Age of Sigmar General

I've nearly given up on the Rumour Engine, edition


>General's Handbook pdf is up!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE

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First for Archaon is a shit.


I can give you a quick primer as a competitive AOS player


Seraphon: A little bit above average at everything, but not amazing at anything. Reroll everything (including your opponents dice). Tons of options. Big dinosaurs and some of the best artillery but it is short range. Objectively the strongest army in the competitive meta with Kroak + Vortex filth.

Sylvaneth - Great defensive army, but low movement. Can spawn forest all over the map and then teleport to that forest. High variety in list building.

Stormcast - Low model count, above average saves and damage. Low movement but lots of teleport gimmicks. Very powerful when mixed with Order wizards.

High Elves - Wizards and phoenixes make a very powerful turtle list. Hunker down with bolt throwers and whittle your opponent down. They can't kill your 0+ save phoenixes with 4+ to ignore wounds, eventually you just win.

Dark Elves - Frail and average damage, but very fast. Not viable in competitive because other armies do the same thing but better. Wait for Malerion to make them great again.

Wood Elves - High Elves do it better.

Dwarves - Good saves and good melee, but far too slow. Need to mix in artillery from Ironweld Arsenal, but vulnerable to being outflanked by fast armies or teleporting units.

Freeguild - Like Dwarves with worse melee, but better shooting. Gunline lists are nothing but a bad meme, very easy to counter. Fun to play, but poor saves and low bravery make them fragile and prone to running away.

Fyreslayers - Low movement, but good saves and decent melee. Not viable on their own, need to mix in some artillery from Ironweld Arsenal. Vulnerable to being flanked by fast armies.

Your dubs speak the truth. Beastmen shall inherit the mortal realms

Khorne Bloodbound - Offensive melee swarm army. Good at unbinding spells. Lots of buff stacking, fun to play and great for casual games but unfortunately not viable in competitive. No shooting, no magic, and a slow army means your opponent can easily control you and kill key targets before you even get into melee.

Beastmen - Same weaknesses as the Bloodbound but with some meaty front line Minotaurs. Very vulnerable to battleshock.

Nurgle (Rotbringers & Demons) - The premier defensive Chaos army. Good saves, high wounds, great defensive spells. Blightkings do insane damage but with low Rend they struggle to beat Seraphon and Sylvaneth save rolls. Low movement.

Khorne Demons - Like the Bloodbound but better. Bloodthirsters are flying and fast and do tons of damage. Doesn't rely on synergy with heroes so you aren't auto-losing to artillery sniping 5 wound models. Skullcannons give you the range you desperately lack. Vulnerable to focus fire shooting down bloodthirsters.

Tzeentch - Good magic and saves. Not viable on it's own, you need to mix in some mortal Slaves to fill out your front line. Should be getting a release soon with new rules for Horrors, should add a new attrition element and make this faction much stronger.

Slaves to Darkness - Can be run on their own or mixed with appropriate demons. Knights and Chariots work well with Nurgle to offset their low movement, while Warriors and Chosen give Tzeentch the melee damage it needs.

Slaneesh - Arguably the fastest army in the game. Lots of ways to reduce enemy hit by 1 but will die quickly if they get hit. Lack of ranged options keeps them from being competitive. Hits hard and fast but then crumbles in sustained engagements.

Will continue with Skaven.

Skaven - Relies on swarm units of Clanrats and Stormvermin backed by key models like Verminlords, Warp Lightning Cannons, and Stormfiends. Very high tactical depth because you can retreat and charge again, allowing you to get behind enemy lines and kill wizards with your basic chaff units. Skaven are one of the best armies if you want to do Mortal Wounds, but many of these units can hurt themselves. You can expect half your army to run away if played poorly. Vulnerable to anti-swarm units like Stegadon, Kroxigors, Drycha, etc.

Skaven Skryre - All the best Skaven units are in this faction. Stormfiends are god tier Battleline unit with good saves, high damage, and a global teleport skill. Warp Lightning Cannons do absurd damage. Arch-Warlock is one of the better wizards in the game. Great battalion that makes this formidable army even better. If you want to play Skaven competitively then you should start with Skryre.

