Have you ever played a character that was overweight or obese?
Have you ever played a character that was overweight or obese?
Did you enjoy yourself?
I once played a middle age farmer who had a mid life crises and decided to sell all his land. He died at like the second cave
I have a recurring Fat Merchant. He rides a flying carpet or a donkey. He usually has manservants to bring him around.
He is always out of breath and sweaty. My players love him.
Overweight tale tellin sharpshooter with a big 50 in deadlands. Bit of a coward, talked up the other characters into being heroes.
Indeed. It was pretty great.
He could really only waddle, so he bought a jetpack and then he was referred to by his servants as "the flying sack of crap".
Yes. Though being fat was never relevant.
The game was pretty okay, but it fell apart really fast. The GM told us we would be playing a group of mercenaries and bounty hunters in space, and we all made pretty standard mercenary characters, vaguely immoral lowlifes who were pretty much only motivated by money and personal gain. I was the face, who was originally a gambler, thief, and con man.
By the middle of the first session, it was obvious the GM wanted us to be playing nice, good hearted, and heroic characters, willing to get involved in people's lives and stand up for the defenseless. He had not made this clear to any of us. I had actually specifically asked about it, because I've run into the same problem SO MANY times with GMs. He was one of those guys, I assume, who has a very "good" directed mentality, and so his idea of scum would be like, Han Solo, but after he was retconned to only shoot in self defense. He did not make that clear, and our characters were really not behaving how he wanted. He got increasingly frustrated with us being too dickish and irresponsible, and we, being very aggressively told not to roleplay the characters we had made, got more disengaged. After a few games he just called it off. There was also a player in the group who was the typical "I'm an obnoxious teenager in a group of adults" guy, so honestly, I was glad when the game ended.
If you mean, did I enjoy the character being overweight, it never really had any impact on anything except that my pace was reduced, so many combats ended before I even got there. But I wasn't primarily a combat character so it didn't matter to me. There wasn't enough roleplay for it to come up more than that.
I once played a fat female monk that ended up being the "naïve kid" while out adventuring and the "team mom" when back at camp. The game was a more lighthearted and comedic one, so the character worked out pretty well.
Was she a sumo wrestler by chance?
Played a character that was basically Humanoid Kirby, and ate her foes alive. It was fun.
Played a short, chubby summoner. She was fun as hell, and her weight only came up when her skinny Half-Elf boyfriend was teasing her. She chilled in the back, cheering on her horrible monsters and blinding people.
Sort of, but not quite.
She was trained in the "Boulder School" of martial arts that featured a lot of grappling and body-slamming techniques, but her monastic order of "enlightened epicureans" mostly ate big meals and thought big thoughts and only sometimes settled issues that came up around their monastery through martial means.
The other party members ended up trying to protect her or keep her out of most fights due to her relative inexperience with real combat and her roly-poly, butterball build, so she ended up having much more utility in social interactions outside of battle because of her charming, unintimidating nature.
I tend not to mix reality with fantasy.
She also took care of the party's campsites, cooking, supplies and, more-often-than-not, emotional support.
I'd imagine that there were hugs involved, big soft bear hugs.
I've attempted to play larger character before. They usually never see the light of day due to the fact that games just don't happen around me.
Yes, Shadowrun, Fat hacker who moved around in a chair with wheels, constantly had other players have to help him up and down stairs and absolutely hated dealing with him in character, ooc they loved it and thought he was hilarious so it all worked out in the end, till a wheel got shot off on my chair. they left me behind in a firefight in the middle of no cover, found my character dead still sitting in his chair after the fight.
An obese XIXth century fat british scholar of indian descent with twirling mustaches, in Call Of Cthulhu.
Accidentally ate human meat, which was being presented to him as "bacon" by a ghoul's servant.
Resurected someone he accidentally killed minutes ago through magic, with miraculously minimal san loss.
Was overall one lucky motherfucker.
I had a heavyset police detective in a Delta Green game that deliberately played up the "oafish, donut eating cop" stereotype to set civilians' minds at ease and fool less savory sorts into underestimating him.
Looks like a cool character.
