>mfw my players only want to do high fantasy and nothing else.
>mfw I'm so tired of running pathfinder.
Mfw my players only want to do high fantasy and nothing else
If you're not having fun, why are you playing?
No game is better than a bad one.
Don't run Pathfinder then. If you don't enjoy what you're doing then don't do it.
I guess because if I don't run there won't be a game and if theres no game we probably wouldn't hang out as much.
Set it in Ancient Rome or mythical greece.
Then run Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, if you like brutal violence. Or Ars Magica if you like funky magic quests. Or Burning Wheel if you like fucking terrible systems.
I jest of course, Burning Wheel probably isn't inherently bad, I just... hate it. But a fair number of people see something in it, so maybe you might like it too.
Legends of Anglerre is pretty good too, but I know a lot of people don't like FATE as a system
You do realize PF is not the only high fantasy RPG?
Run Fantasy Craft.
>play Fantasy Craft!
That's d20 high fantasy. Recommend stuff the guy won't just get bored of immediately.
user, pick a random one-page system and run it. Get your players away from high fantasy one oneshot at a time
It's still different enough to PF to be interesting, especially from the GMing perspective. Scaling NPCs is like nothing I've seen in a d20 system before. Even so, the fact that it's not a million miles away from Pathfinder isn't necessarily a bad thing. OP might not want to be jumping into completely new territory, and the players might not want to change at all.
What other things do you have in common with your friends?
Or, tell them you want to run a different game with a different genre- or heck, tell them to DM the game themselves, and explain that you're burnt out or something.
>MFW all the GM's in the area only want to play retarded shit like steampunk on niche systems that literally nobody else on the planet cares about.
>My face when I GM and they try to force that shit into my settings too
>My face when I just want comfy generic fantasy and not this tryhard "original" shit.
>tfw I GM Ryuutama exclusively
Suits my players perfectly.
Have you heard the word of our lord and savior, GURPS?
Pick a different game and run that. Don't react to them if they throw autistic tantrums.
>mfw everyone at my college plays D&D exclusively
>mfw I will probably never be able to play Shadowrun
Fuck even back in high school we mixed it up. I ran a brief AdEva campaign and some Paranoia oneshots alongside 3.5. I like D&D, I'm having running it, but I'd just really, really want to play some other stuff and it seems like no one has any interest whatsoever.
PF isn't even high fantasy. It's a horrible clusterfuck of low, high, and mythic fantasy all jammed together with no sense of consistency.
Fucking THIS.
I play DnD 5e because I want some generic comfy fantasy and I swear to fuck everyone who runs games keeps trying to turn DnD into something it's not with their ORIGINAL ideas... fuck, I just wana go on an adventure in some elf woods and fight a dragon, not play your shitty anime plot about what happens when the entire campaign is really an MMO videogame or whatever retarded shit you've come up with this week.
Yo I was thinking of running this for some dudes online using tabletop sim, any advice?
Play fucking Monsterhearts.
That'll show them. That'll show them GOOD.
Basically everything I hate about nerd culture.
'X and Y are both cool? Lets mash them together! Ninjas and Pirates and Jedi IN THE SAME UNIVERSE!!!!!!"
Ugh, this.
FUCK people who think Star Ocean is the best thing in history. I get it, I get it, you like the idea of a Matrix RPG, move on.
>Star Ocean
"Can you explain why Sword Art Online isn't the best anime in existence?"
"I don't believe you have an answer, uncultured fool."
"Shit, boring, overdone plot with no twists or turns, shit lead character who doesn't learn his lesson yet still gets his dick wet, sloppy fight animation that replaces anything actually high-level or high-speed with flashes of light, decent enough music, all the side characters are flat one-noters excluding Asuna who is reduced to waifu bait half the time to prove that the boring 'lone wolf' lead faggot is cool."
"Now fuck off with your MMO bullshit, Dave, and run me some fucking Underdark adventures because I want to be simple and just skewer some drow."
>waifu bait
Please make a statistical and emotional comparison and contrasting to the hit anime and light novel series Overlord now.
Star ocean had fucking amazing gameplay for a jrpg though.
Haven't seen/read it yet, but if it fixes at least half the shit wrong with SAO, I'll give it a passing grade.
And no, that doesn't mean I want to do your MMO world but reskinned as that series. Underdark adventure, orc invasion adventure, or demon invasion adventure, pick one, Dave.
Watch what you day about DtD
>but if it fixes at least half the shit wrong with SAO
"Don't worry, Attack on Titan has been rated 10/10, there can be nothing else better than it. SAO is doomed. Glory to modern anime."
It keeps getting sold as such, and there are enough people who believe it.
After all, anyone who really knows Pathfinder doesn't play Pathfinder.
Are you just being pedantic or are you actually defending SAO?
>Attack on Titan
I'm not even going to dignify that with a proper takedown. Instead, I will simply state the only good things from that series.
Annie's a cute and did her friendship with Eren better, making the betrayal harder hitting.
Sorry, the manga did her friendship better.
Please describe to us your sense of humor.
You can always just run a generic sword and sorcery game. But a lot of people have seen it before, so do want to try to do different things.
And then a lot of players are edgmaster weeb fujoshis, so it's all about your own personal social network.
The only good thing from that series was all his friends fucking dying because he "believed in them" and let them die.
But then strategic incompetence was the order of the day.
Hey OP, why don't you do a high fantasy Attack on Titan game? It'll satisfy your weeb constituency.
Guy shitting on SAO and AoT here, and yeah, it depends on your personal social network. If your group of tabletop players are not fulfilling your needs and trying out the new things just isn't doing it, you can pull out at any time rather than committing to another campaign with them with a mutual understanding. Just make sure that your group understands why you're leaving and that you have a mutual respect for what each of you wants to play and be willing to give other ideas a try.
Honestly, fuck the show entirely now that I think about it. Annie isn't worth dealing with the rest of it. Also, yeah, for as 'cool' as the military is in that universe, it's pretty shitty in actual combat.
>for as 'cool' as the military is in that universe
I liked the style of the OMDs.
But I kept rolling my eyes back with "what is glider fuckfaces?" and "I see you have no scouts on the wall again, good for you".
Glad to see someone else understands my problem with that shit.
We're out there. You've just got to get through the demoralizing hordes of fanboys.
For me, some plot holes just ruin a show. And this one didn't help with its constantly restating the same emotional drama every five episodes to give the illusion of character development. The dense fuckers even spent episodes failing to figure out they were luring it into a trap in the forest.