Hey Veeky Forums why isn't there a Mass Effect styled video game based around 40k like this short video. I think it would be pretty sick t b h
Hey Veeky Forums why isn't there a Mass Effect styled video game based around 40k like this short video...
forgot to post the video
>"Thank Khaine you are here, Mon'keigh! These Necrons are destroying our craft world!"
>Dialogue Options:
"I should leave." [PURGE THE XENO]
Exactly, it would be a breath of fresh air for rpgs in the narrative department. There's so much room for stories to be told desu
Well if you were only selling it to the core 40k fanbase you would be right. What if they expanded beyond that though?
I think rogue trader could be easily adapted into succesfull space RPG that would sell to those not familiar with setting because it's based on basic principles of exploration. There would be also lots of potential for choices and consequences since rogue traders are relatively free to do their stuff.
Because like their settings, GW games are mostly awful
rogue trader would make an excellent mass effect style game, as it would have room for interactions with dem aliums as well as the opportunity to purge xenos
Don't want to hijack the thread but can we take a moment to appreciate how AMAZING the video is.
discluding the voice acting
Pic related, the video inspired me to make my own baby's first inquisition squad.
Yeah, that's why I posted the video, I wanted to share it with you fa/tg/uys.
I thought you would appreciate it.
I hadn't really thought about rogue trader, I'm not all that familiar with it. A focus on the inquisition would be pretty dope though
The "Purge all xenos, heretics, mutants, etc." attitude would not do much to endear the game to a mass market audience- it's easily the "renegade" option, and not many like the renegade option.
However, (and I can't believe I am saying this) the 40k universe, by virtue of grimdark, can encourage more nuanced role play. Paragon path and choose not to exterminatus? Good job, you've got another Daemon World. Choose not to purge Tau sympathizers? Good job, the Tau have a foothold on the populace. And being too "paragon" or "renegade" could cause the Inquisition to get suspicious of your loyalties. Exterminatus a planet for minor rebellion? You might get Assassins sent after you.
In short, it makes a "good" and an "evil" player have to think before acting rather doing the first thing that seems good and evil.
Only if you're given the option to worship Chaos (any god you want) BEFORE the endgame. Seriously, I'm tired of always being some loyalist cur.
Puritan and Radical options.
And for added fun, make the Puritan (purgekillclean) path blue, and the Radical( I guess I can let ONE Tau live...) red.
That would be pretty good, but you know the people who play 40k would all know what to pick and the people who don't would complain about getting punished for "doing the right thing". Although, after reading that one Mary Sue article I think some 40k players would complain too.
Also fun idea.
>players start getting the hang of it and how things works
>quest about a visiting troupe of harlequins putting on a play outside the capital
>player purges xenos
>their exact face 45 minutes later
the guy making it said it's going to be a much longer, film-length feature. he's an animator and composer so the visuals and SFX are spot on, but he has to outsource the voices so they are pretty ass.
The thing is though that almost all the xenos are genuinely awful, and the Imperium of man is pretty inclusive to almost all human culture. I'm sure writers could find room to include the nuances involved with Imperium propaganda though
I don't think you could carry over the ME morality dichotomy of Paragon vs. Renegade. It would more like Radicals vs. Puritans, but you get the idea
If it's openly stated that doing the right thing could get you killed, I think not many players would mind.
But it would be even more fun if it operated on the Ciaphas Cain end of the grimdark spectrum instead of the Horus Heresy end. It leaves enough room for genuine heroism while still making it clear that hating the xeno and heretic is the norm.
... It would be awesome if you could get Amberly Vail as a party member, wouldn't it?
That's not even the renegade option. In Mass Effect, playing Paragon meant Shephard was a boyscout. Playing Renegade meant you were an anti-hero/jerk with a heart of gold/sarcastic bombast or somewhere in that range.
I realize the Imperium gets a lot of love here on Veeky Forums but any game that puts the player in the role of Inquisitor is going to have to bend lore pretty seriously to prove "this person is good at heart."
After giving it some consideration a few key issues come to mind;
Firstly, how would the sheer scale of the setting of be expressed in the context of a playable sandbox rpg which offers room for true variety in playable locales and plot lines and for character development. By this I mean that warp travel would be cumbersome to include in the game in such a fashion without cutting out some other component; it would make more sense to make the game more linear in some fashion to work around this. Sure webway travel would in some measure remedy this but it would not be infallible and raises other key issues and limits design.
