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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
-Clear Memory made a capstone, buffed to reflect rulings on Clear Memory giving ability to make Gaia memory technology
-More Money More Power switched with Clear Memory in cost
-Henshin item import option added
-Let's Go Kamen Riders updated to include all Heisei and Showa jumps that are made and yet to be made
-Memory Gadgets buffed to give one of each
-How Prototypical dropped to 200
-Collect, Select, Show Me Your Best Set raised to 400
this time, Clear memory has all of its text, since i accidentally used an older version of the perk as the baseline for the previous version of this pdf
How does a Stand form? Is it just completely random what it'll be able to do, or does it generally match its user?
They will come back.
I've been thinking on it. I believe the main problem I had with it when the Jump was originally made was a concern over people taking indestructible via Benefactor fiat objects(which was ramping up then and common now), turning them into companions, and using one of the variety of power stealing or trading options around the chain to basically get the Benefactor invincibility or some other extremely powerful quality for themselves. I've since Jumped Soul Eater and felt like that it's a bit too restrictive in some areas, that there are better ways to prevent abuse like that without completely restricting certain options like the jump is presently doing. If I get around to updating Soul Eater, it's gonna be something I look into.
Bloodborne and White Knight Chronicles are also mine. Dark Souls 3 would be my fifth, and I'm planning on my next solo Jump being Enchanted Arms, but it's still a way off. I'm also working with Valeria on Street Fighter.
What's your ride look like?
>power stealing or trading options around the chain to basically get the Benefactor invincibility or some other extremely powerful quality for themselves.
Fiat can't be shared or stolen.
Can you purchase Legend Rider Movie Belt (should that be Legendary?) more than once to fuse multiple belts together into one?
It usually fits the user pretty well.
Reposting question from last thread so it can get more exposure. I'm basically taking a survey for Characters in Dark Souls 3 people wanna see purchasable. Ya'll are free to suggest most characters (with notable exceptions being the Lords of Cinder, perhaps others that feel iffy on a case by case basis) and the most popular suggestions are probably gonna make it in. Reasons for why I'm doing it this way were laid out in last thread.
Generally matches the user in some way, though not always.
Nope, Legend Rider. Completely accurate to the source.
Ghost Specifically calls them the Legend Rider Eyecons for an example
Yes, you can, I forgot to add that clause in but you can purchase Movie Belt multiple times.
Classy yet load bearing.
It's generally considered bad form to balance a jump around what someone may potentially do with an inter jump combo, isn't it?
I was paranoid about stuff like that starting out, less so now.
Well I was in Vampire the Requiem and started in London.
Unfortunately I hadn't quite thought through what would happen when my blood sucking sword killed another vampire and a few weeks in I became an accidental diablerist. Then after becoming a social pariah and the subject of several bloodhunts I took an "in for a penny, in for a pound" mindset and started diablerising the majority of the other vampires in London.
This all went great for a bit as I stacked so many anti-corruption/"you're always you" perks before this jump that I was not only providing a public service by killing vampires but I was also getting a bunch of blood potency and swanky new disciplines.
The strange thing about London in VtR is that there aren't really any vampires over the age of 250 despite the age, size and history of the city. That's because nearly 250 years ago something called the Cull happened and all but one of them died.
The Strix weren't particularly pleased that there weren't really any vampires left to kill in London given they'd waited 250 years and I spent the rest of the jump trying not to fall into torpor and trying not to be killed/possessed by unholy shadow owls.
It's not the motorcycle
This. Almost every attempt at inter-jump balance results in absolute cancer and can be argued to go against the spirit of Jumpchain itself.
All jumps should be balanced against the setting, not against the rest of Jumpchain.
Fair enough then.
Also, cool. Now I just need to find enough CP to actually do that.
Yet everyone loves to suck Red's dick.
Impel Down Pirate Boys here. We keep the ship shape and such.
So imagine a Spittle Runner from Invader Zim.
Now add on a lot of plasma weapons and shit like from the Wily Capsule. Not the "woowoowoo" one, but the "Final Boss Shoots Lots Of Bullshit At You" one.
There's also a large hard point on the bottom, for jacking into larger machines, similar to the Capsule or Eggman's Eggmobile.
Go ahead and add a large Irken Face design on the front that's part of the build; the bubble/windshield is in the mouth. The eyes are closed.
This is because in the recent rewrite of Gurren Lagann, I said "fuck it" and imported the ship into the Lagann-type Gunmen. The arms and legs are usually retracted, but when they come out the "mouth" closes and the eyes open up.
So the whole ship is compatible with Spiral Energy. Drills can manifest from any of the weapon systems or hard points.
Finally, I took Pimp My Ride from Fast & Furious, and I never bothered to unpimpify it, so the whole thing looks like it got decked out in the Casino Night Zone. Lots of neon and star designs. The "face" actually has one for a beauty mark. It's truly outrageous.
