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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
So what do we know about Secrets of the covenants?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Secrets of the Covenants and Hurt Locker are both out!
Do you get any money from leaving your own link like that? Even if you dont I feel like its shitty to do affiliate links.
Meh, it probably doesn't matter. If someone wants to thank him for providing the links, the can use it.
How is WoD doing these days? I heard White Wolf had some troubles. And I haven't seen many video games based on it recently... Unfortunately.
Well Paradox did buy the rights like half a year ago so it shuld be on the way atleast.
I got them from somebody else's forum thread, so if anyone profits, it isn't me.
How up to speed arr you on the whole White Wolf situation? The gist of it is: CCP bought White Wolf, White Wolf went under CCP licensed the rights to a new company called Onyx Path made up out of White Wolf folks and new blood, CCP sold everything to Paradox who created a new White Wolf that's exploring other stuff while Onyx Path does its thing. World of Darkness is still getting books, as is Cheonicles (the former New World) of Darkness.
They got bought by the EVE Online people? Then sold to the Crusader Kings people?
Somewhat strange. How's the playerbase? WoD is a bit under the radar as far as advertising goes. But maybe they're planning some kind of new /v/ as we speak for that. Paradox also publishes for Obsidian, as I recall.
Still doing just fine. Tabletop is a niche hobby and especially so if you aren't playing D&D, but Onyx Path's crowdfunding campaigns often reach the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, so the interest is clearly still there. Several WoD games had or have coming anniversary editions with supplements, and many CofD lines are now updating to a new edition even as they add new games altogether.
I think its a good move from paradox, specially with the groth of 5e this past year.
White Wolf is playtesting VTM 5e aswell so I think there are good stuff ahead.
>Tokyo chapter
Boy I wonder which writer pushed for that fucking thing.
>White Wolf is playtesting VTM 5e aswell so I think there are good stuff ahead.
How many Malkavian Joan of Arcs are in it?
They got bought by the EVE Online people, who then kept dragging people away from the tabletop game to work on the WoD MMO, and then dragged people OFF THE MMO to work on EVE. Eventually the White Wolf people got sick of this shit, broke off, formed their own company (Onyx Path Publishing), and licensed the RPG IPs from CCP so they could get back to actually putting books out, while also buying the IP rights to Scion and Aberrant/Adventure!/Aeon wholesale. This is why the transition from nWoD 1e to nWoD 2e was such a clusterfuck.
OPP also put out their own revivals of oWoD on the 20th anniversary of their original publishing dates.
Then Paradox bought out White Wolf and all the IPs OPP didn't manage to buy (i.e. oWoD, nWoD, and Exalted). They're not terribly interested in nWoD or Exalted and are content to OPP keep doing their thing, but they put the kibosh on OPP's plans for a proper new edition for oWoD (rather than the 20th anniversary editions they had been doing), because Paradox's new White Wolf Publishing wants to do that themselves.
Reactions to Paradox's plans for the new "One World of Darkness" are... mixed.
Oh, and the New World of Darkness second edition has been rebranded to Chronicles of Darkness, to avoid brand confusion with the new Classic World of Darkness books Paradox-White-Wolf-Publishing is putting out.
So how many companies are producing WoD stuff?
I must admit I'm disappointed there's nothing for Belial's brood. I'm also not very excited by yet another Tokyo chapter. Can't they try something else once in a while?
(To explain the name, back when it was all still owned by CCP, Onyx Path wanted to put out new editions, but CCP refused to let them release new corebooks in case they caused confusion in consumers between that and the Old World of Darkness MMO they were making that they never actually managed to get out the door. Hence instead of Vampire: the Requiem Second Edition, for example, we got Blood and Smoke: the Strix Chronicle, with new updated rules and a "default chronicle" for the game. Once the World of Darkness MMO was finally cancelled, there was no reason not to let them call the games proper Second Editions, and so that book got retitled "Vampire: the Requiem Second Edition, Featuring the Strix Chronicle". Werewolf was Werewolf: the Forsaken Second Edition, Featuring the Idigam Chronicle, Mage was Mage: the Awakening Second Edition, Featuring the Fallen World Chronicle, etc.)
