So Veeky Forums. What's the conflict of your current running game? Who wants what, and what's stopping them from getting it?
Hardmode: What's the most efficient, expedited path to the goal and why isn't it being taken?
So Veeky Forums. What's the conflict of your current running game? Who wants what, and what's stopping them from getting it?
Hardmode: What's the most efficient, expedited path to the goal and why isn't it being taken?
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Big bad organization wants to kill everyone. They are going about it by killing everyone. Killing everyone is the most expedient way to kill everyone.
Seers of the Throne want to turn the Diamond Orders against the Nameless Orders, to get the former to waste resources fighting a group which is not truly their enemy, and to convince the latter to join with them.
What's stopping them? The discretion of the Guardians of the Veil Councilor suggesting against all overt, direct action, and the actions of the PCs in uncovering and discrediting many of the actions which would otherwise have been laid at the feet of the Nameless.
Most efficient path? Cause a massive magical calamity, and kill Diamond Mages as they struggle to pick up the pieces of the Veil, while planting evidence and modifying memories to convince them it was the Nameless.
Our band wants to stop the plague that has destroyed kingdoms and started wars. We found out it's controlled by a god-fetus thing, so we're gearing up to kill it, though first we gotta learn the particulars on killing a god. Most efficient route is straight to the Thriae to grab some essentials, then straight to the first city it destroyed, as that's where its heart rests. We'd have to wing it on the killing thing, which likely would go very poorly, which is why we aren't doing that. For now, we're delving into ruins that hold clues and gear while our friendly brainiac NPCs decipher the clues we gather.
That anime had a coherent story about war economics, religious and mercantile influence over nations, the slow process of large scale development, and a very literal 'demonization' of national foes through propaganda.
What I'm saying OP is that your image distracted me from your topic. Ya fucked up, m8.
The "Legal Good" Demon Hunter's players is a little bitch, who will never compromise his character for the sake of the party, and since he couldn't bear the thought of his character not being the hero, played right into Beelzebub's plot to possess him and become a God with a physical body to wander the Material plane in. Beelzebub now has the powers of Nerull, his own archfiend powers, and the body of the min-maxed 20 str/20 dex
DPS. We don't know what he wants to do with them, but it's fucking Beelzebub, so it cannot be good.
What's stopping the party from going and try to stop him: We can't open a portal to hell without endangering the material plane as well, and we don't have a wizard.
But if he shows up in the material plane, the party has all agreed that exorcism is NOT a valid option. Fucker needs to be put down like Old Yeller.
Doomsday Cult is attempting to revive a centuries old uber-lich to usher in an age of darkness. They're pretty deep undercover so we've had to engage in a bunch of cloak and dagger stuff rather than go at them directly.
the constant quest going on in the backround is the exiled dwarves are planning another grand crusade to reclaim their home from the not!goblins that ousted them from their mountain, them running around to get resources and allies, telling them that this time it HAS to happen because reports are coming in that the not!goblins are massed in such number that they could swarm the surface and start a bloodbath that hasn't been seen in a thousand years
the PC's are ignoring it in favor of looking into a living armor NPC race that i've been hinting at might be a pawn of an antagonistic eldritch entity
the dwarves are right and the rest of the continent is gonna get fucked. the PCs had a chance to follow this thread multiple times to get the dwarves help, but the didn't. mfw im about to plunge the world into chaos and they can't do anything about it
The players want a shit ton of money. They just have to topple a peaceful monarchy to do it.
Can't argue that logic :^)
It's the shitty version of Spice and Wolf, called Mao Yuu or something along those lines.
Black Crusade
Heretics hunt for a sentient artefact made from the souls of the dead race, each for his own reason.
Several other Chaos warbands also want the Artefact.
Eldar farseer (Big bad Good Guy) wants that artifact destroyed because he have a prophasy that it would doom his people.
Inquisioor and his Lathe mechnicum magosalles (sub-BBGGs) want that artifact for themselves (one to lock it down, other to study it, both planning to backstab each other)
Necron agents want the artefact to stay hidden, because it knows their secrets
Artifact itself want to fuck eldar over. Then fuck necrons over.
What's stopping them? Noone but artifact himself kniows it's location, and while it can communicate telepathically throuigh it's shards it's star maps are millenias out of date. Everuone's trying to steal each others clues to decyphaering the map and kill each other.
A 'bunch' of politics and conspiracies packaged neatly in an easy-to-understand game for my players. I'm certain they have no idea who the real traitor in their midst is.
