Stat us Veeky Forums
Stat us Veeky Forums
Suspiciously attractively drawn/10
Ride 16, Climb 18, Bow 14, Higher purpose 3 (slay giants), Destiny (to die horribly)/ Ride 12, Bow 15, Sword! 18, Destiny (to become the hero of time), Ally (Navi), dependent (Navi), Magery 0
Wanderer would be a grappler considering the way he can climb all over the colossi. So something like:
Link would be a fighter or maybe a ranger who invested heavily in magic items. Middling but good scores all around.
Use any number of stats for link you can find on google. Link stat me threads are unnesicery!
"Into the drowning pit"/10
Elf-bone earrings queued.
"Frequently requesting their horse"/10
I just looked this up, but I had 100% always thought Wander & Link were voiced by the same guy, but they are in fact not ONLY not voiced by the same person:
-Wander is voiced by Kenji Nojima whom is a literally every anime voice kind of actor
-Link has been voiced by about 8 different people over the years with 3 of them being women (for toon/child link).
I think Wander would have decent Wis, and Cha wouldnt be a dump-stat for Link.
STR 15
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 13
STR 14
DEX 15
CON 12
WIS 10
CHA 13
>>I think Wander would have decent Wis
>Elder death god that has been sealed away since the beginning of history tells you to break his seal
>Sure, OK, I trust you.
That doesn't seem like a high wis thing to do.
Link's fighting come from his equipment
Master sword (longsword +2)
1d12, when your HP is at its maximum value each attack you make generates an additional ranged magic attack (+5 to hit, 1d10 force)
Tempered sword (longsword +3)
1d12, when your HP is at its maximum value each attack you make generates an additional ranged magic attack (+5 to hit, 1d10 force)
Golden sword (longsword +4)
1d12, when your HP is at its maximum value each attack you make generates an additional ranged magic attack (+5 to hit, 1d10 force)
mirror shield (shield +2)
whenever an enemy makes a failed ranged attack spell against you, you may choose that opponent as the target of the spell
2d6 fire + 2d6 bludgeoning within a 30ft radius
power glove
wielder gains +5 strength for the purposes of carrying
titan mitt
wielder gains +8 strength for the purposes of carrying
blue mail (mail armor +2)
red mail (mail armor +3)
you may make a ranged attack against a creature or object or a suitable wall within 30ft
on a successful hit against a target smaller than you, it is immediately retracted until it 5ft in front of you
if it is larger, then you are immediately dragged towards the target until the chain is completely retracted
silver arrows
when a fiend that has been hit by a silver arrow reduced to 0hp, it is permanently destroyed and cannot have its health restored except by a divine being
pegasus boots
you gain an additional 10ft of movement when dashing
as an action, you may move up to your maximum speed and dash, moving through any space occupied by an enemy, you make may one attack against each enemy whose space you move through
fire rod(10 charges)
ranged attack spell
2d10 fire, sets the target on fire
ice rod
2d10cold, reduces targets speed by 10ft, can freeze exposed water
magic hammer (maul +3)
2d6, heavy
always hits for maximum damage against brittle or crystal objects
as an action, can drive medium object with no foundation straight into the ground
>Sword! 18
Link definitely has a wildcard skill of some kind, but it seems to apply to any piece of equipment he gets his hands on. Doesn't matter if it's a weapon, tool, or spell, he just instantly learns how to use whatever he picks up.
I don't know how to model that offhand, but I'm sure it's quite a few points.
Good point.
Warrior Hero! could work as a catchall. Or just regular discrete skills but with Wild Talent + Retention, and whenever he picks up a new weapon or tool he just spends a kept CP or whatever to instantly/permanently learn the required skill for his fancy new gear/horse/whatever, which is an easy and inexpensive way of doing it.
Would pay for porn/10
If I had to state their gay sex:
Wander is the top, but shorter than Link.
Link is the bottom, but noticeably taller than Wander.
A possible height difference of 5ft6 (wander) and 6ft (link)
Link is more hung than Wander in terms of length- by no more than 2 inches, but they have equal girth.
Neither of them are circumcised.
Wander is a Virgin.
Link is woooaah- hoo boy, Link is very much not a Virgin at all. Wooowweee gosh, dang, boy howdy.
WIS doesnt factor into that decision, he already decided to forego the fate of the world for the love of his life when he entered the Forbidden Lands. He knew exactly what he was doing.
You're wrong, actually. I can't source it, but there is a place in TP where you can see Link's height in cm and it comes out to something like 5'6".
Also, I'm not sure how tall Wander is because I've never played Shadow of the Colossus, but Link is definitely the top. I agree on all other counts.
Delicious shota dicks
>wander smaller than link
I dunno buddy, given that he up and decided to fight the colossi for his dead girlfriend Wander has genitals of comparable size to his prey. Also link is apparently 5'3" going 5'4" based on Lakeside Lab's diving scale.
To be fair, it's pretty clearly established that Dormin is neutral at worst. They flat out tell Wander "yo, this thing you're doing isn't the best idea. And if you follow through with it, you're going to get like...REALLY fucked up."
