to eat it
My mistake, I was talking about the fangs option.
Ah okay, but for the stinger it should indeed be venomous.
so this is what happens when someone with a bug fetish really apply themselves.
At least they're not a furry. Or a horsefucker.
This CYOA is boring. "Do whatever you want." If I didn't want arbitrary rules and restrictions on my imagination I'd just daydream instead of coming here.
I am glad to have inspired someone to create a CYOA.
It actually asks you to write them yourself. But games that do that rather than passively spool out gameplay aren't for everyone, and I definitely see the appeal of a more structured CYOA.
A structured CYOA about getting infinite power? I'd like to see that.
Reveal myself and then do stupid shit like drifting cars at insane speeds. Order 1000 pizzas to the white house. Basically be a trickster god
You don't say.
Wasn't it written as a joke?
Well the first thing I do is seal away my ability to be omniscient, as an omnipotent entity is by definition able to remove or limit their own omnipotence. I do this BEFORE using any power that grants me any knowledge. Omniscience is the main problem with omnipotence, because in knowing everything you also know exactly the outcome of everything you could possibly do. There is no more experience, there is only the simple correct choice in how to use your powers and then nothing, provided that there is even a such thing as an objective right value.
Not knowing everything makes me objectively wrong, but it's better than immediately rendering the possibility of experience, and therefor life itself obsolete. The rest of my powers are a question of how I use them, simply having them shouldn't be an issue but I'll probably seal them away too in a bit.
After that, I think I'll probably work on a pocket dimension. There are plenty of CYOAs that focus on giving me one of those or the godlike powers to create one, and generally speaking that's what I would prefer to do with my powers. This world is too much responsibility, since I don't have the foreknowledge to know what to do with it I'll need to experiment anyway.
I'll use my powers to set up a sort of "ideal" world. That's not to say a perfect one. Perfect is boring and I intend to stay here for a long time. Just a world with what I would consider interesting and a few more general problems solved automatically. After THAT, I set things up to more or less run on their own and seal the rest of my powers so that I can live an ideal and MOSTLY mundane life (with some benefits of course). At least that's what I would want at first, where I go from there is anyone's guess.
Give myself a waifu, and a time machine and make myself rich.
I can't fix any of the world's problems without ruining other shit so why bother?
Solve hunger? now there's massive overpopulation
cure disease? now no one's dying
Damn dude, my regular life is better AND more interesting than those options. Definitely one of those "the only winning move is not to play" moments.
I'm making a semi generic waifu cyoa
but to make it, I need pictures of cute anime girls
does anyone have a pic of a girl they'd like in the cyoa?
How lewd are you willing to accept?
You have a comfy waifu paradise?
Please include an image of my waifu Chiaki Nanami thank you.
as long as you can put it on a blue board, go for it
I also get to go to the grave without all of the baggage that option heaps on me.
Writing on what I would do is easy. I could probably go on for several more posts but I hit the word minimum and was about to hit the character max, so I figured I'd just be general about it.
I tend to have a problem when a CYOA asks me how my life would be. Then it's not simply about me and what I think, I have to involve other people and events that I have no control over. Not just how would I approach and talk to so-and-so but exactly what they would say back. It involves a level of creative freedom not unlike omnipotence itself, which as you can see I immediately draw back from.
More importantly though I can imagine a CYOA actually happening. Of course it never will, but anything is possible. Once I start writing about how it happenED I'm talking about past events which I can no longer fantasize about happenING.
>now there's massive overpopulation
Wow, it's like, you can fix that too, considering, you know, you're omnipotent.
>now no one's dying
And of course, diseases are the only things that have killed everything.
Put this slut in your waifu CYOA.
>no third option to cast the universe back into oblivion
What baggage?
Nothing you do ever has or ever would matter. In real life or in either option. You are only fooling yourself.
>what is a hyperbole
Option A easily. Like what the fuck do I care about the multiverse if I'm dead anyway? Neither of the options is immortality so I don't give a fuck.
