What's the point of Orks if Tyranids are a better xeno swarm army? Orks are just fucking garbage they can't get shit done, they will never be a threat to the Imperium.
What's the point of Orks if Tyranids are a better xeno swarm army...
Pls don't tell me your just gonna spam shitting on Ork threads?
That's a yes. Ignore and move on.
>they will never be a threat to the Imperium
That's what you say until Ghazgull gets their collective shit together, crushes the 13th Black Crusade, destroys a hive fleet, invades Comorragh, takes over a whole sector of Imperial Space, conquers Mars, and makes a beeline straight for Terra.
Green is best, and you can't deny it.
Sounds like puny git talk to me
u mad xenos lover?
for now Thraka is a joke even compared to Abaddon. He attacked one planet TWICE and got his ass kicked TWICE by the same fucking commissar.
Please stop trying to make anti-Ork bait a thing. It doesn't generate nearly as interesting discussion as our other bait threads.
>Green is best, and you can't deny it.
Yep the Salamanders are the best, and I can't deny it.
>never be a threat.
what is every waaagh
what is gazkull
what is every ork infestation
i don't think you quite grasp what waaaugh gazkull is, they've taken quite a number planets outside and around the area, destroying a number of important strategic assets.
a better answer is he is clearly some Else's puppet.
Ghaz sucks cock he never actually achieved anything.
fuck off, orks is love!!!
Orks aren't a threat due to their tactics, they're a threat because you have no idea what's coming and when it's arriving.
An Ork Waaagh led by BigBallz MorkaGorka da Greenest might appear on Terra/Cadia/Ultramar/Baal at any second, or it might be PussyPete da BetaBitch on a shitty little asteroid. Their superweapon might kill your entire army in a single shot, or theirs. They might land on your superfortress, or in an ocean of lava. Their weirdboyz might accidentally kill itself, or summon 8 bloodthirsters.
Fighting Orks isn't hard, you just got to be prepared for them at any time to roll 7 natural 20s; or natural 1s.
>>Ghaz sucks cock he never actually achieved anything.
>I have no arguments
>He's a faggot
no you
I've been saying this shit for ages: there are too many factions in 40k. They need to consolidate Marines/Guard/Sisters/Admech into one 'imperial' army, and chaos marines/demons as 'chaos'. I almost never meet ork, eldar, or even tau players nowadays. I genuinely think the xenos factions should either be cut entirely (space elves and orcs are not only anachronistic but they just feel too out of place in 40k to be interesting) or put into one generic 'xenos' faction if anybody actually wants to play as them.
Face it, chaos/imperium is all anybody plays. It's time to stop lying to themselves and just make it imperiumhammer 40k so they can sell some damned models for a change.
>I almost never meet ork, eldar, or even tau players nowadays
the fuck do you play.
>no tau players
and yet tau is unfortunately one of the most popular factions because of weebbait and cheese.
Eldar needs to be built to avoid cheese.
ork players are fucked, trust me i am one.
>I almost never meet ork, eldar, or even tau players nowadays.
>never meets eldar or tau
Where do you live, user, and how many rocks are you under?
>imperiumhammer 40k
Are you stupid or something?
play 30k
I honestly think the fact that tau are weebshit is driving AWAY players. Just about everyone at my LGS plays 40k because it's similar to the metal albums they love, and tau don't match that feel at all. There's 3 game stores I play at and only one person (who shows up infrequently) plays a small tau army.
Actually there are 3 game stores near me, I have a pretty wide consensus here.
But what if I want to play a real game user? What if beaky space marines look dumb as fuck?
Ghaz a joke compared to who? Abs the armless wonderboy? Abs the get BTFO 13 times chosen one? ORKS LOSE WHEN!? ORKS IZ NEVA BEAT DEY JUS COME BACK FER ANUVVA GO!!!
>But what if I want to play a real game user? W
>>What if beaky space marines look dumb as fuck?
>check the archive
>This is literally the 10th Ork lore suck thread this week
And it has been going on much longer than that. How many times will you guys bite the bait?
