How much does Veeky Forums bully their Orcs?
How much does Veeky Forums bully their Orcs?
I want to bully people that make threads about bullying.
I want to bully people who try to force memes.
I want to bully people who talk funny.
>not "stomp on their heads until something starts leaking out their ears"
That implies there is something in between those ears to begin with.
>something starts leaking out
Knowing OP, its gonna be as white as what the orc loli is getting sprayed with.
They've never won a war, their entire history is made up of them settling a piece of land for a few years before getting pushed off by a more advanced race. After a war with staggering casualties they move away to a new piece of land to repeat the cycle.
Their only saving grace is that they're skilled wood workers and have a long tradition of crafting boats and siege engines.
How the fuck do they have the resources and logistics to craft, maintain and field siege weapons, while being thrown from hill to hill like hill sized whores?
They just make them and sell them to more powerful countries in exchange for access to metal tools and materials they can't make on their own.
Their entire economy is boats, siege engines, and inlaid wooding chairs/doors and trinkets. An orc child learns how to hold a chisel before learning how to hunt
Wouldn't it make more sense to hire a group of Orc Engineers to follow an army for a few years rather than purchasing them once and then getting fucked because they broke?
Clearly they are such skilled woodworkers that they have developed the ability to break down and use their siege engine components as housing material.
This allows then to both constantly have access to them while moving as well as conceal them from less knowledgeable enemies.
I don't bully, but I do buffalo them
this again?
Do buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo?
wait, no
Do Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
>bullying orcs
Bully elves not orcs.
My orcs are a dominant race that murderfucks anything that fights them with bands of horse archers and superior physical strength.
Speaking of forced memes, fuck off and learn to draw you cunt.
All the more reason to bully them.
>Make orcs in my setting Mongolian in their fighting tactics
>All of Veeky Forums is suddenly on a mongolian orc kick
when did this wavelength happen
I dunno I was just like, "Orcs could draw really heavy bows and are a civilization that probably conserves ammunition because of scarcity. They're probably fucking amazing archers."
They keep on invading human and elvish lands, they live with the dwarves because the dwarves live in mountains and their horses can't go in those.
>not cumdumpsters
But what if I love elves so much, bullying is the only way I know how to express it? What if human tug on elf ears the same way a boy pulls the pigtails of a girl he likes in elementary school?
The weak deserve to be bullied by the strong.
You're pretty stupid.
The white dress looked better
>ywn be bullied by hot female orcs
Yeah. Maybe I should make an Orc archer character
Dayum shame
You were supposed to bully the orcs, not me.
Well obviously Im gonna have to ask for a source on that
Image search gives nothing, I am gonna need sauce user
He's breddy gud
Praise and wonderful gets be upon you user
user, you don't bully someone who is taller, stronger and less restrained about using physical force than you are.
This shit just doesn't work that way
Are you that one weird guy that gets upset whenever he sees Ribbon?
I bet Veeky Forums's banner makes you downright livid.
>Posting the inferior edit
>check his shit
>do comission for 125$ minimum
do artists nowaday seriously price their shit that high?
with such price i could literally buy a full quality framed art on acrylic/satin fabric, getting the real physical deal
>those pectits
Decent quality niche fetish porn is like a x10 commission cost multiplier, at least.
But, user.
You are an orc.
>Waaaah why is comissioning smut so expensive ;__;
>Why won't artists adjust their prices to accommodate my NEETbux-based income :(
They charge that because people are willing to pay that for niche art that matches their perculiar fetish/es.
Good luck getting your mainstream acrylic/satin fabric artist to produce you a hardcore painting of a heavily muscled orcess forcing a captured human to impregnate her.
>do artists nowaday seriously price their shit that high?
Yes, you need to consider the following:
-Price for skill.
-Price for fetish/content complexity, etc.
Most artists don't charge for time spent though.
A piece like what user has linked here: Could have potentially taking anywhere from 8 to 12 hours or even longer.
If I had to say the "average" cost of a pornographic print or image:
-For just a basic picture between individual characters you're probably looking at a starting price of 50-60 usd with the "high end" being 80-100 usd and the "low end" being 30-40 usd (quantified by skill of the artist)
In my personal experience as an "acceptable/palatable" digital illustrator: I spend about 8-12 hours on the prints I sell at comic/anime expos before charging 10 dollars a piece for them.
When I draw pornography though it can take as little as 3 hours or as long as 15 depending on how confident the customer is in knowing what they actually fucking want (porn commissioners either VERY specific or VERY fickle- I've seen no inbetween).
>with such price i could literally buy a full quality framed art on acrylic/satin fabric, getting the real physical deal
If you can get your specific, gross, fetish somewhere else at a lower price and equal quality then by all means- god speed friend, user.
Most successful digital illustrators charge the prices they do because people specifically come to THEM because they can't get their kink illustrated in such graphic quality elsewhere- either because the artist won't do it or the one who will just isn't good enough.
*appears in a puff of smoke*
Orcs are for being bullied by
Orcs in my setting don't get bullied. They conquer. The East is green. The elves, humans, dwarves, and other assorted races in the West shit bricks if the Prime Warlord so much as farts in their direction.
>just randomly putting down words that better fit my argument.
not the same user but it's still pretty funny. An actual satin painting. for the same price. I know WHY but it's still pretty ridiculous.
Fuck, I did this too recently and I didn't even get it from here.
Weird coincidence
In Tolkien the Orcs, outside of Sauron's really industrial armies, acted like nomadic steppes people. Kind of. They were supposed to be like Mongolians.