Secondly, how true to the established setting would the game stick to? In Mass effect there is a multitude of races and characters one can potentially recruit. Perhaps this would not be the case depending on stylistic choices by the developer and perhaps choices made by the player; a radical inquisitor might make use of xenos and mutant auxiliaries.
Lastly there would be some difficulty on choosing where and when to cast the game. One would assume that including a breadth of races and settings would be more, it would be difficult to winnow out the best possible time and place.
Can you really judge inquisitors for not being "morally" good by our standards though?
Really they are between a rock and a hard place with decisions beyond their ability to work through are thrust upon them.
I think it would be far better to play as a chaos character instead. Much more freedom to do what ever you want, more variety in characters, have it set at the edge of the eye of terror so all sorts of weird shit can happen.
>any game that puts the player in the role of Inquisitor is going to have to bend lore pretty seriously to prove "this person is good at heart."
I would counter that by saying that many Inquisitors are good at heart. The things they are forced to do are done of out a deep sense of duty, devotion, and love to the Imperium and humanity at large. The decisions they make are brutal, but they need to be made.
Well there could be a corruption arc if you were so interested. I think playing an exclusively chaos character would be limiting in the context of a sci-fi sandbox rpg.
That isn't to say that wouldn't be interesting, but could you imagine the uproar at such a game being made, it would certainly be heavily censored.
Why isn't their a 4 person objective based FPS that lets you play as either a Callidus, Eversor, Vindicare, or Culexus assassin?
Why isn't there an online FPS that let's you play as guardsman?
Why is there no Space Marine musou?
Why has no one come out with a third person stealth game that has you acting as a Vindicare or Callidus?
Why did nobody thing to make a a Wipeout style, high speed racer that takes place in Commoragh?
For what purpose has no one designed a L.A. Noire style game that has you take on the role of an Inquisitor?
Why is there no sim management game that has you play as a planetary governor?
To be honest I fantasize about a tough as nails hardcore "you gonna die" multiplayer co op FPS where you play as a guardsman
>Why did nobody thing to make a a Wipeout style, high speed racer that takes place in Commoragh?
>Not Gorka Morka
I'm dissapointed in you little runt
None wants to touch muslim piece of shit.
The fuck you on about?
Because in Mass Effect they actually think non-humans have value. Its a fucking sick tumblr fag-fest and 40k shouldn't be diluted even an iota by it
Speaking as a /po/ack myself I don't see the connection between Mass Effect and muslims. None of the characters in any of their games are muslim as far as I can tell. Is it because Bioware are a bunch of canadian nu-male cucks and so you're assuming they are pro-muslim? Even then, Bioware has been more about the the gay and tranny agenda and has never done anything to push the muslim invasion of Europe.
The character creation for a ME style game with inquisitors could begin with the player being a henchman in another inquisitors warband just like in mass effect.
You'd choose if you're an assassin, ecclesiarch, psyker, techpriest, crusader etc. and build your character from there just like in mass effect.
Then you'd find out about an ancient evil but nobody believes your warning, so you go and recruit your own warband, either chosing to take some xenos/mutants/demon(host)s with you or flipping them the bird just like in mass effect.
Imagine a freeboota as your garrus.
Euro here. Which invasion?
Ah /pol/ being useful idiots again.
But user, the most important question is do we get to bang some sweet Xeno pussy just like in mass effect
Heretic, xenos are all to be killed, never worked with
Why would you want a Freeboota anyway? Humans are vastly superior
That's why I said you can flip them the bird, just like in me 1.
Alenko, Vega and Taylor are the most based crewmates anyways. That, and Jack ist best girl
There shouldn't be an option to do anything but purge them, or if that option exists you should instantly be purged for choosing it
How is inquisitor related to mudslimes?
Muslims make up about 5% on average of european states population. They must be working with Abaddon on that horrible Invasion, I can't eyplain it otherwise. I mean, the right wing talks about invasions and population swaps (Is that the right word?) for decades now. Without much of a result. B-but it will come for sure you guys!!!11!1!!1#111#
Don't feed the /pol/luters.
>Purging xenos, mutants, and herectics as a loyal Imperial servant
>Renegade option
Fuck off, /pol/ is right about everything but that's not what I wanted discuss
fuck off you milksop nimby cunts
Do facts trigger you that hard? Very sorry then.