Truly truly truly outrageous.
Power Armor is a mainstay of this universe. It is, at once, your shield and your sword against the horrors in the dark, and what will keep you alive on many alien planets. Each Power Armor starts with a Base depending on your origin, which will start you with several upgrades for free. For everything else, you receive +1000 Suit Points to spend on all other upgrades. If you wish, you may convert 100 choice points into 100 more Suit Points, but not vice-versa.
[Universal Systems]
Life Support [Free/100sp] – Power Armor lives up to its name: it protects and keeps its user alive, first and foremost. Even the most basic of suits will provide a self-sustaining life support system. It puts the user in a sealed environment that can survive in a vacuum (though not extreme temperatures like sealed magma chambers or a sub-zero arctic), along with a self-sustaining oxygen supply. In addition, the suit will automatically repair itself and damage to the user’s vitals through the expenditure of Energy Tanks, which sustain the suit’s protection and the life of its user. It can also combat toxins or poisons that manage to move past the Power Armor’s protective seal, though it takes time to administer antibodies, and may leave the user vulnerable. You start with one life tank in your armor. For 100sp per tank, you can gain more.
Internal HUD [Free] – Whether through your retina or the visor of your helmet, you have a fully operational HUD system depicting the status of your life support, the status of your weapon (and ammo, should you rely on it), and a map system that automatically updates as you travel through a particular location. It needs to be modified manually to gain any new features beyond what you purchase here, but the programming code is flexible for the purpose of tactical, on-board systems.
For those who don't speak Metroid gameplay, Life Support starts your armor with two health bars on its own, basically.
So, people are probably going to request an option to import an existing set of armor. I'd like to request that if they do, it's not added.
Generally don't stress yourself too hard over stand rules--araki in general likes to break them sometimes. but as a rule of thumb, yes, they reflect the user. (In a really bizarre way though)
The Jump isn't balanced around what people could do with interjump combos. That singular option wasn't included because of those concerns, but that hardly reflects on the Jump as a whole. Soul Eater is also old as dirt by Jump Standards, and I barely knew what I was doing at the time since it was the first Jump I made from scratch. (Dark Souls got made after I adopted the skeleton from another Jumpmaker, since I really wanted to see it done)
And why is that, other than interjump balance?
Motorcycle or giant robot or spaceship, depending on how dramatic or stealthy I want to be at the time and how many people are coming.
There will be a free import option.
Also, for those wondering why the 'Base' armors aren't listed yet, I wanna actually finish all the weapons and subsystems before I handpick what goes where.
>In addition, the suit will automatically repair itself and damage to the user’s vitals through the expenditure of Energy Tanks, which sustain the suit’s protection and the life of its user.
>You start with one life tank in your armor. For 100sp per tank, you can gain more.
Does Energy Tank = Life Tank in this instance?
When was a time that you had to resort to stealth to do the things you had to do? I had to stealth a lot during G Gundam to accomplish the stuff I wanted to do. I was pretty shitty at actually robot fighting.
That is correct.
So the suit has one before you add the one from the Energy Tank? Or is it meant to start with two Energy Tanks.
would it be kosher to use Legend Rider Movie Belt on a item I pick up In the DLC for this jump?
Also since the birth belt comes with a complete set of CLAWS Personal Type can you apply them to a different belt and have them run off a different power source with plug and play?
The thing is that two life bars is basically the 'default' system plus one life tank. So it's two health bars, with one tank as a freebie.
Insofar as there's any relation, there seems to be a slight parity between what people need in a stressful moment and the Stand power. Althogh it can be pretty roundabout, like an Entity Shard.
>Kira needed to conceal Hayato's power, develops new power to reset time
>Johnny wanted to improve himself to win race/walk again, gained Spin-based Stand with Acts
>Valentine wanted to save Ameria, developed fortune-reflecting ability from Jesus' corpse
>That one asshole kid who was obsessed with rock-paper-scissors got a Stand that let him steal other Stands by winning at the game
>Rohan's Stand turns people into books
>Tonio's Stand cooks really, really healthy food
>The lucky guy in part 7's Stand just talks to him about his latent stupid luck; he's just really proud of being lucky anyway
Even Pucci and Dio's incomprehensible gobbledygook ppan references a lot of personal desires and aspirations as motifs to upgrade Whitesnake into Made in Heaven
Kind of like this except I put in some extra work to make it more aesthetically appealing, added . A pair of Orion engines as" sidecars" and replace the fireworks with a Military spec replicator
Metal Gear.
again, if I'm being a nag I will back off, but could you let me know either way? here are my questions
Symphogear's "The Power of Holding Hands" does this mean that like my weapon that I Import in say like Bayonetta. That I can apply the stuff I buy into my fists?
