I normally see the democratic republic has the good guys in a lot of stories. How would you make one has the villains of a military campaign?
I normally see the democratic republic has the good guys in a lot of stories...
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> I normally see the democratic republic has the good guys in a lot of stories. How would you make one has the villains of a military campaign?
Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
They're warring on others for the usual reasons. They want their land, want their resources, etc.
Democratic warmongers are still warmongers.
>I normally see the democratic republic has the good guys in a lot of stories. How would you make one has the villains of a military campaign?
just make them a literal carbon copy of america
>le america is evil meme
eurocuck plz go
Not an argument.
Not that user, but the problem isn't that "America is evul!!!11". The problem is that America is unapologetically self-righteous.
You put the players on the other side of it.
>when you sell drugs to your negroes so you can afford blackops money to hire mercs that will kill south american farmers because they want universal healthcare
american ball jpg
>but what if we are the bad guys, Muller?
>I mean, we even have skulls as the part of our uniform.
"I try not to think about it, Schmidt."
go away, cuck.
>not just righteous
without America you would still be in middle ages.
why should we care about literal monkeys?
OP. Just talk to this guy.
Does this answer your question, OP?
If you want to see more of this OP, just swing by /pol/, preferably while drunk.
Look, I'm Canadian. Americans may have done a lot of bad, but they genuinely try to do good. I can't even really speak good of my country because of the residential schools and the fact that Canadians executed POWs back during WW2. I mean sure, Americans generally act like they have their head up their ass, but at the same time that bullheadedness and the sense they can take on the world and win is admirable.
>genuinely to to do good
right, kill children and women while bombing schools and hospitals is totes good
I always wish the gif went just a little further to the part where the other guy goes "nein we're not!". Such a good show though.
>How would you make one has the villains of a military campaign?
A democracy is the dictatorship of the majority (something both the initial American and French revolutionairies acknowledged, but an opinion that has become controversial in the modern day). If the masses want to prostitute the nation for their own benefit, its leaders have no choice but to give them what they want. If the masses want the country to ruin foreign lands to keep their comfortable lifestyles afloat, its leaders have no choice but to obey them.
Remember that a republic is only as virtuous as its citizens (Montesquieu, Franklin, Jefferson, Rousseau et al.).
Pic related: the face of a dying nation.
That's why I said 'try', not succeed. Every country that has a sizeable population has something that's wrong with them. China harvests the organs of political prisoners, Russia recently had a campaign of destroying any 'American made' food product instead of you know, feeding the hungry with it instead. Hell, India still believes in witches.
WTF? Dying nation? Since when?
>harvests the organs of political prisoners
Literally did nothing wrong.
Depends on what the political prisoners are there for. Knowing China it's probably just disagreeing with the government.
The problem with "democratic" nations is that they are either not actually democratic, or the populace is easily influenced by those in power.
However, you cannot make a "democratic" or "authoritarian" country the villain, because conflicts are rarely about what governmental system they use (contrary to what the prevailing "muh freedom and democracy" narratives would like you to believe).
Instead, make the conflict about resources, influence or culture.
>country is running out of X/the rising prices of X threaten to topple the economy of the aggressor
>some new and revolutionary resource/technology is discovered, the aggressor wants it
>the politicians and rulers of the aggressor country have a shaky powerbase, distract the populace with war
>defending country is a weaker but rising power, threatening to eclipse the aggressor in a decade or two
>defending country has taken a radical and innovative change (regardless or whether or not it's actually better) socially, economically or politically, aggressors want to preserve the status quo
Some of these conflicts are better resolved with proxy wars, assasination (of character or otherwise) or sabotage, so it's up to you what exactly happens, OP.
TL;DR: "democratic", "totalitarian" and "authoritarian" labels have nothing to do with who can be the villain.
Better solution, don't have villians, just people with conflicts of interest.
But if you really want a good one, take the Nazi view of the Wiemar Republic. It was a disastrous system filled with cucks and manipulating jews.
This is bait, right?
Make it the US and you're done.
>Germany passes Japan to have world's lowest birth rate
>Angela Merkel admits she lost control of refugee crisis in Germany
yet at the same time...
>Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted on Wednesday that Germany's record refugee influx last year had not led to a surge in violent crime, amid a rash of headline-grabbing cases.