1.tau are still one of the most popular armies, which is why they have a battleforce.
>metal albums at my lgs,
>everyone is like that.
>my unsubstantiated anecdote is real
>Forgettin' Freebootaz like a pansy git
>Not implying everything to give your post more green
You mean the knight-looking ones? Yeah, those also look stupid and anachronistic. what's next, you're going to tell me to go buy the wonky tyranid warriors from 2nd ed, too?
Veeky Forums is literally the only place I hear anyone talking about playing tau that isn't relegated to some tiny subforum basement somewhere.
>You mean the knight-looking ones? Yeah, those also look stupid and anachronistic. what's next, you're going to tell me to go buy the wonky tyranid warriors from 2nd ed, too?
not bad user, not bad.
>doesn't like spess knights
>doesn't like mk3
i bet you don't even into IW.
>Veeky Forums is literally the only place I hear anyone talking about playing tau that isn't relegated to some tiny subforum basement somewhere.
enjoy your subleddits
No, I'm not. They look stupid in a sci-fi setting, even for 40k which just staples spikes onto everything. IW worst SM faction.
>never be a threat to the Imperium.
Why do SM always win? Because GW lore is grade school fan fiction tier writing.
>IW worst SM faction.
nigga what
> They look stupid in a sci-fi setting,
>but the chariot doesn't
>gothic mechs
>fly cathedrals
>servo skulls.
yes, yes this knight doesn't fit into my gothic space setting with skulls errywhere, and human cyborg slaves band shit
especially given that the space marine chapters are a allegory to knightly chapters and legions.
you sir desire decimation.
>santa logan
>potato flier
>leman russ
yes your imperial equipment looks so good.
nigger please, plebbit is shit and you are too.
Don't get me started on other bad design choices in 40k. there's plenty. However, the style just doesn't fit. space marine + Knight was always a callback to WFB which doesn't even exist anymore. The warrior monk route is best for space marines, not chivalrous bullshit that's appealing to fantasy nerds and nobody else. Also yeah, yeah it does. Better than 90% of the xenos shit put out, esp by citadel.
I don't even fucking use that site, fuckhat. but no keep basing your presuppositions on a place I don't go to. How about you go back to my space, if you like beaky space marines so much? After all, its where all the other old content dies. But keep spitting that gb2reddi maymay. So epic. KYS.
It sounds like you're playing the wrong game.
I'm with it sounds like you should be playing infinity or dropzone or something.
better balancing more sci fi designs.
less predatory practices.
>better than 90% xeno shit.
ork stuff is in the majority imperial stuff.
loots but still.
Because there's nothing appealing about infinity. I don't hate the aliens in 40k, and I'd even go so far as to say without orcs or crons or anything, it'd be way more boring from a fluff perspective. But too many armies is terrible from a gameplay perspective and impossible to balance. I like the holy war feel of 40k, the setting. I just think some of the art looks stupid and having sixteen armies when you really only need (and consistently sell) two or three is bad design.
Nobody likes playing xeno armies nowadays. you can tell me to go back to plebbit all ya want, it doesn't change that.
Also, not OP.
Also, sure orky shit is imperial but its distinctly made to LOOK like shit. And lo and behold, it does!
>capping your own post.
Xenos are here to stay and your salty tears will change nothing.
Or maybe just wanted to prove more of your assumptions wrong. Good to know that won't ever happen though, since you seem to make stupid assumptions faster than I can show you how stupid they are.
BugFuckers go Home.
M8, you won't get a (you) if you link to the OP even if you made the friggin thread.
>you can tell me to go back to plebbit all ya want, it doesn't change that.
different user anon
>Because there's nothing appealing about infinity.
>pic related
>>But too many armies is terrible from a gameplay perspective and impossible to balance.
it's not as if they actually fucking tried to balance things at all you cad.
GW want's a lot of armies and produces them because it rakes in more money.
> when you really only need (and consistently sell) two or three is bad design.
you play AoS don't you.
fucking grand alliances and shit.
