Welcome to the Friendly Virtual Gaming Thread. Here we aim to be the FLGS of Veeky Forums, finding free resources to make it easy for Veeky Forums users to jump right into traditionalgaming, and forming a small community around that. We also try to get various amounts of shit done, whether it's writing, homebrew, art, or whatever else deemed worthy of Veeky Forums. Have a project? Come and pitch it to us. Don't have one? Come and shoot the shit with us anyway.
1. Check the PDF for the game 2. Post a request for a game, using the suggested resource, either here or in the Game Finder Thread 3. If there's a particular game you're looking for that we don't have a resource as of yet, let us know and we can work to expand our list. 4. Finally, hang around and chat. There's always some crazy project someone is Working on.
>Current Projects -Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RPG -Night Shift RPG -Setting up a dedicated Xmage Server for the enjoyment of Veeky Forums -Dark Souls RPG -Veeky Forums MUD Guild -BattleBox3D resources. -Various amounts of Art and Writing.
1. All of our resources in the PDF are free/cheap software that let you play traditional games online.
2. An online thread isn't exactly local.
Aaron Evans
Oh, okay I guess.
Asher Lee
So... I've been thinking of designing a new format for MTG. The idea was something like EDH, except instead of a Legendary Creature, it's a Legendary Artifact or Enchantment, and something like 1/3 of your deck has to be composed of Instants, Enchantments, Sorceries, Or Artifacts. Sort of a Tinker Caster format.
Not sure if it would work or be interesting though. It would heavily favor Blue and Artifact decks.
Aiden Watson
The Pokémon Mystery Dungeon RPG is just about finished up in its first draft. I'll have something resembling a system document by tomorrow. The system actually works quite nicely, even for moves that cause temporary stat-boosts or status effects, and it doesn't feel too complex(though my wording is always something on the overly detailed side, and my organization is pretty shit)
Carter Gutierrez
Any idea where I could get some roll20 tokens for a Starcraft themed game?
I've found a few that are Star War, but that's the closest I've come.
Dominic Davis
Who here wants to play a wargame online? Doesn't have to be BB3D, vassal is alright
What kind of tokens are you looking for? I feel like there should be a Drawthread dedicated to this. I mean, give me a few minutes in Inkscape and I can turn any drawn image into a vector icon.
Luis Price
Jason Jenkins
I missed the end of the last thread, did anyone end up hosting a Neverwinter Nights server?
Cooper Thomas
I believe the consensus was that it would be cool, but I'm already busy working with the Xmage Server. However, there seems to be both a MUD and NWN thread, so you might check there.
Charles Green
Cheers bud.
Adrian Torres
Pls respond
Jaxon Roberts
Hi I am one of the developers of BattleBox3D. I noticed there has been some chatter about BB3D around here. If you have questions ask away!
Gabriel Taylor
What file formats does bb3d use for the figures/minis? why isn't there a manual?
Mason Perry
At the moment BB3D takes a file format called Collada (.dae). The best place to convert them to that format is from blender and the worst is from anything from autodesk due to their poor exporter.
The upcoming version of BB3D will accept .dae, .obj, & .fbx formats with more to be added as needed.
There actually is a fairly robust manual that include video that comes with the install of BattleBox3D. It is located in /BB3D/readme/readmeB5_1.html
I'd like to point out something about BB3D if I may. I was designed from the ground up for tabletop wargaming. 40k being what we wanted to play most, and boy have we played a TON of it. I have personally played games with MASSIVE armies. Apocalypse to the point of silliness. I have a virtual wargaming table that in real world terms is 20 feet by 20 feet. It is glorious.
You can also play any other game (like checkers) and that is nice too.
Christian Myers
>/BB3D/readme/readmeB5_1.html Ah nice And online version will be good
What is the current development status? Is bb3d open or closed source?
Status: After we released the current beta version we went through a period of extensive user testing. We are now actively developing new features and reaching create content in preparation for the first full version.
It is a closed source project.