I masturbate just fine without pretending to be anyone else, thank you very much! I just explained the problem because someone asked; I don't participate.
>It's a different ranged option that isn't better than bows like real guns would be.
Than what precisely is the advantage to skull weaponry besides not needing ammo?
Call it whatever you want, you just basically went "I am only pretending to be retarded".
Well shit.
>Moving a bunch of pictures into another folder
>cut and paste them all
>something goes wrong and now they're all gone
They're not even in the recycling bin. Is there any way to get them back?
B,because I know what I'd do would be meaningful.Also I'd get a bitchin sword
Actually, i want to make an addition. i have omnipotence, may as well use it.
gonna be the eldritch horror waifu. If my main character loses their job, i won't wish one into existence. i'll figure out what their perfect job is (and i'll know, because obviously i do, i'm the perfect waifu), and make sure they get this job.
maybe i'll have to show the boss-man my true form and derive him of all his SAN, and leave my main character VERY confused why some dude called them out of the blue and offering them their dream job, with way too much pay...
and i'll just smile at him, wearing my cute apron wearing nothing underneath, while making pancakes.
like i said, i don't hwant to alter reality to make it perfcet for my main character, life has to have ups and downs. i just, take care of the downs, and they thank me. because the only thing that matters, is my main character is happy. no one else matters.
and there's no reason they should know the power i have. that would disrupt our power balance, because i am obviously theirs, and not worth as much.
I don't want our relationship like in that one story of the farmer with a hulder waifu, who abuses her and she takes it because she loves him. then one day she lifts a fridge or whatever, and he realizes oh shit, she could've ripped my spine in half but didn't. thne he starts treating her differently.
i mean, i just don't think anyone would be willing to treat me how i want to be treated, if they knew i could uncreate the universe if they asked me to. they'd fear me. i might reveal it at some point, if we get bored. then we can start conquering the world (and by "we" i mean I can be the princess that gets rescued, or just the advisor sitting in the back. i am not the main character here)
No, you're just autistic
Relax, man, it was only a joke. No need to be so buttfrustrated.
Hyperbole is an expressive tool that has many uses; one of them is complaining about things that aren't really problems. But it's not very good at identifying actual problems.
Funny, I explained the problem too.
Your explanation included an error. If you want to ignore the correction, you are free to do so.
>If by Ascension you mean light/dark magic, does that include Intangible?
No. Intangible is in the same category as Recall, Bloodlust, and Nullification - discrete supernatural abilities that aren't magic and can't be used beyond their explicit use.
Its damage isn't based on your Strength score, so a high Skill weakling could still do damage without needing magic.
>4 have min CHA
Confirmed for not reading the CYOA
Dragon has a minimum of 2 Charisma if you have a Small dungeon and a maximum of 4 Charisma with a Large dungeon. Similarly their Strength and Knowledge have a min of 3 and max of 5, meaning that a Dragon with a Large dungeon has the best stat spread out of all of them.
As for why Alchemists, Druids, Necromancers, and to some degree Wizards have low Charisma is because they aren't meant to really be rulers in the traditional sense. Alchemists can just make their minions be inherently loyal to them, Druids probably act more like caretakers for the dungeon, Necromancer can magically control their undead minions, and Wizards just use their immense arcane might to get their minions to follow them. Classic Overlords and Warchiefs are your traditional leaders who don't just order their minions around but actually inspire their followers to work for them.
Most of them don't have high strength because they rely on magical prowess in battle and/or they aren't expected to be regularly mixing it up with ever dungeon divers who peeks down their hole. That's what you have your minions for.
This CYOA was supposed to get an update for Halloween that sadly never materialized.
The power I wield and the things I have seen lead me to a fundamental conclusion.