>Also, not OP.
all of his talking points.
I'm not him
uh what?
he ain't me.
user, you were told to 30k if you want to imperial hammer don't give me this we have to remove armies shit.
Well I guess I ain't got a way to prove it, but I'm not OP. Hell even if I agree with him, I've been seeing so many ORKS PLZ GO threads that I don't want to be associated with him. I just think 40k would be better with fewer playable factions, is all.
>lel, lets squat armies I don't like!
Piss off faggot.
>it's not as if they actually fucking tried to balance things at all you cad.
GW want's a lot of armies and produces them because it rakes in more money.
Admitting GW is making xeno armies as a cash grab doesn't make me like them more.
>you play AoS don't you. fucking grand alliances and shit.
I don't like fantasy games, for the most part, so I don't. but I think that grand alliances are a step in the right direction, honestly.
>lol you're op
It's almost like sometimes people can agree on something. I seriously don't want to be associated with the guy who made like ten of these threads. Also, I love orks/pretty much all of the xenos from a fluff perspective, unlike OP. I'm trying to make a reasoned point for his cause because I agree with him to some extent, and he'll never have a good discussion about it with all the HEY ORKZ IS DUMB LETS AXE EM GOD I HATE ORKS SO MUCH shit.
If there is any faction that needs consolidating it's the Imperium forces. But GW just keeps releasing new army books. You now what gets old? Imperium vs Imperium games.
i think it will take a lot more then just removing factions. lets get down to brass tacs
>formation rules
>flier rules.
>close combat
>price and pricing model.
>cheese to pig ticket models.
>baskin robin marines and yet they all feel generic.
>MAXIMUM COPYRIGHT, including codexs for certain armies that ought not to exist like storm troopers. and the shitty naming convention like storm troopers.
seriously tempestous scions could be much cooler if they name was less latin.
Never once said I didn't like the factions. I just don't think more armies do the game any favors, especially balance-wise, and that some things should be left as lore/fluff. Xenos are one such thing.
It will take all of those things, you're right. however, I think all of those things would be far easier to do with fewer armies. It's simpler to balance 2 or 3 things than it is to balance 9.
>I want to play more SM vs SM games
That's what I've been saying from page 1: amalgamate imperium, amalgamate chaos, cut xeno army/make a single 'xenos' army. There's too much shit in 40k that's just filler from a gameplay perspective.
>Admitting GW is making xeno armies as a cash grab doesn't make me like them more.
i wasn't trying to make you like them
i'm just putting practical barriers in your way.
seriously just fucking play 30k if you dislike xenos so much
you don't even have to bring anything but errant era. even if that demonstrates you have no taste.
> I think that grand alliances are a step in the right direction
no army cohesion it would be a power gaming hell and playing individual armies would have no meaning.
>this spess marhen list has 17 leman russes.
>this xeno has CC monsters in ork trucks.
>dark eldar skiff with tau gunners anyone.
If they're more balanced than the shit we have today, yeah I do. Esp because in the scenario I'm describing, there wouldn't be SM armies, there would be imperial armies. Meaning there could be wildly different makeup in your 'sm vs sm' games. The way its subdivided now, you just get SM vs SM games anyway, at least this way is more fun to play/watch.
>Xenos are one such thing.
They are literally like half of the fucking setting in themselves.
Orks, Nids, Necrons, all types of Eldar, and the fucking tau.
And quite honestly, there should be even more Xenos races.
The galaxy is a big fucking place that has room for more xenos factions.
So piss off with your imperialwankery, and your dozens of retarded "Space Marines but with a gimmick!" codexes.
The only decent addition to the Imperium GW has done recently has been the Admech.
Who gives a bloody fuck? This game is for having fun with your mates and fighting wars with your plastic dudemans, only autismal tourneyfaggots give two craps about the game not being that well ballanced.
If you can't agree to a fair match setup that curbs out some of the more OP shit, with your friends, then work on your social skills, or get better friends.