Ryder Nguyen
Just as a heads up the manual has a few busted links. I am working on it. :)
Alexander Collins
Okay, hopefully this own't take long
Ryan Lewis
Wow. I was hoping to contact you after we'd popularized it. This is great! Glad to see you're still in development. Feel free to update us on here with your changelog
There is one feature I would like to see though: A simple side menu that allows you to conveniently view PDF, Images or text files loaded into a 'Sheets' folder, and shared across direct connect the same way models are. It would be nice to view unit/character stats in-game.
Not sure if you already have something like this or not, but I haven't been able to find anything in that regard.
Ryder Allen
Anyone remembers that page that had some model that were compatible with bb3d?
That being said, this very day we were discussing adding a feature along those lines.
Nathan Brooks
Artist of OP pic here. I too might be able to help out with tokens from time to time.
Xavier Russell
That would be awesome of you. The problem is getting it set up. I mean, theoretically there's less detail involved in a top-down view of something, but in practice visualizing it is more difficult. Getting Drawfags involved might be difficult.
I could act as Tokenmaker, taking drawings and converting them to particular formats for various programs, tracing them and converting them to Vector art.
This is what I found. Converting them is pretty easy if you're using something like Blender or MeshMixer. I've found that MeshMixer is more user friendly for those unfamiliar to CGI, so for quick edits and file conversion that works.
What about helping to expand modern rules for 5th edition d20. So we can have a better version than the one from 3.x
David Sanchez
Ok, so if we want to popularize BB3D on Veeky Forums, we're gonna need a game we can use as our forerunner. Frostgrave was suggested, so for now we'll go with that.
Here's what we'll do:
1. Anyone interested in playing Frostgrave, get the rules and assemble a roster for themselves.
2. Give me the list of models you need. I'll find and convert them to BB3D for everyone. I can add weapons and pose models, but that's about it.
3. We find someone to paint/everyone paints their 3d models. I've got shit for artistic
4. We play.
Tried it. Doesn't work. 5e is too deeply entrenched in fantasy to break from it, especially concerning areas of Tech. Better off using Savage Worlds, Cypher System, or some other RPG.
Mason Anderson
Disheartening to say the least. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Landon Ross
So a plug for an interesting game I have been looking at: Cryptomancer cryptorpg.com/
Alexander Sanchez
(Psst, you can reply to specific messages by clicking on the long strand of numbers in their post)
Logan Lewis
thanks! Veeky Forums is new to me.
Jason Cox
No problem. Stick around. Veeky Forums is pretty good once you get past the foot thick layer of salt. Don't use the name field outside of this thread(namefagging is frowned upon) also don't self-promote BB3D outside this thread. It's called being a Shill and we hate it.(especially don't mention it in 40k threads. Veeky Forums is mainly in it for the hobby and lore, so "No Minis" is a no-go.)
Austin Long
Not to mention that Veeky Forums is something of a gauntlet for quality control. If you can manage to please the vast majority of people on this board, you've probably got a pretty good product on your hands.
Isaac Lewis
Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep a low profile. Would you suggest I stop with the name thing in this thread???
Asher Torres
I guess 'challenge accepted' then.
Sebastian Price
The Friendly Virtual Gaming Thread is fine. It'll help identify you. Anywhere else is a no.
Also check out /3/ while you're at it.
Justin Campbell
Ok, one more dumb question: What in /3/ did you intend for me to see/do?
Isaac Ramirez
Well, mainly lurk. It's our CGI board, and having a dev of a Veeky Forums-related project is nice, so it's kind of in our best personal interest to have you as a regular on any board here.
Ian Turner
If was you I'll buy a second hand kinect and use it as a 3d scanner to scan real minis. A kinect is probably the cheapest 3d scanner that you can get.
Looks good, just needs to be organized
Aaron Green
>Ok, so if we want to popularize BB3D on Veeky Forums, we're gonna need a game we can use as our forerunner. Frostgrave was suggested, so for now we'll go with that. I want to suggest PDF related because more than two can play
Lincoln Harris
My only problem with Infinity is that it uses official Minis, which means we'd have to find enough models, which might be possible through the Bay and other fringe resources, but will likely get any archive of models deleted like so many of our PDF Share resources do. I'm all for multiple players though, and it would likely help in increasing the mass appeal.