When OPP was in talks with Paradox to figure out if they could keep licensing the IPs to produce oWoD, nWoD, and/or Exalted stuff Paradox basically went "We want to do our own thing with oWoD, and we don't want to have two different properties called World of Darkness. We get to keep the name for our new thing. All these books you've been putting out lately have been "the whatever Chronicle", right? Call the 'New World of Darkness' 'Chronicles of Darkness' instead now. Aside from that, keep doing what you're doing."
Paradox is also trying to take a page from nWoD to unify oWoD more into one unified setting under a unified system, which they're calling "One World of Darkness". Before that was explained, a lot of people were freaking out over the name and thought Paradox was going to axe nWoD entirely in favor of a full push to revive oWoD. Luckily that's not the case.
I thought OPP owned Exalted.
I don't think the Brood has been mentioned in ages, though I think a Sanctified ritual calls on Belial by name.
And the whole point is they wanna do Tokyo for every line!
Paradox-owned subsidiary company White Wolf Publishing is publishing oWoD (now World of Darkness) tabletop books. Onyx Path Publishing has the licenses for publishing nWoD (now Chronicles of Darkness), and Exalted. OPP owns Scion and Trinity outright, which are now powered by OPP's own in-house system, rather than Storyteller or Storytelling (which I believe WWP still owns the rights to).
World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness LARP rules stuff is being published by By Night Studios and Mind's Eye Theatre, but I forget which is handling which since I don't keep up with LARP stuff.
I agree on the covenant part, Honestly I wish they'd covered lesser covenants in a sixth chapter or something.
Also no, it must be Tokyo my man, don't you know, they have a weeb that loves Japan and has to misreprsent it in every book he can.
So are all the V20, M20, and W20 books going into the bin when the WoD stuff starts dropping?
OPP owns Trinity and Scion. Everything else is licensed to them.
Nope! They just license Exalted.
The only White Wolf stuff they actually own are Scion and Trinity (Adventure!/Aberrant/Aeon).
And possibly Scarred Lands, if that was a White Wolf property. I think that one's a D&D setting.
>Secrets of the Covenants
>6 pages in
>"fuck" gets thrown around a whole lot because that's how you let people know they're adults while reading your fiction
>"Of course Cairo knows revolution. Fuck, they’ve been having them for millennia. That place is like a hot potato. Except instead of a potato, they throw around rulership. And instead of throwing it because it gets too hot, they typically stake the fucker and everyone supporting him."
>"Sorry to my fellow ladies for the gendered pronoun there. But Cairo’s not had a woman in charge for as long as anyone remembers, which is about fucking disgusting."
ChroD was basically stillborn from its inception, but oh lawd. Why even bother at this point?
The X20 stuff will continue until White Wolf does their 5e.
>dragging people away from the tabletop game to work on the WoD MMO
Wasn't there an MMO called 'The Secret World' that failed pretty miserably and went F2P? It seemed like it was a stripped-down WoD at the time. Is that why they canceled the WoD MMO?
Feels like these companies just try to hop on trends, but don't actually have any passion or know what they're doing about it.
>One World of Darkness
I don't mind this. As long as they don't DnD 4e style strip detail out. It would definitely be good to have unified interactions between the rules of all the different 'races' in WoD.
My concern would be if it goes "you're now a generic vampire, here's two pages on vampires, now roll your dice".
Currently OPP still has the go-ahead to keep on with the 20th anniversary editions, but the production there may quietly grind to a halt once the new editions of One World of Darkness finally come out. White Wolf doesn't want to have to compete with its own licensees, after all.
