Would it make sense for an Ogre to be adopted by a human...

No it's not much more reasonable at all.

>Ctrl+f depends on the setting
Depends on the setting.

They name him Clark.
Little does the rest of the adventuring party know that their mild mannered barbarian is secretly an ogre.

This is the second ogre thread I've seen.

Have ogres finally become cool Veeky Forums? Like, can Ogres be as popular as Kobolds and Gnolls for PC?

What the fuck are gnolls and kobolds lmao

Ogres are cool since the first fairy tales involving them.

Ogres are clearly superior, and anyone who disagrees has shit tastes.

Ogres are like orcs but even more buff. They are great low level bosses. They're cool already.

Ogres only eat people because they aren't smart enough to cultivate large enough livestock in a sustainable way.

It makes a ton of sense for a family of farmers to adopt an Ogre infant. Just imagine how much hard farm labour a determined Ogre could do in only one day.

Source: your ass.