It does not matter what form they take, or what powers they wield - the living will invariably lead existences of aimless, agonizing horror. They will murder, they will plunder, they will break the worlds upon which they live - and they in turn will be preyed upon. The very nature of life is to consume. The roots of the trees suck the water from the ground and split the stones to make their precious 'soil.' The lion crushes the zebra's throat without care for its pain.
Is it any wonder that the world of man is a nightmare of cruelty and chaos, when they were born, weak and weary, into a world that sought only to destroy them?
Yes, I see it now. They are not the root cause of the problem - only a symptom. A symptom of the disease that is Life.
This universe will only find peace when all of the festering insects that crawl upon its surface are at last exterminated. But why stop there? The worlds that support the infection must be cleansed, as must all of the works of the plague.
The stars that give them light, and the very cosmos that forges these stars. Nothing can be spared.
Then, when I am the only thing left, I too shall disappear - and there will at long last be peace.
Why yes that was supposed to be edgy, don't you see the attached pic?
You should, if you haven't been up to anything else. I was wondering what happened to you.
C is the best.
Would you ever add flaws/drawbacks for one or two more skillpoints?
Doesn't really change the morphology of the distribution all that much.
Will it have a futanari?
Bring it on world.
Cute enough to be generic with a weird robot arm and a maid outfit for three fetishes in one.
Pls to waifu
How about this maiden with her plentiful sweatermeat?
What's the third fetish
You allowing monstergirls?
Well considering option B is basically just the plot to a dark souls game, I'll go with that one. As far as waifus go, bitches love guys that kill giant monsters.
I'm sorry, I should have made this clear, no overly fetishy stuff
like, subtle stuff is okay
i'll include an option for them to have a dick, but i'll only allude to it. i'd like this to be pure tbfh
Yeah, sure. they're not too sexual
Probably not, given how easy it would be to break.
Unless there's overwhelming support, Tribute-Skill conversion (1 Skill to 15 Tribute and 25 Tribute for 1 Skill) is the most you'll ever see, and that still might break balance.
>tits bigger than her head
Does either of these work, then?
Yes, they're both SFW, I just can't be arsed to post any more pictures.
I wondered when I'd get to use this picture.
Indeed you are, friend. But don't worry, you'll surely find someone who considers you a treasure.
user, there are affordable options to help you enjoy life again.
>they're not too sexual
To be frank, I think that Tribute-Skill conversion would be easier to break. That would really create murderhobos without servants or mansions. When drawbacks were discussed a thread or two ago, there was support for some appropriate drawbacks, one mentioned was "Flashy: You sacrifice efficiency and practicality for style. Lose Agility but gain Skill point". To avoid breaking it a limit of like two skill points only could be introduced.
Can I write like 100 words and just become moderately powerful?
No. A fraction of omnipotent power is still omnipotence.
Like there are smaller infinities and greater infinities, but you're still going to be infinity.
Do you enjoy the rancid sweat that collects under and between her mounds of flesh and fat?
Min/Maxers can also break your proposed drawbacks as well by mitigating the weaknesses with skills and strategy.
author here
i kinda agree
>Implying I've ever been with a woman to know these things in real life
As long as its a drawing huge tits are fucking great
Is there any male bug companions that anybody wants to see in the romance DLC? I'm gonna have pretty much all the females but was wondering what guys I should carry over. There's gonna be new options for both male and females, but I was curious if there was anyone who wanted to romance any of the existing guys.
Good taste user
I had something in mind like "Lose one agility. Even if you regain that point of agility, you wont be as good as someone with the same stat" ie making something else be worth less in a direct way.
What it would do is create more separate classes. You'd see some angling for a glasscannon type deal, others preparing to bruteforce their way through the Culling with a hit to Int instead. And before you say "lol but warriors dont need Int" oh but they do. It is a measure of logic aswell. With too low int, they'll be outsmarted at every turn and thats not too good for a melee user.
Take the least likeable male and make it the only male option.
It's obviously intended to be a stat for mages only.