How are we gonna do this though? I like the idea of making a big deal out of the whole thing and grabbing 3-5 different players, making a big deal about this on a thread, forming up armies, and then streaming this over twitch or something.
We come out with this big announcement that we've got the ear of a developer, that we'll do most of the work for players, and then we have users form a vested interest in each of the players groups. Set up something like a faction system and get people competitive over it. Veeky Forums loves multiple teams to root for. It's one of the main reasons 40k is so popular.
Jonathan Myers
He's talking about 2D tokens for Roll20 and such.
And that's what we're thinking for Battlebox. Getting something big for Veeky Forums to talk about, and make an excuse to gather resources.
Hey, BB3D dev, how far off are we from a server hosting? Direct Connect is pretty great, but it does put a load on the host. Also a Spectator mode?
Blake Taylor
>My only problem with Infinity is that it uses official Minis, which means we'd have to find enough models, bleh, they don't need to be official, do they? Can we even play it with bottle lids?
>forming up armies, and then streaming this over twitch or something. >We come out with this big announcement that we've got the ear of a developer, that we'll do most of the work for players, and then we have users form a vested interest in each of the players groups. Set up something like a faction system and get people competitive over it. Veeky Forums loves multiple teams to root for. It's one of the main reasons 40k is so popular. Get off your cloud, is just a game, start small and keep it small
Aaron Ross
Veeky Forums loves competition when they're invested in it. If we could find some way to build hype, it would probably be a pretty big hit. The trick is finding something broad enough for everyone to have an appeal to, but unique enough to feel novel.
Kevin Clark
The strain on the host of a direct connect has been minimal when we have tested it. It is not a huge amount of data being passed around aside from model data.
Full online is a little ways out, it is usually the last thing we rebuild before a release. I'll try to get a better estimate or see about jury rigging something.
Gabriel Gonzalez
Do whatever you want I just want to play a game.
Adam Ortiz
Alright, so after about 5 minutes research here's what I've found:
1. Frostgrave: 1v1 only, but it's pretty popular and supports generic models.
2. Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes. Generic Fantasy Warband game. Let's you stat any model, which is awesome, and supports 2-8 players, though general reviews say that 3-4 is about the limit for a solid game. Can theoretically use any fantasy setting, so it's absolutely possible we could create a unique setting that we could gain some traction from, but we'd have to make it pretty good.
3. Skirmish Wars. Remember Advance Wars for GBA/DS? This is that in tabletop form.
4. Infinity: Tag Deathmatch. Only problem I can see is lack of official models, which WILL bug people.
Any other suggestions? I'm all for ASoBH, and working in an interesting setting, doing all the above crap with factions.
Logan Powell
I'm adding Android: Netrunner to the PDF because online play is possible, and we have a dedicated General for it. Can't hurt to have it, and direct people towards /anrg/.
Kayden Ward
My only complaint about ASoBH is that they haven't released the Steam and Cog supplement, which I desperately want. Right now we've got Standard Wizardry, Martial Arts and Fungus Men rules, Dwarven RuneMagicks, and we're about to see some Demon Cult magic hit the shelves.
That being said, we could probably do some really interesting things with a Rune-magic/Caster setting. Or we could say there's four factions: Martial Monks, Rune-dwarves, Casters, and Demon Cultists.
Mason Powell
I'm good at converting, but I'm largely unfamiliar with what would be needed. As in, what one would need in token form and the best format for tokens.
I have not played online at all, really. My erratic schedule would make me a total flake. Death first.
Jose Robinson
Mostly infantry type stuff I think.
Space marine, ghost, zerg and protoss units type of deal. Ships I figure we can crib from anything, but all the units stuff is front on or just the gameplay angle which I feel would be weird.
David Wilson
Dunno if this fits or not, but it's a friendly thread so nevermind.
