Was Elric the original anime and also the original shonen?
Was Elric the original anime and also the original shonen?
Yes. Now fuck off.
But both anime and shonen predate Elric.
No, but he was the original edgy superpowered bishounen
shounen = boy
bishounen= prettyboy
>original edgy superpowered bishounen
Don't mind me, best demigod coming through.
Cuchulainn didn't constantly whine and mope and question his life choices and the state of the world
he doesn't count
>Was Elric the original anime
lol XD it's fantasy so it's funny when I say it's a cartoon from japan!
Shounen's a demographic, not a genre you fucking retard.
Another definitive feature of Elric that carried over in every Mary Sue animu edgelord is the fact that he's a freak, but still handsome.
He was a pretty boy demigod who wrecked all the shit and turned into a horrible Akira-tier rage monster.
I think he counts as the OG bishounen.
OP meant "bishounen"
Isn't it a bit too dark for that?
Then OP's pic was unrelated, because bishounen refers to a prettyboy, not gruff mcbigbrows. It's also still wrong because that's clearly a man at least in his mid-20s.
there's way darker stuff even just in WSJ.
Yes but no. Super-powered handsome dudes who are so badass they wreck everyone are frequent, but they aren't edgy the same way Elric is.
Elric himself is largely based on a pulps villain called Count Zenith who already had byronian romantic overtones, but he was still cool and calm.
Elric on the other hand is a complete wreck who can't go two days without going on teenager-level inner monologues about life and philosophy and freedom and stuff.
So, to sum up, Elric is the original chuuni power fantasy, as opposed to power fantasies in general.
and chuuni power fantasies are always as much about pathos as they are about being badass.
Brom can't into prettyboy
Elric is constantly described as a total twink
Isn't the whole point of Elric being anti-Conan? Instead of a cool powerful barbarian who defeats wicked sorcerers and never questions himself, he's a product of a decadent, evil culture and a lanklet who makes mistake after mistake.
Yes, but his main appeal isn't "not being like Conan", his appeal is being a romanticized version of how teenagers perceive themselves.
Actually, the first user is right. Elric was designed to be a protagonist similar to the enemies Conan fights.
You sound pretty triggered desu
Wouldnť it be funnier if Elric was okay if bit unsure of himself and it was the sword who was edgy chuuni faggot?
probably yes
>irish rapist
Popeye came first.
This is exactly correct. Elric is about making one of the weirdos Conan kills into a sympathetic protagonist.
Although interestingly, he's usually pretty chummy with tough barbarian types, rather than them being his arch enemies. He usually fights other wizards and weird extra-dimensional monsters.
Sometimes, timelines need to be respected.
Are Elric books good?
Came here to mention Cu, but I don't think he's all that edgy. Aside from what was considered normal at the time.
How do you even pronounce cuchulain? Could someone vocaroo it or something? Celt languages are weird as fuck.
I pronounce it kuh-HOO-len, but you're supposed to pronounce the ch with a throaty wretching sound the way chutzpah is pronounced
>the way chutzpah
Do you expect me to know how that shit is pronounced when I can't pronnounce Cuchulain? Is it like a spanish J or something?
It's pronounced KEK-you-lane
I learned how on Google translate. There is voice option for Celtic.
Coo Cullen
Usually in Irish when you have multiple vowels in a row you just pronounce the last one, but it becomes flatter.
Letters with a fada like ú have a hard sound and are always pronounced individually.
And "ch" is just a "c" sound with more gargling.