Skaven Pestilens - Unlike other skaven forces these guys don't hurt themselves. Relies on swarms and summoning in Nurgle greater daemons. Low mobility, average damage, but high output of mortal wounds. Poor saves but you get to deal damage when you die so it's not that bad. Vulnerable to battleshock like most swarm armies.

Other skaven clans aren't worth specific mention.

Everchosen - Archaon and his super powerful knights. Not viable as a standalone army because Archaon is usually not worth the point cost but the Varanguard can do a lot of damage in a mixed Chaos army.

The day of poop is coming soon, my fellow Chaos brethren. The beast will inherit the mortal realms.

Elves when?


Spider Goblins - Powerful enough to mention. High mobility and lots of mortal wounds. Poor defenses, but mix well with durable melee units like Brutes and Ogors.

Beastclaw Raiders - Offensive elite army. One of the most powerful armies in the game (tournament players have to ask "Can I beat Beastclaw with this list?") but there is no subtlety to them - you charge forward and delete stuff. Thundertusk shooting attack is absurdly powerful, but experienced players can play around it. Stonehorn is devastating on the charge, but like all melee units you can force him to make a bad charge into a disposable screen and then counter pile in with something to kill it.

Gutbusters (Ogres) - Poor saves but high wounds. Great damage output and surprisingly fast because of the Destruction Battle Trait. Decent shooting, but excels in melee. Surprisingly good army because they have high rend and high damage melee weapons, so even if 1 or 2 attacks gets through it can deal 3+ damage.

Bonesplitterz - Offensive swarm army. Cool spells, battalions, and hero skills give them lots of tactical depth. Low saves, poor mobility, low bravery, and high model count means a lot of your army will be running away after an enemy round of shooting. No large monsters, but you get bonuses for attacking enemy monsters.
Veeky Forums memelords will try to convince you that this a good shooting army. Like the Beastclaw you have to be prepared to fight this army in tournaments, but it is very easy to play around. 100+ shooting attacks at 5+/4+ is not a big deal because savage orruks are small models and have trouble drawing line of sight to targets that matter so they end up shooting the front line. Low rend makes it difficult to get through good armor saves.

Ironjawz - Offensive elite army. Maw-Krusha is a great, Brutes are great, Shaman is decent, Gore-Gruntas are bad. Move forward and kill stuff. Fun to play, like the Bloodbound but better in almost every way.

Regarding Beastclaw, I should like to add that fighting a Frostlord on Stonehorn is pointless. He's so fucking durable that by the time he's dead you'll have committed half your army for several turns. Tarpit and ignore, if at all possible.
The rest here I find to be spot on.


There are lots of subfactions in death but there are really only 3 ways to play this grand alliance: Flesheater Courts, Mixed Death, and Tomb Kings.

Flesheater Courts - Vampires and Ghouls. Offensive melee swarm army with very powerful heroes that ride powerful monsters and also they are wizards. Can ressurect slain models so you want to bring large units. Ressurecting models means you can take shooting attacks and then reinforce on your turn for a big charge.

Mixed Death - Morghasts, zombies, skeletons, nagash and all sorts of other weird stuff. Death has a lot of very cool command traits and artifacts that completely change the way your army can play. Picture related.

Tomb Kings - Good wizards, great battleline Chariots, very high mobility (one of the faster armies in the game), access to good shooting. Great monsters (Necropolis Knight can OHKO any monster in the game) that only get better with options in the Generals Handbook. Settra is arguably the best special character in the entire game. Necropolis Knights are totally insane with buffs, one of the best units in the game. Chariots and Knights ressurect 2+ models every turn. One of the strongest armies in the game. The downside is that they don't produce these models any more so you need to buy it off ebay.

I play Tomb Kings and Seraphon primarily (because I think they look cool, they also coincidentally happen to be amazing on the field) so I'm probably biased but I play against a ton of different armies.

How likely is it that Soulblights will get a less shitty faction name?

>High Elves -
>Dark Elves -
>Wood Elves -

combine them in one army for the top secret unbeatable army that never loses. I'd tell you the list but then I'd have to kill you.