Last sessi9n had our Delta green agents investigating a militia turned cult that was givingredients it's members mythos steroids to get ready to "make America great again." Next session or probably will two will be an investigation into an apparently related drug cartel "the dark young" selling mythos Crack to the inner city, which will in turn lead to the mayor, and then some resolution to the guy behind the overarching cult (a seal team dude who was contacted by nyarlathotep while hunting Osama in the mountains of Afghanistan.) We'really still figuring out the system and I'must still figuring out how to write delta green scenarios, so their biggest hurdle right now is that I don't know what I am doing and I am making it up session to session?
(there are actually several manga versions, because apparently the overall story and setting was put together as forum group think. The one I posted is the one that got made into the anime and is one of the better versions, there is also a series of novels)
>What's the conflict of your current running game? Who wants what, and what's stopping them from getting it?
Goblinoids are taking advantage of the infighting between the not!celtic kingdom and not!german settlements on the northern border to raid the shit out of everything.
They're led by some not yet identified evil fey who united their warring factions and is apparently aiming to destroy the druidic circle in the forest that separates the human settlements, motive as of yet unclear.
The humans are at each others' throat for the usual reasons: different cultures don't tolerate each other, blood feuds everywhere, absconding lovers creating intervillage shitflinging, the germs don't tolerate being ruled by a celtic queen but they're nowhere near enough to actually take over the island, so it's just raiding and piracy on their part. The celts are total pussies and can't deal with the puny amount of germs either, so it's a stalemate.
There's a dwarven stronghold in the mountains at the island's centre, they want the forest roads to open and the fucking germs to stop looting the ships they hire to trade with the mainland. They are the ones who hired the party to help (well they hired the bard and the paladin, the dwarf and the druid are locals).
>Hardmode: What's the most efficient, expedited path to the goal and why isn't it being taken?
Clearly the best option would be to try to force the human factions into a truce for long enough to deal with the goblinoids, then help the queen in her political struggles to eliminate the germs, or depose her if she persists with her pacifism.
That's actually what we're trying to do. Right now, we're trying to convince the druids to influence the celts towards unity (fucking shitters are campanilistic as fuck, they won't leave their villages to help their neighbours because they're afraid of being raided while they're weak).
>Killing everyone is the most expedient way to kill everyone.
>Not developing an algorithm for killing more efficiently
>Not putting an upper bound on the omnicide clock
I question their dedication.
Kill the daemon, capture its soul.
>Soulstone needed to capture deamon
>Soulstone held by Liche.
>Liche phylactery in mountain tomb.
>Crazy Sorcerer with personal connection to player in the way.
They are going the easiest way. I just drowned it in McGuffins. File: shiteatinggrin.jpg (410 KB 360x240)
Unfinished plotlines from the first campaign rear their heads, have been gathering power and resources while the party has been celebrating their victory.
Now a pair of powerful liches set their grand plan into motion, seeking domination.
Meanwhile a cadre of demon lords ride across the land, representing the Four Horsemen, who won't stop until every living thing is dead.
In the background, old friends who feel betrayed, and have betrayed plot their revenge.
Are they bad enough dudes to save the world from multiple angles?
Killing everyone is always the most silent takedown. Stick with the killing everyone.
currently the god of death wants notMerlin dead because he's the protege of the god of evocation, who genocided a bunch of elves in order to research necromancy, so death has tasked the party with killing notMerlin.
Meanwhile, the god of evocation just let an elven renegade break into a god vault, which caused fantasy 9/11 to happen, toppling the mage's tower on the city below and killing thousands. Elf wants it because he needs to manipulate portal stones, the schematics are inside, so he can kill the goddess of fear and save his people from her grasp. God of evocation is sending notMerlin to meteor swarm his ass and take the schamatics for himself.
Currently though, the party has stolen the schematics.
The best plan of attack is surprising notMerlin and one rounding him (which they're capable of), then begging the god of death for a full heal to get their spell slots back before Elf finds them and kills them. Even if they don't get the full heal, if it goes like the last time they fought him, the paladin of death will just channel divinity and they'll never break out of the fear effect and die like bitches.
Things are a little complex.
>So Veeky Forums. What's the conflict of your current running game?
Runner toys versus paying rent.
> Who wants what, and what's stopping them from getting it?
We want toys, but have rent to pay.
Landlords want rent money, but we have toys to buy.
>Hardmode: What's the most efficient, expedited path to the goal
Getting real jobs.
> and why isn't it being taken?