>Germany springs to action over hate speech against migrants [on social media]
Leading to
>Majority of Germans don't blame Merkel's refugee policy for recent terror attacks: poll
and of course
Merkel's CDU-Socialdemocrat coalition headed for a fourth term.
Germany truly is a democracy gone wrong, a villain to its own population. Due to social/legal failure to incentivise childbirth it is supplanting its own population, making them foreigners in their own country, and effectively suppressing dissent (fun fact: did you know that after the New Years ... events... it took almost a week for mainstream media to start reporting on it? Due to pressure on social media (with said presure becoming illegal in the future))?
Suppression of the people by the people and for the people, that's what a democracy can be and that's how democracies can be villainous. And something tells me this is just the beginning, that in the coming decades we will see shit get kuh-rayzee.
51st state please. Also there really isn't anything wrong with executing PoWs.
Murrica is batshit evil since ww2 at least, since the Spanish - murrican war the earliest.
Once a country drinks the nationalism cool aid that is bound to happen until it gets a smack down. Sadly murrica sits in a unassailable position and has enough WMDs to kill mankind several times. So the smack down is not going to happen anytime soon.
You described the evil boogyman the landed nobility saw in democracy.
The joke is that the rich fags do prostitute the state for their own benefit. Not the masses.
Really last time that yanks weren't complete assholes was during Korean War and even then it is mostly because Norks are Imperial Japan 2.0 but now with communism and in Korea.
>The joke is that the rich fags do prostitute the state for their own benefit. Not the masses.
Tell me, who votes for them? Who votes for the people who prostitute the nation? I'm not saying the rich are by definition virtuous, I'm just saying that if the masses were virtuous those who prostitute the nation would never be in power.
A democracy is only as virtuous as its voters, and most voters are degenerate as fuck (if you allow me to borrow a term from /pol/).
America doesn't try to do good. Like all nations, it is ultimately self-interested.
You're buying into propaganda if you believe any of America's wars have ever been fought because it was the right thing to do. Wars that are legitimately fought because one person saw the suffering of others and managed to rally their entire country against this are ridiculously rare throughout history.
The refugee stuff of merkel was just her polishing her image. Days before she burned our moral capital of the whole post war time by raping greece.
There's no plan to raise birth rates.
It's more of a divide et impera. Fucked poor fags now have even more fucked immigrant fags to look down to. If they do so they get antagonised by those who can not stand racism bullshit. Thus both groups do not unite against the people ruining the country: the rich and their neoliberal lapdogs.
It rather fucked at the moment here in Germany. But the tactic stated above seems to work. People rather vote for the even more neoliberal Afd instead of the not even remotely neoliberal Linke.
It's like 1933 all over.
Killing a third of the Philippines population after the Spanish - murrican war was a fine start.
You vote based on the information you have.
Who owns the news? There you go.
If you spin stuff around you can even make ayn rand sound reasonable.
This coming from the self-righteous European.
>someone actually made this image unironically
Make it a democracy secretly controlled by some sort of shadowy oligarchy. Throw in some conspiracy theories or bits of them about the American/Western World governments and corporations that don't involve lizard people (why is this such a common trope?) and there you go.
I suppose you think the soviet union was fantastic then? And would rather we just sat back and let them do as they please?
This shit is why I voted trump. Duck the eu, fuck foreign aid, most importantly: fuck .
Why don't you kill yourself before achmed does.
>Who owns the news? There you go.
True, but not only are the people not in outrage of this but they actively vote for more government control for the media. They vote for more government control over everything because it's more "convenient".
Most people don't give a fuck about liberties or a proper separation of power or how their rulers are legitimized, they care about bread and games. I'm pretty fucking sure that with enough spindoctors, totalitarian leaders could get elected. And they CAN, just look at Germany in 1933: the people actively voted away their own liberties because that Hitler guy was such a charming fellow. Sure, he wanted total war of the kind the world had never seen before, but he said it with such gusto!
As if America isn't guilty of many of those same things. Just look at the constant ridicule of the nation that allowed them to exist in the first place, for example.
Britain's politicians are currently discussing how exactly to shoot the country in the head so as to cause minimum damage, because the majority decided they want to shoot themselves.
The situation is like some sort of grim comedy at this point. Every plan they have entails gaining nothing and losing a great deal, with the poor communities that voted out being the ones who'll feel the burn the most, but they're all too afraid to come out and say this is a retarded thing to do.
>Democracy is alwayz gud guyz, unless it's corrupt
OP why don't you look into the dark enlightenment, they are plenty good at demonizing democracy.
