We want the Ghostbusters audience :^)

>we want the Ghostbusters audience :^)

I bet Ghostbusters did too.

Fuck off with this /tv/ tier shit post you pleb

I'm actually looking forward to this, who cares if there's a female lead?

... i dont get it

>using tweets made by clickbait "news" sites for your /pol/ shitpost
2/10 made me respond

the director behind this movie is a massive tool and thinks that people who don't want to see his movie are Neo-Nazis
I don't want to see it because Disney is just going to pumping the films out like they are going out of style
plus this will have one of two endings
>everyone dies as was said in A New Hope
>she's force sensitive and mary sue's her way out

Not teegee related.
Sorry, you're a fag.

Nobody cares. Fuck off back to /pol/ or /tv/.

Or the team gets captured, reprogrammed by the Empire/First Order, and becomes Kylo Ren's henchmen.

There was a Film Theory video on this, and since it's the coolest option it'll be the one I hope for.

I'm not seeing it because I've watched like 3 movies in the past 3 years. I just don't watch movies often.

The Rogue One movie is not a traditional game, idiot.

Holy shit, this is beyond bait. I'd go so far as to say it's beyond metabait.
This is... Bait prime?

I thought everyone died getting the information for the second death star not the first one.

Either way, it doesn't matter, throwing political shit into the mix like this won't help the film at all. Ghostbusters tried to shame people into watching it and it cost everyone involved a combined loss of between 50-75 million dollars because of the ludicrous amount of cash spent on advertising.

I like the idea of a Star Wars film that doesn't suck Jedi dick the whole time because I felt that was one of the worst segments of the film franchise. You can't paint Jedis up as super rare, ultra powerful space knight/wizards and then make them show up all over the god damned place and expect them to have the same kind of impact.

Having a group being against the oppressive rule of the Jedi Council back in the old republic days because they wanted to be free and making a Jedi the bad guy coming after the normies just to highlight how fucking nasty they are in comparison to average people would be a better way to go about it.

Vader being the sole force using threat is nice, but on the same token, whatever he does will be listed as 'outside the norm' because he is supposed to the most powerful force user in existence.

All in all, I love the Star Wars universe, I hate the Star Wars movies.

>I love the Star Wars universe, I hate the Star Wars movies.
You may be literally the first person to ever say this.

C'mon guys, let's be fair here. Star Wars is a part of Veeky Forums's culture. The connection is clearly there.

Although getting into the political aspect of white nationlists and SJW directors and shit like that is straight up /pol/. To discount a star wars related movie when they have been grounds for debate, plot hooks, and other such discussions on Veeky Forums for a long time is pretty silly.

I would say, given the topic posted though, this definitely isn't a Veeky Forums related post though. Not because it is a star wars movie, but because it is political/social issue.

This is nonsense. I watched Kyle Katarn steal the Death Star plans twenty years ago. (And then he fought evil storm trooper robots, and became a Jedi!) I don't remember any of these people hanging around.

I feel that way about most fiction honestly. I mean, I used to like Naruto but I kept getting annoyed by fanon, canon, and the terrible selection of fanfiction.

I mean, how hard is it for their to be not one fic where there exists guns/magitech? Answer: NONE. At all in the entirety of Naruto fanfics not one good fic like those.

So I started to rewrite Naruto how I would like it, but it ended up so changed from canon it was its own universe.

it's not about the Star Wars trad. games though, is it?

Kyle is a Mary Sue, and probably a liar too seeing that he's a jew.

>So I started to rewrite Naruto how I would like it
When was the last time you kissed a girl, user?

I like the game, but making such a critical plot important mission be the easiest level in the game with some guy hiding in the sewers having more security then the fucking Death Stat was dumb as shit.

Kill yourself OP.

Please go back to the /tv/ memeghetto.

Death Star*

Gets declare it so. Get the fuck out.

This is autism.
Like, legitimately autistic.

OP, tell us all about your thoughts on Pizzagate

>You can't paint Jedis up as super rare, ultra powerful space knight/wizards and then make them show up all over the god damned place and expect them to have the same kind of impact.

Oh fuck off will you. He just wanted to fix mistakes in a story he liked. Everyone did that once or twice. We're on TG for fucks sake, isn't that what we do here?


What audience?


What ghostbusters audience?

>5 Strong white males in picture. I don't care. I just want some star wars.

no smoke without fire

why do you think the g-men are trying so hard to silence it


>Imperium Asunder
>Hektor Heresy
>A Billion other settings that Veeky Forums made over the years
You guys are the ones with autism here.

No, but neither are the massive amount of discussions we have had about whether or not the Sith are the good guys and the ins-and-outs of the SW universe through the expanded universe books and shit.

Like I said, this particular topic is absolutely not for Veeky Forums but Star Wars in general has always been a topic for discussion on Veeky Forums even when we aren't explicitly talking about the games.

I wish Donny Yen's character was the lead.

We already got our hollywood mandated "STRONG INDEPEDENT WOMYN" with Rey. Why do we need to double up?


A best you could drop this on /Swg/ as a side topic and you'd still be shitposting.

Wrong death star

So you really think that the owner changed his name to the French phrase for "I fuck little kids" like some kind of Coach Feratu comic book villain, or that people in their 70s would use Veeky Forums slang as code words?

Do you also think the guy who shot up the pizza place was a paid actor (or hypnotized plant) sent by the DNC?

This just gets me, but I really dislike the attempts to push female leads and black people in Star Wars. Like, why? What do they possibly add to the story?

I also dislike that Rey is BOTH Luke Skywalker AND Han Solo, while Finn is utterly useless.

I mean, I kind of hope what's-her-name dies in Rogue One or that the movie flops, but I'm sure it'd sell like hotcakes. The woman is incredibly grating - I can't help but think a male smuggler/rogue would fit the role better, because every time she opens her mouth I think of the Hunger Games and other YA novels.