>Be in class
>Instructors start talking about Bitcoin
>one of them is a retarded SJW. >Says some shit like he didn't buy Bitcoin because he think it's supports human trafficking.
>Couldn't tell if he was just a salty no coiner or if he's just that fucking retarded.
>in before Good Goy
Be in class
But user............ he's right
You'll destroy our gains
who else here sold his kidney for some bitcoin?
>Only 10 monero user
>nobody will know who bought her...
You know what else funds human trafficking? Dollars, Pounds, Euros and every other government currency. They fund drug and arms sales too. Your instructor should burn all of theirs to show their commitment.
implying the big boi USD doesn't "support" human trafficking the same way bitcoin does? I'm pretty sure almost everything is in USD
That's good actually. The lesser SJW rich or interested in crypto the better
haha we thought and posted about the same thing within 7 seconds
Yeyeye and before usd it was gold. Before bitcoin it was usd. In fact usd is still preferred because it's highly tangible. Look all the reason crocs does it is to attain anything of value. Who knows what will be in 10 years. Sure not bitcoin anymore
The alt-right is the baby of the libertarian movement and the PUA/Men’s rights movement, informed by Stefan Molyneux. They have been stacking bitcoin for years. They criticize Jewish intellectuals, now they are the Jews.
Cash supports human trafficking. Fuck cash.
bitcoin supports north koreas nuclear program
to top it off, you are paying good money for it.
may as well get an education on twitter.
We are the uber jews, actually.
Air supports misogyny.
Fuck air.
Deus vult.
>Mainstream media hates crypto
>SJW/Libs hate crypto
>University professors hate crypto
>Communists hate crypto
>Socialists hate crypto
>Wall St Bankers hate crypto
>Investors hate crypto
>Boomers hate crypto
>Nocoiners hate crypto
>Already rich hate crypto
I was waiting for the eventual article to be published saying that "investing in cryptocurrency is white privilege". It happened the other day and that was my trigger to double my principal investment and now I'm already up 50%.
All this hate is just a sign that Crypto is doing something right and won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Haters far outnumber the normies.
That's somewhat true. But the Jews sure have a major part in the billions of dollars in cryptos.
>be Economics major
>almost all my professors this year have talked about Crypto
>last year just one (in Monetary Policy course)
Should I be worried?
economics is just a slave for the shitty system right now.
Were they against it or neutral?
Crypto is literally /ourcurrency/
Nice, just bought 100!
jews are the biggest human traffickers on earth ask him his opinion on that
seriously dude?
he's not wrong
Is crypto /ourcurrency/?
By that logic the SJW shouldnt use cash either, since that is used to traffick humans too.
Wait, is /biz the business wing of /pol? I'm new to this subreddit.
Crypto makes the thing much easier to conduct.
No crypto, less human trafficing as money changing hands is much harder.
fucking cryptojews
youre probably against guns too
>admits defeat and tries to change the topic
We're making money, so it's ok eh
>cryptocurrency has become something chad and stacy buy on their coinbase app while switching between snapchat and instagram
No but /pol/ tries to turn every board into /pol/
He's right, though. I looked on a block explorer and there's trafficked humans all over it. They use the blockchains to chain the humans up to the interwebs all over the world.
Lol every Jew I talk to about Bitcoin shits all over it. Typical.
Veeky Forums is the /_/ wing of /pol/
We the Jews now!
Lol you alt-righters think you are for crypto when your politicians want to ban it. Sad!
I don't think even SJWers have more defunct brains than you guys.
Veeky Forums is /pol/
The internet is the heavily networked wing of /pol/.
Also, you're here forever.
/pol/ sure would like to think that. Deflated brains have some wonky effects.
Veeky Forums always had /pol/-esque sentiments. Even before /pol/, hell even before /news/, that sentiment was systemic.