>Go into Vietnam to subvert their democracy
>Go into Iraq under false pretenses of WMD's
>Go into Libya and kill the only man keeping a lid on tribal warfare and religious fanaticism
Take your fucking pick.
This recent thing against ISIS isn't even black and white; Daesh are just as much a response to US imperialism as they are an expression of fundamentalist Islamic values.
And remember - a story doesn't actually need a good guy.
If your gonna go and make a claim like that, you back it up with a source.
That whole muh soviets point would work so much better if it wasn't for the small fact that it was Americans who sold half of Europe to them. Also
>implying that falklands are argentinian
I said nothing of the sort you bridge-dweller.
Blatantly base the republic on the USA. Everyone outside America will automatically see they're the bad guys unless you put some bomber towelheads on the other side of the conflict.
I never claimed that america was perfect. I don't think america is perfect. Yeah, we fuck up. All nations do. You guys just sit over there and act like your shit doesn't smell, and it pisses me off.
Wait, wait, wait.
There are people who us ironically believe America is a force for good in the world?
If you guys aren't trolling, lol, just lol.
Lets be honest here, there is nothing wrong with a non-European country voluntary leaving EU.
>someone is unhappy to see factual information presented in a medium their small brain can understand, because it makes them uncomfortable.
>There are people who us ironically believe America is a force for good in the world?
Yes, most of them live in the US of A.
nationalism is helluva drug
Well, there you have a point. Even as a Eurofag some of the smugness towards America pisses me off. Luckily for you (not so much for us), Trump will demand all NATO members pay their dues: either 2% of the military budget goes to the army (only France and Britain does that, my country barely hits 1%) or you can say goodbye to America's protection.
You know jack shit about international relations or international politics. Speaking as an international relations major there is no nation that is a force for "good" in the world, but america is a force for stability. Same damn thing. Your just parroting the hate like it makes you smart or informed.
Last time I checked corpses have rights, very limited rights, but they're there
It's also an unspoken code tha,t barring crimes against humanity, you are forgiven of your crimes in life once your dead
Yay, more /pol/shit.
>factual information
>uk trying to protect its territorial integrity is treated as a sign of evil european imperialism
Nazis also genuinely tried to be good. And the brits. And the romans. Even the muslims.
You're just too close to the USA to see there's no difference, since their good is your good.
Holy shit, i met a reasonable Eurofag. Gotta mark this day down so i can celebrate it in the future.
>america is a force for stability
yeah, just look at how stable and democratic the middle east is after all that American intervention :^)
>thread almost immediately devolves into shitty polishits thread
Someone nuke it already.
We're just gearing up to kill our political classes.
Politicians, bankers, famous idiots with more money than sense.
All of them - we'll kill them, and their families and eat their flesh and drink their blood.
And put their hands and heads and feet and quartered bodies on pikes atop Traitor's Gate.
Then we can start over, until next house cleaning.
No EU, No Global Elites.
Death to Global Capitalism, and death to NWO.
We all know this is exactly what op meant to happen. I mean come on, he asked about evil democracies with a picture of the american flag and a bald eagle. I'm just amazed it didn't get going from post one.
>itt: americans get triggered
Yep. It's true. you know what else though
>Itt: Europeans reveal their ignorance and hypocrisy
I would agree with you, but the election of Trump was such a repudiation of our decadent elite. I wouldn't have believed it possible a year ago.
You guys act like being proud of where you live makes you a sheeple.
There's nothing morally wrong with it.
It will however have dire consequences for the country's economic status, and, by all current projections, will worsen all the things the out voters were convinced it would fix. Brexit is going to destroy poor communities and actually worsen the services they were tricked into thinking it would improve.
Easy. Self-righteous mercantilists intent on imposing their way of life on everyone who have a deeply flawed electoral system destroy old orders and don't care about the damage they've caused to vast regions of the world. Driven by ideology or greed, they keep voting for people who say they're the greatest and who reward with with the most bread and circuses.
Don't celebrate just yet, Trump isn't even in office and he's already starting to re-evaluate his stance on The Wall and Clinton's imprisonment. For all we know, in four years he'll have become a cozy part of the elite and the swamp will remain as undrained as ever.
On top of that, let's not forget that Clinton (yes, miss "I don't know how to handle classified emails", miss "takes money from the same people as ISIS" and miss "I want a nuclear war with Russia") won the popular vote.