Alarielle's new form is by far superior.

>thinks plant zombie who lacks aelves keyword is better.

shit meant to post this at not fail me

>you will never be crushed to death by Alarielle's mighty thunder thighs

aelves master race

Is John Reynolds the biggest cuck?

>Neferata getting spurned by her husband makes her look weak, she needs to have a romance with Arkhan where she's the dominant one
>The End Times doesn't have enough strong female characters, there needs to be a strong female vampire who don't need no man
>Isabella shouldn't be killed by the patriarchal white man, she should be saved by another woman
>women shouldn't fight against each other, they're too good for that, Neferata and Khalida should kiss and make up before the end
>Age of Sigmar doesn't have enough strong female characters, there needs to be a strong female Stormcast who don't need no man

Neferata was always a cuckqueen.

>Other skaven clans aren't worth specific mention.
YOU TAKE THAT BACK. Rat ogres are a godsend, combo them with packs masters and you've got a very effective line breaker unit.

There are lots of good units that I didn't mention.

That doesn't make them bad units, I just don't want to write about every single unit in the game. Somebody asked for a breakdown of the factions, not a guide to every unit.

So this is probably bullshit yeah? £50 price point sounds suspicious.

Re-releasing the old monopose WHF models like Battle for Vedros did for 40k, though, sounds likely at some point.

Youre a hero to us all Serabro.

Quick question, whee are you getting your info, just experiance or are you in the tournie scene?

Any chance you can let me know some decent ironjaws lists? Preferably ones without gordrakk because my wallet.

Personal experience and discussion with other competitive players

I don't play with/against Ironjawz enough to offer a competitive list, but I know that you NEED to run at least 1 Maw-Krusha to get anywhere

A good starter army I hear is a warchanter, a shaman, some brutes and some ardboyz. Don't know if it's true as I run the bone zone.

Think again elf-thing.

so serabro, I'm starting up a Seraphon army, got the start collecting list (because deal and I get to paint a damn dinosaur).
And am getting skinks and a Slaan.
Getting another start collecting (because deal).
I plan to make a Troglondon out of that.

Bit of converting and using the extra bits has gotten me a Skink Priest, Saurus Oldblood, and Eternal Warden. And the people I play with are decent enough to let me have saurus warriors count as saurus guards.

What key one or two things do I need, and did I make any major fuckups with my early buys? Casual groups, so broken combos are discouraged.

I wouldn't mind it. The minis are pretty great looking. It also has a great gryphon for Free Guilders.

Bastilodon, skink starpriest, slann are all good buys. I dont run a slann myself because I dont like the model and like going all saurus.

Are knights any good? They look pants on paper. I have a dozen of them waiting to be built.

I am not a fan of the skink priest kitbash from the troglodon kit. If you want to kitbash a skink priest then use the model from the stegadon sprue, it looks way cooler.

Start Collecting is a good way to get into Seraphon. I like running Saurus lists using the Bloodclaw Starhost and I'll use the Start Collecting models there, but that's for casual games and not usually used in tournaments. The great thing about Seraphon is that every unit has its place and it really comes down to your preferred playstyle.

Knights are not bad but they need the right buffs. If you bring a Scar Veteran on Cold One his command trait allows them to reroll charge1 and hit1, and adds an extra attack to the Cold One Vicious Bites. I like using Knights in a Bloodclaw list because they have so many attacks and can get crazy value from a Scar Veteran on Carnosaur's Command Ability that makes them generate attacks on Hit6. It gets even crazier if you run a Celestial Hurricanum, which makes your Knights hit on 2+ and generate attacks on 5+.

Every unit in the Seraphon list can be a viable choice in specific circumstances!

decent flankers, but I'm having trouble running them.
The 14" during regular movement is cool, but they get caught pretty easy.
Survivability is a little better than a unit of warriors in my experiance, and damage output is notably better.

I like the idea of the lances, but I haven't been able to pull off as many charges as I'd like. One very 2 games running a single unit of knights. So the swords are probably better.

