>TFW you play a 750 Pt Leauge Game and your opponent brings three riptides
TFW you play a 750 Pt Leauge Game and your opponent brings three riptides
What are riptides? And is 750 pts a lot, or a little?
What is this post about?
It's about faggots like you.
Riptides are giant anime mechas that people don't like playing against in Warhammer 40,000. They're tough, maneuverable, have a lot of firepower, long range, can shoot at troops that teleport near them before the teleporters can act.
Plus it's just annoying when you bring a balanced list to fight all enemy types and suddenly all your anti-infantry weapons are almost useless because someone brought a whole army of heavily armoured mechas/tanks
750 points is a small game. 1500-2000 is normal.
So what you're saying is, you need to git gud, and make optimal picks, rather than your stupid bullshit Squat army?
7/10 I got upset.
Then why don't people just always bring riptides?
Because without support they'll get torn apart by a well built army. OP just sucks
750 pts of melta veterans, two basilisks, and an average 3+ cover save thanks to being dug in. Doesn't help when Riptides get two shooting phases, have ignore cover, can easily get a 3++, and are immune to most weapons in the guard armory.
That 3++ though. I killed one of those bastards before getting tabled.
Riptide wing at 750 points it just pure cheese supreme. At that point level, I'm not sure much beyond GK with ID on everything could compete. Even then they'd have 3+ invuln.
>That 3++ though. I killed one of those bastards before getting tabled.
At least it wasn't a skunk and you took one of those with you. I hope you imagined your troops cheering as the fucker fell.
Actually, this makes me wonder. What army is the cheapest in dosh whilst still being competitive? I'm assuming grey knights or something just from low model count but I also think I'm right in saying that GW literally prices units by in game value rather than actual worth.
>still playing 40k
>starting a post with [CURRENT YEAR]
>Stop liking what I don't like
Jesus, how much to Riptides cost?
Double Imperial Knight guy here, how much does a Riptide cost?
The thing that seems most unfuriating about the Wraith Knight is that it's 100ish points cheaper than the Imp Knight, and just seems so much better.
Did he win the whole thing?
Not sure, but GW being GW made a formation where a player can run 3-9 of them, and gives them all +1 BS when shooting at the same target, AND LETS THEM FIRE EACH WEAPON TWICE IN ONE TURN, including rapid fire.
So at least three can be run in 750 without being unbound and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone.
>he likes 40k rules
Pleb, pls, switch to 30k and AoS.
>Age of Smegma
>Contrarian K
>Not spending two thousand dollars on another army and books in a comepletly different system when you already have three complete armies for 40k
>Wishing I was rich enough to be this retarded.
What is 30k and where do I find the rules? Is it similar to 40k in game size?
>Not just playing 4th.
>What is 30k and where do I find the rules?
Google Horus Heresy.
>being salty nostalgiafag
Oh, I didn't realize 30k was HH. I thought they were different.
>have ignore cover,
How did he have marker lights? if he was double shooting (which is once per game) tgen he had riptide wing. Cheapest riptide wing plus dronenet is over 750 points.
Really? At least take medusa instead.
Are Basilisks not good? I have 2 models from when I played in 5th and they were okay then.
>switching to better system is retarted
They are mediocre for killing infantry and useless for killing vehicles and MCs both of which will always require multiple hits.
Look at the manticore for something sklightly better - with D3 shots you've at least got a chance of killing something bigger than infantry.
That's a shame, I really love how the Basilisk looks. I also have a Manticore and thought about fielding it because my mom randomly bought it for me a few years ago.
Common MCs and changes to vehicle damage have made single shit high strength weapons inferior to mid strength multi shot weapons.
Unfortunately only certain armies have access to good weapons of that type. This is one of the reasons that guard, orks, chaos are struggling.
That explains why I see so many Punishers with Pask. Time to get some more Lascannon Heavy Weapons Squads.
If you could get multilasers everywhere you get lascannons then you'd be talking.
As it is you should be looking at autocannon uf you have to take HWS. Lots of shots is key.
I figured AP2 Strength 9 with Monster Hunter order would be useful for MC and Tanks. Re-rolling is great.
But yeah I have a lot of Autocannons too. Scout Sentinels with Autocannons, Ratlings, Squads with Autocannons, Heavy Weapons Teams with Autocannons.
Whenever you want to play 750pt, just take three can lids with you. If your opponent pulls out three Riptides, say the can lids are your Riptide proxies and use them.
What is a good Leman to go with Pask that's in a Punisher? Another Punisher or Exterminator was what I was thinking.
AP2 is useless for tanks. It takes an average of three AP2 pens to kill a tank but tanks always die to three glances/pens from any AP. This is why more shots is better, even at a lower strength.
Against 2+ MCs AP2 is good but you still need lots of shots and lascannons just aren't an efficient way of getting them. Vets and CCS with three or four plasma guns isn't ideal but it is better than lascannon HWS.
Punisher with pask is only good with the extra strength.
Five plasma cannon shots is good, if risky and expensive. The only other russ that's worth taking is vanquisher with beast hunter shells and that's armoured company only.
glance the fuck out of it with necrons
Hate the game, not the player.
If people are.playing competitively or *shudder* professionally then of course they're going to take thw cheesiest shit available.
Missile Drones ignore cover and are ap5, tearing through flak armor.
They're cunting jet pack monstrous creatures with 5 fucking wounds because they have to be as OP as possible without having D weaponry.
I go Vanquisher or Exterminator. The former to mop up what a punisher can't pierce (which isnt much with rending), the latter for volume of fire. Either way you're kind of relying on the Kill on Sight order to get any use out of it becaus Pask will wipe out whatever you're targeting.
