>"Three Dice Six"
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Problem you faggot have?
>kolme dee kuutosta
I don't see the problem desu
>三d 六
流石 Veeky Forums-達
>3 dados de 6
I don't see the problem, irmão
I've heard it before. It's two syllables and thus less efficient than "dee" and thus angering.
But oh well, you know?
Since when has dice been a two syllable word?
I've heard someone pronounce it as "die-see".
just say d18, duh
Depends how you treat the last 'e'. I've heard "die-suh".
Usually from the people who do .
But we can change it to "two phonemes" if you like.
>Sān de liù
> Drei Würfel Sechs
> Drei Sechseitige Würfel
I'll take 3d6 over that thanks
>two phonemes
Whoa now, let's not get into phonosemantics
> trois dés six
feels good, man.
>three die six
>Not just saying "tres de seis (caras)" since "dados" is obvious in that context
I bet you do not even have a daily siesta.
No problems here
Do you say that in your English games as well? Mikäpäs siinä, itsekkin heittelen suomalaisia imaisuja örkkikielenä.
3 dice sixe
short for 3 dice, six sided.
people pronouncing the singular of dice is much worse op.
By the use of irmão, he suggests being southeastern brazilian, probably São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. Both of which use american 8 hour work days, so are against siestas. Siestas are more of a spanish descendant thing, like mexicans.
Also, in portuguese dice have 'lados' or 'faces' if you're being fancy, using 'caras' would sound weird.
Assinado, um paulista.
>people pronouncing the singular of dice
"three dee six"
If they're pronouncing the abbreviation, that's fine. If they pronounce it like that when talking about a die in normal(?) conversation, then I punch them in the face.
The singular of Dice is Die. Also, you're hilariously wrong. The people who say "Three Dice Six" instead of "Three dee Six" are objectively fucked in the head.
>then I punch them in the face.
>If they pronounce it like that when talking about a die in normal(?) conversation
Explain why you say dice. You still don't have a coherent phrase. It's still an abbreviation.
What do you stand to gain by partially abbreviating it?
>Three Six-Sided Dice
>Three Dee-Six
Only acceptable English pronunciations of 3d6.
Probability curves, man. d18 has a 1/18 chance of each number happening, 3d6 has a higher chance of middling outcomes.
Also 3d6 only has 16 possible totals.
You're right enough, brain dumb. Got so caught up in d18 I forgot the curve would start at 3, not 1.
Well. Depends on the dice you use in the "three six-sided dice", personally I'm going for a standard d6, a weird one in my box that only has even numbers to 10 then an exclamation mark, and a backgammon die.
>3 d 6
>tres de seis
>three (die) of six (sides)
makes sense to me, user