That actually reminds me, so the oldblood vs scar vet on carnosaur. Old blood is a decent chunk more expensive, but Im seeing better milage from the scar vet. The command ability, the shield making him more durable. I cant see why youd play the oldblood. When the scar vet is cheaper and more vesatile.

iron man repulsor guantlet.
Cool model.
It's possible to get a 1k army out of just the start collecting box using some kit bashes and proxies if you run him.

Make my clanrats with sword or spears?

Oldblood is really good at running off on his own and killing cavalry or exposed archers. He doesn't take focus fire very well because he doesn't ignore rend-1, but if you fight one unit at a time and go first in combat he can kill unit after unit with his 3 damage bite attack.

Scar Veteran is better at sticking with a big clump of Saurus (usually Knights) and plays more defensively. His Carnosaurs bite attack only does D3 instead of 3, so don't rely on him to do as much damage as the Oldblood.

10-20 swords, 30-40 spears.

Depends on your numbers. If you go MSU, swords are fine. But if you want any more, take the spears.

I notice you didn't mention Skryre Acolytes.

Need an edit of this: "It says you're a faggot-queer."

Looking again at the rumor pic, the stylings seem similar to the pic shown on the second week, the one with hand/claw and staff. I assume the two pics are from the same release. I'm stuck on either Tzeentch or aelves. The new pic seems more Tzeentchy, and the tiles make an eight pointer star, but the staff shown in the other pic has more aelf elements to it, although the bluish hand could make it a Tzeentch wizard of some kind.

What if... it's Nighthaunt? I mean. Look at the faces.

It kinda looks like a stylized Chaos star to me. Although, I guess it could also represent the 8 realms.

What if it's Aelves, but having to do with the slaanesh story. That device is harnessing the trapped souls that slaanesh ate.

It literally came out less than a year ago.

That's not a "new" kit. It's just a repacking of the Black Orcs kit.

I may be entering a 2k local tournament in january, could I get a critique of my tzeenchbros? This is what I'll have to use as I have no money or time atm to get anything else, except run either 10 chosen or 6 dragon ogres.

Brotherhood of Beasts
Lord of Chaos - 100
Exhalted Champion - 80
Sorcerer - 140
10 Chaos Warriors - 180
10 Chaos Warriors - 180
5 Chosen - 160
3 Dragon Ogres - 160

1500 -
Hellcannon - 300
Warshrine - 200

Sorcerer - 140
3 Dragon Ogres - 160
1 Gorebeast Chariot - 100
10 Chaos Marauders - 60

Ahahaha Really? Like really? Are you retarded? A new box does not mean a new kit, the plastic black orcs have been around since long before the end times, there were part of the same release as the old orc warboss on boar, which itself was well before even the last Empire release.

I also have more marauders, marauder horsemen, knights and warhounds.

eat a dick

Not my fault I bought it in 2003. It's a clunky metal fuck.

It's a tournament list, not a friendly list

>new kit
yeah they took the old black ork box
and increased the model count and gave them round bases.
I know those models
i have black orks, they are the same ones same poses.
please stop being an idiot

You're missing one extra battleline I'm both 1500 and 2000 lists

3 battleline. 2x warriors and 1 marauder unit.

Daily reminder Age of Shitmar is total shit.



I'm now envisioning a toy story esque scenario where miniatures come to life. Bloodbound would run around the neighboorhood killing insects and small animals. The skaven would dig holes in every damn thing. The miniatures from opposing armies would destroy one another over night. It'd be fun to watch if possible.

Yeah I can see that. Those 2 teasers are definitely related, I think. But it's still a question of whether it's for 40k or AoS, or in the case of daemons, it would be both.

We still don't know of a surety whether the dwarf one is for steamhead duardin (which is still only a rumor) or the blood bowl deathroller (which has been confirmed to be getting a mini at some point).

Okay guys, how the fuck does this game actually work as far as the generals book goes? I'm skimming it and the points system makes absolutely no sense to me. It offers you nothing to explain how to add additional models to units or squadding lords with units or adding wargear to a model. How the fucking hell does this game work?

