Your character learns that there's an elf druid who has stalked you since he or she was in diapers. What's your character reaction?
Your character learns that there's an elf druid who has stalked you since he or she was in diapers...
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Normally I'm a sucker for romantic subplot stuff in my vidya, but I have never backed the fuck out of the game trying to ship me with someone so damned fast.
I'd be less concerned with romance and more concerned with what the hell I was reincarnated from if a druid is stalking me
what fucking game is that shity plot from?
She doesn't tell you that when you first get her in your party.
She tells you later, in what I can only assume the writers thought was a romantic reveal, that she's been spying on your character since he was 3 or some shit, and fell in love with him along the way.
Neverwinter Nights 2
>Elanee romance
>No Neeshka romance
You had one job Bioware
There's even some leftover dialogue in the files from where they started on a neeshka romance but never bothered finishing and implementing it.
What were they thinking? Why not the cute and loyal tiefling that has suffered but not become an asshole?
hang on, i thought it meant that the elf druid was in diapers when they were stalking my character
i suddenly don't feel safe
No, she's hundreds of years old.
NWN2 and its expansion had some terrible writing, it had some good bits as well but there was some real stinkers in that script. Also examples of how D&D alignments applied to anything just makes it worse.
I probably start stabbing on paranoid reflex.
Pedophilia's bad, m'kay?
Mask of the Betrayer was pretty good, aside from the ending where everything you spent the game working towards is brought to a close by Kelemvor turning up and saying "no, fuck off, you can't do that thing the plot was all about."
One of the few game storylines where going full evil leads to the more satisfying conclusion.
My main memories of that game revolve around the fact that the last expansion broke the campaign of the base game, due to it changing how the party selection screen worked. And thus you had to use console commands to continue the game and manually trigger various events.
Also,neeshka should have been the default romance option. Stalker elf is bland and boring. Also a creepy stalker.
The Wall of the Faithless is a retarded concept that just makes the setting shitty for no reason.
Do not stick your dick in crazy.
And it's still not as bad as the werewolf stalking the unborn embryo of a sparklepire.
Slaan was the best party member.
Had a girlfriend who actually compared me to the werewolf dude from that series, considered it a compliment somehow? To be fair she had a bunch of issues...
Turn around
Neeshka was cuter.
pic related NONE PURER
>no Khelgar romance
>no Grobnar romance
>muh Gary Stu Casavir
The game was utter garbage.
What about the edgelord ranger? Did he get a full romance or not, I forget.
Casavir is pure and lovely, shut your mouth or at least he would be if he actually had a personality. He could have been a great paladin husbando and it breaks my heart that the romance was so undevelopped .
Bishop a shit though.
>No Neeshka romance
Why? Bioware, why?
Although there was a mod for it, I think. Anyone knows if it was good?
>arguing over which inferior waifu is slightly less inferior
For fuck's sake people, it was Obsidian.
Was just about to post that.
And like all Obsidian games it was rushed with content slashed and burned to meet the deadline.
Kaelyn was the purest of waifus and all we got was a bald wizard....
Now I have to read it because it can't be that bullshit. look what you did.
I play a Mechanicus adept with an autocannon with 40BS, so either Called Shot to the head or a Full Turn Aim then Semi-Auto fire. Screaming bloody murder in binary in both cases.
Rolled 23 (1d100)
Does she put out?
I don't believe you
>That heavenly voice
>That moment when Khelgar gets righteous anger
I pity the people who didn't do Khelgar's Monk quest. One of the best character developments in recent RPG memory.
She's gonna have to fight the Gaira Dragon for him.
I wish I was kidding.
Ok, your character learns that there's a hetero elf warrior who has stalked you since he was in diapers. What's your character reaction?
>ever since he was in diapers, he has crawled after you just as fast as he could
Panic for a bit.
And then formulate a plan to kill him if she starts trying to do anything besides stalking.
Surprised, intrigued and shocked - after all, he is a fucking ageless eldritch abomination from another dimension who using a human form here just by pure coincidence.
he also think of her as a friend, and nothing more
"Huh. Typical elf."
I agree with this user, can we stop the waifu threads already?
It was fun the first few times, but it's getting stale fast.