We're bunch of misfits with no real life skills beyond shooting and stabbing and driving. What, exactly, is open to us? Hardcore pizza delivery?
>What, exactly, is open to us? Hardcore pizza delivery?
In the Shadowrun setting? I dunno, probably.
Current conflict? None, yet.
Though last session the party did help a lich pull himself back together (literally) so we'll see how that affects things. :^)
Tiefling bard made a pact with Dragons and stole the sun
Just started playing a deadlands campaign. We were hired by the agency to investigate the disappearance of one of their guys in Dodge city. Currently investigating the LA cult encampment outside the city.
A small continent - hidden from the world by a strange mist- is being evacuated in mass because a Lovecraft-style Nightmare God was imprisoned beneath it, and it's waking up, destroying the island in the process.
The PCs are adventurers from the continent who discovered the outside world, and led the exodus. Unfortunately, none of the rulers of the new lands wanted nearly a million refugees in their land. Negotiations broke down, and now the PCs are leading armies from the Mistlands to carve out a new homeland from the new world.
It's not gonna matter much once Apophis wakes up.
Everything is secretly the quest givers fault.
The obvious big bad who everyone blames for what a shit hole the setting is was actually a freedom fighter.
Resident boogeyman men are actually patsies who are the only ones who know what's going down and are trying to fix it but no one trusts them.
The hedonists are just hedonists, but they made some deals with questionable parties in order to last this long.
Parties way to trusting and unfortunately just will not interact with plot hooks.
Death Knight BBEG wants to take over and then destroy the world, so the Gods can feel okay re-making it to a world without strife. He despises the undead and hurting people, but he figures it'll all be worth it when the future peoples live without pain.
The party's trying to stop him, but really the best plan of action is to join him.
Imperial Empire is trying to squeeze as much money out of the planet for their military
Party is trying to stop them
Fastest way for the empire is to just send out mass hit squads to kill the party the only reason they havent is cause the main force is still on the way
Ancient evil wizard wants to reconquer his old empire.
The fastest way would be to summon demons to do this, but he didn't like his old neighbor who was notorious for summoning demons are tuesday for funzies.
Matthew Gaul wants to make the Empire great again, but is being stopped by the fact that he's not a legitimate option for the throne, and the fact that the Empress is still alive. Most efficient path would be kill the empress, but she's guarded by a guy who can Instant Teleport to her side from literally anywhere in the world and punch your head off before you finish thinking "I'm going to stab the Loli Empress."
Behind the scenes, Imperium is looking to kill all gods and the fates, but effort is severly harshed by the fact that their best God-Killing Blade is in the hands of Not!Satan, who is currently trapped in the dark mirror of Yggdrasil. Most expedient goal would be to bust Satan out, but aforementioned non-interference pact kinda screws that hard.
And that's where the party comes in.
There are two answers to this. The current objective is to locate missing persons from the four sections of the map. We're already halfway done, given we completed "medium" and "hard" difficulties, now left with "easy" and "super hard". The most efficient path is to head to each place, get the dudes, fuck shit up if necessary, and is what we've been doing.
The current conflict is that the two martials in combination are inherently toxic to the party out of combat and it's gotten to the point where OOC people have ragequit, putting our already scarcely-played campaign onto the shelf. The most efficient path with that is for one of the characters to be replaced, but one doesn't want to take the bullet and the other is harder for the GM to work around.
Everyone wants The Ultimate Weapon ™, even when nobody knows what it looks like, how it works, or even what it does. There's only one piece of proof that it exists, but it's definitely the real deal.
>Two nations at war are intent in settling their bad blood with it
>Two other nations invest in neutrality, hoping to stymie the conflict and find peace through its failure to appear
>Another nation is drawn in a civil uprising, with the Ultimate Weapon™ being a possible, if unlikely, causaility
>Yet another is caught in a conflict of interest between honouring agreements in times of war and facilitating a peaceful resolution to the uprising
>Criminals the world over are at each other's throats for any way to find it and sell it to the highest bidder (or stage a coup of their own)
>The party, caught in the middle, has a critical clue to the Ultimate Weapon™ and its purpose/whereabouts and has to thread the needle in negotiating these waters without losing their lives (or ending the world as we know it)
The BBEGs ultimately want it for horribly petty reasons (eternal life to salvage a dying empire, revenge against the destructive old god, reincarnation of the destructive old god, etc.) at the expense of the world itself. Ultimately, they can't it because they only have part of the picture. One side knows what it does, one knows how it works, another knows where to find it, and the party is the missing piece of the puzzle
Hardmode: The most 'expedient' path to it would have been to leave it alone until it matured, but that replaces one problem with another. Another option is to try throwing it away, but one side of the conflict has a solution to that which makes that impractical as well. Ultimately, the BBEG banks on crippling war and pulling strings in the background to ease the transition to its ownership--and total victory.[s/poiler]
The Fire Girls streetwalker gang has been dealing tempo, but now that the local Mafia have given them an ultimatum, they're divided between a faction that wants to take the Mafia's deal and split the profits and one that's up for a syndicate war. Many of the latter are Angelenas and ethnic Mayans who hate AZT and are warm to the Cartels in the first place. Neither side wants to wreck the gang if they don't have to, but the whole situation's a powderkeg.
