So our cute Eldar Farseer Taldeer got turned into a husky voiced angry ghost machine
So our cute Eldar Farseer Taldeer got turned into a husky voiced angry ghost machine
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Because she fucking died on Kronus and her spirit stone was rescued from Kyras.
So macha can finally live out her fantasies.
I more pissed half the Blood Ravens are MIA
Because love does not bloom on a battlefield.
When does the game come out, I thought it wasn't for a few months.
Where is all this new information coming from?
Well, it makes sense. The chapter ought to be in a massive turmoil, even after Kyrars was defeated.
They did WHAT to TALDEER?
No! NO!
Game's double-garbage now.
now she can put add-ons onto her chassis for extra fun
See that giant ass robot to the far right?
That's Taldeer. Center Farseer is Macha
You have video of new taldeer?
But Macha was shit compared to Taldeer.
And now they are rubbing your face in that shit.
Are you gonna stand for that?
This means Ronahn is the pilot?
So she can job at space marines some more.
God fucking damn am I sick of them derpy motherfuckers. They're pretty close to reason number one I could never get into the setting; they're just so goddamn stupid.
you hear ronahn's voice.
LIVVI better start getting in that fucking robot now.
Wait, I thought Taldeer was the one who was inside the machine. Why is Ronahn's voice there then?
Nah, Taldeer and LIVVI's daughter will pilot it
Because hes the pilot, wraithknights are powered by the spirit stone and piloted by the twin of the spirit stone. Its Evangelion except with twins instead of mothers.
No no noooo. What I meant by that LIVVI should REALLY get inside his robot waifu... If you know what I mean.
Veeky Forums will scream and punch when space marines do sick backflips in terminator armor, but making Eldar moe is a-ok. Bunch of hypocrites.
Taldeer is Ulthwe and Macha is Ball-Tan. Why is Taldeer with a Ball-Tan host?
Furthermore, Taldeer specializes in hunting Necrons while Macha is anti-Chaos.
Did Reloc rape their own fluff?
Me doing it right?
>cute Eldar
You know it to be true!
These are just humans in disguise. There is no way that they could all have the same face.
theres nothing cute about a filthy knife ear. It will be a great day in imperial history when they finally die out.
Because Eldar are evil and should all die. Simple. For finding Eldar cute you'll be purged.
Oh! Oh! And let me guess?
Y'all say space elves drawn by Yang Zhey are all 'sameface!' and 'sameface artist!'
But the moment Yang's SoB art is shown, y'all be like:
>"Oooohhh such pretty and beautiful and pretty girls and space nuns with white hair!"
No, I disagree.
Well they all do have the same face. But it IS a pretty face. [masturbation intensifies]
The same faces will be criticized no matter what, but it's worse on an alien species that shouldn't look like a human + pointy ears.
Like I said, fucking hypocrites. Jerks!
Also I say post more them space elf waifus!
Sorry, I don't get the joke you're telling user.
I'm beginning to believe they're all the same (poorly skilled) Callidus assassin. Who was taking her photos? That remains to be seen.
The Sororitas actually are the prettiest though. Sorry.
You know that there is now an excuse for some serious rule 34 on Wraithknights now.
LIVVI dicking Taldeer, no matter what form she's in.
So serious question, does LIVVI join the Eldar and fight with them? How does he get along with Rohnahn?
What would the Eldar think of the half-breed?
>space elf waifus!
This is the cancer that kills the Eldar.
No user, lcb is not canon, only machas face kitty marks
Why do you think they hate humans so much? They're all pyschic and they can hear us wanting to fuck them. Like Pyscho Mantis
How do those have anything to do with each other?
>They're all pyschic and they can hear us wanting to fuck them
they did a lot of fucking each other too if their old lore is still around, so it is probably more about xenophobia than sex.
>eww this filthy alien male primate wants to fuck me gross fire the s6 guns until it is gone!
>mmm that handsome striking scorpion thinks I'm hot we should totally bang
>this filthy alien male primate
But many Eldar have a slob fetish.
despite humans possessing superior technology, eldar view humans as being of lesser intelligence. An eldar laying with a human would be like sticking it in an animal. Most find the very thought repulsive. This might be made worse when they find out that humans do not find eldar to be as revolting.
>despite humans possessing superior technology
They do tho. Larger penises as well.
Now I know that you are baiting.
Nope. Dark Age of Technology. Those space elves got whoopdt.
Do eldar have Self Aware ships that can turn back time because they don't want to shoot at a target twice?
Sorry user, but the "larger penises" gave you away, be more subtle next time. This will be my last (You).
He doesn't realize that I've baited him into believe I've baited him about something totally different.
I win this round.
I'm not sure how 'canon' time-screwery is, other than ships lost in the warp. It's possible, but stretches more into the realm of one-offs or fanfiction.
Kill yourself. Anyone who actually likes Xenos deserves to die. Kill your family too, they've been exposed to your heresy
Cute? Why would anyone find anything that isn't human cute? Go back to tumblr fag.
He doesn't because he ain't canonical, and Love Can Bloom is shit tier fanwank.
Half Eldar haven't been part of 40k in like 2 fucking decades m8.
