He eradicates all religions but allows the Adpetus Mechanicus to worship him as a god
>putting your topic in the subject field and leaving the body blank
>knows that the mechanicum would kick his ass if he tried going too far
...I'm basically a 40k newb and even I know that the 'deal' worked out wasn't for the Mechanicus to worship him as a god, it was for them to 'worship' him in the same way as the rest of the imperium by arguing that he's an aspect/coin side of the machine spirit.
needs them, was probably planning to play the long game and slowly get rid of them, just like he got rid of religion on earth over a long period of time originally.
>knows that the mechanicum would kick his ass if he tried going too far
Kick his ass with what? He wiped out their fleet when they sent it to stop the Unification and his legiones could scour Mars if genera-fabricator refused his offer (and Kebor-Hal knew it). He even had his own loyal Terran technophiles in the form of Uralian Terrawatt clan to replace Mechanicum if need be.
They call him the machine god and fap at his divinity in his presence and he doesn't even get triggered by that or have a moment of self reflection about the hypocrisy
again, I'm new to 40k, so could you explain to me how there isn't a difference between fapping to the machine god and the emperor who are actually there and help out if prayed for, and the religions he wiped out involving prayer to nonexistent gods?
I mean, surely the emperor doesn't oppose chaos god worship on the grounds that religion is bad. He opposes their worship because they're destructive dicks and forces of evil and chaos.
Shit sucks, people are dumb and the Emps knows very well he has nothing to win by smacking sense into the fools.
It's 30k shit.
Basically Emperor was 100% aggressive atheist and did his best to wipe out all religions, including those that tried to worship him.
Official worship of the Big E only started about 1k years after his "death" and was institutionalized as a state religion another 500 years after.
>I mean, surely the emperor doesn't oppose chaos god worship on the grounds that religion is bad
Actually he does. Some nerds (Thousand sons, I think?) started worshipping im and he was all "UH, NO. STOP. I WILL DESTROY YOU"
The Emperor sees worshipping anything as potential Chaos bait. The Imperial Faith used to be the Imperial Truth and was basically turbo fedora tier.
He had to let the Mechanicum worship him because he knew he couldn't convert an entire planet from their religion and needed access to their tech and know-how.
Things have since gotten out of control.
Shouldn't worship of the Emperor technically support his efforts in the warp? I mean, with pretty much all humans everywhere having faith and hope in the Emperor, shouldn't that go a long way to counteract the ruinous forces?
>ts fags will actually reply to this seriously
No, because the Ruinous powers aren't given power by worship, but by emotions. The Eldar didn't worship Slaanesh, but they created them.
A Khornate doesn't serve Khorne by praying hard, he serves by killing.
Sorrty to break it for you, but Hope supports Tzentch. And Hatred (another pillar of the Imperial Creed) supports Khorne.
Ot was the only way to ensure the mechanicus Was loyal. He fostered his own cult when convenient
>Hope supports Tzentch
Well, shit. What supports Malal? Malice?
Nothing. He's retconned.
Atheism and being contrarian.
The Emperor was wrong about the way the warp works anyway. Religion doesnt power the gods although worship of the gods can get their attention. He needed to have an inquisition like force in place before everything went to shit so they'd actually have a chance. The fact that this wasnt in place truly shows how little he understood the danger mortals face from the warp.
>He had to let the Mechanicum worship him because he knew he couldn't convert an entire planet from their religion
He did that literally all the time. Part of bringing planets to compliance was getting them to accept the Imperial Truth.
Early on the Mechanicus was almost as strong as Terra and he couldn't strong arm them the way he would do later on. As the Imperium grew in power, so did the Mechanicus. So he was stuck with it.
He could and he did. Mars lost most of it's military in an attempt to stop Teran Unification.
But they still had loads of archeotech in vaults, he couldn't risk them using it or breaking it. Not to mention the literally irreplaceable infrastructure on Mars and around Mars. It wasn't just about the ability to sack the planet, it was the fact he really didn't want to either way.
No we won't
when is the next TTS episode coming out?
It was the Word Bearers.