OPP currently still has the go-ahead to finish and publish any 20th anniversary book that was already approved, but it's entirely possible that those will be the last ones.
Wraith20 is apparently going to continue to be published just fine, so I don't see what the trouble with the others would be.
So Paradox let them keep all the chaff, basically.
>the edgy punk rebel group talk like immature punks and hold left-leaning beliefs
>Feels like these companies just try to hop on trends, but don't actually have any passion or know what they're doing about it.
From what I can tell, CCP pretty much just bumbled its way into hilarious success with EVE and has no idea how to do anything else; every other project they've tried has failed miserably.
>I don't mind this. As long as they don't DnD 4e style strip detail out. It would definitely be good to have unified interactions between the rules of all the different 'races' in WoD.
It's worked fine for nWoD for like 12 years now. Every splat has the same set of stats and skills and uses the same core dice system, but the powers and power levels work very differently.
I imagine the One World of Darkness will work much the same way.
>So Paradox let them keep all the chaff, basically.
Technically they bought the rights from CCP. By the time Paradox bought everything CCP had, CCP didn't have Scion or Trinity anymore - they'd already sold those to OPP.
Paradox bought and kept everything CCP had left, which basically amounts to oWoD, nWoD, and Exalted.
Because there are nuanced ways to portray this mentality without reducing your game to a sad joke, but that's less important than having your mouthpiece squeal about insipid tumblr things like pronouns, amiright?
I'll be honest: the fact that you could convince me that excerpt was from Hollow Ones or a book about Anarchs does not make me feel good. That's primo 1996 oWoD writing right there, dunno why it's in a 2016 CofD book.
That said, not looking forward to the cherry picking to support some poster's pet narrative that's going to happen with these two books over the week. Gonna reserve judgment on anything until I can read it for myself.
What are the odds that they get brought into line with the new WoD?
The Carthian Movement being a joke is nothing new. They've been a joke since VtR 1e core.
Angry young dickhead vampires with a lot of passion and no idea what they're talking about. Shitty Buffy-the-Vampire-Slayer-dialogue-style analogies that fall apart halfway through is entirely appropriate. They're pretty much a bunch of eternal angry teenagers.
Aw, that makes more sense but is way less funny than them deciding Scion and Trinity weren't worth their time.
THe section is meant to imitate a crude punk zine. If the doodle of Mr. T in the margins wasn't enough to tip you off that the Carthian bit was from a decidedly unprofessional in-universe voice, that's on you.
I'm mostly here for the crunch, and it seemed rather silly in the pre-release documents. Lancea sword and board counter-magic? I think I'll pass.
Don't defend the writers. This is literally 90's White Wolf. Don't write about young alienated radicals if you can only make them stereotypical punks.
And Big Eyes Small Mouth (the Anime RPG and Tri-Stat flagship), as it would turn out. I got curious and asked, and it tuns out they have that, too.
In fairness, it still involves CCP having decided Scion and Trinity weren't worth their time enough to let OPP buy them outright.
Probably because the fanbases for both Worlds of Darkness and for Exalted were much, much bigger than the ones for Scion or Aberrant.
The Carthians are a love letter to 90s White Wolf. They're literally a faction of vampire punks and socialists. Their faction name is in part a nod to the stereotypical Brujah of VtM.
Big Eyes, Small Mouth was a White Wolf product?
Well, both Hong Kong and Paris are ones I've used as Werewolf settings, hence why I mentioned them :)
Otherwise, places that spring to mind include somewhere like Mumbai, or maybe one of the dinky little European capitals like Bern in Switzerland.
Even so, I'd like to think Egyptian punks in 2016 would speak a little differently than something that'd come out of Damsel's mouth in Bloodlines.
>Wraith20 is apparently going to continue to be published just fine, so I don't see what the trouble with the others would be.
Wraith20 will probably get all of zero supplements, but at least it'll come out.