>seriously just fucking play 30k if you dislike xenos so much
I fucking hate 30k designs, they all feel like that 2nd ed unpolished 80s shit throwbacks to WFB which doesn't exist.
>no army cohesion it would be a power gaming hell and playing individual armies would have no meaning.
If there really is no way to balance it, just axe the xenos altogether and have them as fluff, as stated above. You think balancing 6 armies is easier than balancing 1?
>gameplay perspective.
nig nog you need to substantiate that claim.
>>more balanced than the shit we have today
there is no bloat, there is no extra shit there is only like 5-6 armies in total barring different flavors of marines, who all draw from the same army book, die just as fast and have one or two extra units and named characters.
it's everything you want.
all you have to do is take the mk5 over the other mks
> just axe the xenos altogether
>lets just ruin the hobby for all the people who play armies I don't like.
Piss off, you tremendous faggot.
Last time I checked there are more Imperium army's than xeno. So why would you want to make less xeno forces? Why not make them more appealing? Orks are fine, it just sounds like most of the people at GW that liked the left the company or somthing. They literally said "we don't know where we want to go with orks" but admitted there is a problem with the codex.
>If there really is no way to balance it, just axe the xenos altogether
nigger i just indicated that imperium would be unbalanced.
>sir the imperuim isn't working
>let's remove all xenos and ALIENate their audience.
>So piss off with your imperialwankery, and your dozens of retarded "Space Marines but with a gimmick!" codexes.
That's already what 40k is. I'm giving this as a means to STOP that and make imperial army lists interesting again, since it's what just about everybody plays anyway.
>Who gives a bloody fuck about balance?
Why not just flip a coin when shooting and hit on heads? Why not just make up new weapons your guys have before each battle? Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? You play games because they have rules that allow for structured play. If that structure is broken or unbalanced, play skews towards one scenario (higher-tier army wins, etc) and it reduces the amount of fun to be had in the game. If you're just in it for modeling I could see that I guess, but if your stance on 40k is LOL WHO CARES ABOUT RULES then maybe you should stop playing tabletop altogether and go play pretend on the 4th grade playground.
I work for GW and what we want to do with Orks is to fucking squat them.
No you dont.
>since it's what just about everybody plays anyway.
Also, if the Xenos weren't selling, GW wouldn't fucking make them.
All the Xenos sell well enough to warrant their existence in GW's eyes. Tau and Eldar both probably sell far better than most of your speshul snoflake Marine variants.
> but if your stance on 40k is LOL WHO CARES ABOUT RULES
I never said that.
You made that strawman up yourself.
I said that the game doesn't need to be perfectly balanced to be enjoyable.
>nigger i just indicated that imperium would be unbalanced.
You talked about xeno armies combining. I doubt that any reasonable playtester would allow for any of that, either, so I'm pretty much gonna say thats a strawman argument. The game would never end up looking like that, even if my proposed changes went into effect, and you know it. Even GW isn't that dumb.
I like the streamline but I hate the archaic designs. 2nd ed was ugly as shit.
Yeah, all six of you.
No need to go that far. Orks make an awesome fluff race/enemy of the imperium. No need to wipe them from history.
You fucking liar
>I like the streamline but I hate the archaic designs. 2nd ed was ugly as shit.
or convert your own where necessary.
or play mechanicum, seriously if you hate mechanicum models then i will find you because you would be quite a scientific find.
a man with no taste.
jesus it's like trying to explain this to a kid.
I know you're bait but try TRY to come up with better more entertaining reasons.
>there are no xeno players because I say so!
Again, Xenos are selling well enough for GW to keep fucking making them.
Xenos like the Orks and the Eldar have been part of 40k since the bloody beginning. Your suggestion to squat them because they aren't popular (because marines are more popular than they are), is fucking retarded.
I guaran-damn-tee you, walk into any LGS and you'll see at least 75-80% of players with imperial or chaos factions.
>I said that the game doesn't need to be perfectly balanced to be enjoyable.