>deliberately played up the "oafish, donut eating cop" stereotype to set civilians' minds at ease and fool less savory sorts into underestimating him.
I like your style.
Yeah, he was a group favourite.
Pathfinder, gnome oracle. So obese he couldn't walk, and had to be carted around in a wagon and tended to by his PC tengu servant. I spent the entirety of the games berating and belittiling the other players, throwing snark at every npc, and just being a bossy, unlikable cunt. The best part was that I was the combat mage, blasting the shit out of everything with colour spray.
Technically yes, but I had to drop out of the game due to time differences (online game) and work before I could really RP - which is a shame, because I liked the character: a big bombastic scottish combat engineer with a penchant for explosives and partying
Oh yes. She was a big hugger, though they could get smotheringly over-enthusiastic when she was excited.
She was a lot of fun to play, and her character concept worked well since it was such a light-hearted and comedic game.
3.5 Rogue with one level in monk for flurry or backstabs. Made him obese after I realized the 'obese' feat in BoVD has no impact on combat abilities. I ended up killing the bbeg because I was the only one with an amulet that could bypass natural armor snd DR so flurried my way to victory. I think I also had whatever the magic item is that produces enough rations to feed one person a day flavored so that it always produced turkey legs.
Once played a Louisianan swamp hick in a game based in the 1940s that was almost 7 feet tall and about 400 pounds. He looked dumb as bricks and was clumsy as hell, but at that height and weight tripping and falling was terrifying to everyone involved. He was soft hearted as hell and loved a lot of things, but often accidentally killed those things because he couldn't comprehend his own strength.
Was slow as shit physically and mentally, combat would usually be going on for a turn or two before he realized what was happening and barreled in, but you try stopping 400 pounds of angry meat crying and screaming at you. GM told me after the campaign died that he had basically set aside an entire page of rolls for my character for intimidation alone. Just my character starting to cry was enough to scare off some people at one point after he ripped a alligator/human hybrid in half and beat 20 armed men to death with the corpse, all while sobbing and yelling at how mean people were to him. Was probably my dumbest character idea ever but really he was a fun guy to play.
My current character was overweight when we started, but lost pretty much all the excess due to the insane amount of walking he does.
Then he reincarnated a couple times due to wild magic, so got rid of any remaining fat anyway.
Yes, I played the fastest man alive, pound for pound. In Savage Worlds you can still pick up the fleet edge even if you take obese, I found this hilarious so I did it for one character. He was a face/doctor with a few combat skills. Fun character also the fastest character in the party.
>fastest man alive, pound for pound
Wasn't there a greentext story about a fat Vampire: The Masquerade character possessing absolutely ludicrous supernatural speed?
Yes. Didn't start that way, though. I made a navigator for RT, and while she was initially characterized as very thin, the very first additional power she gained triggered a mutation and she got the "bloated body" mutation. Could've been worse (a lot of the mutations are far more detrimental), but it did result in the senechal repeatedly making fun of her weight.
My group is currently running a sci-fi campaign in which a ragtag group of space truckers (our PCs) have uncovered a corporate conspiracy to start a massive free-for-all civil war between Earth and it's colonies out across the solar system.
To promote party cohesion,our GM wanted each of our PCs to have some sort of preexisting connection to at least one other PC and another player joked that his PC and mine has been "chatting romantically" over the space-web for a while.
I decided to run with this, and agreed that my tomboyish space-tow-truck pilot and his slick ex-military type had been internet-dating for a couple years but hadn't actually met face-to-face before fate threw the group together.
The shock and confusion the Merc felt when he looked upon his girlfriend for the first time and discovered that my Mechanic was a space whale that kept artificial gravity turned off in her ship and could barely squeeze through the airlock was hilarious.
The other player and I have been having a blast since then, playing up the blow-out between them over my character's "deception" and his character's "superficiality" while still trying to find a way to work together to stop the coming war.
yes, he's obese and faster than any other PC
If someone wanted to play an overweight or obese character, what classes or roles might be best suited to their size and associated stats if their player still wanted to make them useful to the party?