Maybe White Wolf will hire Dansky to do their One World of Darkness edition of Wraith after that and actually pay him enough that he doesn't have to spend years chasing Tom Clancy Ubisoft money instead of finishing the damn book.
Brussels for Demon when?
It's someone else's affiliate link. Also, why would it be shitty? Gotta make money somehow.
Though we should strip the affiliate part off if we're going to put it in the top of the thread. Though I'd assume Jakki got the links from the top of the forum, so they're presumably OPP's affiliate number.
I don't think OPP knows how Egyptian punks in 2016 talk.
Is the in-universe author of that particular section even Egyptian, or just an angry young western Tumblrette who wanted to get in on the revolution?
Can someone confirm that San Diego is in the Invictus section?
But the writer isn't Egyptian, it's the person from the New York section speaking on Egypt. We don't see a switch in authors until partway into Hanoi.
Please no, Brussels sucks. I live there.
Nigel pls
>Also no, it must be Tokyo my man, don't you know, they have a weeb that loves Japan and has to misreprsent it in every book he can.
Two of the writers live in Tokyo. That's why they do Tokyo. It's also their Crossover setting.
They will do Tokyo all the time. People who get over this will have a much better time.
I only know it as a hotbed of international espionage.
Do remember, Hill and Young are writers on this. If they're doing parody or trying to take refuge in audacity, it's unclear because this really does resemble their publicly expressed personal politics.
Yeah, but they can be so much more than that. They're not even left-wing all the time. You can do a tribute to something and still keep it from sounding like a cartoon. I know it's a cherry pick from someone that considers CofD "stillborn" and all, but still.
It's complicated. BESM used to belong to Guardians of Order. They imploded just as BESM 3e was about to come out, so White Wolf bought the rights and published it through Arthaus, their low budget line. When CCP bought them, the rights must have stayed on and now new White Wolf owns it too.
I'm aware, that's why I said I wonder who pushed for Tokyo. It's just something to poke fun at man, I don't care.
Book of Oblivion was the only supplement that mattered and it's coming with the core, so oh well.
You can't brush aside all new bad writing as being a love letter to old bad-stupid writing.
They already did Berlin. That's enough Cold War Demon.
What's it like living the Soviet Union?
I can confirm they talk about San Diego a whooooole fucking lot in the Invictus section.
Nothing like a new CofD release. Listen to all that whining that the game is too progressive. Boy, I hope someone uses wacky pronouns, then we'll really see the butthurt.
What the hell is going on in my home town?
I hope WWP is smart enough to at least let OPP make good on their kickstarter-promised supplements, yeah.
Eh, it's just like two people who brought that up. The current discussion is more "do we allow ourselves to suffer the 90s once more, even if it's ironic?"
>Cold War
Brussels has spyshenanigans going on all the time. The city was locked down last year, right?
I like the Carthians, and the 1e Carthian book actually treated them well and took them seriously. I have a bad feeling that 2e doesn't, which isn't really a surprise, seeing as how all of the covenants in Blood and Smoke were dogshit.
Not 100% sure, It's all slapped togther and clippings, but I saw something about Millitants killing 12 people and a shoot out at San Diego Citizens Union’s ranch which lead to a possible mass suicide/vampire shit. Doesn't help that more than a few pages are in Cursive and that slows me down.
Then this is the worst kind of homage to the Brujah and Anarchs imaginable. It exaggerates the worst aspects of that clan/sect, the ones nobody ever thought were good (unless maybe they were an edgy 13 year old). What's worse is that these qualities could be charming when played with correctly. This isn't charming, this is just sad.
I don't find it 90s at all. I also like the Carthians specifically because they're firebrand leftists. I get the impression that the people complaining about shit like this are doing so because a) the writers have the same political opinions, and b) the poster doesn't like those political opinions.
From what I hear Secrets of the Cevenants is shit. Like includes a Coil for diablerizing vampires for Humanity and another for taking any Supernatural merits you feel like, including those from other lines. I'm now running around with Adam Jensen the pyrokinetic vampire who also has a Demonic Form and is working for the Exarchs.