Anyone have any opinions on Paranoia XP? I know 5th edition was unpopular. Should I run that for my mates, or try and dig up 2e? What are the major differences?
Jose Nelson
>Skirmish Wars. Remember Advance Wars for GBA/DS? This is that in tabletop form.
Jace Morgan
Looks like it's of the modular 2D Tileset variety, but it's grid based. That being said... this would play reallt well using Cyberboard, and I mean REALLY well. Cyberboard is basically a Play-by-post Wargaming software, designed to let you play games like this in a chess-by-mail format. If someone grabbed me the system doc, which is Print-n-Play, I could easily convert all the tiles and pieces to images for it.
I mean, theoretically you could play this in a thread the same way we play Risk.
David Anderson
Whoops, forgot pic.
Carter Ward
Alright, so speaking entirely theoretically about this, what if we did design a setting for this. I do mean we as in this thread, because a small group of people will likely make a higher quality product than the entire board would, at least in the initial stages of development.
First we'd need to come up with a reason as to why there are different factions, and for what reason everyone is fighting. Conflict is most important in a wargame. I don't necessarily like the idea that we divide it up into Magic-types, as that inevitably creates imbalance, though I am unfamiliar with the system itself and how it balances magic. I'd rather do it by philosophy or creed and then design it around that, giving certain point limits on what different factions can buy into.
Another issue is that BB3D's measuring tool is in Inches, while ASOBH is in Milimeters. Maybe we could have the dev add that in as a quick option?
Ethan Lopez
Strictly speaking BB3D uses generic units of measurement. Basically the metric system. Uints can be inches centimeter or millimeters, it really is more a matter of perception. People just assume it is inches, and in most cases I don't bother to correct them.
Leo Turner
Still sounds fun but what can it offer that the vidya doesn't?
Jackson Taylor
Multiplayer for up to five players if you add the Blitz expansion pack. It also becomes Veeky Forums-related.
Dylan Wright
Alright, that works then, since ASOBH only uses three units: 5, 8, and 12 Centimeters, or slightly larger units for a bigger map.
So anyone have any objections to this? It seems well off enough.
Blake Morgan
I'm good with that, but before we get into setting stuff, we should actually play the game to see if it's actually any good. I can grab models for someone if they want to try and have a match.
Jordan Hernandez
Would Ascii games like Stone Soup be considered Veeky Forums-related? I mean, dwarf fortress obviously, but that's probably because of the insane worldbuilding, story, and FUN in it.
Levi Moore
I think /vr/ has the occasional roguelike thread for such games. Still, they are pretty Keen.
Justin Lewis
I believe the general consensus between Veeky Forums and video games is "Does it have a good story/setting I can use? Or is it so overly retro that only the greyest of greybeards will remember it?" We're not necessarily anti-vidya, we just don't want this board to turn into another Vidya story/setting discussion Generals board.
Angel Martin
What's the gameplay like?
Evan Ramirez
I know I'm two days late, but I'm interested by this. It would heavily favor certain archetypes though, so maybe you should move away from magic and make your own game to play how you want instead?
Michael Butler
Never seen much ASoBH around here.
I feel people is trying to force this, All of us don't have to play the same game or play in an organized manner
Isaiah Evans
It's not necessarily organized, just something to give a reason to fill up a Mega link with Models. In order to make this work we need to have sort of market on Veeky Forums that pays enough attention on here to keep it a regular thing, after that we're free to expand into every other wargame imaginable.
Isaiah Morgan
Well, it'd bsically be "Commander, but with Enchantments or Artifacts." I just didn't want to keep it the exact same, otherwise people would just use Artifact Creatures or Gods.
Jackson Wright
That is understandable but I think that no matter the game we will have to live with generic minis for a while.
Alexander Perry
Which is why we were working between Frostgrave or ASOBH, which has support for that and is thus less aesthetically offensive.
Tyler Cox
For all I care I could use bottle lids, may later I can match up with some one that doesn't care either.
Bentley Price
Alright, so what if we start at the opposite end. I gather a bunch of generic models, put them in a mega, and then start fulfilling requests, and we see what happens from there.