But it does when you have a game that has tournament level play and a huge fanbase. You know how many threads on here are just '[blank] IS BROKEN IN THIS ED'? You can rag on tourneyfags all you want, but they're the hardest core fanbase GW wants. Nobody else can afford to get into 40k as a hobby, for the most part, so those that do are very dedicated. giving them unbalanced shit just to market what's 'good' this ed is bullshit. Does it have to be? No. but it's waaaaaaay better when it is, ask anybody. And with the clusterfuck balance is in 40k now, I think simplification is needed. Plus, it may get new people into the hobby (lemme guess, new players are cancer RUINING YOUR GAME right? not the only thing keeping a dying wargaming franchise alive?)
Okay, the mechanicum models are awesome, I'll give you that. however, 30k also lacks another big component I want: other players. Who the fuck plays 30k?
Squats were there from the beginning, too, and got nixed because they didn't fit well anymore. I agree they've been established longer, which is why full squatting ain't necessary. Just have them fade out of the limelight and keep them around as lore.
Keep thinking I'm bait, you seem to be enjoying it more than DEbate.
>t least 75-80% of players with imperial or chaos factions.
majority at my FLGSs are tau, xeno and mechancus.
with tau being the larger portion. even if i were to combind chaos and imperial the split is pretty even and not all that fair because some folks have multiple armies.
myself i play eldar, orks and skitarii
the fuck does one count me?
Ork > Chaos
>other players. Who the fuck plays 30k?
with all the plastic kits more then you know.
me and a bunch a dudes finally stepped in when mk 3 plastics.
i have my bitters and I've ordered in a cybernetica army for allies.
either way you are better off then any infinity, mauflaux flames of war or DFC/DZC player because not only can you play 40k with those models but thanks to the boxed sets you might actually find someone.
As Imperiumwanker I find it offensive to be mashed together with OP. We Imperiumfags appreciate the service of our fellow xeno players for giving us enemies to gloriously defeat.
Let me guess: If you played Civilization you'd pay for a DLC that removes some factions. Because less choice = better.
Sometimes you're on the losing side of history man, dunno what to tell you. Dark eldar players were pretty sure their codex was never gonna get updated, once upon a time. That's probably how it would happen to xenos: one last codex and they're out. You can keep playing them with old rules if you really want to, but nothing more is coming. I think that's fair to the people who invested in xeno armies.
Funny, my local LGS has Nids, Tau, Orks, and the store manager is a friggin Necron player, and I collect Eldar (among other things.)
Of course, there are IG, Spesh Muhreens too as well as chaos, but no single faction dominates the scene.
I can disprove your anecdotal bs with my anecdotes.
>But it does when you have a game that has tournament level play and a huge fanbase
Tourneyfags are a tiny minority of this fanbase.
Most 40k fans are in the hobby not for autismal competition, but to build and collect armies they like, and to occasionally play friendly matches with them.
>You know how many threads on here are just '[blank] IS BROKEN IN THIS ED'?
Yes, and?
> but they're the hardest core fanbase GW wants.
Oh, the fags who are ready to drop 40k for "better systems" the moment the rules change for the "worse"?
>Nobody else can afford to get into 40k as a hobby
40k isn't even that fucking expensive.
I am a god damn jobless neet and even my autismbucks are enough for me to buy plastic crack, monthly, if I want to. Anyone with a stable source of income can afford 40k.
SMOKING is more expensive of a "hobby" than 40k is, and there are metric fuckton of more smokers out there than 40k players.
>And with the clusterfuck balance is in 40k now,
Cut the crap. 40k isn't unplayably unbalanced. There are some problem units but in a friendly match, you can agree with your opponent to balance out the superiority of those units in many ways.
> Plus, it may get new people into the hobby
> "Cutting out interesting and cool factions which to collect will surely attract new players!"
You are deluded.
Squats were squatted because GW couldn't figure out what to do with them in 40k, and what their niche would be.
No such problem with orks or any other Xenos race for that matter.