The most direct path is being taken, in fact, by the PCs. One, a gun adept leading a rival Aztlaner street gang, has made an alliance with another player's Fire Girl cell leader on the side that wants to accomodate the Mob. They plan to kill Cassie Yang (a refluffed Kaz Yakamura from Ghost Cartels), the ork ganger chick at the heart of the Cartel-aligned group, and let the cards fall where they may as for the gang's internal politics. Ultimately, the latter runner wants her and her immediate Girls to get out alive and is prioritizing that over the gang as a whole, which was not an easy choice for her. The former has learned enough about what tempo really is to be absolutely terrified, as if her street politics weren't enough to be on board.
Cholas, cholas everywhere
Kekd. Sometimes a job is just a job.
Long ago, an ancient hero resorted to dealing with the Elder powers to save his people from undead hordes, with a powerful magic he didn't quite understand. He ended up creating two parallel histories: one in which the living won the war, and one in which the unliving devastated mankind.
However, the barrier between the superpositioned planes is growing weak. The undead universe, a technologically and magically advanced Necrocracy, is trying to cross the barrier and destroy key parts of the mortal u iverse: they've figured out that once the planes fall out of superposition soon, only one will survive, and the other will be erased forever.
The undead have sent advanced agents to disrupt the kingdoms of the living, leaving them in chaos for when the real. One resistance fighter was able to make it through to the world of the living, but has been only slighrly successful preparing for the invasion, due to his Hobgoblin heritage and its disadvantages.
The PCs will find out the truth, once they make their way to the other side, to the realm of the dead.
Current quest: the party needs to travel to three cities to convince the rulers of those cities to sign pamphlets reaffirming their allegiance to the orc empress, who lost a battle against an undead queen and needs to reassert her authority, because she's mantling the orc god of conquest. They are doing this because the orc empress has given her word to protect them from a spectral warband called the Pale, which is hunting them for reasons that are yet not fully understood, but seem to revolve around a battle that the party's paladin fought and lost a year before against aforementioned orc empress, where he and most of his friends seemed to die in combat, but survived with no memory of the events surrounding the battle. Parallel to this quest is the quest of the half-orc barbarian who is trying to redeem his tribe in the eyes of the orc empress, which is a convenient way of writing him out of the story while his player is off with the US Army.
Meanwhile, the party's rogue, a Chaotic Evil dark elf arcane trickster who's actually a Neutral Evil high elf assassin, is openly serving an Archdevil, and is fighting the party's Witch Hunter, who's actually a werewolf. The Witch Hunter is fighting off the symptoms of lycanthropy, but needed the help of a priestess to the north to cure him, but as soon as they arrived the Assassin murdered the priestess on the orders of the Archdevil and used her pact with the Archdevil to heal the Witch Hunter's spiritual sickness. Now the paladin feels like he's completely fallen, and is embracing a pact with the Archdevil in order to grant him the powers of a Warlock of the Fiend. The only remaining voices of sanity in the party are the "slow" TN dwarf sorcerer and a CG catfolk swashbuckler, who are watching as the group descends into depravity and evil.
The quickest way to resolve their problems would be to listen to the dark elf. She saved the party weeks of trouble by assassinating the priestess.
The conflict in my campaign is that there is a large tower, and underneath that an ever larger dungeon. The tower has no impact until near the end, only serving in the beginning to act as a beacon to adventurers willing to brave the depths.
At certain floors, a story relevant boss will appear. Beating the story relevant boss paves the way forward to the next set of floors to be undetaken, which will get progressively more tough.
At the last floor, there will be a baddy that the party has interacted with on their entire journey down, who helped them as an ally for the journey. This baddy is related to the previous floor baddies, and serves as the final boss of this sprawling dungeon, who will tell them to meet him at the top of the tower, where they may try their hand at killing him for real.