And it's generally accepted that the "save your love" angle was made up by marketers. The general consensus is that Wander was the one who killed Mono at the behest of Emon, which made him begin questioning his tribe's teachings. That's how he came to find out about Dormin and the Forbidden Land and all the other stuff
BBEG and PC respectively
sauce on the spoilered part? because it seemed fairly obvious in the game that he brought her there to res her, esp at the end when he reaches out for her before he dies. He also looks at her like he's telling himself that its all worth it, in between slaying colossi. He's very much aware of what he's doing, and it wouldnt make any sense for him to do what he does, especially when he knows it will kill him, if his purpose was just seeded in a little doubt.
>That fucking spoiler
Is Wander actually any good with a sword? I don't remember him actually needing to sword fight anything, it was mostly climbing and stabbing at the magic circle. Also I much prefer him and Mono to Link and Zelda.
>Is Wander actually any good with a sword?
Not at fucking all. He's completely and utterly hopeless with a sword: he doesn't know how to hold one, run with one, and when he does actually use it he swings it around like a fucking club.
Wander is only using that sword because it's the macguffin that he specifically needs to kill the colossi.
Wander is an AMAZING archer- I'd say he's better at archery than even Link, but he has zero experience with a sword.
which makes it even more unlikely that he is the assassin this guy assumes:
he was probably a hunter in his tribe, before he entered the Forbidden Lands.
Not sure about that Wander being smaller than Link but I like the rest. Moar.
they're probably comparable in height, but the rest seems reasonable.
I peg Wander as the shorter one (and maybe even Younger at low as 16 or 17 compared to Links 19 or even 25) since in his games he's just so fucking diminutive: swords huge, horse is huge, birds are huge, etc.. I KNOW that's an aesthetic choice, but I stand by my height difference.
As for the contention about who's on top and why:
Don't get me wrong when I said Link was a "bottom" I didn't mean he'd be submissive. Far from it; I firmly believe Link is a very aggressive, dominant, kind of sexual partner, but when it comes to Men that translates into him being a power bottom. Link would ride Wander's dick cow'boy' position hard and put him away wet. Bareback.
But that's just a theory, a "gay theory".
thats a story Id like to read.
Wander would be a very sympathetic BBEG, probably have Link doubt himself at every turn. Pretty sure Link would do anything to save Zelda, same as Wander for Mono.
I dunno. Wander always seems to look early/mid-twenties to me, while 'adult' Link is actually only 15. Young Link is 8.
>Game in which you play as Link and Wander is the BBEG
>Link is a slut
Get off ma property, we won't have none of your shenaingans around here.
Has Link ever fought something on the level of a colossus? I can't recall him doing so
Throughout his iterations Link has fought dragons, krakens, giant parasites, giant spiders, giant birds, apes, avatars of darkness, and the manifestation of all evil.
I forgot some stuff.
>AMAZING archer
Holy shit that's an understatement. He can stand facing backwards on the saddle of a galloping horse while putting an arrow into the eye of a constantly moving sand snake.
Links a good archer, but Wander is in a whole other league.
when you think about it, Wander is actually a perfect Ranger. Dextrously strong and endurance out the ass, perfect control over his animal companion, pin-point precision with a bow, can survive in the Forbidden Lands living off salamanders and the rare piece of fruit.
Yeah. Link is closer to a Bard. Uses all variety of weapons to a degree of usefulness, can use magical rods as well as cast spells, and is often very skilled with musical instruments.
Favored Enemy (Colossus)
Link (from the end of Ocarina of Time) Human, Hylian : Size medium, acoustic alignment detection (whether they tend towards Power, Wisdom, Courage, or are forsaken by the Goddesses) B3 A3 W2 G3 S1 | Courage 3 160 hp, 44 mp, and 16 sp (that's 20 hearts reinforced with magic to 160 hp, 12 mp base and about 32 from the faeries, and 16 base sp)
Melee(B,A,W): 4 | Heavy(B): 1 | Ranged(A): 3 | Shields(G): 3 | Spellcraft(S): 0 | Instruments(W): 2 | Tools(B,A,S): 3 | Athletics(B,A,G): 3 | Riding(S): 2 | Stealth(A): 1 | Perception(W): 1 | Survival(W,S): 1 | Lore(S): 0 | Composure(G): 1 |
Items : Master Sword (medium, 5/4H + 1H vs evil [narrative magic]), Mirror Shield (medium, 1/2H DR, Reversal for 0 mp against magical attacks), Goron Tunic (1/4H DR, 0 encumberance, half environmental damage), Fairy Bow (1H, medium), Ocarina of Time (weightless instrument), and the rest of his equipment.
Techniques : Jump Attack (2 sp), Spin Attack (5 sp), Forward Thrust (2 sp), Great Spin Attack (5 sp)
The only part of that Link can't do is stand up while doing it.
Bard is close, but Link is difficult to class in D&D's system. He's more of a frontliner than a Bard would be, and is bigger on blasting and utility magic than support. Link is like giving a Bard most of the Fighter's abilities and access to a couple of Evocation spells along with all the magic items.
Small dude riding on top of big guy while thrusting with his sword.
I don't get it.