I still don't know anyone who plays 30k. My LGS(es) doesn't have a 30k day. sure I can buy plastic kits online, but most of the 30k designs I still don't like, so I'm paying for models I'm def not using in 40k. Its too much investment in something that I don't know if I will even play that often.
>Sometimes you're on the losing side of history man,
Only in your head.
>Dark eldar players were pretty sure their codex was never gonna get updated
But it did eventually, and how glorious of a reboot it was.
Because unlike you, GW doesn't want to axe factions because of retarded reasons you propose. In general, GW wants to keep factions in 40k, and ad more of them if possible, because guess what, the people WORKING at GW LIKE 40k's factions.
>Sometimes you're on the losing side of history man
dman nigger that's sum good bait,
>I still don't know anyone who plays 30k
an you know metal heads in the game.
honestly i think i might like that more.
>sure I can buy plastic kits online, but most of the 30k designs I still don't like
i never indicate for you to buy them, but rather now that it is out there more people are buying into 30k.
>Its too much investment in something that I don't know if I will even play that often.
again you are still better off than infinity, maulfaux, flames of war, warpath, kings of war, relic knights, dfc,dzc, tanks, saga, scubmahordes (not very much more),dystopian wars/legions, firestorm aramada, battletech, heavy gear, WHFB, lions rampart, frost grave, etc players.
Well, I have a larger sample size, because 3 LGS, but I'll concede its anecdotal. Still, I've experienced tons of 40k players online and the vast majority are SM/IG/SoB players. New people to the scene also seem to love AdMech for some reason.
>Tourneyfags are a tiny minority of this fanbase.
Possibly, but they also spend way more money than anyone else on 40k and GW would be stupid to ignore that.
>[blank is broken] Yes, and?
So with fewer armies balance becomes much easier.
>Oh, the fags who are ready to drop 40k for "better systems" the moment the rules change for the "worse"?
Just because a million fa/tg/uys like bitching about WORST SYSTEM EVAR when something new comes out are visible doesn't mean shit, they're still buying it. It's just like /v/, they hate the games but still preorder them. who's using anecdotal evidence now?
>40k isn't even that fucking expensive.
50 bucks for one plastic kit is expensive, user.
Maybe if you stop being an autismal neet as you declared, you'd know the actual value of money.
>40k isn't unplayably unbalanced.
>Squats were squatted because GW couldn't figure out what to do with them in 40k, and what their niche would be.
No such problem with orks or any other Xenos race for that matter.
Not to go on the point of the OP, but what niches to orks and eldar fill? Swarm tactics is already handled by IG. Overspecialized units are already covered by Admech/SoB. They really don't fill any need that hasn't been met, in regards to play style. Maybe they did in yesteryear, but that's past tense.
>SoB players.
Troll confirmed.
What's the point of Xenos? No self-respecting human should play anything but the Imperium, that's Veeky Forums canon, all the Xenos should get squatted.
Luckily we're on the way there, GW's has realized all anyone wants is the Imperium and started the Xenos ball rolling with Death Masque taking out the Craftworld Eldar and the Beast Arises revealing the Orks can be easily killed in mass if the Imperium feels like it.
No one I know plays any of those/is willing to invest in any of them save infinity, which I don't like.
>Only in your head.
Unfortunately, yeah.
>No one I know plays any of those/is willing to invest in any of them save infinity, which I don't like.
Which is my point.
you are better off with 30k then the majority of those people
do you just lack reading comprehension or something
Never said there were players, said that their army covers a niche.
I know you're trying to bait, but I actually agree with you to some extent. They probably aren't going to axe xenos, though. We can at least hope, however, that those story arcs continue, the eldar go extinct like they've hinted at for ages, and the orks lose to biological warfare.
Do you? I already said: Nobody plays 30k, so I'm not starting. I don't care if it has double the followers of infinity, 1 x 2 is still only 2.
Eh Xenos already don't matter, who cares if they axe them or not?
