"Magic is cheating!"

What would be a good counter-argument?

A fireball

>Pick up your weapon and fight, coward!
>"Sir, I'm an untrained peasant with a sharpened stick and you have plate armor!"
>LOL git gud scrub

Magic missile.

nuh huh

"Yes, and?"

It's what a wizard would say.


You're the one who insisted on playing D&D.

Sounds like someone is throwing a bitch-fit. Seriously, how can you say that magic is cheating when the entire game system is built with magic use in mind? After all, martials do have options that allow them to counter magicians. Anyone that says otherwise is being ridiculous.
Also, git gud, scrub. XD

If you're not cheating, you don't want to win hard enough.

Or this desu.

>We're not playing 3.x
99% of the time, that should work.

Magic is just technology too complicated for you to understand, you swine! *throws plasma at his face*

"You need rules to be able to cheat. there are no rules for fighting"

"Life Isn't Fair, why should I be?"

Bitch I just watched you jump across a football field and plant a spear in somebody's face

I'm a skinny nerd with a book.

Fuck you, Hold Person.

To cheat, one must break laws.
Magic obeys the laws of nature here. ( it's highh fantasy, with common magic)

Basically this, if you use technology to fight you would be massive hypocrite to say that magic is cheating because it's technology just like smithing armor and weapons.

"That's the point."

Arcanum makes this interesting because in that game magic actually breaks natural laws and thus would be pretty much cheating. Ironically it really is like cheating in the game itself too because technology (natural laws) users are massively disadvantaged compared to mages that can teleport and spam spells faster than machine gun featured in the game.

Cheating? You want to tell me about cheating?! I saw you fudge 6 of the last 5 dice you rolled! I don't even know how that's possible!

>using a weapon is cheating
>knowing martial arts is cheating
>being better than me at something is cheating

You have devoted yourself to the study of a sword; I have devoted myself to the study of a spell. Were I to have devoted myself to the horse or the spear or the longbow you would be no less disadvantaged here.

Do not complain of the enemy's strength because you have allowed him the high ground. Take the advantage for yourself! Show me what you can do! Teach one who lives by the book what it means to live by the sword!

It is not a wizard's job to break the rules.

It is the wizard's job to make them.

Somehow, no one has yet posted the exchange from Long Live The Queen.

Ain't that a shame.

>It's only cheating if both sides don't have brains the size of peanuts. Maybe you should've spent less time in the gym and more time in the library fighter-boy.

Then you summon a waifu-tier succubus and fuck her in front of him while stroking your magnificent beard.


Doesn't this choice actually lock you into one of the many bad ends?

"Go play Yu-Gi-Oh then."


Magical realm, eh? I've heard worse.


Praise be magic. This is why I play clerics

>"Says the man who the GODS THEMSELVES bend over backwards to help out of a jam! I've had to make deals with ELEMENTALS! I can't even get a DEMONIC pact, for crying out loud!"

>t. low-tier warlock, in response to a paladin claiming magic is cheating

That's how you respond, senpai.

"Git gud fagget"

Then I cast fist.

How is it cheating if you worked for it? Maybe if you made some kind of unholy pact for power it could be cheating, but putting your efforts towards learning magic instead of physical combat doesn't make you a cheater. You have no one but yourself to blame if you go around picking fights with mages without being prepared to counter magic.

false dichotomy, my dude

done in one

This will forever and always be my answer to settings where magic is super powerful- animu fighting becomes the norm.

Some men are born stronger than others, is cheating for the stronger man to best the weaker man because he was born better?

then science is cheating.
cause there the same item.

It's not cheating if the DM let's me do it!

>All's fair in love and war.

>Only losers fight fair.


>using STR as a dump stat, even as a wizard
Fisticuffs it is then faggot

What a cunt, complaining about cheating just so you can fight an unarmed, unarmored old man with your sword and platemail.
I'll keep lobbing magic missiles, then when he's unconscious I'll shit in his backpack.

So that means that Khorne not having psykers (except Gore Mages)/sorcerers is because he doesn't hate them as something cowardly, but because he isn't good enough to have perfectly functioning psykers/sorcerers?

We never established that magic was against the rules beforehand. If you want to ban magic that's fine, you'll just have to do it next time.

Fuck you garrosh apologist

That aspect of khorne is probably brought about by mortal fighters having that exact same attitude because they're Buttmad that 20 burly dudes can be BTFO by a nerd with some books and a stick. It's mentioned that it seems khorne is foolish for ignoring such a potent weapon, for he could easily couse bloodshed with magic. He just hates it, and his contempt manifests as magical resistance as his way of gittin Gud


Why is Burns always so right?

>Oooh, so Mother Nature needs a favor?! Well maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys! Nature started the fight for survival, and now she wants to quit because she’s losing. Well I say ‘hard cheese.’


Though at least he lets the Gore Mages summon daemons and turn Blood Pact dudes into wolf-like daemonhosts.

>Maybe you're just shit at checkers, Dave!

Came to say this.

"So's your wife."

Disintegrate, or any number of save-or-die spells.

>no one is forcing you to play D&D

Lina, pls. Don't be so flat-out predictable.
