Who did your BBEG have a crush on when they were a kid?
Who did your BBEG have a crush on when they were a kid?
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The Emperor, which is precisely why she's trying to kill him.
Senpai will *have* to notice me now!
I'm now certain you have no idea what that means. You might know what it stands for, but you don't realize that it refers to the evil power behind the apparent villain, and not just a general word for all villains.
One of my campaign villains first crushes was a lesbian. He got over it and they ended up friends.
Another villain, a fallen paladin, kicked off the plot by kidnapping his childhood friend (who up until that point returned his affections, now she's not sure about his mental state).
Another villain, let's just say he had issues and an unfortunate infatuation with his brother's attention that thankfully went nowhere.
It means the top villain, you sperg. Whoever's at the top. Be it some punk with a staff, or the god of evil themselves, whoever is the endboss of the campaign is the BBEG.
Does the BBEG always have to be hidden until the last second?
What if the apparent final villain actually is the final villain? Do they not count for BBEG welfare in that case?
That's the man behind the man.
Ignore him, he's just trying to sound smart
No, that's wrong, and might be why you insist on using it more generally than you should.
The major joke is that there's the "bad guy", and then that wasn't enough so there's the "bad evil guy," and then because that still wasn't enough at the very end it's the "big bad evil guy."
>ignore him, he just called me out on making a mistake
the former demon lord. This was a surprise to the otherwise heterosexual lord-to-be, and later on is a source of constant ribbing by the spouse.
All past history now though, even to the currently undead former demon lord-now advisor.
Holy fucking shit, are you really this stupid? Its exactly what I said.
>The Big Bad Evil Guy, typically shortened simply to Big Bad or BBEG, is roleplaying gamer slang for the primary antagonist of an adventure or campaign. He is the one who is ultimately responsible for whatever shit his associates or minions do, and defeating him usually means the successful conclusion of a campaign (or at least a part of it). To ensure that this is sufficiently dramatic, DMs often make the BBEG a powerful character, making this final encounter something of a boss fight. The BBEGs seem to know this is coming, so they will usually construct a suitably impressive lair for the suitably dramatic confrontation to take place in.
Now go jump in a fire.
Can you cite your sources for this claim?
I think what user is trying to say is that for there to be a BBEG there first needs to be a BEG and for there to be a BEG there needs to be BG.
Hence, the BBEG can only be considered such if you first went through the BEG and the BG, if the BBEG wasn't preluded by a BEG/BG then it wasn't really a BBEG, just a regular BG.
I'm not sure if I agree with him, but at least this should clarify how he defines the word.
>evil powers behind apparent villains can't have childhood crushes
Just for that, I'll retcon the abstract concept of existential ennui in suburban American in my campaign to have had a bitter breakup with Lady Liberty.
No, I think he's just the speg who throws himself into a frothing rage whenever he sees the word BBEG, just trying a new tactic.
Either way, he's still fucking retarded, as that would still be THE TOP VILLAIN AS I FIRST SAID.
but the endboss is not necessarily the one who did the actual masterminding.
Often in the case of evil god final fights, they're only metaphorically the cause of the problem. "Evil happens because I exist" deals, whereas the majority of the ordering and organizing is done by the villain, the "Big Evil Guy", as it were.
? ? ?
>All those idiots arguing what BBEG means
None of you is right.
And if you have BBEG in your campaign past mid-90s, then you are shit GM and should be euthanised.
It was clear that this is what he tried to say. It's simply not true.
Ah, here's our boy showing his true colors.
My final villain is the cruel uncaring universe
His wife who he married and then was horribly killed in a war.
>it's a "nomenclature autist spergs out" episode
Those are my favorites
>I only run campaigns where the players fight existential anxiety and the zeitgeist.
Jesus H Christ...
So, who's zeitgeist's crush?
There tend to be very few sweeter.
>I think in binary
>Either Saturday cartoon villain or abstract anxiety
The Great Man who exists outside of the influence of the time he was born into and instead functions as an actor that influences society.
They have a love-hate thing going on where they each try to prove the other doesn't exist.
"I-It's not like I want to give meaning to my own existence, y-you baka!"
>Criticizing 'binary thought' based on a joke in response to
>"And if you have BBEG in your campaign past mid-90s, then you are shit GM and should be euthanised."
I know tu quoque is a thing, but come the fuck on.
Why are we describing Drifters now, all of a sudden?
>Only two people are using Veeky Forums
>The BBEG had a crush on the heroine of the realm ever since she passed through his village in bumfuck nowhere when he was a kid
>Not knowing how else to contact her, he becomes the great overlord of the realm so he can draw her attention and eventually ask for her hand in marriage
This. I'm always weirded out when people on Veeky Forums just use BBEG like they think it means the same thing as the main villain.
How do "Big Bad Evil Guy/Gal" and "Main villain" not mean the same thing, unless you're trying to pull a bait-and-switch?
worst girl
The Big Okay Neutral Guy.