Because the Imperium played straight are capital F fascists. That said, Tyranny made playing an evil character in an evil empire work, but that's much more of a niche market.
The only one triggered here is you desu
fa/tg/uys can't wait get rid of dumb fucks like
I could totally imagine an unlucky guy who's been sent around by the clusterfuck of the administratum for years because of his recaff machine.
And tim is a good example for how radical thinking paves the road to heresy
Xenophilia aside, mass effect can give some solid inspiration for 40k
>A (parody) game about a glorious Führer and his ebin military wank attracts idiots who fail to see the parody part
No shit Sherlock, did you find that out on your own or did you find this article via youtube university?
You're missing the point there, you're a massive faggot just like the author.
of course you would relate to him
More proof /Pol/ fags need to be fucked over so they can't cause derails in other boards threads.
>After a ridiculously long series of bureaucratic battles and needless voyages through the warp from planet to planet up to Mars itself, you acquire the recaff machine that got broken.
>Go back to your planet.
>Your boss tells you it's not the same model and he doesn't like the recaff it does.
>Go back to Mars again and ask what the fuck is up.
>Old recaff machine was an ancient model.
>You gotta go look for the lost STC if you want the same model.
I think reddit will be more your speed friendo
Would play.
There were commissars wearing straight up SS Uniforms and everything was a/is a cult towards one super awesome and infallible leader, but the glorious Imperium is bound for selfdestruction because of its retarded dogmas and rules. How hard do I have to smack you over the head with it? GW wasn't exactly subtle about it.
The commissars is a jab at Stalinist Russia you abosolute mong
The closest thing you'll get to nazi references are the steel legions on Armageddon
you cucks will project your hitler fanfics everywhere I swear, you must be even more retarded than the author of the article himself
also nice tumbler pic senpai :-)
To be fair, a Rogue Trader storyline would work well, as there are plenty of alien sympathising ones out there, as long as they keep that hidden from the inquisition. Or set it before the Heresy and that issue won't even exist
I'm sorry but "FUCK DA SAND NIGGERS!" derails are not exactly a positive.
Polfags should stay in /Pol/ and stop shitting up the other boards.
Just make it about an Inquistorial Interrogator. His master goes missing while investigating a sector on the brink of all out war as the Tau press to expand, Orks gather for a Waagh, perfidious Eldar manipulate from the sidelines and Chaos lurks in the shadows.
Your morality scale is between Puritan and Radical, which determines the allies and party members you can have, the equipment you can use, and the powers you gain. On the Puritan high end you get blessed gear, a Sister of Battle ally, heavy Imperial support etc
On the radical end you get xenotech, sorcerous powers, and even a bound daemonhost companion
Lots of grey area between, no right or wrong choices, only consequences. The only party members assured to stay with you/not try to kill you is your loyal Tech Savant, a grizzled veteran guardsman who served your master, and his Sanctioned Pysker
By being a young inquisitor you get around any players lack of setting knowledge (lots of things are secret or need-to-know in the Imperium), and provide them the freedom and authority to move around/do heretical shit.
Alternatively, make it about a young Rogue Trader who just unexpectedly inherited his writ of trade. Could have any background imaginable, and you can do effectively the same shit.
That wasn't me lmao
It strikes me more likely as another interest group false flagging.
/pol/yps have got more important things to do than shitposting on Veeky Forums man
>Rogue Trader is now Tumblr
>The SS didn't run around with long, black and skull adorned uniforms
Could it be that your parents are siblings? There is no way someone can be as retarded otherwise.
Fuck off summer fag, you can't even read filenames. go back to whatever shithole you climbed out of. You are not welcome
No xenotech, that is the domain of heretics and must be purged
>getting triggered by a filename
wew lad
>desperately wanting approval this much
>/pol/yps have got more important things to do than shitposting on Veeky Forums man
I just fucking said you could choose to be RADICAL didn't I? What part of "Inquisitor turned loose" did you not get? Inquisitors can do whatever the fuck they want in pursuit of their goals. As Eisenhorn showed us, this is rarely without consequences and often causes in fighting - but it IS within their power and authority.
