It breaks my heart that the RTS genre is dead.
Are there any wargames that can fill that void for me? Extra points if the setting is not!the-modern-world like C&C Generals, World in Conflict or Advance Wars
It breaks my heart that the RTS genre is dead
Any realistic depiction of the genre in a world war would have to include China, and video game companies are too chicken-shit scared of offending the chink government to ever have them as the bad guys, or even as a faction. Same way no Hollywood movie will ever again feature China as the bad guy.
This is why realistic games, whether video, board game or tabletop, are dead.
If it gets banned in china no sales in China
How about the fucking Wargame franchise? Red Dragon is excellent.
>TFW I get a little annoyed every time I see a preview for a movie/game that's obvious China bait
>Or obviously had China as the villain before find and replacing with North Korea
>Or hear about extra scenes being shot just to pander to Chinese audiences
Is this how Europeans felt for the last 20 years? I owe some angry Frenchmen apologies.
>Is this how Europeans felt for the last 20 years?
It's one thing to have a foreign country make their own movies and those being popular in your country, which was the case with American movies. Nobody forced non-Americans to watch American movies, they did it freely.
It's another thing entirely to see your country's movie industry pandering to the censorship of a foreign government on threat of getting banned, which is what is happening with China's dictators.
>Laughing slanty eyed yellow pirates
In the age of indies, no genre is dead. If you want to whine about a lack of AAA releases, that's on you.
There are a few traditional games that might fit the bill though, depending how closer you're looking for to the classic RTS experience. The Ares Project is an interesting multiplayer card game which captures a lot of key elements of an RTS, building up your base, having to decide between infrastructure for faster growth and tech progression or production facilities to make sure you don't get ganked right then and there, and with an element of hidden actions so you don't quite know what your opponent has until you attack them, making scouting raids a valuable tactic. It's really fun, and features four completely asymmetric factions- A standard human military, a crazy psionic cult, a tyranid/xenomorph-esque alien threat and a giant fucking robot. The giant robot faction has really amusing design, since their entire thing is just one machine- It is both their only unit and their base.
>A bunch of meh indies
>Not only meaning that the genre is that much deader because of spreading already waning interest across a bunch of competing, at best mildly popular games, instead of on a handful of wildly popular great games
'Has a small but active audience' is not 'dead'. That's just fucking stupid.
Except only being able to find games on fucking weekends with the same 8 fucking people who actually regularly play [indie RTS no.21] is dead as fuck.
In the good old days there were thousands of people on every major RTS just in the fucking custom games categories. Face it mate, a tiny fractured userbase is just as bad as being totally dead.
But it isn't actually dead.
I might just be a little annoyed at people declaring shit 'dead' when they actually mean 'isn't super popular'.
Hell, Starcraft II is still doing pretty well.
>Star craft II
It's doing okay because it is the single most popular RTS ever, it's still nothing like it was in it's heyday.
>But it isn't actually dead.
The genre may as well be when the only games that come out are uninspired indie games piggybacking off of the success of older titles and you have playercounts in the single digits for most games.
'May as well be' is not the same as 'is dead'. It's a dumb bit of terminology that's been popularised to the point it's just fucking infuriating. It's uninformative, exaggerated bullshit that people use in the place of actual description of the situation.
Wargame Red Dragon is the most satisfying rtt I have played yet.
>Yugoslav dlc
>every T-34 in the universe
>going down the valley, stopping to gas up every few miles
>niggas getting blasted
>Greyhounds confirm Abrams ahead
>Priests are out of range now
>fall back
>Best Korea player used some mountain trails to flank the Americans with a massive force
>hold up
>zoom in on the Norks
>only has T-34s
>we both floor it
>after 3 minutes of fire we kill an Abrams with a division of slavshit
>RTS genre is dead
No friend, the RTS genre is just complete. Pic related was the peak and now noone needs to develop an RTS again.
No idea how this plays, but I saw it at my FLGS and thought of World in Conflict.
Name an indie RTS
Doesn't have to be good, I'll play anything at this point
Oddly, a lot of the recent releases aren't that indie.
Grey Goo came out a while ago to a decent reception, apparently 8 bit armies is finally getting good with the release of 8 bit hordes. That game is weird, it's technically three games- Armies, a modern one, Hordes, a fantasy one, and an upcoming sci-fi one, but they're all interconnected and you can play the armies against one another.
There was also that homeworld spinoff, Deserts of Kharak or something, which was apparently pretty good.
8-bit armies/8-bit fantasy
But no one played Grey Goo
I played grey goo! I quite liked it. The human base building mechanic was fun, although the inability to do diagonals properly was irritating. I should go back and see if they ever tweaked that. I never tried the fourth faction they added, either.
C&C Rise of the Reds is a fucking sick conversion mod for Zero Hour. Overhauls the original three factions and adds two more, shit tonnes of custom units with new voice acting, new maps, and ongoing (though glacially slow) updates
I've heard about 8 Bit Armies, its on my backlog
Will look up Gray Goo and the homeworld spin off
My Cybran brother in arms.
China is alive and well, expanding even, in miniatures wargaming.
There's multiple options now in at least 28mm and 6mm miniatures covering from WW2 onwards, with an emphasis on ultra-modern stuff.
The Hollywood problem and it's 'triple-A' vidya equivalent is largely a case of companies having to make ALL the money on hugely expensive films less the studio just goes bankrupt. Tabletop doesn't have that problem.
Check out stuff in the historical wargames general as bunch of people there play various modern stuff that might fit what you want.
Can't argue with that. Really hard to add anything new to the formula that's worth a damn, especially with that being basically the refined, updated version of Total Annihilation aka the previous peak of the genre.
I had such high hopes for pic related.
As mediocre as it was on launch, Titans is the game it was meant to be. The bullshit they pulled during the release of Titans was unfortunate, but as a KS backer I got it for free so I was kinda happy.
You make Ttio proud user
We all did user.
Though apparently it got better over time, it was too late, the pooch was thoroughly screwed already.