Anything involving Eldar not dying is shit tier
Yeah, whatever imperiumfag, nobody gives two shits about your autismal opinion.
>nobody gives two shits
>Imperiumfags is literally the majority opinion of all Veeky Forums
Sure, keep telling yourself that Knife Ears, go suck a cock you faggot
>Imperiumfags is literally the majority opinion of all Veeky Forums
Keep believing that child.
Is the Xenosfag sad because the truth's too harsh? Poor baby.
Don't worry, we got a gas chamber ready for you and your entire species.
>being so autistic that you compulsively have to roleplay hating people who like other armies of plastic dudemans than you do, on a mongolian carpet weaving bulletin board.
You can rage impotently if you want to, I suppose. But in the grim darkness of the far future there are no happy endings.
I'm just telling the truth user, its not my fault you're a subhuman piece of shit who doesn't automatically only think of purging when thinking of non-human scum
No, they too look like shitty beauty surgery sameface twenty year old sluts doing awful dance routines in music videos.
Whatever you say, mr. autism.
You mean just like every single SoB ever? Sisters of Battle, more like over glorified/over rated white haired wenches.
Even the most autistic human idiot predicts the future bette than Eldard greatest of Eldar seers, how does that feel Knife-Ears?
>how does that feel Knife-Ears?
You are aware that Eldar are fictional, right.
Or do you expect us to partake in your autismal roleplaying for some asinine reason?
Fictional pieces of shit and no self respecting human should ever play them, they only belong in threads about purging them, no idea where this shit about it being okay for non-humans to whine started but it needs to fucking stop now.
Non-human players learn your place and die, its what you get for playing fucking abominations.
Whatever, sperg.
>S-Stop it filthy monkeigh! Dont make me cum while my brother is still inside me!
>I cant believe Im cumming while a monkeigh fucks my dead sisters giant robotic body!
Better than being a disgusting xenosfag
What flavour of Marines do you like?
Green? Red? Blue? Wolfy? Crusadery?
Let the guy like his heretical Eldar. Talk about what you like instead of what you don't like.
No, they clearly don't look like other depictions of Sororitas.
Whatever helps you deal with your crippling autism m8
You will be purged heretic
I'm vaguely confused about the purpose of these sperg outbursts.
Yes, this should seriously be a thing. LIVVI snuggling with a magic bone-robot.
>Lord Eldrad, look at this net that I just found!
Why do you autists keep pushing your retarded fanwank?
No, what we need now is more good old fashioned human intolerance. 40k is about humans kicking ass, disgusting knife-ears only belogn ona thread about how much they suck
Suffer not the alien to live user
They probably think that because it's on 1d4chan it's some kind of legacy shit instead of just stupid shit that was mostly disliked even when it was made.
I want imperialfags to go and stay go, this is a xeno only thread
Rhana Dandra when ?
>LIVVI fucking robo-Taldeer while Ronan still inside piloting her
There rule 34 artists and or anyone else who draws porn. I'm giving you all an idea for free.
Well failure is Eldrad's constant state of being, he's about that competent so I'd say that vid's pretty accurate sadly
Because you mad.
Haha there are no xenos threads fag Veeky Forums is imperium only fuck off
Fucking retards.
The worst ones are the ones that act like that shit is fucking canonical because of that little nod to it in one of the FFG rpg books, when all that proved is that one of the people working at that THIRD PARTY firm, is a Veeky Forums sperg.
Hey wait, who is that character. I know the "elf" there is Macha. But who's the guy? He looks fucking familiar.
Holy shit, you really are retarded.
I thought you were just trolling the guy, but holy shit, you genuinely are a raging spunking HumanityFuckYeah retard.
Go take some autism pills and get off this thread.
>answer to thread is pic, I know its eldar and not elves, but still!
Amen brother.
Found another Heretic. Wat do brothers at arms?
I say we put this thread to some use...
Dawn of War III looks like it may have bigger problems than the voice acting.
The whole thing just looks like a DOTA crossed with StarCraft II. I don't see very much of DoW I or II in either the mechanics or the tone of the art.
I'm getting a bit worried about it.
HumanityFuckYeah's the greatest thing ever you clearly don't belong in the human race if you think otherwise
Yeah right, the only way you got tech was with the help of a C'tan
The Emperor dealed with Eldar in order to build the webway
And in return you fed to the brim the Chaos God and gave them an brand new army
Truly if the Imperium was not protected by an unhealthy dose of plot armor, it would have failed a long time ago
Enjoy your Marty Stu faction retard
This should be the only Eldar we all be needing.
>Found another Heretic
I play Inquisition sperglord, the difference is that I can differentiate the game from reality. Veeky Forums stands for Traditional Games, not Imperium Fanwank.
Take your shitty memes and go back to /b/
Purge the Xenos lover
Yeah, it looks like shite.
I got no hopes for it. Most likely won't be getting it, because nothing in it appeals to me.
It just looks boring as fuck.
There is no such thing as Imperium wank idiot
And don't lie, if you'd ever played Inquisiton right you'd know the only place a knife-ears belongs is in the incinerator