If he's taking missile drones then he's an idiot because he's just made the riptides vulnerable to morale shenanigans.
Shielded missile drones do not have ignores cover.
They have missile pods (2 shot S7 AP4) not smart missile systems (4 shot S5 AP5).
The riptide can take SMS as its auxiliary weapon. 2-3 dead guardsmen per turn per riptide.
>Playing 750 point tournament
>Allowing anything other than CAD
I think your TO might possibly be a dumbass.
Because you can't take three riptides in a CAD at 750? You can with 104pts left for upgrades and weapons for the two crisis suits.
Actually 101 points left but it's still perfectly possible.
My main army is a Feral Guard regiment. It doesn't properly exist in this edition. It was once in the main codex. I'd be salty if forever playing 4th with friends wasn't an option.
The local meta is full of waac dicksmacks anyhow, so if I want to play 7th with randoms I'd be pulling out my Saim-Hann.
Oh, he is. He's made it very clear that he doesn't care about the warhammer people in his store. It's a multi-week league with objectives determined by the TO, but they've been nonsense for the most part. We've already had to take it upon ourselves to fix our own league scores because they fucked them up.
Essentially they just want to take our money.
So you're just trash and got your ass whooped?
I don't play Warhammer because I'm not a manchild, but complaining about team comp is the mark of a sore loser in any sort of a competition. Just git gud, make optimal picks, and play that.
The riptide wing is just too strong for most factions without an army specially dedicated to taking them on. you have to specialist super hard, and even then the riptide player has to get unlucky on his saves. They're massively unfun to play against and if you bring that into a casual game most people won't play against you. Im pretty sure user wasn't complaining , he was just making observations.
>Riptide fags actually believe this
Go on, give me a 750 point list with any army that can deal with triptides.
This. Guard has one thing in their codex that can reliably deal with them; your standard all-rounder list can be completely negated if the riptides are rolling well.
>I don't understand what people are talking about, but I'm going to insult them and assume that I'm somehow better than them while myself browsing the Monoply-playing forum on a Taiwanese machete selling site.
What can reliably deal with them?
I mean in the guard dex
The Paskiner. 20 Rending shots with Perferred Enemy *should* be able to take one down. But he's expensive.
Otherwise, massed autocannon or other heavy weapon fire.
So, once again, you're just proving my point - you're making a suboptimal choice, and then bitching about someone who is making a good choice, these riptides. I fail to see why you're being a salty bitch. Just pick the right thing, and win.
No, I understand. The analogy is like not playing 4 Thraben Inspectors in a UW Standard deck, or , not having Lucio on a cap point map in Overwatch.
Sure, you have other options, but if you don't take those, you're just BAD in a competitive sense.
Paskisher wont take one down in a round, which is what needs to be done against a riptide wing
the real mans way to deal with riptides is to take the FW tank only detachment and have beast hunter vanquishers for that sweet, sweet s8 ap2 instant death blast
I think their point is that someone who plays a certain fluffy army/unit-composition because he likes its design Vs. someone who only plays the army because its the strongest rules-wise.
Op might be complaining alot but you also cant just "counter-pick" Models as you would in overwatch. like you think you understand, realistically
Unless you're that guy who brings every single model he owns to the place. they also cost some money and time spending assembling and Its understandable that you wouldnt buy every single arrangement so you can do something against every form of cheese in a "friendly" game
Well, I will grant you that I don't know the context. If he was playing a friendly game, then sure, it doesn't matter. If he's playing in an actual competitive scenario, there's no excuse for not bringing everything to the table, both literally and figuratively.
>So, once again, you're just proving my point - you're making a suboptimal choice, and then bitching about someone who is making a good choice, these riptides. I fail to see why you're being a salty bitch. Just pick the right thing, and win.
Have you ever played a Wargame before or a TTRPG? if yes you're probably That Guy.
There are people who play for fun and to emulate fantasies. Not much Fun to be playing something just because its good even tho you dont like the concept of the army/formation/unit
Sure I agree on real tournaments (which are usually about 3x the points and offer much more variety) fielding only weak armor and infantry is a bad choice. But seriously calling someone "bad" for doing so on a friendly 750 points game(sidefact. ops opponent was cheating out points) is like being that guy who thinks hes the new Faker that is stock in gold-elo and blames losses on one of his teammates picks the Not-currently-best-at-role-champ.(Fuck LoL though)
What people does he care about
FNM players and their wallets
I can't wait to assault a riptide with my NL raptor talon for that sweet -4 Fear and then get stomped to death
riptides cant stomp, user
Really? I thought they could?
Fucking hell. Gonna fear the shit outta some Riptides.
>You're just making a suboptimal choice.
That isn't really how 40k works. There are several different races, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The best possible list varies from army to army, matchup to matchup. Riptides are only available to one race, and to say that everyone should just use that race is completely missing the point of wargaming.
Can't you take regular guard and then take armored company as allies?
It's a game where you field cool shit to do cool things. When there is no chance of winning unless you bring three riptides too, and then you basically win or lose depending on whether you go first, what is the point of it all.
Yeah, in a competition you'd play hardball but this is the equivalent of bringing banned magic cards to a friendly game. There's a reason they're banned, no way to counter them and no, getting extremely lucky can't be considered a counter.
>So what you're saying is, you need to git gud, and make optimal picks, rather than your stupid bullshit Squat army?
Fuck you if my Squats had grav I'd show all of you!
Or just take the three riptides with you that you took off the body of the last cunt who tried that shit.
Can I buy you a drink?