
Yo, I'm running a D&D-esque post apocalypse game and I need some help coming up with ideas for enemies, NPCs, weapons, etc... Any creative people out there willing to lend a hand?

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Can you give us a little more information about the setting?

How about you telling us at least the basics of the setting, you lazy ass. My telepathy is a bit rusty, I can't read your mind.
Also what do you have this far?

Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches attacking a caravan of Lettuce.

fucking terrifying, 9/10

A lazy storyteller wants the PCs to do his job for him, but he refuses to specify what he actually wants.

>D&D-esque post apocalypse

Post apocalypse, but what caused it is really undefined. Mutants are running the relay around this town where the five survivors (my players) wake up. There is a guy named Reig-hide who's running a survivor settlement (junktown) nearby, and they're hostile towards people and mutants alike. There will be a few mystical elements to this adventure, but not many.

So D&D but low fantasy and infested with mutants? How are you going to balance not having access to magic?

So if it's generic Mad Max, what's "D&D-esque" supposed to mean?

Playstyle. Dice, stats, etc...

Orcs in Road Warrior style assless chaps.


Holy Christ. You sir, are a mad genius.

Ah, so you call all RPGs "D&D"? That's both needlessly confusing and kinda obnoxious. If you're this bad at using words, maybe you shouldn't be DM.

Might have to do that.

So are you using standard races/classes/tech level, etc? If you are, how are you going to balance the lack of magic?

Pardon user, but could you get me a Coke. Lemme think for a sec, oh yeah, I'd like a Dr. Pepper Coke.

You gotta tell us stuff like technology level, magic level, social level, etc.

Are we talking X-Men mutants or fucking ratlings? Do they have shotguns or Fallout pew pew lasers?

It uses the same playstyle. Parties, dice, stats, character sheets, etc... it's just a more modern take.

Honestly, you don't seem to be ready to colour outside the lines. Maybe you should start with pre-made, published adventures if you're this green. It's a good way to get used to it.

>Parties, dice, stats, character sheets, etc....
You have just described EVERY RPG

Here you go OP, enjoy.

Closer to fallout ghouls, yaoi gui, death claws, and supermutant behemoth type creatures. They're disfigured, irradiated, and very few are actually intelligent

So what system are you using?

The vast majority of all RPGs have stats and parties, so that's a very confusing way to put it. Are you trying to say you're using D&D rules?

>Parties, dice, stats, character sheets
"I'm not saying every RPG is DnD, just that every RPG is DnD".
It's hard to talk to you.

Alright, so we're talking Fallout stuff then.

Don't forget to have a roswell crashed UFO that got some aliens hybridized with the local mutants.

Look up stuff like SCP and Creepypastas, throw em in. A few "get out of here stalkers", you'll be fine.

Not entirely sure. Me and my dad used to play first edition D&D so I'm using the elements I remember from that with some crap I made up on the fly. It's not very technical, I'm mostly just looking for ideas for creatures and characters.

So why not use the Fallout setting? Would save you a lot of work.

>SCP and Creepypastas
Please, don't make this even worse. This thread is dumb enough as it is.

I may thumb through the SCP database here in a bit. That's a pretty cool idea, thanks man.

You really shouldn't be using those rules. For one, they're about 40 years old, and sort of counterintuitive and unbalanced. It's also not really balanced for post apocalyptic campaigns. There's a bunch of free RPG systems you could use, and looks pretty good. I'd recommend that.

Alright, I'm catching a lot of flak here for using "D&D" to describe it. I apologize, I'm sixteen and I got into small role-playing tabletops about two months ago. I'm pretty new to this.


Literally underaged. Mooods.

I've downloaded the PDF and will consider using it later.

What? He can enroll his players in the russian sleep experiment.

That'll give them enough cliche power to muscle through most fallout stuff.

He can also just watch the X-Files for a bit if he likes, or read episode summaries. TV Tropes it up. The works.

No problem, it was just a little confusing. Although if you ever want to run a postapocalypitic campaign using the D&D ruleset, google "Dark Sun."

Pretty sure that's only for NSFW boards. Besides, who in the Hell cares?

Don't worry, we all knew you were a child. You really shouldn't be here, Veeky Forums is for man-children, not actual children.

You're brave. We like our boys, here. Supple and naive.

All of Veeky Forums is 18+. And people who don't want kids asking stupid questions care.

>TV Tropes

What's with all the underage tonight?

