Guys wake up! The population bubble is about pop!
Sell now and buy the dip at 1.5bln
Guys wake up! The population bubble is about pop!
Sell now and buy the dip at 1.5bln
Damn I knew I should have went all in in 1927
Remeber the bear-market between 1939 and 1945?
You're not far off. Global birth rates are falling dramatically. Some populations are falling already, like Japan.
You are and idiot, the devs are introducing new features like space travel so there is plenty of space to grow. No bubble
nice just aborted 100k
As you recall this only affected "man" stock dramatically, "woman" was largely unaffected. Great hedging device desu
Is "woman" still something you could invest in?
It's under good development with insane tech.
ssstoor of valjuu
Nice just sold 100k
>didn't buy pajeets at ICO
we fucking warned you user
looks like an S curve
They need to take in a bunch of africans right away or else they'll go bankrupt.
-Doctor Schlomo Shekelstein.
Mfw all in by 1865
nah it's overvalued right now, wait for a correction and buy the dip
We are a developing technology as well
>sell now
Reported for promoting slavery
MFW I bought 2 pizza's for 10.000 back in '09
>not investing in poland 1939-1945
Also MF when I started mining in 1602
Went all in
Best thread on biz right now.
Congrats on this. Seriously
>you fuckers didnt get in at 1700
>mfw im already in lamboland
Lurkers approve of this thread. Congrats.
*1st world countries
Guys if were at it when will they fix Middle East? Its bugged beyond comprehension.
My country national news just made a report on ICBM renewal operation. Get ready for flash crash idiots.
Third world country birth rates are dropping too.