I wouldn't call Islamic terrorism spy shenanigans. And the lock down was barely noticeable when I was there.
>I like the Carthians, and the 1e Carthian book actually treated them well and took them seriously. I have a bad feeling that 2e doesn't, which isn't really a surprise, seeing as how all of the covenants in Blood and Smoke were dogshit.
I am thinking of getting the 1st ed covenant book are they that different from their 2nd counterparts?
So, would the first dot in the Crusade merit add Withstand for a vampire targeted by Awakened Magic?
>I'm now running around with Adam Jensen the pyrokinetic vampire who also has a Demonic Form and is working for the Exarchs.
oh god, thats so beautifully vampions. I am gonna squeeze every ounce of potential to this book
3300 Nice man
Ah, so it's just Heaven's Gate shenanigans? Way to be topical twenty years later.
What's the consensus on Hurt Locker?
It's crap.
Really? None of the merits are good? None of the minor templates? That sucks. You'd think with that much time spent on development and revising they'd have gotten it polished into something good.
Is that the one that lets you deflect magic?
No. It could probably let you improve your Defense vs Aimed spells, though.
Four dot Carithian Law to enforce the punishment you perform on one guy onto anyone who commits the same crime as him automatically for a year and a day. Like explicit example is executing one guy to make it so that nobody could attack the group that did the execution on penalty of death. No save or anything, just die.
"By the way, I killed a hobo for looking at me funny and took all his stuff. By spending one dot of willpower I have made it so that anyone who looks at me funny for the next year and a day dies and has all their assets given to me. Thank you very much."
>It's crap.
Why is crap?
what do you think about dogma?
Well, terrorism is a part of espionage, and I've also read a mountain of stuff about how there's a ton of Russian spying on diplomats, Chinese hacking, and both gun and diamond smuggling.
Very cool Minor Templates, if the previews are to be believed. I've heard good thing about the writing on violence in narrative as well, but I don't have the book yet.
Carthian Law and Invictus Oaths were a mistake.
>"By the way, I killed a hobo for looking at me funny and took all his stuff. By spending one dot of willpower I have made it so that anyone who looks at me funny for the next year and a day dies and has all their assets given to me. Thank you very much."
I am gonna use the shit out that.......and ban it when when i dm.
Do you think that is how a firebrand leftist writes in 2016? Does that read like anything you might hear on Chapo Trap House or anything you might read on a modern day Marxist blog or even in a modern day Marxist zine?
The politics aren't the problem, the cherry picked example was barely even political, the problem is that it reads less like a Carthian entry and more like something you'd find in a first draft of Clanbook: Brujah. It doesn't feel right for the Carthians, even if they're more explicitly leftist in this edition.
So you can kill someone for existing? And then anyone who exists dies?
>...human members of the coven---
Wait, there are humans in the circle?
Only as slaves or snacks, I wager.
Says it has to be an action. So you can't outlaw being a Gangrel, but you can outlaw being judged to be similar in appearance to a Gangrel.
It depends on the cult, like everything else about the Circle.
Might be more, 2e is all about allowing more broad inclusions into monster social circles. Take the new pack dynamics in WtF, for example, which explicitly allows humans.
There is no consensus yet, its literally just come out. People haven't finished reading it.
The Consensus is stupid and you should be playing Marauders instead of caring about it.
Is it good?
Your Herd has to come from somewhere. Get a cute little New Age cult going on and feed on the members, have most of them only participate in nonsense and clue a few potential ghouls or Embraces in on the real mojo.
nah it wasn't locked down. Just a lot more police around.
Why not? Ghouls are still human, and regular humans sure do like putting themselves in stupid danger when it comes to Vampires.
How does it not feel right?
Also for fucks sake you even admit that it's cherry picked.
Also I hang out with Carthian types