What classes or roles might the player choose if they were just looking to have fun playing an overweight or obese character and was unconcerned with that character's utility?
What are some fun and interesting ideas for overweight or obese characters that would in-keeping with different types of games like fantasy, cyberpunk or space opera?
Sumo Wrestler, Fighter, Wizard (conjuration), Rogue (Con man), Sorcerer, Cleric.
Fat monks are the best because they still get fast movement and can move faster than galloping horses while weighing in excess of 400 pounds.
m-my fetish
If your aim is to play a character that's fat but still able to hold their own amongst their thinner partymates, you'd obviously want to choose a class that DOESN'T rely on speed, agility or stealth to fulfill their role:
>Magic Wielders that are powerful but laborious to move in battle like artillery
>Martial Artists that rely on their strength and bulk rather than fancy fighting styles
>Smooth Talkers that present themselves as friendly and approachable
Yup. She turned out to be a crowd favorite and was one of two characters that survived from the first session to the last.
Obesity is disgusting.
Gluttony is a deadly sin.
What was her story?
>The chubby, redheaded baker's daughter turns out to be the Chosen One foretold in the Prophecy, much to her great astonishment and dismay.
>The local constable, widely regarded as a fat layabout, is forced to take his job seriously when townsfolk begin vanishing in the night.
>Having completed her training and taken her cows, a roly-poly young cleric decides to go on a pilgrimage, helping those she meets on the way.
>A rather routund professor of historical magecraft decides to delve into a famous dungeon in search of material for a new line of research.
>A stronk-fat barbarian from the Frostlands has journeyed southward to see what wonders and challenges the warmer climes have to offer her.
>An elderly, overweight nobleman contracts the party to take him on an "adventurer" so that he might relive the misremembered glory days of his youth.
>A minor goddess of farming and feasting manifests a plentifully plump avatar to investigate the unnatural famines and plagues befouling her lands.
Retired luchador.
Still strong, but no longer doing the stairs.
i played an ogre once if that counts, they are quite widely built.
One of my buddies played a half-orc sumo wrestler. Did a lot more shot-putting than wrestling though.
She was a short, overweight sorceress who quested as a bid for power but then slowly fell in with the good guys through indifference of how the power was acquired.
The story was about a group of ragtag heroes who went from ruin raiders to uncovering a plot to invoke a god to obliterate the world. It turns out the god was coming regardless of what the cultists did. Meanwhile there was a lunatic going around pulling crazy awful stunts as experiments and we fucked their shit up. Turns out, the experiments were attempts to halt the god from ending the world, but only got so far as to learn how to "escape" the world. In the end, she realized they fucked up and killed the one person who could have stopped the end of the world. The other party member who also started since the first quest decided to escape through the black hole into a new world. The sorceress stayed behind, feeling guilty for the world she helped doom. It was a sad ending. The only solace, was that for those final few moments, before the void devoured her, she was the most powerful being in the universe, and that was enough.
>The sorceress stayed behind, feeling guilty for the world she helped doom. It was a sad ending. The only solace, was that for those final few moments, before the void devoured her, she was the most powerful being in the universe, and that was enough.
Damn. That is a sad ending. Kudos on getting her there.
Good thread so far guys. Like the stories and kissable tummies
I played a monk/barbarian, or some shitty homebrew of it, and she not only managed to be Chaotic Neutral and be one of the more behaved in the party minus her alchemical mutation, but she also managed to be smarter than any of the casters with 8 Intelligence.
I have been debating playing a food based magic user in the style of a fat chef.
go for it user!
I've figured out how to do it in 5e if you're interested. You gotta go bard. It gets considerably less thematic the higher level you go, but that shouldn't stop you. If the DM says that you NEED to use a musical instrument as your spellcasting focus, just make a tune while banging pots, pans, forks, knives, spoons and plates together and tapping your foot.
For cantrips, pick Prestidigitation (says you can use it to flavor food, also flashy tricks like making your knives blur and sparkle) and Viscous mockery - pretend you're Gordon Ramsey.