At this point in the fluff the entire combined might of every Xenos in the galaxy probably couldn't even beat a company of Ultramarines.
>Possibly, but they also spend way more money than anyone else on 40k and GW would be stupid to ignore that.
GW would also be stupid to alienate the wast majority of their fanbase by solely catering to the Tourneyfag autists, which cutting out all the xenos like you suggest, would be.
>So with fewer armies balance becomes much easier.
Not necessarily at all, and again, Balance is a secondary concern to the majority of 40k fanbase. Most people just want cool models for the factions they collect and fun rules to use with them.
>50 bucks for one plastic kit is expensive, user.
Again, not that expensive.
A person who smokes daily can spend that amount of money on smokes in just two weeks.
It can easily be the bill of a grocery trip for a family of 4.
It is not that friggin expensive when put in the context.
50 yuros in a month for some plastic dudemans is cheap as fuck for a hobby.
> but what niches to orks and eldar fill?
Orks have hardy melee swarms, ramshackle vehicle hordes, walker hordes, SHITTONS of shooting, and differ quite heavily from other Swarm Armies in their playstyle.
Eldar are fast as fuck, can wield extremely specialized infantry armies(admech/sob units aren't nearly as specialized to specific roles as Eldar Aspect Warriors are), full on Skimmer armies, tough footslogging wraith armies, and any mixture of the above.
and i'm saying you can find people
more to the point as i've said before you could just play with age of darkness armylists against 40k.
not the best idea but you can
this isn't even pascals wager.
there is no way to loose even if you don't have what you want.
ITT: An alternate reality where Eldar, Tau, and Necrons arent top-tier armies with plenty of players and 40k memes like purging xenos arent part of the appeal.
Purging heretics gets boring sometimes, and chaosfags are too whiny.
Sad but true. In the end, Imperium is going to be GW's fave faction. We all gotta' realize this. If they axe xenos, it would at least mean the SM vs SM battles we have constantly already would be more varied. Honestly, axing them would lead to MORE variety in gameplay and much better balance, but 'NOOOO, MUH DARK ELDAR'. you guys did fine with an old codex before, get used to it now.
Wow, this is some successful bait, has Veeky Forums gotten stupider in the last few months or something?
I just want to see how far we can ride this.
bait threads that can be entertaining are always fun
Psychic warfare, not biological.
Craftworld Eldar go extinct cause Artemis accidentally.
Orks get killed by SoS (just got revealed they're still alived)
Nids die to Imperium super virus bomb.
Deathwatch kill Silent King and use his protocols to make all Necron suicide.
Imperium sends one Space Wolf Company to kill Tau while Cato kills all the minor Xenos on his own.
Done 40k can now finally get back to what its really about.
You know, this thread makes me happy that Veeky Forums is dying.
Xenosfag. Veeky Forums is for humans not you.
>GW would also be stupid to alienate the wast majority of their fanbase by solely catering to the Tourneyfag autists, which cutting out all the xenos like you suggest, would be.
Reeeeally doubt xenos players are the vast majority, and they haven't been since the late 90s.
>Not necessarily at all, and again, Balance is a secondary concern to the majority of 40k fanbase.
It's a tabletop wargame. I think you vastly underestimate how many people care about balance (or at least better balance than we have NOW)
>Again, not that expensive. A person who smokes daily can spend that amount of money on smokes in just two weeks. It can easily be the bill of a grocery trip for a family of 4.
Wow dude where the fuck do you live? Fifty bucks feeds a family of four? Also, 'SMMOKING COSTS JUST AS MUCH AND ITS FINE'...you know, maybe you're talking to someone who quit smoking because of how much of a financial drain it fucking was. that was an addiction, and I shouldn't need to spend as much cash on a hobby as I would for an addiction, user.
Seriously, pay your own bills instead of your parents doing it and get back to me about how economically viable a 50 dollar plastic model kit is.
They are basically just fantasy legacy, in a setting where almost anything goes they still seem shoe horned in (grow as fungus and have thought powered space ships, really?)
They should get Squat'ed