> It offers you nothing to explain how to add additional models
Yes it does
>squadding lords with units
Doesn't state it because you can't do it
>adding wargear to a model
Units get all upgrades listed on their scroll for free, unless stated otherwise.
Artifacts for heroes are covered in the Allegiance section

you don't do any of those things.
Wargear is included in cost.
Heroes are individual units.
You buy units in groups, but most people will let you break down the points into by model cost if you want more, for casual games at least.


There's no need to be a dick. This is /aosg/ not the 40k thread

Yes, spoonfeed the idiot with zero reading comprehension. That will help.

Somebody is confused and asking for help

You could just ignore it but you choose to call him an idiot.

You're the shitposter here, and I'm spoonfeeding you by telling you to stop posting like shit

An example:

A unit of ten marauders is 60 points. These marauders may be armed with flails or axes, may carry banners, etc at no additional points cost. Their unit size can be increased by ten additional marauders for an additional 60 points, up to a maximum of 40 marauders.

Additional models for units are always purchased within multiples of their base unit size - Retributors have a base size of 5, and to add 3 additional Retributors will cost the same as adding 5 additional Retributors.

Wargear listed on the warscroll as never at any additional cost. Every faction is like this, so it isn't really imbalanced.

A chaos lord is 140 points. He comes as is.

Heroes cannot join units, but they often offer benefits to nearby units.

Check out Scroll Builder. It is a free webapp for building lists. It will help you make sense of things.

they spelled december with an s in the screenshot.

This is real

I work for GW

We got the email about it today

shieldanon here with a shitty blog post

did a whole lot of greenstuffing tonight but I am exhausted, so no pictures until I get home from work tomorrow.

I am thinking my bloodreavers will be less converted than my marauders, with a few duplicates

up next will be either finishing up the marauder conversions or unclogging my CA glue so I can do more of the bases

I still need to get something to use as a warshrine eventually, but as many ideas as I've bounced around with I haven't settled on one I liked.

>get a large beast thing off ebay or something, and try to convert it
>put a bunch of dudes carrying banners on the base
>convert a chariot
>give up and use the ugly stock model

Get four boxes of Ardboys, two boxes of Brutes, a Shaman, a Warchanter, and a Megaboss. There's your most basic Ironjawz army

Can someone confirm that I'm not pants-on-head when it comes to the Sisters of Slaughter rules?

Basically the way I'm arguing it is that the interaction between the "Dance of Death" rule and the "Bladed Buckler" rule is that during the combat phase, my units save is essentially a 4+, given that it's normally a 6+ but the Dance rule gives me +2. Because of that, anything I roll that is a 4 or more triggers the Bladed Buckler rule, since 4 becomes 6, 5 becomes 7 and so on. At that point I count up successful saves and make rolls for Bladed Buckler mortal wounds.

I'm like, 98% sure that's how it works, but some guy at my FLGS was assuring me that the Bladed Buckler rule only activates on a natural roll of 6, regardless of my bonus from of Dance of Death. I get that Rend values could alter this, but given that the rule says "6 or more" I thought the assumption was that Bladed Buckler activated on my final modified roll instead of unmodified.

Can anyone confirm which of us is right?

tl;dr Does Bladed Buckler work on 4+ in combat or natural 6+ save only

Alright awesome. Thanks for the help. I'm a 40k player and my friends and I are thinking about getting into AoS since the 40k rules for 7th have been so horrible. It's a bit difficult because the book is so different as far as rules go from 40k and I'm kind of leading the charge in figuring out how it works for our group.

you have it right I think

The wording on Bladed Buckler reads "6 or more." The "or more" implies it is after modifiers, unless you cheating a bit with your dice.

4+ in combat.
Otherwise the Sisters wouldn't be as useful.

It's consistent with the rules for the Lord-Castellant's lantern heal (+1 to saves, rolls of 7 heal a wound).

Also, is the only battle organization the ones provided for the Vanguard/Battlehost/Warhost levels of gaming for Pitched Battles? I'll be sure to check out scroll builder, but I just wanted to know if they'd gone all Horus Heresy and made traditional organization the will of the day for AoS Pitched Battles

best of luck to you as there is still a very strong stigma against AoS in the 40k community

I actually found the list building to be really liberating. You don't have to fret about weird unit sizes, point values, or overpriced wargear.