For 1st lvl spells you want Healing Word (skinned as crushing fine herbs in your hand. The aromatics are what do the healing), Animal Friendship (you offer food to an animal), Unseen Servant (as a real chef this would be a godsend in the kitchen). Later, take Faerie Fire and cast it into big pots of food to impress crowds.
2nd: Enhance Ability requires a strip of leather, so say you're stuffing jerky from a different animal for each ability into the person's mouth. Heat Metal to skip waiting for ovens to preheat and to make "CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT?" jokes. You must make these jokes every time. it is very important. I generally use Lesser Restoration out of combat, so say you're cooking up an especially nourishing dish for a party member who got spanked by a wraith. Locate Animals or Plants might be good for hunting exotic ingredients. Blind/Deafen as grinding pepper in their eyes.
3rd: Dispel Magic skinned as 'saging' the area with extremely potent herbs. Hypnotic pattern, but it's that thing in cartoons where a scent is visible and it tickles people under their chins and stuff. Stinking cloud requires skunk cabbage leaves and explains itself. Plant growth could be good for tossing nuts & seeds down in a doorway and growing trees to cut enemies off, but it could be even better if you toss some pumpkin seeds in the air over a group of enemies and cast it on them mid-fall. They'll never see it coming.
4th level has little of interest. Compulsion could be ok to get people to line up for their "just desserts".
5th level has Animate Constructs, which will let you give someone a lifelong phobia of silverware.
6th has True seeing, which has components you could say need to be cooked into a potion/soup ahead of time in order to give the effect.
7th: Mods Mansion is good for entertaining guests, so turn it into a fucking restaurant.
8th has pretty much nothing for cooks.
9th gives you foresight, which requires a hummingbird feather plucked from while sleeping or something. Fuck that. Roast the whole bird while its asleep over a fire and drench it in honey - add the feather for garnish.
The most important part of all this is that bards get to steal spells, and there are a few good food ones outside their list including Heroes Feast, Goodberry, Purify Food & Drink, Create Food & Water, and maybe even Aura of Vitality if you're concentrating on stirring a pot of something that smells good enough to count as the spell.
Played an Gristlegrinder Knight of the Knowledge of the Tongue in Changeling. He had 2 loves in life, eating and drinking everything he could as much as he could, and flexing at everything to prove how much bigger and better than them he was.
Ungermaw from gonzo 2 is essentially Kirby the character class
Absoulutly awesome to play a weighty person.
>Due to new budgetary restrictions and cutbacks in Hell's Bureaucracy, the Departments of Gluttony and Lust have been been consolidated.
I am okay with this.
Would anyone play a Celestial Bureaucracy campaign? Specifically Hell going under budget cuts after the evil overlord is defeated and the world is saved?
Why play what you are in real life? It's meant to be escapist.
>A pair of precocious preteen "adventurers" run off to "save the world," forcing their heavyset, former-mercenary mother to follow in secret and keep them from harm.
>A fat but masterful merchant is left with nothing but his quick wits and his silver tongue when his caravan mutinies, leaving him stranded pennyless in a foreign land.
>A paladin, cursed with copious corpulence for her haughty, holier-than-thou ways, roams the countryside looking for a cure while learning to be a nicer person.
>A big, burly, bearish druid has recently come out of a spiritual hibernation when he sensed a dark, creeping corruption begin to take hold in his wood and the lands beyond.
>An enormously obese Tiefling runs away from home and must deal with physical difficulties and emotional distress her glutton-demon ancestry has forced upon her.
>A middle-aged knight, long past his prime and far past his prime fighting weight finds himself thrust into battle one last time to defend the land and the lady he loves.
>After winning a local talent contest, a roly-poly young bard musters up the courage to take her show in the road, determined to make a name for herself along the way.
>A big, beefy strongman decides that his talent at bending, breaking and lifting things are wasted at the circus and leaves to bring his own brand of Justice to the world.
> Young waif wishes upon a shooting star to "grow as big as a giant." She should have been more specific as she must now quest to reverse her wish before she's trapped under her own bulk.
That actually sounds like it could be pretty fun to play.
Chubcubus is best 'cubus.