But it's a waifu grabbing season! Grab one before there is no waifus!
Need diapers for those old people bowel movements though.
ask her to change my diapers.
No time for Waifus, I'm too busy Becoming the Jarl of a clan of Frost Giants and then immediately kicking them all out of the clan
To be fair, it's not really Obsidian's fault publishers kept fucking them over, and if you actually count amount of time spent on production per actual content, they leave most of their competition far behind. Usually.
There's such a good game there too. I feel like one more round of editing on the plot would have really cemented the parody aspect of it hard, instead of being so lukewarm about it.
That's adorable. Would adopt the shit out of him.
No, he didn't. Mr. Boring was the only lad who got it.
There was that crazy girl who idolized the fuck out of him and tried to make a romance mod for the game, I think that imprinted in people so hard they remember him having one.
Many, many people wanted a romance route with him, for reasons that should be immediately obvious?
> mfw still butthurt over unfinished Atton romance
Bishop did get a romance, it was just so damn incomplete that it barely functioned as one. So typical Obsidian having to cut things to meet deadlines.
What reasons would those be, exactly? Ranger dude was kind of an asshole.
>romancing a former torture/interrogation dude
> What reasons would those be, exactly?
He's basically pic related for the female auditory.
Still need to watch D-a-L, so I can't really comment upon the similarities other than I'm pretty sure Bishie-op isn't some kind of clock-eyed heterochromic death waifu. Beyond that, it's all to play for.
Then again, I can hardly judge anyone. I started playing NWN2 again earlier in the week, and I'm playing a Setting Sun focused halfling Swordsage. Hurray for combined mod packs that aren't awful.
> Still need to watch D-a-L
You actually intend to watch it? Wow.
> I can't really comment upon the similarities other than I'm pretty sure Bishie-op isn't some kind of clock-eyed heterochromic death waifu
Are you autismal or just pretending?
Long story short, they're both edgy psychos that make the opposite sex's loins burn. I thought that was as obvious as it could be.
You find out in mask of the betrayer that the original campaign literally had a 'Rock falls, everyone dies" ending.
But I already have one user.
Well more of a "Rocks fall Qara and Bishop die" ending. Everybody else is capable of surviving iirc.
MotB had some great writing. I still remember that one dreamscape scene.
>Snow glitters under a brilliant sun... trackless and white... impossibly so. The trees seem to hold their breath, and you hear... nothing. It is as if you have intruded upon a forest in an impossibly distant past, before any living creature walked the world... when the gods themselves were strangers to snow and sky and land.
Don't forget the worst death of all, Grobnar Gnomehands.
No, I don't know if I spelled that right, I just remember because it is so, so dumb.
Goddamit, the original campaign had some terrible writing. Just look at the companions. They're all so fucking cliche.
> A dwarf companion, who loves drinking and fighting!
> A chaotic stupid thief, who loves stealing for no reason!
> A chaotic stupid sorcerer, who loves killing people and burning shit down!
> A crazy, autistic gnome!
Like, holy shit. And the entire fucking orc caverns quest that seemed to last forever - whomever came up with that should be hanged.
I still believe that the main campaign was designed to be a parody of your typical D&D group, which is why the characters were like that.
Its ok if you play certain parts it as a stealth parody. Not everything needs to be original.
Don't really intend to, nah, but I always feel slightly out of the loop when talk turns to mediocre anime these days. I've lost my touch.
And nah, not autismal or pretending, just not that familiar with the material beyond recognising the edgy girl. Apologies.
Khelgar wasn't too bad since he was a nice spin on the concept with the whole sidequest where you teach him what it means to be a Monk prior to getting the opportunity for him to change class. Neeshka I'm neutral on because her voice and character were grating at times but not always. And I feel like I'm the only person who liked Qara more than Sand.
Fuck Grobnar though.
Is NWN 2 plot and characters OK as babyfirst introduction campaign to roleplaying and tabletop-based RPG?
I suggest BG2
Is it fair to say I'm not fond of how BG2 opens myself?
Starting off captured and tortured with the game telling you what your canon party was, and half of them have been ganked offscreen in horrible ways anyway.