Half the people in my Study Hall browse /b/. Veeky Forums is basically just a time killer for us.

He could be lying anyway. Not much point in pushing it. He's already seen too much to turn back as it is.


Nope. The Board Fun Police made sure creative people don't like coming here.

Honestly, I'm just glad there's a reason to report this terrible thread.

I'm pretty sure that at least 20% of the people on here are under 18.

Who cares about him taking damage? I'm just annoyed by him being too dumb to understand anything said to him.

>there should be more stupid children and sexual deviants writing furry porn here

What he meant to say, but didn't know how, was that he's looking for an aberration monster bestiary. And to a lesser extent, the stock characters of Six String Samurai.

>The only fun allowed is what I say is fun
I find it incredibly amusing that you admit Veeky Forums was more creative with them present than Veeky Forums is now.

I'm new to tabletop gaming. Do you guys want to help or not?

These days, people take more damage in their memorization and recitation brainwashing colleges.

His main problem was believe he should mention age in the thread. It attracts what they call "shitposting". Best to remain on topic.

Main advice to him is to be sagely, demure, and provide extensive detail when asking questions.

OP before you are gone forever check out this PDF, it's the most basic rules for a really good RPG called Savage Worlds. It's *great* for post apocalypse, in fact I am using it to run one right now.

Alternatively, you could keep the 1st ed D&D, and do it a little like this:

(cont in next post)

Do you have an idea for the kind of campaign you want to run?

Sandbox style, epic story with badguy at the end, episodic shorts like Left4Dead?


Seriously though.

Mix of sandbox and epic story. I've just started working on it tonight, so the entirety of the run is still malleable. It's set in modern times, and I'm still trying to figure out how far I want to go with tech, monsters, magic, etc...

Nope, because you're a little prick.

Hell yes, I completely forgot that. Thanks man!

Then what's the point of being here? Are you just trolling or do you actually have a point?

So OP you could do 1st ed D&D but I would not suggest using half those rules.

If you want to do the normal 3d6 stats that's fine.

Have everyone start with a d10 of hit points, plus Con mod. and you die at 0 hp so it's wicked fucking lethal. Rifles and shotguns deal a d10 and pistols deal a d8, hand weapons deal d4 (dagger) to d6 (one handed) to d8 (two handed) plus any strength modifier. Or if you wanted it less lethal you could have characters start with like 3d8 hit points instead of 1d10. Then just make up some monsters and have fun. You can use the same combat system and shit. really, that's all you need for an RPG. Roleplaying? Just talk for fuck's sake, and give extra leeway to that dude with 15 Charisma. If you really need to do an ability check just do d20 + ability score versus 20. That should work fine. Seriously, though, Jump checks? Use Rope checks? Craft checks? Fuck that, let them pick 2 or 3 skills as shit they can do. Stabilize dying people, climbing, driving, fuck, I don't know.

I've run really good campaigns in Savage Worlds for post-apoc and other things and I find I end up ignoring half the rules anyway.

Advice two: Ignoring them often annoys them more than replying. They are trying to bait you into flooding your own thread with argument. Learn well the signs of the baiting.

Well there's always low-magic ritual stuff like Unknown Armies that we don't see a lot of in post-apoc.
Ex. Masterless Man adherents sacrificing items of personal value to enact fate-twisting stuff.

Sounds pretty good, but I still need creature/character/weapon ideas. I don't suppose you have anything there, do you?


And there was that one show, 'the room' or something, about some common everyday objects being 'artifacts' with a certain power. Like a comb that gives you temporary mindreading if you brush your hair with it.

Main thing with GMing is being creative and understanding the world well. Be able to describe how the world reacts to what they players do. Prepare a bunch of cool art and possible things they can encounter, etc.

If you're doing something more dark, Beksinski is a good post-apoc artist.

Thanks man. I know the basics, make a nice dynamic environment, be adaptable to the players and their actions, and don't be afraid to improvise. My main problem is that I've just kinda hit the wall when it comes to creating the world. I have a setting, layout, and some general ideas, but coming up with the monsters and such has me at an impasse.

Hmm. Well if you have the D&D rulebook, you can adapt some creatures from there.

Skeletons become bone-mutants, etc. Then the stat work is done for you.

Rogue Trader and 40krp in general also has good 'industrial wasteland' style enemies, as per 40k setting.

