>Federation has Section 31, which no one is sure exists
>Romulans have Tal Shiar, which double as secret police
>Cardassians have Obsidian Order, which does spying as well as more powerful governments
>Klingon Intelligence is mentioned only in passing a single time, and only in regards to the completely fucked up Tribble situation
Why do Klingons have the worst spies in the quadrant?
Federation has Section 31, which no one is sure exists
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You mean the best because good spy networks are never found out
>Nobody knows about or thinks about them
>"Worst spies"
I don't think you know what spies do, user
Because Klingons are an entire spacefaring civilization of jobbers. They don't so much as win conflicts as fail to job as hard as the opposing side.
Because no warrior race would believe that deception or camouflage is honorable.
A Klingon spy would be the best spy, because that would mean he's successfully been sneaky and dishonorable for his entire life without getting called out on it.
I bet they paint themselves purple. That must be the trick.
Seriously, when is the last time you've seen a purple Klingon?
They purposely re-infect themselves with that virus that makes them look like they did in TOS, so no one knows they're Klingons
Section 31 is not Starfleet's intelligence branch. That would be Starfleet Intelligence.
Section 31 is MAJESTIC-12
Klingons are Veeky Forums elves of Star Trek. They exist solely to be terrible at everything, so that other races look slightly better.
Explain the Cloaking Device then.
>Klingon intellectuals
Were the Klingons uplifted? If not, someone had to invent the spaceships.
If i remember right they took warp drive from a species that invaded them.
I hate how all the Star Trek aliens are just fucked up looking humans with a one note culture. It's absolutely retarded. Roddenbury was a hack.
the Klingons had a shapeshifter running operations for them as far back as Kirk's time
Looking human was because of time and money, no way to get past that.
The culture thing was because Star Trek is supposed to be a political vehicle, and not, y'know, a good work of fiction.
So yeah, he's a hack.
Yeah, the Klingons were invaded by the Hur'Q about 1000 years before TNG, while they were still feudal. Something happened to the Hur'Q, and the Klingons managed to sieze a bunch of their tech and ships, and started to expand the Empire.
Because it makes allegories to nuclear submarines easier
Oh really?
If they're the worst spies then how come you completely failed to mention House Pegh? Because you didn't know they exist. BECAUSE THEY'RE THE FUCKING GREATEST SPIES IN THE QUADRANT!
Tholian ambassador agreed don't bother him about it.
[Angry Crystal Noises Intensify]
>Something happened
The fucking Klingons happened.
Pretty much any time ever.
Klingon blood is purple, remember?
And now you know what powers the Klingon version of the cloaking device.
Their ships literally run off of blood, sweat and tears.