The gluttony demons are complaining that they're having difficulty eliciting lustful thoughts in mortals and that their meal cards don't get as much as they did before, While The Lust demons are complaining that they have to throw out half their wardrobe due to their new duties to tempting excess.
meanwhile there are talks of a greed and sloth merger. No one wants this to happen or else no one is getting paid... well no one was getting paid anyway but that's besides the point.
Oh yeah, we had the food item. It produced fried chicken so all the players squabbled over it while my Minotaur ate his grains basket and watched. The losers would reluctantly ask to share his meal after.
Oh, that was Santa iirc. Able to travel round the world bringing obesity to the worlds children.
That reminds me of an idea I once had where the appearance of a huge meteor shower's worth of Falling Stars nearly brings about the end of the world due to so many chaotic, conflicting wishes being granted all at once.
It begs the question though, how would she reverse such a wish? The only thing I can think of is she manages to get another wish granted that supercedes her original one.
>In a surprising bureaucratic move, the Departments of Sloth and Wrath are the ones that end up being consolidated, resulting in the new Department of Passive-Aggression.
Basically she either gets a wish that over turns her wish. Erases that wish from ever happening or expands on and fixes that wish with proper wording.
Easiest thing to do would be to find some potion or spell to grant her a giant's height to match her wish for a giant's "bigness."
I'm digging the Hellish Bureaucracy.
I would totally play it too!
Why would I want to play as your mother, OP?
Didn't get to play him, but I made a fat forest elf who was thrown in prison for counterfeiting, and kidnapping, after he realized these humans would give him food if he gave them the right colored paper. When they sent someone to stop him he subdued the guy, and gave him food before a larger police force showed up later wondering where their comrade was. I doubt his weight would have had much of an impact, but I was looking forward to playing a stranger in a strange land.
I have a tiny wooden Budai statue I got from an import store, perfect size for a 28mm mini. I want to run him as a monk eventually.
>playing a stranger in a strange land
>A quirky but friendly foreigner joins the party, an exceedingly rotund stranger from a strange land with equally strange customs related to food, feasting and hospitality.
>he smiles, and offers a vegemite sandwich
>Some succubi have taken to their larger roles in the Consolidated Department of Gluttony and Lust more easily than others.
Playing a fat, jolly fantasy Aussie sounds pretty good after this thread.
I have avoided it for 2 reasons.
Reason 1 is that I try to make my characters something I'm personally working towards. They're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but the idea they're built around is something better than me, a goal I can work towards while playing the character. I am close to overweight presently, so I'm in the process of trying to shed ~20kg, and my characters reflect that.
Reason 2 is that I know one or more people in my group fetishise fat, and I'm trying to avoid giving anyone else any more reason to push their characters on my characters, which happens often enough already.
+2 to the roll to only suffer light damage in case of a hit
+ a level 2 encumberance penalty
i did once, but the adventages do jack shit in case of a crit, so it didnt last long
>Dat thicc
>TFW no cute gluttonycubus waifu to feed and cuddle
There's been talk in my group lately of running a campaign where all of our characters, for various reasons, are "unsuited for adventuring" despite finding themselves caught up in one.
Since seeing this thread, I've been reading through it with interest and am considering playing a character based on one of 's ideas:
>>An enormously obese Tiefling runs away from home and must deal with physical difficulties and emotional distress her glutton-demon ancestry has forced upon her.
While I like the basic character concept, I'm a bit stuck on what D&D 5e class she'd be best suited to and was hoping that some other folks might have a few more ideas to help flesh out her character.
That's not thick, that's obese.
Believe me, I like a impossibly large hips, asses, bit of a belly on my 2D waifus too, but this shit is going too far.
>Smooth Talkers that present themselves as friendly and approachable
Dont forget your +1 fedora of charisma
I'd prefer if her belly was firmer, but she's still pretty hot. And about what'd I'd imagine a gluttony/lust demon would look.
If someone brought a fat character to my game I would make sure to give them all the consequences to being a fat piece of shit.
Fat enablers go home.
No. It's my fetish, and fuck bringing that into the game.
what consequences?
Pride and Greed get paired together. jack shit changes.