Looking for character art for some of the new playable races in 5e Volo's Guide to monsters.
Yuan-ti Pureblood
Volo's Guide Races Art
Op, it is common curtisy to dump first in your own character art thread.
I'll dump some, but I probably only have aasimir pics.
Don't suppose you could send a link to the pdf of Volo's could you?
Oh man thanks for this one, gives me an idea for campign
>manifest destiny aztec kobolds
This was in my Bugbear folder but it looks more like a Hobgoblin now that I think about it.
On to Gobbos next.
It's ok, he's their friend...watchin' the flank.
I guess I may as well do all the greenskins at the same time as they are in one folder.
Is this character from something? This picture is a different drawing of it.
I hope nobody minds some very warcrafty style goblins.
I posted it but I dont know
Whoops that's a 40k Ork. I only saw the thumbnail and thought it was a pirate. My bad.
Reverse search informed me that is a genderswapped Gul'dan from Warcraft. So I guess that's why they look almost the same.
I know that hobgoblin.
Now this is a real pirate orc.
Deleting image
user, it's the first mega link in /5eg/
And that's pretty much all I have for greenskins and as I don't play any monster races but Kobolds and Greenskins I don't have any of the other races.
May you, perchance, reveal the source? google search and iqdb doesn't yield results.
The creature in the front looks like a barghest.
When did this become a lizardmen art dump?
I'm working down my collection, it seems I have lots and lots of lizardmen
The fuck?