No, he can't. He can cite how Joss Whedon coined the term when he was writing Buffy because the network wanted to close each season with a surprise super bad-guy, so they needed a term to distinguish the season's "usual villain" from the seasons "final villain."
But words and phrases rarely mean what they original meant, and trying to insist that a commonly used phrase like BBEG will and can only mean what it meant to the Buffy writers is pointlessly stupid. Which saddens me because that means we're never going to get the Magical Realm genie back in the bottle, either.
So equal parts Senor Senior, Senior and Junior
She's not the BBEG, but the High Matriach of the Drow had a huge crush on the recurring silly Villain back when he was a plucky adventurer with good intentions, traveling with the current party's wise skeletal DMPC and the setting's Death Knight BBEG before they got undead'ed. That was nearly a hundred years ago, when Drow were xenophobic and standoffish but not as openly hostile to other races, and her mom needed a job done somewhere far away and dangerous where she dared not waste her people's lives.
The Matriarch and the silly Villain are both openly and expressively evil, but her brand involves lots of sapient-sacrificing rituals, whole-scale slavery of the "lesser races", and forced Colosseum fights. His is more so jaywalking, loitering, inconveniencing other people, and stealing candy from babies. She wants to team up with the BBEG, eventually stab him in the back aswell, and take over the world. He's not that mean or dangerous to anyone other than the party, whom he wants to capture and hand over to the BBEG to prove his worth.
They'll be interacting next session and I'm so hyped.
You're literally talking about the escalation from Big Bad to Big Bad Evil Guy, and this isn't something that was just regarding Buffy writers, but is still used in the lexicon of fanfiction where the final term was coined.
>RAH BLAR BLAR BLAA! Fun is for children.
He had a crush on his best friend.
She died when the Knights of the White Tower came and destroyed his village for failing to pay enough tribute to them.
Since his whole thing is killing adventurers to steal their souls to increase his lifespan (he's around 1450 years old now), the party speculates that he's just trying to buy time to bring her back.
>Fun is for children
Which is why I don't date girls older than 12.
First one: Himself.
Second one: the emperor of his empire.
Third one: himself.
did he become the emperor of his empire?
Three seperate guys. First dude is trying to take over the empire.
Second dude is the sole "Survivor" of his empire, which fell a thousand years ago.
Third dude is pulling all the strings, and is responsible for second dude being an insane demigod, as well as the decline of the current empire, which first dude is trying to take over.
>delicious brown /ss/
oh boy this brings back some great memories
No one. BBEG was basically asexual. His lack of preoccupation with romance or a social is basically what drove him to being the villain, that and probably being autistic. It wasn't really a moral or ethical series of decisions that lead him to world conquest, just that he needed tasks to occupy himself with and after milling about with more mundane tasks, increasing competency, and a growing skill set things just kinda got out of hand and there wasn't really a way or reason to stop.
Best girl coming throu!
I'm partial to Lotte
>My last BBEG?
His sire, a woman who was HARD into the occult - like, hard even for World of Darkness standards. She dreamed of a basically magically enforced communist regime - now that she's ash, the BBEG is (was) working on it.
>The BBEG of the campaign setting I'm writing?
An unusually pretty Crane courtier with an interest in minor clans and a laugh which sounded like two squirrels fucking - thankfully, the passage of time did wonders for her. While the two are happily married, the BBEG's actions are in reaction to something else.
The Big Morally Ambigous Antihero Guy
The BONG? I'd hit that.
The fuck is this?
And then she told him:
> "I'm married, you faggot. You're like that one creepy boy I kept friendzoning."
I feel like this is prime material for filename humor
>Not Sucy
But that's objectively wrong.
My BBEG had a crush on a real villain.
>usual_day_at_Veeky Forums.png
Sauce user, by the emperor. we require SAUCE
I'm more of a Sucy guy.
>liking flips
>there needs to be a BG
for you.
My character is pretty much as BBEG in the making if things keep going how they are and his first crush is one of the other child soldiers from another nation
>mfw people discover Shintarou Kago for the first time
>mfw people discover Shintarou Kago also draws Doujins.
Let me even recommend you one.
Explain yourself.
>Big Bad Evil Guy
>Somehow not talking about the evil guy and instead talking about the abstract force that drives him to evil
Yeah okay buddy
>That fighter obviously has not learned to eviscerate and strangle very well then.
Because it's not an abstract force, genius.
Wrong attitude. I've got a character who's taking exactly those questions as a challenge.
Well he's not one to strangle or eviscerate, preferring the efficiency and range of vehicular energy weaponry, but he has in fact been hard at work finding out exactly what, where and how to apply this wholesome slaughter in order to inflict hope to other people once again.
Usually it's just a matter of finding whodunit in regards to the despair, or building some kind of robot that will offer new goals and obsessions to those with nothing left.
Of course, it should be able to defend itself and the customer... let's put heavy weapons on the thing. And some shielding just in case.
>Not liking flips
You got devirginized by a brown girl?