Waifuing pic related. Great idea or terrible idea?
don't Waifu crazy Anonymous
even better, it's explicitly any weapon you could be using. So get DMC weapon swapping and have different properties with every blow
>Rohan's Stand
I think Heaven's Door is supposed to represent Rohan's position as Araki's self-insert. His power allows him to have intimate knowledge about everyone's past and motivations, and to write commands that must be obeyed. You know, like an author and their characters.
Incidentally, that's why Heaven's Door is my favorite self-insert power.
About how strong do the three sword combat arts from One Piece make you start of series Zoro or somewhere mid series, weaker stronger?
There's an item in the Witcher jump called Toussaint's Finest. Anybody familiar with what it is? The text is cut off:
Toussaint’s finest(50: Free for drop in, may be purchased up to four times) It appears that
you have been lucky enough to be granted the opportunity to gain
So if true. That means all I have to do is basically get bunch dagger, enchant them up as far as possible. Maybe import a few to different jumps like GoW, AGK. Then switch to different enchants on the fly. Like having a strong fire enchant, then swapping it for strong frost...etc.
I want to say close to Water 7 Zoro. Don't quote me on that.
Hey Jumpers, how many cults have you started?
Yes, and yes
>pic related
Does it count if the rituals and stuff work?
thanks digger that makes planning easier
Araki literally said he doesn't think Rohan is his self insert.
Ten in every world with Jack Chick. All of them are secret covers for Christian Youth movements.
About twenty.
One chain involved more than a few when I went overboard with the charisma/conversion perks and didn't know how to turn them off. Jumper goes to grocery story, the tale of how he inspected that watermelon reverberates throughout the community. Beat up bad guys, accidentally smack prophetic epiphanies about their true savior into their skulls. It was deeply unsettling and one of the main reasons that chain ended.
Slightly better idea than waifuing Vampire Willow. Slightly.
I want to say wine, like maybe a small barrel of wine. The place is like combination of Italy & France.
Just the one post!Hatred. They do crop up in multiple jumps, though.
I use them for disposable bodies and experimentation. They don't get to say no.
Not that they do.
It's strange having a nihilistic murder cult following you. They have, like, basically zero self-preservation instinct. When I say, "I want some people to perform monstrous experiments on", they actually start lining up.
I didn't do anything to make them start doing that.
That's just their default setting.
It's like, you know how in Lovecraft, some people just go completely fucknuts and start worshipping a shoggoth or some shit, and they don't even care if it eats them?
That's what's going on here. Except I'm the shoggoth.
Kinda cuts out a lot of effort on my part, though.
Thanks, Manyfist. That sounds right. I suppose the barrel would refill itself over time, but Mad_Hatter doesn't have any items with a specified refill time elsewhere in the jump. Guess I'll have to make something up.
technically, One it's Members are spread across different dimensions It's a pantheistic faith that deified myself and my companions. However, it also is Heavily influenced by several different branches of the Imperial cult and it sees me as an aspect of the Emperor in a kind of trickster/Prometheus role.
Start of series more like, at best. It only says you've had a few months training, whereas Zoro has had years by now.
None. I feel uncomfortable around large groups of people that *aren't* all focused on me, so I would probably be slightly more kind to my followers than Lady Luck.
It says you can do air pressure attacks so it's got to be around Skypeia.
also, have you considered making the jumper Gaia memories available for purchase? like say 3 for 100 CP? like you did with the Jumper Astro switches in the next part?
The Black Leg style also gives examples of high level techniques, ones that Sanji doesn't have until post timeskip. I think the first section of the perk, where it says you have a few months training, is more reliable then the bits describing what you can eventually do with the techniques.
Quite a few, I always feel like doing something spooky at least a few times doing a jump, and have to have a "Halloween episode" at least once or twice.
I know in Buffy somehow I got the Trio as worshipers, which was embarrassing let me tell you.
But owls are our friends!
when Legend Rider Movie Belt says it can accommodate core metals. Does that mean Three slots or just one??
Mentioned this a few days ago as someone wanted to go to I Dream of Jeannie and I figured it was a better idea to just stick in a note about supernatural stuff from sitcoms not working post-jump so I removed the limit and slapped in a note.
Also put in a note about how you can shove yourself into the workplace of the protagonists as some sitcoms sort of rely on that for you to be a character.
As someone who didn't take Savant in Pokemon where can I get unlimited storage space for memories? Preferably something I could pick up early chain?
There's an Eidetic Memory perk in Star Wars: KotOR, for 100CP.
Has anyone thought of making an Earth Jump? you know a Jump that takes place on regular old Earth.
