>What'cha playing?
>Doing FNM/Some other event this week?
>If you could play any deck, what would it be?
>What deck do you hate playing against the most?
/mtg/ Modern Thread
>What'cha playing?
Grixis Delver at the moment, would be playing Control subbing Ancestrals for Vendilion Clique, Murderous Cut and 2x Pia and Kiran Nalaar but funds are a little low right now and I don't think I can get away with only 3 snaps and 2 kommands and no spirebluffs.
>Doing FNM/Some other event this week?
Hopefully, I haven't been able to in a long time thanks to uni and the like
>If you could play any deck, what would it be?
Splinter Twin
>What deck do you hate playing against the most?
Tron and Merfolk
>Tron and Merfolk
Nothing shrifles my dick like Merfolk. Literally the only deck I have absolutely no fun playing against.
People who don't play merfolk always feel this way. To you it's just brain dead aggro right? You have no business losing to it and god forbid it takes a competent pilot
Bit of projecting going on here mate. What I don't like about Merfolk is the how much value they can accrue off a one mana artifact and the cavern of souls, both of which in conjunction turn off my counterspells, I'm not calling for a ban or calling it brain dead, I just don't like how hard it is to interact with using my deck of choice, which is my fault if anything.
>Play a deck where if you're not playing blue they completely turn your mana base off on turn 1/2
>All their creatures have flash and can't be countered
>Plays like a linear aggro deck but just because it's blue people feel it takes more skill than other linear aggro decks
Deck isn't fun to play against. It's either a boring win or a frustrating loss.
Stay bad lmao
in this days nothing of nothing but wondering about possibility to build an aggro deck with lupine prototype, dangerous wager/one with nothing and many others 0 and phyrexian mana cards....
>Implying I don't beat the deck most times I play it
Never said I was bad, just that it's not fun to play.
That's retarded. Prototype isn't even an outstanding creature
You don't have to say your bad. Those pants on head green texts tell it all
>decks with not outstanding creatures in the inside are retarded
>What'cha playing?
2 Drop Gruul
>Doing FNM/Some other event this week?
Yes, FNM.
>If you could play any deck, what would it be?
RW Tribal Angels you never said it had to be viable
>What deck do you hate playing against the most?
WU Flash. The very fact that this deck exists in the standard environment is proof that R&D needs to get their shit together.
You're fucking retarded. Your deck idea is shit. Lupine prototype is shit. Your grasp on the English language is shit.
whoooo m8, 2 rude 4 me
>2 drop Gruul
Got a list? I'm fiending to play some good ol' aggro
>Go on Cockatrice
>Play Burn, the cheapest tier one deck in a game where the cards are free
>Shit on bad playtester's trying out their brews by using suboptimal hands and minimal skill
Feels good.
Gruul Fast Die Hard
4 Ambush Viper
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Fervor
4 Flinthoof Boar
4 Goblin Wardriver
4 Kird Ape
4 Rip-Clan Crasher
4 Tattermunge Maniac
4 Young Wolf
12 Mountain
12 Forest
4 Skarrgan Pit-Skulk
4 Tin Street Hooligan
Where da goyf?
Literally too slow also too expensive for me .
At least you are not copypasting legacy general
>>What'cha playing?
Angel moon
>>Doing FNM/Some other event this week?
>>If you could play any deck, what would it be?
Lantern control
>>What deck do you hate playing against the most?
Any deck that Beats me
Seriously no bolt?
I'm a stubborn budget player who refuses to pay more then 99 cents per card.
>No Taylor swiftspear
>No bolt
>No atarka command
This is competitive, not casual
That look kitchen table as fuck
>This is competitive, not casual
Of course it is, no one is saying it isn't. You have every right to play expensive cards, just as I have every right to play cheap ones. As long as I don't go all "You just won because you spent more $$$ on stupid card games"-salt, who cares that I run a budget deck?
I'm open to suggestions within my stated budget.