Anyway, as for the game, you could have retinue members ascribing to the basic classes, and expand into different subclasses based on your choices. Or some party members (such as a Sister Hospitalier waifu who can heal and burn people) may be locked out because of your Puritan/Radical scale. A more Puritain inquisitor could have a Heirophant or Sister Hospitaler companion, and upgrade their Warrior into a Crusader. A more Radical inquistor could recruit a Kroot mercenary or Eldar Harlequinn, and turn their Mystic into a Daemonhost
The hard part would be making melee combat work
You're more than welcome to donate your money to jew stein and go and protest if it bothers you that much, im sure you will achieve something meaningful
Just make combat like Space Marine, add in ME style weapon upgrades/customization, and make some armor types or upgrades that are geared towards melee.
All radical inquisitors must be killed for diluting the God Emperor's vision by consort with abominations
I just like to oy a bit with a retard who thinks pol isn't the cancer of the internets asscrack. And he gets extremly assblasted about it.
Confront him with facts? Nuh-uh, you retarded! All 40k is just fascists anyway which is good!
Those fascists are here because they dont see/mind the leader cult... .No you are retarded, Imperium isn't Nazi!
Yes, they were. Here is some proof.
Reeeeeeeee Tumblr reeeeeeeeee
Next thing you'll see is him calling me a nigger/jew/muslim/cuck.
you wrote all that user...
and none of it proves that GW intended the imperium of man to a 1 to 1 representation of nazi germany
do you see racist frogs under you bed at night?
Not really. Do you see the ebil jewish man hiding under your bed?
what the flying fuck?
No, I foresee him in the gas chambers along with untersmensch like you
Focus guys, its the non-humans we need to send to the gas chambers along with their players
Alright, but only if you start. :)
You're not my kin, you're not part of my society. Fucking creep.
The fuck is this? If you aren't going to spread some good HFY stop posting already
I like her, but she wouldn't fit my style.
I'd like an option for radical inquisitors to eventually see the error of their ways and execute their loyalist companions who refuse to join their newfound crusade against the corpse god of Terra. FOR CHAOS!
The thing is, there's another dichotomy that has to be addressed. The Chaos vs. Xenos one. Since Chaos is generally portrayed as being literal evil, and Xenos are generally portrayed as being not evil enough to justify the massive purges against them. Most people would be relatively Puritan while dealing with Chaos and Radical while dealing with Xenos.
What sort of benefits would you get for rejecting Chaos but allowing xenotech? What sorts of benefits would you get the other way around?
>Mass Effect styled video game
Could be adapted very easily by playing as tau.
That way you can have a diverse alien races cast that can be your allies or your foes... and you can fuck them.
And the parangon/renegade choices fit better that way.
> Eldar game is something like Mark of the Ninja
>Xenos not evil enough to justify massive purges
Kill yourself
This shit is literally why there will never be a proper video game like that.
All this shit is the exact reason, and you have no one to blame but the 'fans'.
Ah, the "Fallout 4" approach to choices
And that would be the end of the game. Even if you are victorious, going radical gets you executed for heresy/you fleeing into some sort of exile
can't i just get one thread that doesn't devolve into this?
If the overly sensitive cucks didn't get triggered so hard and absolutely have to constantly respond to them it wouln't be such a problem. It takes two to tango, DON'T FEED THE TROLLS.
They just got a fucking orange billionaire celebrity elected president, they're operating on a whole other level now. How many presidents have you got elected Veeky Forums? Yeah, didn't think so.
He's not a native, just another numale cuck desu
>Most people would be relatively Puritan while dealing with Chaos and Radical while dealing with Xenos.
Yeah, if most people were FUCKING HERETICS!
Xenos are assholes remember? Orks are a bunch of violent psychos, eldar literally don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves and the tau are just a younger version of the imperium with slightly better public relations. They're not the fucking good guys, they're just a different kind of evil. I won't even touch the fucking necrons or tyranids, only xenos you could broadly describe as good (or more accurately neutral) are the kroot who are just mercenaries who'll work for anyone, which is fairly tolerant by 40k standards.
Yes. Xenos are assholes. But most people wouldn't say no to exchanging soulstones for prisoners or using Tau plasma rifles. Or, for that matter, calling a temporary truce so Chaos doesn't kill everybody.
Everyone in 40k is an asshole. Even the people you don't think are assholes in 40k are assholes.
I actually hated the aesthetic he created for Terra, and what was with all the sudden ballons and shit everywhere? Hover tech is veyr much an established part of the lore and the only thing I can think of concerning balloons is some goofy squat design and spore mines. Also music was trash. and Atmosphere was far too bright