As far as Age of Sigmar rules, there are some things I found I really liked over 40k. The cover rules, which are way simpler and better than 40k's clusterfuck surrounding cover, as well as how reserves work in pitched battles.

If you are unfamiliar with how reserves work, instead of holding units in reserve like you would in 40k, you hold points in reserve. For example, you would bring only 700 points to a 1000 point game, keeping 300 points for summoning/reserves. During the hero phase if you have a hero ability that lets you summon, like some filthy wizards, models or call for reinforcements, like the Chaos Lord, you can choose any unit from your collection and subtract its cost from your remaining reserves pool. The choice is made at the time you deploy the unit, not in advance.

This allows you to tailor your list to your opponent's at the cost of portions of your army arriving late, but also the added risk of having a smaller army on the table for the first turn or two.


at certain points levels, you need a certain number of Battleline units, and there are limits on the number of units with Hero, Behemoth, or War Machine. There is no limit on the number of other units you may have, aside from the points limit.

Sometimes units are considered Battleline if and only if all of your units are from the same faction. The General's Handbook is pretty clear about this, but Scroll Builder isn't.

Battalions are kind of like formations from 40k, but they cost additional points. Also unlike 40k, the units in Battalions count towards your limits and minimums for units with Hero, Battleline, War Machine, Behemoth, etc.


Do I just have to pay the points cost of the Battalion to use it? Or also of the models in the Battalion? I'm looking at the Gorechosen Battalion for Khorne Bloodbound, and it costs 100 points to use. Do I also have to pay for the Exalted Deathbringer and his bros, or am I paying the points just for the opportunity of using 8 Heros at once and paying for those Hero units seperately?

To use a battalion you must pay the battalion's costs in addition to the unit costs. In smaller games the added cost of a battalion can be really heavy.

The benefit of Battalions come from their extra abilities, hence the extra points. A lot of battalions feel like their worth is questionable, but that's OK. I like having to pay for battalions a lot better than 300 points of free stuff or game breaking alpha strikes.


>Somebody is confused and asking for help
for something that could be solved by just reading the General's Handbook. If reading the actual rules (which are only a few pages) is too much to ask for, I don't know what to say anymore.

Since AoS is picking up at the store, I want to get in on it. I've already read the rules and the General's Handbook and it all seems pretty straightforward for the most part.
Now, I've read in another thread that GW will re-release this box, except sigmar-ified. How reasonable would it be to grab two of those boxes, pawn of the Skaven to someone and use the surplus heroes for kitbashes? It'd net me ten reavers, 20 swordmasters, 20 seaguard, a griffon rider and an archmage plus whatever I can throw together from bits, maybe a prince on foot. I also have a Skycutter Chariot from an old project that never worked out.

I feel you answered your own question. Its a pretty good idea. You wont have any trouble getting rid of the skaven either.

Gotta love the AoS babbies

Guys stop explaining shit to retards like: if you can't understand the system as outlined in the GBH or can't fathom how to use scrollbuilder you are literally retarded

Where are you based? I'd gladly take some of the Skaven of your hand if shipping is not too crazily expensive.

I have some of the old skaven from IoB that I want to get rid of, if Europe fits your bill.

You are definitely right. They wouldn't be worth 160 points otherwise

You are correct, that is how this interaction works.

It gets even better when you give them cover and Mystic Shield.

Is there any good alternative to the overdesigned tiles for Silver Tower?

Does tend affect the target number, or the die roll. And if it effects the save, does 6+ go to 7+?

Rend would affect the roll, subtracting 1 from the total.

The original warhammer quest also had fancy tiles.

Yes rend effects the dice roll

The new ones are way too swirly and vibrant. It just looks like a mess.

>mfw bought this off of eBay last year, primed them, still haven't painted them

I need to buy some round bases and finish this shit

best sylvaneth army combination for 1500 points?

hey serabro what would you recommend for the order wizard choice of a gnarlroot wargrove army?

It's a tzeetch tower, what do you think it would look like.
Also if you hate, use the old whq tiles, orake your own