Off the top of my head, Project Freelancer, Young Justice, and The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (It has a perfect memory perk, and all powers come with secondary powers that protect your from the harmful effects of them). You could also use PS238's Rainmaker Kid to make a power for that.
Jumps like Youtube and 9 to 5 take place on modern day earth, is that what your looking for?
Youtube Celebrity, Musician, Nine to Five, and probably a few others that I'm forgetting.
You're doing that right now.
Was there ever a WIP for the Belgariad/Mallorean?
I remember a while back, somebody was throwing an idea around for a jump where the Jumper goes back to their Earth, only to have it being invaded by some eldritch things; some OC story, it sounded like. Seemed cool. Was that ever a real thing, or was that just some idea that was being floated around?
My finals are done. Yiss. Yisssssss. Relaxation. ...and I finally can feel productive and start working on jumps again this week.
(Destiny) #156
-Background: Guardian (900CP) -The people will be protected.
-Class: Warlock (Free) -Magics! Space magics to boot!
-Race: Human (Free) -Keep down the alt-forms.
-Put Up Your Guns (Free) -Some extra ability with guns is good.
-Pure Art (Free) -Extra aesthetical ability is also really nice.
-Ingenuity (Free) -Repurposing skills is good.
-Lost And Found (800CP) (Discount) -Oh, nice. NICE. This is awesome.
-Cryptarch's Teaching (600CP) (Discount) -Piecing together what something was meant for and comprehension speeding is good.
-Champion's Prowess (300CP) (Discount) -Oh. My. Word. YES. My supernatural abilities get a buff? YEEEEES.
-Size Does Matter (100CP) -MY NAME IS HUGE. 159'9" now!
-Grimoire (Free) -Because knowing is half the battle! The other half is violence.
-Ghost A.I. (Free) -I actually liked how the Ghost was in the original game. I'll keep it like that.
-Circlet (0CP) -Aptitude is awesome!
-Exotic Armor (-600CP) -Oh. Oh yes. YEEEEES. I fucking love looking awesome.
-Jump Ship (Free) -Gonna see what makes this thing tick!
-A Living God (0CP)
Dice Rolls: Europa, 27 years old
-End Choice: Next Adventure
Good news: I actually have a ship this time that can take some damage and deal it out to some of the more nasty critters in this world.
Bad news: I'm still going to be hauling ass because of the bullshit that is Crota. I do not like Crota at all, and I'm sure as hell not going to like him here. If at all possible I'd love to just find his spot and bombard him, but it's more than likely I'd need to get a team and get down there myself.
Anonymous, the point of the but X in the "real life but X" jumps is for there to be a point aside from waifuing celebrities and/or the local version of your actual wife.
That could work I suppose. I was just thinking about a Jump that takes place on a version of regular old Earth where if you wanted to you could hog wild. And because it's a Jump it doesn't matter because you still have the option to go home.
Make it yourself then. Rule one.
You need to keep an eye on her whenever you get to 40k.
She's got a heavy predisposition towards Slaanesh already.
You mean like Hatred?
More like run for President, repeat high school, etc.
Do you like putting penis into crazy?
Now, answer that again, and replace crazy with, "batshit fucking deranged."
Sheryl-Charlene is easily one of the most terrifying people on Archer to possibly imagine as a real person, and Archer and Cyril are the ones with loose trigger fingers always ND-ing.
Not sure. I mean, how do you define a cult?
Is it a cult if you open people's eyes to the true nature of reality, in order to elevate them to the next level of existence?
Well, something like running for President would probably go in a Politics jump or something.
Great Detective
There's a perk for deleting memories too.
True. Or the West Wing if it lets you.
I was thinking more of a sandbox thing. It could let you practice taking over the world before you do it back home.
>run for President
West Wing.
>repeat high school
If you can't find a jump on the drive where that happens, something is wrong with you.
Me? None. Well, that's not entirely accurate. I haven't actively started any cults, but I have been used as fodder for cults.
Without really paying attention to it, I managed to pick up a series of devoted Companions with a religious bent. As I don't always need my Companions and because I want them to have the personal freedom to live their own lives, as much as possible while following me around, there is plenty of time where I'm not entirely aware of what my Companions are doing. I probably wouldn't have noticed it if not for the run of jumps where I picked up varying forms of divinity: powered by devotion, and empowering followers perks.
Long story short, my Companions made a cult and have made it a point to spread that cult into every jump we experience. I tried getting them to stop, but that's the one bit of influence I can't seem to exert over them. I've since stopped trying and have more or less settled into the role.
The baroque renovations are growing on me.
Yes. Very much so. Unless you're a literal god born of the aether with some sort of domain, rather than an extradimensional tourist-cum-thrillseeker with untold and near-infinite power.
Double-so if you're doing it for any sort of profit, even non-material, such as amusement.
I love Grassbirdthing. Best starter in awhile.