Members of a cult that have come across a black pool filled with a highly mutagenic substance. During initiation, cult members are cut with a knife dipped in substance. The less human the members become, the higher in the hierarchy they rise. What they do not realize is that the substance slowly robs them of higher brain function, leaving them twisted mutants, and the only one that has been able to resist the mental rot is the cult's founder, a possibly immortal being known as Ezekiel.

Great ideas man. I may have to dig up a monster manual after a bit. But yeah, thanks.

Fantastic stuff. I'll have to write these fellas in.

Substance is ferrofluidic.

Can be fired by exaggerated hand gestures like a coilgun. Longish cooldown.

Non-infected devoted servants claim to offer a healing and care service, hostel, etc. They really believe they're doing good.

Honestly, if you want fucking horrifying mutants, Dark Souls is your series

I've played DS1 and DS3. They did have some great stuff.

Enemies: Slavers, Evil mayor, basically borrow all the guys from fallout, if you are already borrowing from fallout
NPCs: Moira brown, robot butler, a dog, guy trying to make water free, a guy who runs a casino, a mutant that wants to waifu some human but needs the characters help, offers massive reward
Weapons: Shishkebab, Rail tie launcher, Supersoaker filled with piss(acid piss), maybe the npc dog gives infinite ammo for the piss gun?

Eduard Van Helsing
A heavily accented man dressed in strange attire that claims to be descended from Abraham Van Helsing himself. While his methodology and weapons are archaic, his aptitude for slaying monsters is impressive.

Main issue I'd say he's going to run into is the mechanics.

Actually statting creatures, making the encounters the appropriate toughness.

Have you considered the social aspect? (In game and out.) What sort of background will the player characters have?
How 'forgiving' will your players be? Do you know what kind of character they like to play?

It's a group of close friends from school. I've seen the stuff they do in-game and in real life, so setting up encounters and such shouldn't be much of a problem.

A girl of maybe 19 riding a brown horse with a protrusion of bone jutting out of it's head. She claims to be "Titania, Queen of Faries." Her horse, supposedly a "fair and noble Pegasus", is really just a foul-tempered horse with an unfortunate mutation. It is true that mutants seem to fear her presence, though.

May adapt this one a bit, but I love the overall idea.

Hmm...could make this a "Looney" NPC.

I actually don't like this 'wry stuff'. It tends to come off as too obvious.

But mutant virus resurrecting dna of historical figures is always a possibility.

I don't usually take characters straight at face value, I like to take the concept and toy with it.

Oh, well in that case, don't forget to include Yuno Gasai, and sick her on a poor unfortunate player of your choice.

Yuno Gasai?

A man who managed to save himself from the apocalypse by transferring his consciousness into a massive bank of computers deep under the ground. He waits, deep beneath the ground in a sprawling labyrinth of computers now known as the Necropolis, going quietly and irrevocably insane.

You've not been introduced to proper weebism then?

She's the quintessential power-yandere from Mirai Nikki. Obsessively in love with her target, will protect them from ANYTHING, including and especially themselves.

Mirai Nikki might be good inspiration for a wasteland story, actually:
The characters get diaries that tell them the future, as if they had been there to write it.
Yuno's diary of course gives her 10 minute interval updates on the object of her adoration, because she stalks the crap out of him.

Hoohoo...Here's something to play with.

I dunno man, I'm terrible with romance/creep storytelling.

So is Mirai Nikki.

It's true, Yukki's an idiot.

But on the other hand, villains/pseudoallies other than 'meglomaniac' or 'insane' are pretty essential. Could always throw an Esdeath or Naraku in there.

Or have some Legend of the Galactic Heros dual-faction no-badguys fights. It's Veeky Forums, may as well give weeb examples.

Heh. So I'm guessing that it's not a good anime?

I've fot a few archetypes that I usually run with.

Oh no, it's one of the most popular animes in history. Number 9/thousands on MAL (even though they're tarts).

It's just that Yukki's real dumb. At least until he fucking snaps on his enemies at the end.

Have you added the insane justice crusader yet? Players aren't living up to his morality standards, send the agents.

Or the misconceiving ruler? Believes all pigs must be eradicated because they they're 'unclean'. Doesn't care if people starve.

I have similar people, yeah.

Where's the deranged firestarter and assorted psychic children kept in an experimentation daycare?!

Or the pits of sentient green moss? Yeah, that's all.

I'll take it into consideration.