Thomas Peterson
That'll be nice
Dominic Campbell
I am down for this too.
Noah Anderson
Alright, we should work on the setting as an aside, for now the main thing is grabbing miniatures and getting the resources people need to play.
Zachary James
Colton Thomas
Snek girl a cute! A Cute!
Anyone else notice we have a fair number of Dubs in these threads?
Actually, I say we get started on the setting because that's something we can do here. Models are more of an off-board project.
Juan Bennett
Alright. I'm game then. I'll come up with a shorthand list for actually creating the setting, and we'll get it done tomorrow. Meanwhile, everyone check Da Archive for the ASoBH pdf, and familiarize yourself with the basic systems. Basic Magic can and will backfire on you, then there's the Martial Arts, Rune Magic, and other stuff in the supplements. We've got to work with at least some semblance to these mechanics in the setting.
Oliver Phillips
Bumping the thread
Jaxson Morris
>Meanwhile, everyone check Da Archive for the ASoBH pdf, and familiarize yourself with the basic systems. I did not do my homework, but maybe I can catch up after getting some sleep.
Christopher Roberts
O shit son seems like a good thread, i'mma read up on that MUD stuff
Henry Thompson
Link me to ASoBH
Ayden Taylor
Check The Archive in the PDF Share thread. It's the OP.
Brody Wright
Alright, Here's the Gist of what ASoBH is about:
Success-based d6 based system where you're able to stat nearly any mini you could imagine, provided you have the right supplement:
>Core Rulebook -Basic Traits for most generic Fantasy Races. making specific units have powerful abilities for spellcasting turns them into a unit called a Personality, which is basically a Named Character, like a general, a captain, or the underdog.
-Magic works, unless it doesn't. Roll for successes and the spell activates, but if you roll too many failures, the spell backfires. Failures are unique to the spell, and usually have effects that incur the opposite of what you want(Trying to create difficult terrain on the enemy makes difficult terrain centered on the caster) or more often disallows the caster form casting spells for the rest of the game.
>Hammer & Forge MOTHERFUCKING DWARVES: The Supplement
-Runic Magic and Blessings
-Guns and Artillery traits.
-Magic Items and Drinks
>Fightin' Fungi -Weapon-based and Martial Artist traits
-Mushroom men
>Axe And Brimstone -Demon Summoning and Dark Rituals
-Evil Weapons traits
So, there's actually a lot to work with in order to design our own setting in terms of differentiating abilities and group persona.(Cont.)
Luis Taylor
There's also a Steam and Cog supplement that has yet to be released.
When designing this setting, probably the most important thing we need to establish is why there is constant Conflict, and why each group opposes all of the others. Since it's a Skirmish level game we could establish it as something like competing guilds or companies working to recover the same objective, but I feel that may have been done already.
What say you folks?
Isaac Lopez
Here's an idea I had a While back for a setting:
The Tower extends far into the heavens and deep into the earth. The spaces inside do not match the borders of the structure itself, and greatly vary in environment, some being Humid Jungles, others resembling endless labyrinths, and still others being that of Brimstone and Lava flows. Most are filled with nothing but Monstrosities and Death.
The legends say Great Knowledge lies at the peak, and Great Power lies at the base, though the validity of this is questionable. However, a great number of magical artifacts have been recovered from both Upper an Lower levels, causing a large number of Expeditions throughout the tower, with many Factions competing for control of various levels.
So... basically an endless tower that works as a huge excuse to loot, fight, and use whatever Map or Battle environment you want, and enough of a story to run a Campaign in.
Jason Scott
lets not mind about a setting and just play the game
Camden Parker
That's the plan, it's just a little more fun if we toss in something extra
I like it. seems suitable enough as a starting point.
Levi Jenkins
Oliver Sanders
Anyone here wants to play warmachine?
Aaron Jackson
Camden Parker
either vassal or bb3d
Christopher Clark
Vassal is possible, it has the module, but Warmachine would take some work, getting models