Just ignore the opening dungeon. It's a tutorial at best, the game really starts when you pick up Aerie and Lilarcor.
Really, that's the worst thing about the old D&D vidya in general, the devs' weird and constant fetish for killing off well-established characters for basically no reason except as a "shit is getting serious" marker. It's incredibly shoddy writing most of the time and it really damages the motivation to keep going when you know anyone might get fucking 30d6'd to satisfy the quota of meaningless character drops.
And that's before you even get into the fact that this is explicitly a setting with resurrective magic and temples or clerics in every other town.
You could do worse, it's generic as hell but still has a bit of campy charm to it.
Yoshimo was shit.
Yeah, the deaths in NWN2 really bugged me. Especially since I was playing a Cleric and actually had Resurrection and Raise Dead on my spell list during those scenes.
The Gnome was worth it because he gets you a giant blade golem as a party member, who doesn't love having a giant fantasy robot as your buddy?
If you want baby's first campaign, can't go wrong with Dragon Age Origins. It's cliche as fuck, but it has a feeling and charm to it.
> Giant robot with no personality
No thanks, I'll pass. There's a reason everybody loves HK-47 and nobody loves T3-M4.
The writers were given the task of making a generic campaign, which they hated, so they just had fun with it and made it as cliche as possible. MotB made up for it.
If the movie is even half as bad as the book, yeah, it's that awful
Don't judge me, I went to watch it with my gf at the moment because I wanted sex so badly
Also the whole fight is a dream
Daerred: Now, I know you didn't have any jobs for an adventurer last time in Neverwinter. But we searched the city for opportunities. After that we took to the road, and I found an old lady and rescued a cat. We each got an apple.
Khelgar: Aye... well, I guess you have to start somewhere.
Sand: I'm sure this old woman was as delighted by your actions as we are.
Shandra: Well, if it had been the Captain doing it, the cat would be lost, the tree burned down, and the old lady would be traveling with us now.
He begins to wonder if this mysterious elf could be one of his birth parents, and seeks them out to discover more
Was a sore point for me since one of the selling points of the game for me was being assured by a friend that there was none of that rocks fall forced character death for no reason bullshit, when in fact NWN2 is one of the worst RPGs I've ever played for doing that shit, with your first party member death coming less than fifteen minutes into the game, being a forced scripted event that has nothing to do with the story or ANYTHING but is still unavoidable. I was more than a bit peeved by that right off the bat, even before I learned how bad it gets later.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I don't think I ever completed all the steps for it, I just remember finding the initial thing in the orc caves.
That's in the movie. In the book, the fight never happens.
Is he hot?
tfw, dumb fighter guy always lives and spunky mage girl always dies.
The golem isn't really worth it anyway though the quest to get it is kind of entertaining.
My favorite side quest was getting the giant spider monster to become your pet. You stick it in your keep's basement and it winds up knitting presents for you.
They are raiding the place seeking for a plot relevant item
The best thing about nwn2 was that mod where you play as drow in the underdark. A hunt through the dark or something like that.
Yeah, but the death in question is totally irrelevant. It could literally never have happened and the actual story is completely unchanged, bar maybe needing to give Bevil a couple of extra lines later to cover why only one of them is at the Keep. Yet you're still forced into it no matter what, no matter how wide a berth you give the wizards' duel, even if you're walking around the backs of houses, you all still magically appear in the middle of the area just to force needless 'drama' in a scene that had already made the gravity of the situation fully clear.
I /hate/ wasteful writing and railroading, and that's an example of both.
I also object to the waifus.
It's getting silly; there needs to be some sort of waifu general we can herd them, into.
Perhaps a containment board.
We did it to the Questfags.
Elves live pretty long don't they?
Like way longer than humans do.
So if she was in diapers when she first met me, I gotta ask:
Is she incontinent?
Or is wearing adult diapers part of her culture?
>Don't judge me
Not gonna. My ex made me watch the first Twilight. I fell asleep a third or so in.
DA Origins is pretty good, shame about the rest of the series.
Oh, and don't forget that after all that trouble, the fucking shard wasn't even in the village. So it's like, double-pointless.
What went wrong?
But it was. inside of you and I remember a second one in a swamp near you.