This thread is like 80% percent Eurocucks taking any excuse they can get to shit on America.
>miss "takes money from the same people as ISIS"
Politicians having 69 with Saudis is business as usual.
This narrative again.
>you mean like how he was never supposed to be president?
She lost the popular vote if you take out demographic fixing and illegal/fraudulent ballots.
She won the popular vote by racking up the vote in CA and NY (in CA a large part due to lax voter registration that doesn't prevent illegals from voting).
And the "Trump is cucking!" meme is just the latest spin by the media to discredit him and discourage his supporters. He's absolutely going to build the wall, but Clinton's imprisonment is something that was always up for negotiation (at least until he becomes dictator and has the old political class executed).
yes because clearly the logical choice was to go to war with them as soon as Germany fell and perpetuate world war two. The fact that they ever existed in the first place and had significant power is entirely our fault. It's not like the soviet union existed before the end of ww2 and its not like they already had troops occupying those areas. Clearly its all our fault.
>illegal/fraudulent ballots
Oh, so you got proof of that, then? Hard proof.
Post'm then, I'd love to see this.
Delete this shit O.P /pol/ needs to shut the fuck up on other boards.
>And the "Trump is cucking!" meme is just the latest spin by the media to discredit him and discourage his supporters.
Entirely possible (we all know the media is far from neutral) but I'd still prefer waiting for a few months before declaring Trump to be the rebuking of the decadent elites. Still, I'd lie if I said Trump's victory didn't pleasantly surprise him. Let's hope we can see the same thing repeating in France a few months from now (though Le Pen will have it harder now that the established right actually has a half-decent candidate).
Hey buddy, the bridge is comfy af.
It was the idea that framing it as a corrupted democracy rather than exploring the legitimate faults of democracy.
OP, just make Quagmire the predident of the republic and you got it.
You do realize the website this board is hosted on right?
Seriously if you weren't expecting this, or can't handle the bantz, go back.
Waiting doesn't trigger shitlibs though.
Literally just something Trump said on twitter to distract people from other news.
Be less gullible.
Not evil, interventionist with a tendency to put dictator in power. That could work as an antagonist in a campaign.
No, our views on subjects are just as legitimate as anyone else's. If you want somewhere without pol go to reddit or tumblr or facebook or some shit.
Starship Troopers
Are fucking retarded? What was veritas about then?
There is nothing saying a democratic republic has to vote for good things.
Make one of the evil guys have this system, they'll just vote for the most/least evil solution.
Drow/Orc congress votes on whether or not to genocide High Elves, or Wood Elves, etc.
>killing POWs is evil
Gygax would like to have a word with you
Well, americans are benefited or at least not actively harmed by everything the USA does. And remember this board (most on Veeky Forums really) is really america-centric, which is logic since this is an american website.
There's nothing morally wrong with it, but complex issues were boiled down to another daily mail campaign, another few white lies getting pushed by both sides, i see papers extolling how british export is going to skyrocket without mentioning the fact that free trade extends to goods as well as people.
While I'm not him, I mostly share his opinions yet I think America is perfect for an evil democracy.
The whole "protection" thing is not actually a good thing. Mobsters also protect those they're extorting. Our european elites are to blame as much if not more than the USA itself for it, but we and the whole West are basically american satelites and this is objectively a bad thing.
If Trump proves to be an actual ilationist, I may change my bad opinions on the USA.
Corruption, easy
Have the good, non-democratic, side being lead by "not-Lord Vetinari" and the villainous democratic side lead by a council of the rich and corrupt leading a country caught in the stranglehold of pride.
The voting public of the democratic republic should be stuck in their own little bubbles of self-certainty. Raging against anyone within the system who tells them that shit is going south and putting anybody who tells them that they're perfect just the way they are on a pedestal, thereby perpetuating the cycle of violence that has lead this nation to become the main antagonists of your campaign
What was wrong was all the main pro-brexit politician letting other people deal with the shit they created.
It's pretty sad how Farage and Johnson pussied out and didn't became prime minister.
By this I mean that apparently there's or there has been a notion amongst the inhabitants of the USA that their nation should babysit/police the entire world and that the majority of the world actually agrees. This comes with the perception that the rest of the world is hypocrite, because they want the USA to act but they also complain about how they do it. But that's just false since nobody except a few comfy bankers wants the USA to do shit outside american borders.